Showing 33 items
matching annie herbert
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Digital image, Marilyn Smith, Grave of Annie and Herbert Foley, St Helena Cemetery, 21/09/1893
... Grave of Annie and Herbert Foley, St Helena Cemetery... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne The Grave of Annie Foley (died 21 ...The Grave of Annie Foley (died 21/09/1893) and Herbert Foley (died 28/04/1896), St Helena Cemetery.St Helena Cemetery was originally the burial place of the Beale family and friends. The first burials took place in the 1850s. There are now over 200 burials.Digital copy of colour photograph (grave)st helena cemetery, foley family -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
... annie herbert... annie herbert annie stuart anthony beale anthony currie ants ...Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, William Wandless Herbert and John Herbert, 1890s
... Annie Herbert... Martha Herbert Annie Herbert Elizabeth Herbert Isabelle Herbert ...Folder of information on Herbert Family, Diamond Creek and Doreen, late 1800s.william wandless herbert, john herbert, elizabeth herbert, martha herbert, annie herbert, elizabeth herbert, isabelle herbert, william herbert, andrew herbert, george herbert -
Orbost & District Historical Society
table linen, Bird, Mrs Jean W, early 20th century
... 1940. Jane Annie (Jean) Herbert married John Whitney Bird... 1940. Jane Annie (Jean) Herbert married John Whitney Bird ...These cloths were embroidered by Mrs J.W. Bird of Orbost for her daughter's trousseau. Hilda Bird, the only daughter of Mr and Mrs J.W. Bird married Mr. John Russell of Caulfield in April 1940. Jane Annie (Jean) Herbert married John Whitney Bird on December 18 1902. she was a long-time member of the St James Church of England choir and a very keen tennis player. she died in 1953. (ref, Mary Gilbert - "Personalities and Stories of The Early Orbost District")This item has aesthetic significance and shows the needlework skill of the women of the early settler families.Two white linen cloths with drawn thread work and embroidery in white. 1582.2 has a fringed edge. 1582.1 has a crocheted edge. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Beckett family gathering at 4 Essex Road, 1904
... ), Herbert Ingamells, Annie Leigh with Marjorie, Harry Leigh, Clara... Beckett (junior), Herbert Ingamells, Annie Leigh with Marjorie ...The family members are identified as follows: Back row (L to R): Percy Leigh with Phyllis, Robert Beckett (junior), Herbert Ingamells, Annie Leigh with Marjorie, Harry Leigh, Clara Beckett, Arnold Bear (brother of Olly Beckett), William Beckett with Edna, Ben Gray. Middle row (L to R): Robert Gray, Ethel Beckett, Polly (sister-in-law of Harry Leigh), Nelly Ingamells, Eliza Beckett with Esther Leigh, Alice Beckett with Basil, Dorothy Beckett, Olly Beckett, Emma Gray with Norman. Front row (L to R): ??? (a Leigh brother), Kate Beckett, Mabel Beckett, Cyril Ingamells, Bert Gray, Elsie Leigh with Ethel Ingamells. Robert (John Robert) Gray, Ben Gray and Norman Gray were 3 of 6 children of John Gray and Emma Beckett who married at Guildford Villa in 1888. Norman was born in 1901 and looks to be c.3 years old in this photo; the youngest in the family was Evelyn (b 1906) so this would give an approximate date for the photo of 1904. The donor, Wendy McLellan is the daughter of Minnie Caroline Beckett (1907-1998) and Francis James Renkin who married on 13 March 1934. Peter Renkin (formerly of 59 Guildford Road, Surrey Hills, now Shoreham) is her brother. Exact date photo was taken was 17 September 1904.Black and white photo at Guildford Villa, 4 Essex Road, Surrey Hills, home of the Beckett family. The family is formally posed with croquet equipment on the lawn of the substantial Victorian-style home which has 3 chimneys and a veranda on 2 sides. victorian style, croquet, percy leigh, phyllis leigh, robert beckett (junior), herbert ingamells, annie leigh, marjorie leigh, harry leigh, clara beckett, arnold bear, william beckett, edna beckett, ben gray, robert gray, ethel beckett, nelly ingamells, eliza beckett, esther leigh, alice beckett, dorothy beckett, olly beckett, basil beckett, emma gray, norman gray, kate beckett, mabel beckett, cyril ingamells, bert gray, elsie leigh, ethel ingamells -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Manufactured Objects, Perambulator, c1914
... Long and Annie Matilda Allnutt. Herbert John bought his... HERBERT JOHN HIGGINS was the sixth child born in 1886, to James ...JAMES JOSEPH HIGGINS, was born in Dublin in 1821 and, at age twenty, emigrated via Liverpool in 1841 with his wife Ellen and baby daughter Margarete, on board the 'Intrinsic'. They lived in Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, for some years, where their son James John Clarke Higgins was born in 1850. JAMES JOHN CLARKE HIGGINS moved to Brighton East when he married Ruth Simmonds in 1873. The couple lived on Jasper Rd near the corner of Centre Rd for the rest of their lives, and produced eight children HERBERT JOHN HIGGINS was the sixth child born in 1886, to James John Clarke Higgins and Ruth Simmonds, and grew up in Centre Rd, Brighton East, now Bentleigh. He was renting and working a property on Jasper Rd from the time he was married in 1913 to Victoria Matilda Long, daughter of Charles John Long and Annie Matilda Allnutt. Herbert John bought his property on Jasper Rd in 1921. [Metropolitan Board of works plan 3220, Municipality of Moorabbin, shows that in 1928, Higgins Rd was planned (and probably built soon after). Herbert was a dairyman and market gardener. He bred and milked cows and sold milk, cream, butter and eggs to the locals. He supplied hay/corn to be made into chaff to J L Smith’s produce store. He also leased land from other farmers in the area and helped work their land. c1950 he sold the property in lots, some privately, others to the Municipality. Some lots became part of Hodgson Reserve, Higgins Road, Bentleigh, and another lot, the Bentleigh Bowling Club. Herbert and Victoria, known as Queenie, had five children between 1914 and 1928. The youngest Dorothy, who remembered sitting in this pram and later using it to carry papers, wood, vegetable etc., lived on the property in Jasper Road until her passing in 2016. ( Ronald Alexander Higgins, descendant , Helen Stanley CMHS 2017) The family of Dorothy Higgins 1928-2016, were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire establishing a dairy farm c 1873 in East Brighton ( now Bentleigh)Wicker Perambulator, baby carriage, c. 1914, with a lined, painted wicker body, iron spring scrolled frame with leather straps and 4 steel wheels with rubber tyres. The push handle is broken and hood is missing. dairy farms, higgins james joseph, simmonds ruth, higgins dorothy, poultry farms, jasper road bentleigh, city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, ashley r, neville f, blackman n, moorabbin city council, moorabbin roads board toll gates, pioneers moorabin cheltenham, bentleigh, highett -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, early 20th century
This photograph shows Pike's buggy with Joe Pike, Mrs George Pike, Annie Bruton and Maggie Middleditch on the verandah. Annie Bruton was the wife of Jack Bruton who came to Orbost about 1891. When land was made available for selection at Murrungowar. they took up a selection and embarked in dairying, sheep-farming and pig-raising. They transformed a veritable wilderness into a productive farm by sheer hard work and liberal expenditure. By 1892 he had secured a licence for an hotel and accommodation house, store and the first post office at Murrungowar. For a time she was licensee of the Murrungowar Hotel. In December 1897 he was living at Murrungowar when he made application for a Roadside Victualler’s License for a house situated at Boulder Creek, East Gippsland, containing four rooms in course of erection, exclusive of those required for family. He was a butcher at Orbost in 1902-03 and also had a farm on the Bendoc Road. He was a member of the first Golf committee. After leasing the hotel to Jonson's he moved to Orbost and started brick-making near the Orbost water service basin on the Bendoc Road. He had the order for the bricks required for the Masonic Hall. Mr and Mrs Bruton resided at Murrungowar for 29 years. They let their property to Messrs McDONALD and sons and retired to Orbost in December 1920. Mr Bruton had not been in very good health for the last 4 or 5 years of his life, and about a fortnight prior to his death he got wet at his brick kiln, and contracted pneumonia which led to hiThis is a pictorial record of the the Murrungowar Township which was once a thriving settlement with a hotel, store, post office and school. In the 1890s pioneers were attracted to the area with the promise of a railway from Orbost. However, when the promised railway did not eventuate most of the farms were abandoned. Much of the previously cleared areas have reverted to Forest. Most of the remaining farms are now privately owned eucalypt plantations.A large black / white photograph of five people standing outside a one - storey wooden building. There is an empty buggy behind them with a horse behind it. The building has a sign above the verandah - "MURRUNGOWAR HOTEL ANNIE BRUTON".on front - "Pikes Buggy - Mrs Bruton, Mrs Geo & Mr Joe Pike" ; Herbert Sherwood photographer murrungowar-hotel bruton-annie pike-joe -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Rodda family at Chun Grove, c.1891, 1891c
Rodda family except two boys, Arthur and Fred. Back Row L-R: Herbert Rodda, baby Walter held by Mary Jane (nee May), cousin Annie Walker Front Row L-R: Father "Joseph", Ettie, Grandpa Rodda Nicholas holding Eva, Minnie and Edwin, and Mother-in-law Esther Chun Grove was located on Main Road opposite the present BP service station at cnr of Beard StreetDigital file only - Color photo reprint (15 x 20 cm) and A4 photocopy of reverse on loan for scanning by EDHSannie walker, chun grove, edwin rodda, eltham, esther may, ettie rodda, eva rodda, grandpa rodda, herbert rodda, joseph rodda, mary jane rodda (nee may), minnie rodda, nicholas rodda, rodda, walter rodda -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document (Item) - Article, The Eltham Roll of Honour: Second World War, 9 Aug 2020
Information regarding the circumstances of the eleven men of the Shire of Eltham who died serving their country in the Second World War and for whom the Eltham War Memorial was dedicated. Their names are listed on the Eltham Roll of Honour in order of rank. The image portrayed shows the eleven men (left to right, top to bottom) by date of fatality: CASTLEDINE, George Ernest, Spr., VX10044 (KIA 18 Apr 1941, Greece) GAHAN, Studley Manston, Capt., VX48379 (KIA 17 May 1941, Tobruk, Libya) RUTTER, David, Flying Off., 833 (400833) (KIA 9 Dec 1941, Bir El Gubbi, Libya) CLERKE, Alfred Charles, Cpl., VX23112 (KIA 2 Feb 1942, Laha, Ambon Island) DUNLOP, Cuthbert Douglas, Sgt., VX15252 (KIA 22 Nov 1942, Gona, New Guinea) INGRAM, Lester Neil, Flt. Sgt., 410236 (DOD 22 Apr 1943, Longworth, England) McLEAN, Stanley, Flt. Sgt., 419844 (KIA 7 Oct 1944, Emmerich, Germany) FELDBAUER, Theodore, Sgt., VX51733 (DOD 27 Mar 1945, Borneo) RUTTER, Donald Hemphill, Flt. Lt., 410262 (KIA 5 Apr 1945, Varrelbusch, Germany) FIELD, Kevin Francis, Pte., VX144763 (KIA 28 Jun 1945, Bougainville, PNG) BUTHERWAY, Jack Herbert, Pte, VX37645 (DOD 8 Jul 1945, Borneo)eltham war memorial, roll of honour, second world war, eltham, eltham roll of honour, shire of eltham, 2/4 field workshop, 22 independent brigade group ordnance workshop, a.i.f., australian army ordnance corps, australian corps of electrical and mechanical engineers, changi, falkiner street, florence mary butherway, jack herbert butherway, prisoner of war (pow), ranau number 1 jungle camp, sandakan death march, singapore, thomas james butherway, vx37645, 2/2 field company, 6th division, abington, annie castledine, arthur frederick castledine, george ernest castledine, greece, jean simonson, lower plenty, old eltham road, royal australian engineers, vx10044 sapper g. e. castledine, 2/23 bn, derril, gahan house, main road, rats of tobruk, studley manston gahan, tobruk, vx48379, 3 squadron r.a.a.f., aboukir, alamein memorial, beulah alice (simpson) rutter, bir el gubbi, broken hill aero club, david rutter, egypt, hubert rutter, libya, yarra braes, 2/21 bn, 23rd australian infrantry brigade, 8th division, alfred charles clerke, ambon island, battle of ambon, bidgeland park estate, inga caroline (nicholls) clerke, inga mary nicholls, laha airfield, nora ann clerke, rose matilda clerke, vx23112, william charles clerke, 2/14 bn, 2/16 bn, 21st brigade, 7th division, cuthbert douglas dunlop, gona, gona war cemetery, henry street, janet dunlop, kokoda track, new guinea, palestine, papua new guinea, port moresby (bomana) war cemetery, reuben cuthbert dunlop, syria, vx15252, 10 operational training unit, 410236, ada (key) ingram, berkshire, bomber command, england, group no. 91, john ingram, lester neil ingram, longworth, n.1374, r.a.a.f., r.a.f., r.a.f. abington, research (vic.), whitley v bomber, 419844, 514 bomber squadron, emmerich, germany, gordon stanley mclean, ji-g2, kleve, lancaster lm735, lucy mclean, mount pleasant road, r.a.f. waterbeach, reichswald forest war cemetery, stanley mclean, 2/10 ordnance workshops, albert feldbauer, eltham cricket association, eltham girls club, frank street, henry feldbauer, jessie margarette feldbauer, june feldbauer, ken ingram, margaret (feldbauer) ingram, montmorency imperials, research cricket club, research state school, sandakan number 1 camp, sandakan number 2 camp, theodore albert feldbauer, valerie (feldbauer) waller, violet amelda (teagle) feldbauer, vx51733, 247 ‘china-british’ squadron, caithness, cloppenburg, donlad hemphill rutter, essen, gloucester, hanover war cemetery, hanover-limmer british military cemetery, holten-lochem, oldenburg, r.a.f. castletown, r.a.f. station lealing, stoppenburg, typhoon ib jp443, typhoon ib sw526, 15th australian infantry brigade, 1940 cup, 3rd division, 57th/60th bn, best and fairest, bougainville island, buin road, mary field, mayona road, mivo river, mobiai river, montmorency, vx144763, william field -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Department Certificates 1908 - 1922
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack cloth covered book with handwritten pages and loose foolscap pages at the front and sticer on front cover with CERTIFICATES written on department, school of mines ballarat, leslie bennett, eulali perry, hector osborne, doris mcdougall, mary mullins, john mclean, mary morrish, francis kelly, robert gullan, henry bull, clara clegg, john david, albert ferguson, ina westcott, vera walker, agnes walker, eileen tremain, florence smith, lizzie pier, annie reynolds, charles peverill, william pearson, doris patterson, rebecca mcphan, constance mchenry, jean mcgregor, florence mingst, gwen mann, roz kelly, edward jones, freddi jacobi, percy baker, doris carter, stephen chambers, ruth catt, arthur dousey, d'arcy, bessie doncaster, alan eggleston, lena featherstone, clarice fisher, sylvia williams, james walker, annie treloar, shearer, cora sandberg, elsie pearce, jan mcgregor, cyril mcgibbon, margaret moore, thomas kierce, william james, alice horan, lucy hamilton, beatrice blake, catherine bowers, mona callow, lillian cameron, joyce dopel, iva denovan, william thompson, irene hewitt, catheriine kardens, beatrice stuart, hugh ross, mavis regelhuth, isabelle bell, melba perriman, vera muny, alan bernaldo, kathleen conway, dorothy darling, walter dunston, mary dwyer, agnes fraser, enid gates, maude williams, violet wheeler, jean tunbridge, maud auberry, john b. allen, rose c. andrews, willie banagwanath, john n. bennett, alfred bayley, geo h. blake, ida bolte, allison brown, eva brown, harold r. brown, henry f. bull, arthur burge, olive cotton, gertrude f coxon, alice culph, curtain, r.l. cutter, florence davis, w.m davies, helen dempster, ed dopel, l.c.m. dovey, ernest duncan, hugh elliott, nelson h. ferguson, mary featherstone, amelia field, david cochrane, phyllis polson, frederick proctor, geoff richards, bessie robertson, catherine ronald, cora saudberg, mary sheppard, scott smith, leonard steele, j.b. suttcliffe, nellie thornhill, vernon fisher, gordon fletcher, elsie ford, constance furness, grace m. geddes, ada giacometti, mary gleeson, v. hall, harold herm, dorothy hambley, clemence hill, evelyn hodgson, annie holmes, glynis humphreys, augus henderson, joseph james, queenie johnson, harold jolly, francis n. king, william knott, mary kinnear, adelaide leash, doris lonie, a lilbourne, f.j. llewellyn, herb malui, muriel mathew, nellie moloney, mabel morris, ernest morshead, w.k. moss, winifred moyley, eileen mcinerney, jack mclean, chas mcnamara, maryanne medwell, alice osbourne, elsie pitts, percy trompf, basil tunbridge, david walker, ruby walton, annie whitla, kenneth whittle, walter wilberforce, alb e williams, masie wise, amy wolff, olive wunhym, beryl atkins, hector ashby, geo banagwanath, g.n.j. barker, marion r. bailey, kathleen bowe, lelia brough, cecil campbell, basil craddock, ida chapman, iris campbell, una campbell, eileen cleary, reg m.l. cuttter, lyle eves, violet elston, eric embling, violet evans, f.l. ellsworth, vera fisher, una fowles, colin graham, victor greenhalgh, clarence grose, dororthy hall, margaret hannaby, leslie henderson, harold herbert, effie holmes, herbert hopkins -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photographs, Fuji Film, Pickersgill Family, c 1850's
The Pickersgill family were the original settlers on Churchill Island, and amongst the earliest at Griffiths Point, now San Remo. Samuel Jabez Pickersgill, is the seventh of nine children of Samuel and Winifred Pickersgill of Churchill Island fame. Samuel Jabez lived from 1866 – 1956, and in his old age wrote down his memoirs of his early years in the 1870s and 1880s. Some of these are on the Phillip Island & District Historical Society website: Black & White photographs of possible members of the Pickersgill family. 255-01. Portrait of a lady - unknown, but member of Pickersgill family. Lady is possibly Mary (Anderson) Potter daughter of Thomas Anderson and Catherine Sayle. She was the wife of Rev Herbert Potter. Edith Potter from Herberts first marriage in England married Walter Pickersgill. 255-02. Photograph of a house - maybe Pickersgill connection. 255-03. Family group - lady with 5 children - possibly Pickersgill. 255-04. Samuel K Pickersgill with wife & child. 255-05. Samuel K Pickersgill. 255-06. Photograph of 5 ladies (sisters) Back Row: Mrs Annie Potter & Mrs Charles Grayden. Front Row: Mrs Priscilla Howse, Mrs Lil Beamish, Mrs Kate Thompson. The sister in the middle of the group was the eldest, Lil nee Pickersgill, who was born before the family settled on Churchill Island.pickersgill family, samuel k pickersgill, laurie thompson -
Lorne Historical Society
Plaque - Spotters Plaque, Tribute plaque to the local Members of the Volunteer Air Observers Corps ( spotters)
In World War 2 residents of Victoria were concerned about enemy attack so a series of Spotters Huts were established along the coast. In Lorne the Spotters Hut was at Queenspark in the old recreation building. Many locals volunteered their time. The plaque was made by the Lorne Historical Society to honour these people who volunteered to join the Air Observers Corp. A rectangular thin Metal sheet , with black printing. This plaque was made in 1997 as a project of the Lorne Historical Society to pay tribute to the Spotters who worked in the spotters cabin at Queens Park Lorne during the Second World War. It listed all the names of the know Spotters, Win Allen, Nita Armistead, George Armitage, Olga Armitage, Grace Brown, George Crabbe, Monty Craig’s, Margaret Cunningham, Marj Gaylord, Marj Grant, Annie Stirling, Margie Fairbairn, Sheila McIntyre, Wilhemena Morris, Murray Morton, Nick Murnane, Eva Norton, Miss Pethabridge, Eileen Quick, Chas Read, Rev Ken Robert’s, Jack Stirling, Fred Harlock, Nellie Harlock, Cleve Herbert, Joyce Herbert, Hubert Howell, Bert Hughes, Helen Hughes, Enid Jarrett, Alice Kendrick, Marion Kendrick, Rowley Valentine, Mrs G Schram, Don Stewart , Hector Stribling, Cyril Barcoe, Rev Wilson, Kevin Dare, Cliff Green, Shirley Heathcote, Murray Milne. The plaque was placed on the Spotters Hut in 1997 but removed when the hut was remodeledspotters, world war 2, queens park, second world war -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1915
This is a photograoh of students at the Higher Elementary School at Orbost. Mary Gilbert has identified those in the photograph. From L-R Back Row - ? Irvine; Madge Macalaster; Rhoda Perry; Daisy Scouller; Dorrie Napier; Lila Perry; Don Cameron_____________________- Rita Murray; Raay Fisher; Grace Morris; Reston Nish; Bill Irvine; Stella Rodwell; Headmaster Mr W. Guy; ?; Annie Stirling; Harold Napier; R Lay; Dora Smith; Doris Shortell; Percy Hambrock Nellie MacPherson; Irene Parker; Gertie Griebenow; Vera Saunders; Mr Jack Blaikie; Bernice Feltis; Dillkys Broome; Vera Spink; Jean Irvine; Lexie Nixon; Eda Ross; Maggie Whillance; Violet Scouller; Jean Stirling; Miss Zoe Hazlett; Lily Daly; Jack Parker; Eric Herbert; ?; Tom Henderson; Frank Richardson; Vance Moysey; Vernon Nevins; Frank Rodwell; Bill Fisher; ? Murray Kerr Molly Dreverman; Emmy Gibbs; Hilda Kerr; Charlie Richards; Mick; Spink; Tom Swan; Ronnie Gluth; Annie Gibbs; Madge Grose; Mary Reynolds During 1910-11 the first approaches were made to the Department for the establishment of a HES in Orbost and this became a reality in 1912. Orbost HES supplied post-primary education in the district until a high school was built in 1948.Orbost High School / Orbost Secondary College has played a significant part in the education of senior students in the Orbost district . It is the sole senior educational institution. This photograph is representative of its history.A black / white photograph of children in front of a timber building with an open door. One female and two adult male teachers are with the children. At the front centre is a drum. Behind the drum is a boy holding a board with H.E.S. Orbost hand-written in what appears to be white chalk on a blackboard. There are three smaller boys holding brass musical instruments. The photograph is mounted on a brown card which is damaged. a card with names written in it has been attached to the photograph, on the front of the card at the bottom - "X Frank Richardson Bill Guy H.T. 1915".education-orbost-higher-elementary -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Income Tax Return for School of Mines, 1937
The School of Mines Ballarat began in 1870. It's location was the south end of Lydiard Street. Ballarat Junior Technical School began in 1913 and was boys only until 1951 when girls were included. They were under the control of the School of Mines Council. In 1967 the were three divisions. Each was internally distinguished. Ballarat School of Industries, Ballarat Technical School and Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education. In 1976 B.I.A.E. merged with State College of Victoria Ballarat - formerly Ballarat Teachers' College to become Ballarat College of Advanced Education, later to become Federation University. Income Tax Return for the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries for 1937. It is prepared and signed by The Registrar F Ferguson. Names of staff and position listed.Pink coloured form with blue printSignature of F Ferguson - Registrarschool of mines, ballarat, f ferguson, tax return, registrar, sidney chambers, hester darby, thomas gordon, harry goldsmith, augustus heseltine, principal, donald johnston, daniel mullins, hubert murphy, gertrude mcilvens, edgar mcconnon, mavis mctaggart, james pound, richard richards, herbert smith, john sutherland, thomas trengrove, james lochhead, harold yates, albert williams, f g procter, loyal finch, mabel grigg, william coates, victor greenhalgh, h brew, frank ponsonby, thomas gardiner, george cornell, a a jones, ruby lonie, fergus ferguson, h e hewitt, h l coburn, eleanor wright, angus henderson, hubert cochrane, james chandler, e g quilliam, annie jones, annie a. jones, gladstone procter, university women -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Bentleigh Baptist Church Vickery Street Bentleigh
Reflections reprinted history extracts from Bentleigh Baptist Church Diary from September 1989 to March 1993. Issues includes a CD with digital photos Reflections reprinted history upon the centenary of Bentleigh Baptist Church 1984 by DL Audemard from May 1985 The Way We Were Feb 1990 pamphlet notes reflections on the churches ministery over the last 50 years by unknown author A brief printed history author unknown and undated on Bentleigh Baptist Church, 10 Vickery Street Bentleigh Two computer generated articles of correspondence between Claire Barton and Robert Bell on the gathering of Bentleigh & Korean Baptist Church history April 2010bentleigh, baptist church, brewer mr, tucker road, box henry, lush gp rev, east boundary, north road, bentleigh baptist church, brighton baptist church, tucker road church, box francis, box edith, clay jack, clay joy, lipman vern, lipman bronwyn, watt family, pioneers, watt richard, watt martha, market gardens, centre road, jasper road, watt herbert, horse drawn vehicles, stamp mr, hall annie, vickery street, watt may, clay family, marriott hector, watt don, watt family, box chris, lipman joy, grewar family, alexander chas, shephard f, chapman samuel rev, chambers h, eunson ta rev, boreham e rev, fletcher w rev, marriott hec – market gardens, kennedy jack, kennedy lil, kennedy isa mary, herron john, seawright celia, streckfuss edith, cole alice, grewar annie, grewar hall, faulkner ern, graham tom, cross mabel, cross w rev, trenches, grewar jean, ormond, wadley mr, wellum mr, hinton wh, rees gp rev, hinton mrs, wade ken rev, wadley mrs, bent st, wade mrs, bell powell, warner lawrence, architects, winckel l rev, richards jl, builders, streckfuss bert, marriott may, streckfuss family, sach florrie, sach family, reid mrs, reid lesley, mcmillan mrs, drapers, mckinnon road, streckfuss edith, simpson mrs, wellum mrs, leadlights, main mary, evans william john, cooke j, cooke mrs, cahill samuel george, smith kate, freeman nancy, wanless mrs, redmore ab, redmore mrs, audemard phil rev, hawkins margaret, ord elton, hawkins shiela, pith ron, bell mr, wallace pat, bell margaret, audemard joan, docker sandra, hubbard mark, thomas bernie, thomas mrs, lamprell mrs, herron mr, herron mrs, freeman mrs, beach mrs, paton john mrs, george lloyd, aspinal eric, bell gwen, sutton mrs, winkel mrs, neil mary, costain mrs, main mrs, baker mrs, cross mrs, kershaw mrs, smith millie, smith jack, freeman alf, harwood lindsay, harwood doreen, bell lesley, bell roberta, bentleigh korean baptist church, barton claire, hoare mike, hoare margaret, bott muriel, bridgeman pat, cook don, small hugh, trewin bill, smith eddie, iggulden sid, neve keith, horsford david, spencer wally, mcewan bill, holmes ron, holmes joyce, pullman peter, pullman elly, probbel peter, robinson john, bott laurie, main alice, disney clarrie, taylor kath, woff miss, rutledge peter, cameo playgroup, bentleigh baptist church, bentleigh, tucker road, foundation stones -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Education Department, Victoria, Victorian Education Department Certificates, 1916-1928
Ballarat Technical Art School was a division of the Ballarat School of Mines.373 certificates in 2 boxes. Most appear to be related to subjects undertaken at the Ballarat Technical Art School. Director of education stamped signature Frank Tate.Stamped Ballarat School of Mines No.10 Stamped signature "Frank Tate"ann duke, plain needlework, victor greenhalgh, frank tate, ballarat technical art school, arnold j. allen, florence allen, m.a. ansen, dressmaking, modelling human figure from cast, ruby e. allison, drawing fro memory, nancy b. angwin, maude arberry, douglas w. arch, muriel j. arch, eileen bailey, annie c. baker, percy j. baker, general design, light metal work, bessie m. barbery, commerical arithmetic, decorative needlework, bert bernaldo, drawing from a flat example, lorna m. mccallum, brush drawing, stanley g.a. barnett, millinery, mavis g. beacham, theodore k. beckwith, isabel j. bell, kelva e. bellingham, leslie bennett, olive van berkel, elizabeth e. berry, beatrice m. blake, thomas g. blake, catherine m. bowers, nancy w. bowe, clarice v. branagh, harold r. brown, architecture, modelling the head from life, henry bull, light metalwork, ivan d. brown, thyra j. brown, henry j. bull, leila m. burford, embossed leathwork, lettering, drawing fro dressmakers, irene m. burke, josephine m. callery, modelling, mona r. callow, herbert cameron, lillias cameron, william e. carlyon, doris l. carter, ruth e. catt, hiram e. chamberlain, stephen chambers, jack d. chand, jack d. chard, clara v. clegg, beryl e. coad, john c. collins, keith m. collins, robert g. collins, kathleen m. conway, athol b. cornish, ballantyne cottier, douglas s. cotton, lilith s. christmas, perspective, doreen coughlan, ivy g. crompton, phyllis culliver, joan m. cuthbertson, alan r. cutter, john l. daniel, arthur dansey, katherine d'arcy, dorothy f. darling, myrtle f. darling, reginal a. davey, gwladys h. davies, annie dellaca, henry a. deller, ivy f. denovan, joyce doepel, bessie donacaster, charles o. dowie, horace b. dowsing, walter dunstan, mary dwyer, allan r. egglestone, melville g. ellingsen, hugh o. elliott, beryl r. ellis, cecil f. engish, allan e. evans, matson l. eves, olive j. fairlie, robert j. falla, mavis felstead, lena featherston, albert c. ferguson, alma ferguson, hilda m. ferguson, john f. ferguson, beatrice m. field, clarice f. fisher, philip h. fleischer, building construction, olive p. francis, agnes fraser, essie gale, gilbert foster, pearle fricke, effie gascoigne, enid m. gates, clarice gear, james a. geary, sylvia f. greenhalgh, evelyn f. geddes, thomas j. gibson, wavie b. gilbert, edna m. gilmer, nancy govan, eula h. gower, doris e. gray, lesley j. gower, henry n. graham, victor e. greenhalgh, melva e. gribble, human anatomy, roy k. griggs, jack gullan, robert gullan, alma m. gunn, dorothy j. hallan, lucy hamilton, james hammer, dorothy e. hamond, christopher j. hanlon, catherin hardess, lily haymes, gladys hedges, irene h. hewitt, john hill, victor j. hill, olive hillings, john a. hobill, frances k. holmes, gertrude m. hopkins, alice horan, marjorie hudson, linda m. hughes, lydia hughes, winifred humphreys, commercial english, agnes a. humphries, colin hunt, kathleen hutchinson, francis n. king, jean king, hilda knox, john kopke, isabel a. kopke, hazel jackson, freda jacobi, agnes james, william r. james, alexander johnson, edward j. jones, eleanor w.h. jones, nellie kau, thomas kean, francis kelly, roy k. kelly, thomas g. kierce, theo e. leonard, esther f. leviston, bessie lockett, norman h. long, ena mackay, gwenda e. mann, robert v. maddison, herbert w. malin, dorothy m. marriott, john c. mcarthur, james p. mcculloch, doris mcdougall, cyril mcgibbony, thelma mcgibbony, jean mcgregor, kenneth mciver, constance m. mckenzie, elsie j. mckissock, alexander k.mcleod, grace b. mclean, john f.w. mclean, rebecca mcphan, vera meeny, edna merritt, dougald miller, florence h. mingst, agnes m. monteith, doreen j. montgomery, jean e. montgomery, robert w.p. montgomery, margaret b. moore, harry e. morrish, james mow, gwendoline r. neagle, gerald r. newson, robert j. nicol, helen f. nicholl, george m. norton, edward s. oliver, mavis e. oliver, hector h, osborne, henry parker, norma e. parr, doris m. patterson, elsie pearce, celia pearlman, leslie pearlman, edna pearson, william j. perriman, eulalie perry, ernest b. pinney, charles e. peverill, clarence r. pittock, raymond b. pitts, phyllis polson, cynthia b. power, bessie puzey, john m. punshon, evelyn a.v. ramsay, robert i ramsay, william a. rattray, drawing for builders and artisans, george h. reed, fred reeves, mavis i. regelhuth, george r. renkin, annie e. reynolds, lizzie rice, eileen l. richards, henry c. riegelhuth, gladys m. riley, charles a. rimmington, amy robson, ernest w. robson, florence a. rogers, dorothy rppney, kathleen rooney, hugh n. ross, stella m. rowe, agnes w. ryan, rosaling e. sage, cora sandberg, eric c. sanders, douglas f. scott, sylvia e. selkirk, dorine a. shearer, gladys sheldon, emily e. simper, veri slattery, florence c. smith, hilda m. spencer, rose spiers, mopna g. spiller, alma m. stapleton, joyce w. stark, marcus m. stone, commercial correspondence, beatrice m. stuart, ena v. sullivan, margaret a. sydes, rita tainsh, norman b. tamlyn, arthur w. thane, alma m. thomas, david e. thomas, william h. thompson, william m. thomas, edgatr j.t. tippett, sidnet tippett, gladys tongway, mavis toop, hugh d. trainor, annie e. treloar, john h. treloar, eilleen trumain, linda f. treewk, percival a. trompf, percy trompf, jean tunbridge, ruth e. tunbridge, allan j. twaits, irene m. utting, elizabeth van beek, william a. wade, agnes a. walker, james a. walker, vera v. aller, john walsh, marjorie walters, rex warrillow, edith watson, bernice e. webb, constance i weeks, ina m. westcott, pearl whan, violet wheeler, myrtle d. whitfield, annie whitl, richard l. whitla, charles f. whitla, grace a. wilcock, murray a. wilkie, andrew w. william, arthur williams, baden p. williams, david d. williams, grace f. williams, maude h. williams, mavis m. williams, james williamson, ivy wilson, hector g wilson, frederick w.r. wilson, david s. wood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Mount Pleasant Primary School No 1436, 1874
... Tratham, Catherine J. Berriman, John Blight, Herbert Berchaivaise... Blight, Herbert Berchaivaise and Annie Hicks, all who had worked ...Mount Pleasant Primary School 1435 was formerly known as Clayton's Hill, and evolved from a tent school, commenced in 1855 by William McIntosh. When changed from a Wesyleyan day school to a Common School it was given the number 424, received State funding and was conducted by William H. Nicholls. On 01 January 1873 the school became a non-vested school under control of the Education Department until 31 August 1873. The State then leased the school until 31 July 1874, with the current brick school, Mount Pleasant No.1436, opening on 01 August 1874. The Head Teacher of the new school was William H. Nicholls, remained at the school until 1887. His assistants were Thomas Gray, Jane Shaw, Jane Tratham, Catherine J. Berriman, John Blight, Herbert Berchaivaise and Annie Hicks, all who had worked at Mount Pleasant No. 424. William Nicholls and his assistant Gray established after school classes to enable students to gain Exhibitions and Scholarships to matriculate for the University of Melbourne, and courses enabling entry to teaching, pharmacy and civil service. Before the establishment of State Secondary and Technical Educaiton over 100 pupils from Mount Pleasant Primary School has matiriculated and entered the various professions. (Visions and Realisations, Vol. 2, pg 653 and 767) William Henry Williams became the first classifier of teachers for the Victorian Education Department. He died aged 51 while Head Teacher at Yarra Park Primary School on 01 April 1899. Some former students of this school include: J.G. Eagleston (County Court Judge); H.E. Starke (Judge of the High Court of Australia ); Bernard O'Dowd (parliamentary draughtsman and poet); Albert Coates (Surgeon and Medical Officer in Burmese Prisoner of War Camps). Gold was discovered at Caylton's Hill in 1853.Black and white photograph of a primary school in the Ballarat suburb of Mount Pleasant. The brick school is sat on bluestone foundations.mount pleasant primary school, mount pleasant state school, mount pleasant, mt pleasant, education, clayton's hill, bluestone, william h. nicholls, thomas gray, jane shaw, jane tratham, catherine j. berriman, john blight, herbert berchaivaise, annie hicks, albert coates, h.e. starke, j.g. eagleston -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat Technical Arts School Student Fees Ledger, 1907-1914, 1907-1914
The Ballarat Technical Art School opened in 1907 as a division of the Ballarat School of Mines.Ledger with brown and blue marbled paper cover and brown tape spine. Some names are listed under keywords.ballarat technical art school, h.w. malin, lilliam moyle, queens college, .doris walker, emily turnbull, viola jackson, c.w. sergeant, hilda wardell, hettie gilbert, alice benoit, ella morrow, d.g. johnston, p. brokenshire, edna tweedie, millicent white, dorisn walker, isla gray, mollie brophy, annie speak, c.v. clegg, agnes w. reid, nin z. woinarski, bessie yates, bessie landles, jean mcdonald, harold herbert, harold h. herbert, lizzie develin, florrie sides, fletcher j. crane, catherine ronald, gertrude owen, m.d. hamilton, clara v. clegg, leslie sim, ida barker, charlotte turner, florrie barnes, james n. boyce, leo coburn, carrie peters, mabel chapman, fred mcintyre, elsie rich, henry c. hart, g. bannerman, jack meadows, preston white, lyn hamilton, a. murray, lillian moyle, nina davies, maggie kittelty, m. snell, samuel mee, agnes carley, ida delina, katherine dillon, nellie mccubbin, lila lynch, e. owen, g. owen, d. owen, alice m. coltman, ruby bawden, elsie joy, ellen j. norton, herbert rich, g. medwell, maria loader, agnes gibb, quennie young, a.e. kennedy, o. geddes, ruby l. smith, roy proctor, elsie naples, w.b.g. mcdonald, cecil brittain, elsie fawcett, g. calvert, albert coates, catherine hogan, may vercoe, daisy saunders, dora furness, matilda johnson, gordon steele, c.w. sargeant, e. cornell, irene hewitt, wilie finn, clare clegg, jessie mccallum, c.f. white, e. kilsall, kate morris, ella garrett, winnie trompf, ellie mckissock, oswald gedded, doris walker, elsie tipping, rose smith, daisy lewellin, eliza frank, una e. fitts, may wasley, grace medwell, mollie laffey, a. duck, pearl sergent, e. penny, r. bieske, f. pattendon, e.g. bailymay booth, nelliw evans, gertie evans, e. baker, c. brittain, ralph leyland, e. tipping, mary sheehan, may chenery, j. bickart, e. perry, m. bessemeres, george richardson, f. mcintyre, h. fern, d. little, o. tolputt, arthur toop, p. lakeland, charles j. rawlings, jack hooly, thomas pattenden, elsie finch, ernest murfett, gordone steele, frank power, n.j. coote, william ewart, patrick ryan, david walker, john perry, vera lindsay, robert cooper, violet leadbeater, maggie skelton, clara mann, laura ritchie, james m. johnston, ida brown, ethel butcher, michael glenane, f.j. branigan, keith booth, henry elliot, reg cutter, stan westcott, frank king, lottie finch, ladies art association, pauline lakeland, cyril thermeyer, albert berryman, stanley lindsay, joseph bickart, alf berryman, leo hewitt, hilda tweedie, vera carroll, lionel davies, isabel kiel, alex dickens, henry elliott, mollie buley, meg moore, harrie fern, eileen conway, minnie buchanan, thomas price, edward stewart, joy lugg, olive grainger, m. heinz, d. gooch, p. moon, g. bailey, charles bray, daisy dickman, george calvert, florence sides, tom hannah, eileen blake, ethel benoit, ruby oaff, chrissie ware, harrie wilson, muriel cornel, phoebe wilkinson, fanny kay, john norcott, stewart o'loughlan, m. featherstone, f. tweedie, a. corbould, d. allanby, f. buchanan, l. cody, v. fisher, r. murphy, hilda jamieson, bessie eason, phyllis palmer, lila hall, vera hall, anie walton, ruby stevens, dorotthy davison, ethel hancock, anas ross, lizzie williams, lional davies, leslie page, frank page, lilian bell, may henry, doreen mclean, dorothy dobson, helen mcintosh, charles fraser, murial cornell, j.b. sutcliffe, dorothy dawson, emma mavin, agnes lumsden, virginia kerr, emily figgis, beryl craddock, winnie treloar, gladstone procter, f.w. procter, effie baker -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Share Register with a black patterned cover and red cloth tape spine. Entries from 1933 to 1950. Label on the front has Hanro (Aust) Knitting Mills Pty Ltd, Share Register (printed) and Ordinary Shares (handwritten). Index at the front of book. name, address and occupation are listed at the top of the double page. Columns for date, particulars, No of Transfer, Distinctive Nos - From and To, DR, Cr, Balance of Shares Held, Distinctive Nos Held - From and To, Dr - Date and Amount, and Cr - Date and Amount. Book only partly used. Each double page is numbered.hanro, clothing, share register, hanro collection - share register 1933 - 1950, mary anderson, eugen bloch, john raeburn balmer, katie bloch, estate sydney raeburn balmer, consortium hanro, william crowley, william r cook, favoloro's investment co pty ltd, fiduciaire generale sa, alexander lewis goldie, mabel gittins, albert vivian gray, chas handschin (dec'd), alice handschin, catherine hunter, william dill hunter, annie chambers hunter, mary elizabeth hunter, frank harris, wiliam roy hiscock, herbert keck, harry francis longstaff, george victor lansell, edith lansell, audrey e lansell, marie g lansell, patrica h lansell, jane t lyons, lillie goudie mcgregor, philip henry mckean, alan t miller, william bowman hanna neill, evelyn adrienne neill, elizabeth neill, edith fortuna victoria norbury, r a rankin, w h russell, w j stephens, j smalley balmer cook, john jepson stanistreet, kenneth smalley, johnathon smalley, royal james v stilwell, william oliver stephens, william wright -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
LIght brown and cream patterned book with a brown cloth tape spine with an index of shareholders at the front of the book. Book dated from 1929 to 1930 with name, address and occupation of shareholder. Columns for particulars, no of transfer, Distinctive Nos From and To, Dr, Cr, Balance of Shares Held, Distinctive Nos Held From and To,Dr date and amount and Cr date and amount. Many blank pages. Names of shareholders are: Eugen Cloch, Mary Anderson, John Raeburn Balmer, Katie Bloch, Consortium Hanro, William Crowley, William Reddish Cook, Favaloro Bros, Favaloro Domeric, Charles Handschin, Catherine HUnter, a. Alex Lewis Robertson Goldie, Mabel Gittins, Handschin Alice, William Dill Hunter, Annie Chambers Hunter, Mary Elizabeth Hunter, Herbert Keck, Harry Francis Longstaff, Geo Victor Lansell, Edith Lansell, Audrey Edith Lansell, Marie Gwendoline Lansell, Patrica Hope Lansell, Lillie Goudie McGregor, William Bowman hanna Neill, Evelyn Adrienne Neill, Elizabeth Neill, William ?all Russell, Ronald Alexander Rankin, William John Stephens, Smalley Balmer & Cook, John Jepson Stanistreet, Kenneth Smalley and William Wright. Pasted in the back of the book is a typed letter from Mrs Edith Lansell, dated 1 May 1931 to The Secretary, Hanro (Aust) Bendigo Knitting Mills Pty Ltd in reference to a new share certificate to replace a lost or destroyed one. She undertakes to indemnify Hanro against any claims or losses if the share certificate is presented for Dividend payments or for capital returned. Signed by Edith Lansell. Witness signature unreadable.hanro, clothing, share register, hanro collection - a & b ordinary share register 1929 - 1030, harry francis longstaff, william ?all russell, charles handschin, consortinum hanro, catherine hunter, favaloro bros, george victor lansell, denderah, edith lansell, fortuna, william wright, advertiser office, william john stephens, audrey edith lansell, marie gwendoline lansell, patrica hope lansell, alexander lewis robertson goldie, llillie goudie mcgregor, herbert keck, smalley balmer & cook, william bowman hanna neill, rosemont, ronald alexander rankin, john jepson stanistreet, eugen bloch, william crowley, william ball russell, mabel gittins, mary anderson, kenneth smalley, john raeburn balmer, william reddish cook, domeric favaloro, katie bloch, evelyn adrienne neill, elizabeth neill, alice handschin, william dill hunter, annie chambers hunter, mary elizabeth hunter -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, 2 Black & White photos of Annie Elizabeth Bone Family
Photo of Annie Elizabeth Bone born 22.8.1873 died 25.10.1937. Photo taken Herbert's Studio StawellHerbert's Studio Stawell photographBlack and white portrait photo of Annie Elizabeth Bone in a seated position. The dress has with frills around the neck and shoulders.Herbert's Studio Stawellstawell portrait -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Bark row, Lillian Chandler, Rose Chambers (nee Chandler), Herbert (Bert) Chandler, Alice Chandler (Spinster) Front row, Patience Annie Chandler (nee Garnett), George Chandler (Husband and Wife), Patience Chandler (nee Pike) Arthur Chambers, James Chandler (husband of Patience Pike), Elizabeth Plum, Charles ChandlerBlack and white family group photo (now grey), mounted on battered grey cardboard, which has been pasted onto new cardboard.On back of cardboard: "Back row | Lillian Chandler, Rose Chambers (Chandler), Herbert (Bert) Chandler, Alice Chandler (spinster) | Front Row | Patience Annie Garnet, George Chandler (husband and wife), Patience Pike (wife of James Chandler), Arthur Chambers, James Chandler (husband of Patience Pike) | Elizabeth (Plum), Charles Chandler"chandler family, chambers family -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Guildford Cemetery
Headstones from the Guildford Cemetery. Headstones found in the cemetery include: ALFORD Phyllis Edith ANDERSON Phyllis Mary BARASSI Guiseppi, Jemima, Ann Conolly, Carlo Guiseppi, Carlo Guiseppi BAUD Catherine Edith BIRD Axel Jackson BISHOP George F, Elizabeth Futtrel BLACKMORE Lindsay Horace, Thelma Phyllis BLIGHT Edith Ann BLINKHORN Billinge, Amy Clark BOOTH Lyn BOURKE Gordon, Margaret BRANDON Janet Annie BYATT Elizabeth CANEVASCINI Vincenzo CARTER David, Ruth Vida CARTER Frank Noel CARTER Peggy Dawn CARTER Ruth, Strutten CASLEY George Alfred CERCHI Brian Maxwell CHAPMAN Stephen Henry James COX James, Sarah DARROCH Jennifer Anne DARROCH Robert Henry, Madge Annie DAVIES Marlene Kaye DAVIS Mark Richard DELL John, Anna DELMENICO Charles David, Robina May DELMENICO Giuseppe, Margaret DELMENICO Ivy May DELMENICO Jack, Adeline Marie DELMENICO Morris Charles DELMENICO Morris Vivian, Christina DELMENICO Pasqual Levio, Mary Ann DELMENICO Victor Guildford, Daisy Evelyn DELMENICO Victor M, Catherine DELMENICO Angelina (Quadri) DERRETT Edith Ellen DERRETT John William DOWNEY C L DOWNEY John Neville ELLIS Louisa, James, Emily, Edith Mary EMMETT Elsie Victoria, Robert Gordon ENVALL Paul Persson EVANS William George EVANS Florence Jane, William George EVANS John Herbert EWIN George Alton Cedric EWIN - MARTIN Marjorie Patricia FARRELL Lawrence John FLEMING James FOLETTI James Desmond FOLETTI John, Beatrice Emily FOLETTI Joseph, Susan Juliet FOLETTI Nell FOLETTI Virginia, John Alfred FOUND Joyce Lily FOUND Laurence Charles FRANZI Ann, Guiseppi Angelo FRANZI Clifford J, Ivy I FRANZI Marjorie, Harcourt F FRANZI Norman Charles FRANZI Sydney Gladstone, Augustus Lewis FRANZI Walter Edward, Amelia Selina FRANZI Giuseppi, Mary Ann Geeves, Edgar Alberto GALLICIOTTI G D GIBSON Frank D, Irene E GILL Charles Clifford GILL Gordon E, Alma M GILL Henry J E, Jane GLEN Douglas William GLEN Heather Lynette GLEN Winifred, Robert Alexander GLEN Robert Maxwell Stuart GLEN Ronald William GREENING Alfred James, Joyce HARDING Albert HARRIS Baby daughter of Raymond and Gail HARRIS Raymond John Wright HARRIS F D, Olwen Jennett HASSELL Marian HILL Daniel, Ada Maude HILL Isobel Mary, Daniel HILL Louisa Elizabeth, Emilie Jane, Robert, Sarah Jane HILL Frederick T HOLLAND Derek Patrick HOLLAND Anthony HOWLETT Walter , Zillah May HUNTER Bruce Andrew INGRAM Florence Ada KAY Gordon F, Beatrice KELLY Margaret KIDMAN Ann, John William KIDMAN George W, Mary Ann, Charlotte, Thomas KIDMAN Mary Jane, George J, George, Robert KIMPTON Violante O, Albert KINGSLEY Elizabeth KIRKPATRICK Colin McKay KIRKPATRICK Cyril E KIRKPATRICK Israel, Maria KIRKPATRICK Roy D KIRKPATRICK William H, Margaret LEE Annie Isobel (Vosti) LEONI Amy, Celestino LEONI Rosa LOMAS Robert A MANNING Roger Fielding MARSH Anthony Joseph MARTIN Sarah Jane, Wilfred MARTINOJA Filippo, Antonio, Domenica MARTINOJA Margaret McDONALD Ronald, Doris Annie McELHINNEY David G, Charles Galbraith McELHINNEY David Lewis, Mary Dorothy McELHINNEY Emily McGARRIGLE William L McKENDRY James Henry McQUEEN Charles, Olive May MEANEY Albert John, Emma Tomsey MEGEE Kay Leonore MEIN Alma Joan MEIN Ethel Muriel MEIN Eva, Norman D MEIN Florence MEIN Leonard Alvin, Hilda Margaret MEIN Wilfred Gordon MINHINNICK James Henry, Kathleen Dorothy Rose MOLLOY Matilda Seraphina, Richard, Matilda Winifred NICHOLLS G D, William NORTH Henry NORTH Henry, Margaret, Susannah OAKFORD W OLIVER PALLOTT Ernest Hiram PASSALAQUA Albert John, Louisa Emily PASSALAQUA Frederick, Prospero, Mary Ann PASSALAQUA John Antonio PASSALAQUA Laurie, Joyce PASSALAQUA Peter Francis PASSALAQUA Ronald Francis PASSALAQUA Virginia PASSALAQUA Zoe Victoria PASSALAQUA Frank PEDLER Horace Roy, Thelma PERRY Betty May (Simms), Alan Graham PIETSCH Allan William PIETSCH Florence Annie PINCINI Venanzia (formerly Bonetti, Leoni) POOLE Harry, Beryl Lyell POWELL Mary J, John PROWSE William Hubert PYWELL Albert James RALPH George RANKIN Percy, Harriet RASMUSSEN Eileen RAY Arthur Thomas REECE Ernest, Katie ROBERTS David, Lily ROBERTS Hannah Vernon ROBINS Davina B J RUSCONI Jane, John, Carlo, Carlo, William SCOTT Marietta SEWART Isaac, Margaret SHEEN Kenneth, Louisa SIMMONDS Lance Kurt, Rachael Pamela SIMMS Leslie T, Veronica Victoria SIMMS Margaret Jane, Harold Norman SIMMS Thomas, Louisa Emily SMARK Michael Joseph SMITH Annie Ethel SMITH Leslie Victor SOUTHWOOD William, Emily Thorpe STEVENS Clarence David, Ida STEVENS Daphne Jean, Arthur STEVENS Herbert Charles STEVENS Isobel, George STEVENS John, Fanny, Sarah STEVENS Leslie, Elaine STEVENS Mary K, Samuel STEVENS Mavis Ina, Roy Clifford STEVENS Roland Oswald STEVENS Samuel STEWART Charles, Catherine, Philip STEWART Francis, Ann STEWART Francis, Delfina STEWART Francis, Mary STEWART James A, Alice STEWART Leslie William STEWART Mary Madalene STEWART William STEWART William D, Gladys Irene STREETER Margaret Eugenie STREETER W G STURGESS Alan Robert STURGESS Albert John TAYLOR T R THOMAS Lily Ann THOMPSON Edwin James THOMSON - EWIN Kimley THORNHILL Peter Charles THRUSSELL R J - wooden cross TIRINANZI Pasqual TITHER Arthur, Mary Elizabeth TOGNI Angelina May, Massimo TOGNI Mary Caroline, Antonio Battista TRACEY Jacquiline Carol TRANTER Phyllis Elsie, Benjamin Alfred TREVENA George Robert TRUDGEON Eric, Vera May TULLO George TULLO John, Catherine TULLO John, Isabella TYZACK Dorothy Edith, Thomas William Paul TYZACK Harold Gordon, Louisa Caroline TYZACK Helen Adele UDEN Dorothy UNKNOWN Ron UNWIN Edward J, Edward G T VACA Milan, Margaret Mary VERLIN Elizabeth, James VOSTI Antonio Domenico, Victoria Kate VOSTI Brian Joseph VOSTI Giovanni Antonio VOSTI Joseph Charles, Ivy Elizabeth VOSTI William Francis VOSTI Antonio Domenico VOSTI Lucinda Margaret (Keating) WALKER David, William WATSON Mary Ascot (Vosti) WERNER George William WESTBROOK Dawn Frances, Eric Ernest WHARTON Richard, Jane WHARTON Thomas, Mary WHIDBOURNE Joyce Eileen WILLOUGHBY Trevor John WOOD Caroline V, E May WOOD Edwin David, Edna Letitia WOOD Edwin, Madeline WRIGHT Margaret, Annie Jane WRIGHT Reuben, Jessie, Elijah, Olive WYLIE William Abecrombie ZEPNICK Dennyvosti, delmenico, martonoja, sellars, guidlford, guildford cemetery -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf News April-May-June 1936
Published by the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria'The Victorian Deaf News' Newsletter is a significant publication as an historical record giving and insight into the people, activities and events of the Deaf Community in VictoriaVol. 1 No. 2 (New Series) April-May-June 1936; Size 24.5cmHx18.5cmW; 20 pagesgeorge oakley, maggie cruickshank, mr and mrs frank dyble, abraham, johnston, mary retallick, allsopp, doney, l. sanders, melby allsopp, maisie reiffel, ruby mcdonald, dulcie jones, betty doyle, ludbrook, ashby, monahan, hately, bay steamesr, evans, peters empson, johnston, elsie abraham, louis mccubin, john longstaff, elsie spears jackson, anniesecombe, e. thomas, gladys bates, andrew rankine, paqualin, don wallis, damman, e. roxburgh, arthur morgan, h. r. gillett, frank williams, t. parkinson, jack boal, annie webb, davis, margaret gibson, e. r. noble, j. m. johnston, e. sturcke, emma reade, williamson, allen, mona stevens, colin johns, o. quinton, a. stokes, d. ashby, w. dunstan, roy windridge, g. thomas, c. mortimer, arthur edward raines, jean mccollough, w. mcmillin, dorothy campbell, herbert wilson, harold w. bickford, elizabeth jones, william jones, a. e. clarkson, -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr J.P. Westmoreland possibly not in Stawell with the Right hand photo showing a Wagon of Moran & Cato -- 2 Photos
Business J.P. Westmoreland possibly not in Stawell. Right hand photo shows Wagon of Moran & Cato. F Cato was born and educated at Stawell. Annie Westmorland ran an infants school and ladies college in Ligar Street Stawell in 1892. Herbert William Westmorland was a minister in Stawell for four years 1891 and died in Wimmera Street 1895 age 29. Westmoreland History in Book Westmoreland A Family from Lincolnshire by Marie Holmes Cat No 6033stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr Herbert Vernon Dane & Miss Daisy Annie Mitchell -- Named Wedding Group
Mitchell – Dane Wedding Groupstawell -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, 10 Pembroke Street, Surrey Hills
William Valentine Hill (1854-1940) journalist, was the owner of 'Eignbrook',10 Pembroke Street from 1904. His wife was Annie Boak (1865-1943); they were married in 1885. William Hill (Bill) Dempsey was his grandson. His mother Laura Constance Hill married Herbert T Dempsey in 1925.Original sepia photograph of the street view of a weatherboard in the Queen Anne style with a steep pitched iron roof; house is fronted by a picket fence. There are 2 copies of this original photo; the better copy has been scanned. The second copy is slightly mottled and the edges left and right have been cropped so that the adjacent house is not seen. Back of photo 1 is inscribed “10 Pembroke St. Donor W Dempsey”. Photo 2 has inscribed on back "Hills home, 10 Pembroke St, Surrey Hills. Donor W Dempsey" Card has written underneath the photo, “10 Pembroke St”pembroke street, hills family, 'eignbrook', house names, surrey hills, (mr) william valentine hill, journalist, (mrs) annie hill, (miss) annie boak, queen anne style -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, 1 Russell Street, Surrey Hills in 1988
1 Russell Street was built in 1888 and from 1888–1905 (maybe 1911, as his death notice says he died at Russell Street) it was the home of James Burrell, a blacksmith. His smithy was on the corner of Canterbury Road. In 1893 a block of land (No.3 ) was bought to establish the fire station and James Burrell acted as fire officer and stored the reel and hose until the station was built. From 1911–1928 it was the fire station residence, as the brigade gained status. James Burrell (1860-1911) married Elizabeth Wilson (1862-1925). She was daughter of Edward Wilson. They had 4 children: James Herbert, known as Bert (1888-1953); Aleck (1890-1951); William Spencer, known as Bill, (1893-1976) and Elsie May (1898-1990). Both James and Elizabeth Burrell are buried in Burwood Cemetery. From 1930–1943 Michael Ginnane, retired station master, and members of his family lived in the house. Michael Ginnane (1864-1935) married Annie Mary Brock (1868-1945). Both were born in the Ballarat area. They had 10 children. From 1913-1917 he was station master at Woodend. In the 1925 electoral rolls the family is listed as living at Surrey Hills station. There was a station master's house adjacent to the station (demolished and the site now part of the car park accessed off Blackburn Street). They are again listed here in the 1925 electoral roll. By 1931 they are at 1 Russell Street and he is listed as a retired station master. The following children lived in Surrey Hills: John James (Clerk) - 1922 Mary Ellen (HD) - 1922, 1925, 1931 Michael Thomas (labourer) - 1922 Annie Florence (dressmaker) - 1925, 1931 William Patrick (railwayman) - 1925 Elizabeth Catherine (sales) - 1931 Patrick Leo (postman) - 1931. A black and white photograph taken on an angle from across the street of a mid-late Victorian style cottage with multi-coloured brickwork. There is a large tree in the front garden, no fence and a letterbox on a lean.(mr) james burrell, blacksmiths, canterbury road, surrey hills, fire officers, (mr) michael ginnane, station masters, fire stations, mid-victorian style, (miss) elizabeth wilson, (mrs) elizabeth burrell, james herbert burrell, aleck burrell, william (bill) spencer burrell, elsie may burrell, (miss) annie mary brock, (mrs) annie mary ginnane, john james ginnane, (miss) mary ellen ginnane, michael thomas ginnane; (miss) annie florence ginnane; william patrick ginnane; elizabeth catherine ginnane; patrick leo ginnanean), late-victorian style, russell street -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Educating Surrey Hills - School No 2778, 1886-1986, 1986
Donation made on behalf of Surrey Hills Primary School. A second lesser copy was donated at a much earlier date.A 59 page informal history of Surrey Hills State School, No 2778. To quote the authors: "we have not used footnotes, nor a bibliography; and we have used reminiscence without always ensuring that facts and dates are strictly accurate." The book is richly illustrated with photos, excerpts of student work and other ephemera. It is not indexed. Headings are: Beginnings, The Cadet Corps, Head Teacher Bennett, School Days 1900-1925, War Time & Beyond, The Mothers' Club, Childhood Illness, School Days in '30s, Expansion, PWD Problems, Depression and Wartime, Post War Crowding, memories, Mr Wheeler, Migrants, Royal Tours, Pedestrian Crossings, The Canteen, Craft Room, Sports Days, Acquisition of Mr Prior's House, Parents Right to Know, Social Service, School Committee, Concerts & Balls, Mothers' Club to Parents' Club, Library, More PWD Problems, Changes, Camps, Recent Principals. This copy includes a copy of the Centenary Weekend Programme which has been stuck inside the front cover.wekworth, - (miss), reardon, edith, lauchlan, thelma, grant, mavis, higgins, nancy, kellan, coster, joyce, parker, marjorie, dyson, joy, sutton, phyllis, cadmar, gwennyth, mclaughlin, maurine, wendorf, winifred, broadbent, doreen, hawes, hilda, powell, crocker, beatrix, triggs, dorothy, peers, ker, pryde, norma, clemson, kathleen, owen, doris, glasscock, elaine, lovering, w b (mr), dyer, e a (mr), gamble, william, brown, j k (mr), raw, whitfield t, doyle, annie, st stephens presbyterian church, cadets, bennett, george t, brigadier general gordon, cottingham, r v (mr), day, george, greaves, arthur, servan, alice, renkin, anne, lutheran peace memorial home, gourlay, education, schools, doney, - (mr), collins, fyfe, alexander, fire brigades, maypoles, duck, lorraine, hendy, ives, alfred, reaburn, john, walduck, gwyneth, world war, 1914-1918, breeden, horace, horrie, wise, amy (miss), blogg, john kendrick, newington, lily (miss), parents clubs, brookes, - (mrs), lancashire, deans, johnson, herbert, -(mrs), travancore, jamieson, welch, mcdonald, harley, mclean, jack, rex theatre, surrey hills progress association, gamer, ernest, southall, ivan, influenza, barbara, ross, poliomyelitis, scott, moroney, daniel, thwaites, jean, constable, oswell, frank, large, gifford, a e (rev), gillies, j (rev), buxton, porter, jill, morgan, jan, 1939-1945, williamson, joan, cargill, jackson, van ernst, cooke, tyrell's milkbar, plaw, graeme, dairies, chenu, a h, rutzou, peter, bowie, heymann, megan, wilson, ritter, alan, martyn, dawson, l (mrs), mcgregor, d (mrs), e (mrs), fiedler, wheeler, lewis, marsh, rhyll, slater, games, gangell, pam, barrow, ford, henry, mcewan, marion, conlon, kathy, canterbury recreation reserve, surrey park, chatham oval, mooney, neil, kitson, surrey dive, monk, kay, saldineri, macqueen, lyndy, thomson, daley, susan, discombe, diane, hanson, robert, mulvey, albers, angela, tucker, david, glover, bright, lynette, mcinnes, jeanette, nethercott, turnball, eric, smith, roberts, chasemore, lyle, chislett, miss, capon program, k n (mr), fuller, i d (mr), henwood, j w (mr), g (mr), veitch, g (mrs), m (mrs), cheetham, j (mr), gardner, l (mr), d (mr), sepitka, lorna, balfe, win, wells, bob, keith, ian, kett, mr, elizabeth, liney, bruce, macarthur, rob, kelly, paula, neil b, sydenham, shirley, dixon, o'hagan, ros, van someren, fred, norman, burns, roberta, harry, christine, barker, henry j t, nutt, ernest h, richards, benjamin, lievesley, john h, knight, gabriel, clough, john s, hepburn, james, tinney, arthur h, blanchen, bernard j, somerwell, elizabeth j, john t, john m, caldicott, howard t -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionPages 7 to 15 of the Bendigo Circuit which includes some history of California Gully and Long Gully. Written at the top of the page is 'The Spectator' Methodist History Vol. 11, about 1900.Photos for California Gully include: Mrs Christian, Wesleyan Church and Sunday-school California Hill, Pulpit of Wesleyan Church California Hill, Lat Mrs Wood, Choir and Organist California Hill, Sunday School Teachers and Officers California Hill, Senior Sunday School California Hill, Trustees California Hill, Mrs M Fawcett, Executive Christian Endeavour California Gully, Some of the Best Workers, Long Gully Wesleyan Church, Sunday School teachers and Officers Long Gully, Executive and Officers Christian Endeavour Long Gully, Mr W Gard, Mr P H Ebbott, Choir and Organist Long Gully, Sir John Quick Kt LL D, MP, Late Mr M Fawcett, Trustees and Church Officers Long Gully, Mr J F Stephenson,bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - the bendigo circuit, the spectator methodist history vol 11, mrs christian, mr f clark, d padwick, john dawborn, w b batkin, john falder, wesleyan church, thos benson, william batkin, miss fawcett, mr and mrs matthew fawcett, mrs wood, rev a r edgar, miss batkin, andrew dowding, john dowding, jas thomas, jas snell, j brewer, j green, w jeffrey, w batkin, m thomas, jas cox, h jeffrey, l perry, a mccoy, e moyle, k harvey, l roberts, h hambley, j matcott, i jeffrey, f martin, j stirton, m trewartha, n moyle, mr penaluna, a thomas, rule, a chirgwin, m thomas, f thomas, mrs shum, mrs wood, joseph williams, e mattcott, w mattcock, r martin, mrs g owen, ellis, crossman, r williams, inch, w kidd, mattcott, hicks, miller, gilbert, roberts, thomas, arthur, green, r williams, m thomas, j h miller, r crossman, g owen, miss rule, dermer smith, j roberts, j perry, mr w c kidd, a roberts, mr w c kidd, g williams, j thomas, mr w jeffrey, miss chirgwin, mr w stephens, mr m williams, miss dennis, miss batkin, mr j johns, mr r williams, mr richard williams, mr clark, m thomas, m fawcett, w batkin, t t roper, rev joseph dare, rev john mewton, j h miller, r c crossman, w owen, m thomas, robert martin, john chirgwin, mrs martin, mr bickford, mr powell, mr tregear, mr scholes, john thompson, robert crossman, daniel reeves, j miller, mrs richard williams, tobias stephens, joseph williams, rev herbert williams, james williams, mrs m thomas, john thomas, rev thomas james, mrs m fawcett, jacob perry, rev charles tregear, j hopkins, walter jeffrey, w j stephens, w jones, miss b youlder, miss h hambly, miss alice perry, miss melita williams, miss annie chirgwin, miss e batkin, miss b arthur, miss e dennis, jacob perry, arthur lelean, joseph roberts, george willen, michael thomas, robert thomas, rev joseph dare, mrs matcott, mrs geo roberts, mrs joseph roberts, mrs a crosswell, mrs j m inch, mrs w c kidd, mrs r thomas, mrs a ellis, mrs g owen, mrs r williams, mrs j h miller, edward jeffrey, michael thomas, the argus, the age, judge higinbotham, mr clucas, mrs christian, queen victoria, mr and mrs michael thomas, richard williams, mrs thomas, william goyne, rev george daniel, dermer smith, j wearne, c thomas, j langdon, h thomas, e payne, jennings, j penberthy, martin, goldsworthy, white, jennings, campbell, pascoe, langdon, miss gard, mrs thomas, miss l berryman, miss e malcolm, mr peters, miss mason, miss l williams, miss a warren, miss s knuckey miss m bolitho, miss c allen, miss m jennings, miss s thomas, mrs may, miss j jenkins, miss a pickles, miss e woolcock, miss m knuckey, miss a hampton, miss f thomas, miss a thomas