Showing 49 items
matching john james davis
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Memorabilia - Medal Board, Ceremonial Medal Board for JJ Davis, 2001
... john james davis...John James Davis (J.J. Davis) was Australia's most... and medals received. john jams davis john james davis j j davis ...John James Davis (J.J. Davis) was Australia's most decorated NCO in the Vietnam conflict. This plaque commemorates the deeds he performed and medals received.Framed ceremonial medal board for JJ Davis. The piece includes a service photograph of JJ Davis in uniform, a fabric patch with the Australian Coat of Arms, five metal pins and 13 replica medals as listed below. The information plaque states '5411313 WO1 J.J. DAVIS, SB St J, MM, JP - RAAMC - 30 JAN 1963 - 30 JAN 1986. The five metal pins are: 1. Returned Services League Australia 2. Returned Active Service 3. RAAMC 4. Royal Australian Army Medical Corps 5. Knife surrounded by laurel leaves. Replica medals included are: 1. Military Medal 2. Australian Active Service Medal 1945-75, Vietnam 3. Vietnam Medal 4. Defence Force Medal with 1st Clasp 5. National Medal 6. Australian Defence Medal 7. St John 12 Year Long Service Medal with five year clasp 8. Silver Star (Unites States of America) 9. Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star (South Vietnam) 10. The Armed Forces Honour Medal (2nd Class) (South Vietnam) 11. Civil Action Medal (2nd Class) (South Vietnam) 12. Vietnamese Campaign Medal 13. ACT Emergency Service Medal (2003 Bushfires) john jams davis, john james davis, j j davis, vietnam, nco, photographs, portraits, badges, medals -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Ship's Wheel, 1871 or earlier
The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built many ships that had wheels with the same decorative, starburst pattern on them as this particular wheel segment, including the Eric the Red. The wheel was manufactured by their local Bath foundry, Geo. Moulton & Co. and sold to the Sewall yard for $100, according to the construction accounts of the vessel. Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Segment of a ship's wheel, or helm, from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red. The wheel part is an arc shape from the outer rim of the wheel and is made up of three layers of timber. The centre layer is a dark, dense timber and is wider than the two outer layers, which are less dense and lighter in colour. The wheel segment has a vertically symmetrical, decorative copper plate inlaid on the front. The plate has a starburst pattern; six stars decorate it, each at a point where there is a metal fitting going through the three layers of timber to the rear side of the wheel. On the rear each of the six fittings has an individual copper star around it. The edges of the helm are rounded and bevelled, polished to a shine in a dark stain. Around each of the stars, front and back, the wood is a lighter colour, as though the metal in that area being polished frequently. The length of the segment suggests that it has probably come from a wheel or helm that had ten spokes. (Ref: F.H.M.M. 16th March 1994, 239.6.610.3.7. Artefact Reg No ER/1.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's-wheel, eric-the-red, helm, shei's wheel, ship's steering wheel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Decorative object - Sword, 1871 or earlier
This wooden sword is said to “possibly be the only remaining part of the figurehead from the sailing ship Eric the Red.” It was previously part of the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and the entry in its inventory says “Wooden sword, portion of the figurehead, held by “Eric the Red” at the bow.” A large part of the ship’s hull was found on the rocks and a figurehead may have been attached or washed up on the shore. The shipping records for E. & A. Sewall, the builders, owners and managers of Eric the Red, are now preserved in the Maine Maritime Museum. There is no photograph on record of Eric the Red but photographs of other ships built around that time by the same company show that these did not have figureheads, and there is no record found of a figurehead for Eric the Red being ordered or paid for. Further research is being carried out. The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built Eric the Red, a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse. (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)This carved wooden sword, recovered from the Eric the Red, is possibly the only portion of the figurehead recovered after the wreck. There are spirals carved from the base of the handle to the top of the sword. The hilt of the sword is a lion’s head holding its tail in its mouth, the tail forming the handle. The blade of the sword has engraved patterns on it. Tiny particles of gold leaf and dark blue paint fragments can be seen between the carving marks. There are remnants of yellowish-orange and crimson paint on the handle. At some time after the sword was salvaged the name of the ship was hand painted on the blade in black paint. The tip of the sword has broken or split and the remaining part is charcoal in appearance. On both the tip and the base of the handle are parts made where the sword could have been joined onto the figurehead There is a white coating over some areas of the sword, similar to white lead putty used in traditional shipbuilding. The words “ERIC the RED” have been hand painted on the blade of the sword in black paint sometime after it was salvaged.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sword, wooden sword, eric the red, carved sword, figurehead, snake head on sword -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St John’s Presbyterian Church, Elsternwick
Seven items about the history of this Church: 1/Photos of St John’s Presbyterian Church,4 Black and White, undated. 2/Photos of Church – (colour) x 4 includes Hall and Foundation Stone undated. 3/Jubilee History Souvenir, St John’s Presbyterian Church Elsternwick, 1887 – 1937. Illustrated. 2 copies – 40 pages, includes B & W photos. 4/Booklet '75th Anniversary A Brief History 1887 to 1962' unpublished. With handwritten notes on 1963. Also, 2 photocopies of the same document. 5/3 copies 'St John’s Uniting Church, Elsternwick 100 Years Of Witness 25.10.87' 6/Unpublished, typewritten 2 page history of St John’s Presbyterian Church, Elsternwick, written in 1973 by B. Snowball. 7/Unsigned, unattributed list of Uniting, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in 'old' Caulfield area.robertson j gray rev., jones james rev., macauley wilson dr. rev, crockett j.a. rev, crichton barr rev, ingram ww right rev, michell a. h. rev., parishioners, brown f. a. mr., scott arthur h mr., waugh m. e. miss, mcarthur mary miss, birrell m miss, scott arthur mr., mctaggart hugh mr., alexander j. b. dr., whelpton g. p. mr., mclennan james mr., brown frank mr., mcconchie w. j. mr., gardiner a. p. mr., scott john mr., brian hugh mr., davis j.g. mrs., robertson j. g. mrs., tennis clubs, cricket clubs, st john’s presbyterian church, st john's presbyterian church, st john's uniting church, elsternwick, glen huntly road, presbyterian church, clergy, matthews janet mrs., barnes marjorie mrs., angus catherine mrs., burstall gladys mrs., campbell aj (treasurer 1984), tulloch annie miss, smith douglas r dr. (associate elder), orders dorothy mrs., filer ailsa, filer jack, filer anita crawford., booth alison mrs., stewart jean miss, wilton louise mrs., mcnicol elsie miss, christiansen ilma mrs., mcnicol jean miss, gallagher janet miss, wood muriel mrs., bradshaw olive miss, dance percy mr., jordan marjorie mrs., underhill catherine mrs., godkin ivy mrs., martin alexandrina mrs., mcintosh helen mrs., mallinson irene mrs., kennedy duncan w rev., stacy adam, stacy lisa, haddrick w. e. rev, haddrick mrs., murray street, begg chris, sanderson faye, ting apwee rev., kildonian children’s home, organs, mcqueen finlay rev, robertson j. gray mrs, davies j.g. rev, mcrea d.g. rev, ferguson fergus rev -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - St John’s Presbyterian Church, Elsternwick
Our Forward Movement 1956 pamphlet – 2 copies. St John’s Presbyterian Church, Elsternwick. Includes church activities and organisations. 10 x B & W photos; 10 pages; 20.5cm x 26cm Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 7th September 1985. St John's Uniting Tennis Club Annual General Meeting 20th September, 1985. Christmas Gift Leaflet – The Heart of Christmas. Christmas 1986 From Rev. Eric Thomas for distribution to community. Includes religious message and service times. Your Child’s Story World Vision reports on sponsored Mexican child, Silvia Loza, female, 1985 – 86 Two Annual Reports on child Paulus Lobo. One has B & W photo 60mm x 88mm. of three little boys. Written on back in pencil 486 – 207 LOBO, Paulus. A. St John's Uniting Tennis Club Annual General Meeting 7th September, 1991. Beryl lake, Secretary. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 15th September 1990, 2pm, in the Clubhouse. New members etc. Minutes of committee Meeting held Wednesday 18th August 1999 at 8pm 1 page. St John's Uniting Church Tennis Club, 11th November 1999 Bulletin. 4 copies. Article, source unknown, with coloured photo. 100mm x 80mm of three men sitting drinking from cans. Content about problems with liquor licence fees for after Cricket Club matches. June 15.10.2010. Article from Caulfield/ Port Phillip Leader September 13, 2011. Rev Christine Clinch and parishoners photographed walking for famine relief for Kenya. Article titled Every step helps Africa. Photo 140mm x 95cm. Walk of Life Article from Melbourne Weekly Bayside. Your Community Voice. September 21, 2011. Coloured photo, 185mm x 110mm. Rev. Christine Clinch and parishoners. Article about the Famine Relief project for Kenya.foster street, michell a. h. rev. 1954, davis j. c. rev. m. a 1901 - 1910, glen huntly road, haddrick w. e. rev, mc queen finlay rev 1910 – 1920, court house, faulds g. rev, crockett j. a. rev 1920 – 1933, caulfield town hall, ferguson fergus rev, robertson j. gray rev, sunday school, mccrea d. c. rev. 1892 – 1901, ba. bd 1933 – 1941, jones james rev. 1941 -1954, rentoul dr. right rev; ma. d.d, junior classroom, kindergarten, church groups, choirs, organists, farrell e. j. organist, tennis club, clinch christine rev., lake beryl, loba paulus, cricket club, aylmer jim, fundraising events, st john's presbyterian church -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Map, Doug Orford, Main Road, Eltham (c..1930s-1970s), c.2010
Map of Main Road with listings of all properties (shops/homes) from Mount Pleasant Road through to Pryor Street from the 1930s on to about the 1970sandrew store, andrews newsagency, arthur street, babe taylor house, bakery, barbers blue gum store, blue gum, boarding house, bootmakers cottage, bottle shop, bradford butcher shop, bradford house, bradley house, brdbury house, bridge street, brooker, brougham steet, brown blacksmith, browne's grocer, bryant, burgoyne post office, burgoyne's shop, capewell butcher shop, catholic church, catholic school, chandlers lolly shop, cheddar black, chiropractor, cockcroft, commercial bank of australia, copelands chemist, copelands dairy, d. hall house, dave lyon house, david lyon house, dr cordner, dr loosli, dr r. bradbury, dudley street, eltham, eltham bakehouse, eltham courthouse, eltham fire brigade, eltham living and learning centre, eltham pre-school, eltham railway station, eltham shire office, eltham station masters house, eltham war memorial, f. collis store, feed store, fountain hotel, franklin street, gadd's blacksmith, gahan house, garnet burges, george bird grocer, gollings, grant house, harry hawker, headmaster's resience, henry street, hepburn house, hills house, isherwood house and shop, jack ryan, jack shallard, james house, jarrold cottage, jim ryan, john lyon house, kilpatrick, le brocq, leather and harness, len parsons, lock-up, lyon bros garage, main road, map, mathews house, mclean's produce store, mechanics institute, methodist church, methodist hall, milkbar, mills bootmaker, miss george, monteith house, mount pleasant road, mrs bradbury, mrs davis house, mrs jewell, mrs mbremner store, mrs morris shop, napoleon street, obelisk, panther place, peter gahan, pitt street, plumber, police residence, poultry and market garden, pryor street, railway house, rains newsagency, real estate agent, reeves general store, s. bradbury, shillinglaw cottage, staffs general store, stones mixed shop, tennis court, timber yard, w. walker, w.b. andrew corn store, warren's general store, water trough, watsons hotel, websters house, whitecloud cottage, whites general store, williams bootmaker, wingrove cottage, wingrove park, woodyard, york street, franco and co -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Petition, VIOSH: University of Ballarat, Grad Dip in Occupational Hazard Management Intake 18; Petition for lecturer to teach them again in Semester 2, February 1995
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. A petition from Intake 18 students of the Graduate Diploma in Occupational Hazard Management was sent to Mr Bob Goodbourn - Course Coordinator of VIOSH, Prof D W James - Vice-Chancellor of University of Ballarat, Prof G Anderson - Head of School, Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Mr P Martin - Senior Lecturer, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Ms K Whytcross and Mr P Johnson - Student Representatives. The students request that Mr Peter Martin present the lectures for MG473 Statistics and Modelling in Semester 2, 1995. He has lectured the students in MG472 Statistics and Modelling during the first semester and his method teaching to a class with a majority of adults students has been excellent - clear, well paced and caring manner. His adult teaching skills provided students with confidence and encourage discussion in class. List of students and signatures were provided. Hand written note from Gerry Anderson to Bob Goodbourn stated that they do their best to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee anything. In general it is inappropriate to make decisions based on student interests. Students and their positive comments are appreciated. Bob Goodbourn was asked to pass the comments onto the students concerned.Three A4 pages - third mainly handwritten in pen. First page has handwritten commentSignatures of Gerry Anderson, Bob Goodbourn, 34 studentsviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, university of ballarat, intake 18 petition, bob goodbourn, course coordinator of viosh, prof d james, vice chancellor, prof g anderson, head of school, information technology and mathematical sciences, k whytcross, p johnson, student representatives, peter martin, senior lecturer, statistics and mathematical sciences, trevor bailey, james bathgate, janet benstead, kay bowman, craig brissett, keith britton, david byham, hayden cater, earl eddings, kristine gardiner, christopher gibbs, david grant, terry hammond, ken hart, christopher jacobsen, david kiddle, michael lawson, malcolm mcinnes, graeme maddaford, rita ottewill, roger palubinski, lyn pearson, raymond pickett, cheryl price, davis proud, mangalya reddy, john rowan, neil topperwien, gavin welsh, damien woodmansey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Inwards Correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1898, 1898
A number of handwritten letters bound together with a brass split pin on the top right corner. * Letter from Thomas Harwood from Port Darwin concerning bags of auriferous sand for treatment. * Letterhead from Ivor Davies, Cambrian Battery, Mosquito Flat * Request for results and certificates from D.W. Kennedy * J.H. Salter requesting a Ballarat School of Mines prospectus * Ballarat School of Mines Indentures student Thonmas Andrews * Letter introducing prospective student Walter Pomeroy * Ballarat School of Mines visit to New Normanby Mine * Letter from Sara McLean of Daylesfors asking about Botany, Geology and Drawing classes and railway forms. thomas harwood, darwin, mining, letterhead, ivor davis, frogmore sorell tasmania, d.w. kennedy, james horsfall, walter andrews, thomas p. lewis, j.h. salter, lettercard, queenstown tasmania, arch douglas, thomas andrews, gundagai, joseph bryant, c.m. bryant, percy glenton, clunes, land surveying, chalk and cahir, steam gauge testing, brisbane newspaper company, h. herman, t. price, geelong college letterhead, walter pomeroy, industrial schools act, n.r salmon, james and mccrindle, homes mccrindle, broken hill, j.e. blake, norval, john pearce, new nprmanby mine, maryborough school of mines, duncan mcdougall, old scotch collegians club, w.a. gosman, broken hill pty co. ltd, w. robertson, howard smith and sons, sara mclean, daylesford, william h. nicholas, surprise gold mining company, a. vaudeau, j.w. banfield, letterhead*, william howard smith and sons, port pirrie, blakeville, royal mint, assay -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook 1921-1924, 1921-1924
The clippings in this book relate to the Ballarat School of Mines. Hard covered scrapbook with newspaper clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines.ballarat school of mines, scrapbook, ballarat technical art school, clay, ceramics, pottery, native clay, maurice copland, h.h. smith, c.h. beanland, technical schools, albert e. dowling, john dulfer, jenkin swimming shield, r.s. dale, j.y. mcdonald, a.f. heseltine, stained glass windows, amalie feild, richard dale, ballarat school of mines museum, ballarat junior secondary school, war criminal trials, j.f. crichton, repatriation department, w.o.f. close, soldiers vocational classes, world war one, alexander peacock, ballarat junior technical school opening, effie holmes, cornell chemist, w.k. moss, ken moss, obituary, j. vickery, w.d. hill, r.w. richards, shackelton, antarctic exploration, t.h. trengrove, samuel mayo, vera lindsay, bessie robertson, victor greenhalgh, repatriation classes closure, repatriation classes termination, university college, vocational training, arbor day, j.b. corbet, ballarat school of mines procession, ballarat junior technical school honour board, harold herbert, albert steane, a.w. steane, francis davis, tree planting, clyde lukeis, trade classes, old boys association, alfred james higgin, blackill color and oxide company, electric supply company, state school exhibition, state education jubilee, scholarships, clay deposits, james coad, t.a. williams, copland memorial, e.j. mcconnon, alfred mica smith, ponsonby carew smyth, d. maxwell, lena rutherford, dorothy whitehead, examination results, geoffrey nicholls, robert dowling, j.b. robinson, percy trompf, j.c. bush, white flat reserve, rubbish tip, sports ground, broken hill excursion, old boy's association, school of mines procession, white flat improvements, empire exhibition, ballarat school of mines literary society, school reunion, john rowell, d.e. mullins, g. renkin, t.m. shattock, new law courts, supreme court building transferred to ballarat school of mines, buildings, ballarat state offices, ballarat school of mines museum closed, ballarat school of mines and industries, k.b. brown, sir r. garran, alf hannah, macrobertson scholarship, simone fraser, violet hambley, alfred bayley, j. heriot, c.r. pittock, i.r. bradshaw, ballarat exhbition, e. parkin, c.m. harris, mica smith bust, william henry nicholls, daniel walker, paul montford, w.h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, technical training for girls, girls education, amalie colquhoun, ken moss obituary, opening of the ballarat junior technical school, j.s. vickery, j.s. vickery obituary, ida v. johnson, john rowell exhibition, max meldrum, w.g. coates, g.f. fitches, walter white, sewerage plumbing, villers brettonneux school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan - Parish Plan, Corindhap, County of Grenville, 1898
Colour Parish Plan of Corindhap, County of Grenville, and a report on the Parish.corindhap, dereel, warrambine, kuracaruc, commeralghip, rokewood, kuruc-a-ruc, w. elder, william elder, john thornly, robert cullen, davis aitcheson, robert gidney, john elder, w. barnard, anton trende, thomas hill, george hobson, h. reynolds, john collins, ironstone quarry, john jacka, patrick shanahan, murdoch mclennon, kaolinitic clay, kaolin, james holt, mary a. palmer, isaac everett, james mooney, michael cahill, fred benjamin, george hopkins, david houghton, john quarrell, j. camm, james macdonald, john thornley, break of day gully, john wilson, thomas middleton, alexander mcpherson, joseph coldwell, h. brand, pereverance co, puddling mils, mary a. stanbrook, c.w. stanbrook, eliza byrnes, james byrnes, j. maw, wallace douglas, john moffatt -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, New premises for the school's central library
School of Mines Ballarat is a predecessor of Federation University.A4 typed document of 26 pages on white paper being draft No. 1 pf New premises fopr the school's central library Original copy to W. Perry 18/05/1993 written on the topcentral library, new building, school of mines ballarat, w. perry, brian webber, b.c. mclennan, n. mroczkowski, r.c. morgan, a.g. peart, p. mcnulty, rocky hazlett, l.wallis, a.j. smail, john sullivan, jean blackburn, norman curry, fr. tom doyle, peter kirby, ken mckinnon, bernard rechter, helen praetz, marion russell, j.k. matthews, therese scanlon, jan reeves, carole seymour, francis miller, helen fairhall, anne fennell, steven mendelson, peter shiells, geoffrey blainey, earnest scott, k.j. flecknoe, bruce mcknight, graham h. beanland, r.w. richards, e.j. barker, jack barker, nancye kent perry, alfred leahy, w.t. ryan, e.j. t. tippett, peter alsop, j.w. sutherland, david avery, ian r. duggan, ronaldson brothers, w.h. middleton, n.w. titheridge, d.a. wynach, ricky car, joanna harris, john bastin, edgar james bartrop, rodney smart, grant gilbert, bruce miller, john nathan, leo shannon, w.t.h. corbould, jimmy corbould, bryan crebbin, j.d. mccaughey, james oddie, graeme hood, ian smith, tom cragg, alfred mica smith, f.m. krause, thomas stephen hart, fiona watson, justice barry, robert charles morgan, roger murchison, a.m praetz, john van dreven, davis mccaughey, r.c. lovett, b.f. crebbin, morgan william beven john, charles howard beanland, ballarat school of mines history -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Department Certificates 1908 - 1922
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack cloth covered book with handwritten pages and loose foolscap pages at the front and sticer on front cover with CERTIFICATES written on department, school of mines ballarat, leslie bennett, eulali perry, hector osborne, doris mcdougall, mary mullins, john mclean, mary morrish, francis kelly, robert gullan, henry bull, clara clegg, john david, albert ferguson, ina westcott, vera walker, agnes walker, eileen tremain, florence smith, lizzie pier, annie reynolds, charles peverill, william pearson, doris patterson, rebecca mcphan, constance mchenry, jean mcgregor, florence mingst, gwen mann, roz kelly, edward jones, freddi jacobi, percy baker, doris carter, stephen chambers, ruth catt, arthur dousey, d'arcy, bessie doncaster, alan eggleston, lena featherstone, clarice fisher, sylvia williams, james walker, annie treloar, shearer, cora sandberg, elsie pearce, jan mcgregor, cyril mcgibbon, margaret moore, thomas kierce, william james, alice horan, lucy hamilton, beatrice blake, catherine bowers, mona callow, lillian cameron, joyce dopel, iva denovan, william thompson, irene hewitt, catheriine kardens, beatrice stuart, hugh ross, mavis regelhuth, isabelle bell, melba perriman, vera muny, alan bernaldo, kathleen conway, dorothy darling, walter dunston, mary dwyer, agnes fraser, enid gates, maude williams, violet wheeler, jean tunbridge, maud auberry, john b. allen, rose c. andrews, willie banagwanath, john n. bennett, alfred bayley, geo h. blake, ida bolte, allison brown, eva brown, harold r. brown, henry f. bull, arthur burge, olive cotton, gertrude f coxon, alice culph, curtain, r.l. cutter, florence davis, w.m davies, helen dempster, ed dopel, l.c.m. dovey, ernest duncan, hugh elliott, nelson h. ferguson, mary featherstone, amelia field, david cochrane, phyllis polson, frederick proctor, geoff richards, bessie robertson, catherine ronald, cora saudberg, mary sheppard, scott smith, leonard steele, j.b. suttcliffe, nellie thornhill, vernon fisher, gordon fletcher, elsie ford, constance furness, grace m. geddes, ada giacometti, mary gleeson, v. hall, harold herm, dorothy hambley, clemence hill, evelyn hodgson, annie holmes, glynis humphreys, augus henderson, joseph james, queenie johnson, harold jolly, francis n. king, william knott, mary kinnear, adelaide leash, doris lonie, a lilbourne, f.j. llewellyn, herb malui, muriel mathew, nellie moloney, mabel morris, ernest morshead, w.k. moss, winifred moyley, eileen mcinerney, jack mclean, chas mcnamara, maryanne medwell, alice osbourne, elsie pitts, percy trompf, basil tunbridge, david walker, ruby walton, annie whitla, kenneth whittle, walter wilberforce, alb e williams, masie wise, amy wolff, olive wunhym, beryl atkins, hector ashby, geo banagwanath, g.n.j. barker, marion r. bailey, kathleen bowe, lelia brough, cecil campbell, basil craddock, ida chapman, iris campbell, una campbell, eileen cleary, reg m.l. cuttter, lyle eves, violet elston, eric embling, violet evans, f.l. ellsworth, vera fisher, una fowles, colin graham, victor greenhalgh, clarence grose, dororthy hall, margaret hannaby, leslie henderson, harold herbert, effie holmes, herbert hopkins -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Associates Board 1951-1957, c1984
In the early 1880s the Ballarat School of Mines Council introduced a three year course of training under the professors to qualify students in the following professions: 1. Mining Engineering 2. Metallurgy 3. Geology 4. Electricity [45] Each of these courses had an additional, but optional, fourth year of study. The prescribed subjects of study for an Associateship was set out in the Calendar of the Ballarat School of Mines in each year. Any student who passed the prescribed examinations in any of the above courses was issued with a Certificate of Competency, and conferred with the distinction of Associate. By the 1890s the professorial staff had drawn up a curriculum leading to an Associateship of the Ballarat School of Mines. The first two years work was to be common to all courses, but in the third and subsequent years the student wold be devoted to a specialised branch of study. The Associateship was to be conferred in one of another of the following Courses: Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, [Geology], Metallurgy and Mining Engineering. All were three year courses except for Agriculture which was two years. Each course was conducted in accordance with a prescribed curriculum and syllabus. During the 1910s there was an expectation that candidates for the Associate course should have attained the age of sixteen, and have received preparatory training equivalent to University Matriculation at least in the subjects of Elementary Mathematics, English Grammar and Composition, or have passed through Junior Technical School. In 1960 an new procedure for admission to graduate status as Associates was introduced to the Ballarat School of Mines where Associateship would be conferred at a public ceremony. After 01 July 1976 graduates of Ballarat College of Advanced Education and Ballarat College of Advanced Education were admitted in major studies relating to mining for Australian accreditation and overseas purposes. Ballarat School of Mines Associates could ascribe ASMB after their name.Black and white photograph of Associatedsof the Ballarat School of Mines from 1951-1957.Associates of the Ballarat School of Mines :Lists names 1989-1964ballarat school of mines, smb campus, electrical engineering 1958, brian w. schreenan civil engineering 1958, clifford j. restarick metallurgy 1958, john t h. clelland metallurgy 1958, donald c. stevens mining engineering 1958, john g. wolfe civil engineering 1959, james e. mcneil electrical engineering 1959, patrick h. nally civil engineering 1959, graham j. willey metallurgy 1959, stanley p. kisler civil engineering 1959, donald j. overall electrical engineering 1959, brian j. mclennan civil engineering 1959, philip j. davis art 1959, bruce v. mcdougall mining engineering 1959, lancelot j. matthews mechanical engineering 1959, alan w. wilson mechanical engineering 1959, alan w. wilson electrical engineering 1959, george a r. lewis art 1959, noel e. meagher electrical engineering 1960, john l. collier mining engineering 1960, john l. collier civil engineering 1960, frank andrewartha mechanical engineering 1960, norman leckie art 1960, lansell j. groat civil engineering 1960, boon thiam lu mining engineering 1960, oswyn n. hails civil engineering 1960, john a. watts applied chemistry 1960, thomas b. gallagher civil engineering 1960, brian a. bellingham civil engineering 1961, alan c leviston applied chemistry 1961, walter j wynd civil engineering 1961, francis d benjamin civil engineering 1961, leonard e fox mechanical engineering 1961, yan kai chung applied chemistry 1961, george d mcgrath mechanical engineering 1961, john r sawyer mechanical engineering 1961, ronald horgan applied chemistry 1961, douglas j vendy civil engineering 1961, john a barnes electrical engineering 1961, brian w smith metallurgy 1961, william r carlyon metallurgy 1961, chris p livitsanos metallurgy 1961, lawrence g trevan civil engineering 1961, richard g dunlop mechanical engineering 1961, ronald m ingleton mechanical engineering 1961, peter m robinson mechanical engineering 1961, david j jelbart mechanical engineering 1961, john g hollway mechanical engineering 1961, george m hetherington civil engineering 1961, david w brown mechanical engineering 1961, john r gowan civil engineering 1961, geoffrey a christian civil engineering 1961, arthur c burrow mechanical engineering 1961, john n mcarthur applied chemistry 1961, graeme r bromley mechanical engineering 1961, william davison civil engineering 1961, ben a johnson electrical engineering 1961, ben a johnson civil engineering 1961, allan j tinney civil engineering 1961, thomas h j coad applied chemistry 1961, brian h duthie civil engineering 1961, basil c bautovich mechanical engineering 1961, reece pullen electrical engineering 1961, john d carmichael electrical engineering 1961, william j spencer civil engineering 1961, neil a brogden civil engineering 1961, michael villani civil engineering 1961, ralph j hepburn mechanical engineering 1961, peter w linaker mechanical engineering 1961, peter j matthews mechanical engineering 1961, edgar mca bartrop mining engineering 1961, donald j stewart, brian schreenan -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Portland Naval Cadets, 1966
Black and white photograph of men dressed in naval uniforms posed in two rows (one kneeling, one standing) at the base of a cliff. A further row of people are posed at top of cliff. Bottom third of framed work includes names of those in the image.Front: Portland Naval Cadets Corination Day King George V 22-6-1911 Front Row Standing (L to R): G.P.C. Fitzpatrick, William Redfern, James Kean, Benjamin Lear, William Dusting, Thomas Hardie. Front Row Kneeling (L to R): Edward Peters, Percy Dawkins, Leonard Tonkin, Hugh Keiller, Frank Edwards, William Alexander, Harry Goldsmith, George Jarrett, Roy Taylor, Roy Laidlaw, Thomas Herbertson, Dudly Brown, Sydney Pitts, Leslie Adams, William Patterson, jack Edwards, Norman Dusting, Eric Dusting, Noel Henry, William Mallett, Stanley Dusting, Herbert De La Cour, Joseph Cleghorn, Murry Douglas, Clarence Patterson. Back Row Standing (L to R): John Spikin, Charles Fredericks, Roy Campbell, Charles Gibbs, Bruce Douglas, Herbert Arkill, Archie Mathes, Murry Parker, Frank Edwards, Benjamin Davis, Osbourne Cruse, Oliver Westlake, Edward Pitts, Robert Edrich, James O'Brien, Edward Cook, William Paterson, Thomas Cook, George Lanagan, Frank Wilson, Ralph Taylor, Edward Jennings, George Parker. Presented by Harry Goldsmith. Back: To my boyhood friend Noel Henry to be hung wherever he thinks fit. Harry Goldsmith 16/7/66.gpc fitzpatrick, william redfern, james kean, benjamin lear, william dusting, thomas hardie -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Annie Cameron was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Cameron. Her father was a keen geologist and botanist. Robert Pullar Cameron was a Shire Councillor for many years. He married Penuel Hossack and had a family of James, Flora, Penuel and Alex. He was listed as a significant plant collector at Orbost, Victoria who collected on the Bemm, Cann and Snowy Rivers. (Based on the list published by J.H. Willis, D. Pearson, M.T. Davis, and J.W. Green, Western Australian Herbarium Research Notes Number 12, August 1986. Enhanced with information from George, A.S. (2009) Australian Botanist's Companion, Four Gables Press, WA.)These items are significant as a record of the occurrence of a plant species at a particular place and time and are a useful research resource. They are associated with the Cameron family, early Orbost settlers. Two albums of pressed flowers. 765.1 has a red cover with gold trim and printing. 765.2 has a blue cover. 765.1 - "Collected at Cann River 1874-98 by Annie Cameron " 765.2 - "Collected we believe by Robert P. Cameron in 1890's"botany australian-plants-flowers cameron-robert-pullar cameron-annie -
Orbost & District Historical Society
digital recording, Richard Rudolph Kreymborg, 2015
This recording was originally made C1970's-1980's at a service club meeting in Orbost. It was transferred from a tape recording in 2015. Rudy was the son of George James KREYMBORG and Ada Victoria (nee DAVIS). Born at Bulumwaal, near Bairnsdale he arrived in Orbost after time in Melbourne and then at the Bell Bird Hotel where his family had the mail run. In Orbost Rudy lived on the back of his his truck next to the present Murray Goulburn Store in „B‟ Road, Orbost with tw horses for company. (More info. from newsletter "RICHARD RUDOLPH KREYMBORG 1904-1987" by John Phillips.) Richard Rudolph “Rudy” KREYMBORG was a well-known district identity, a man who was often described as a legend in his lifetime. He lived a rough life, breaking horses, delivering mail on horseback, building roads and bridges, driving bulldozers and talking.A disc in a black plastic case. It is a recording of Richard Rudolph Kreynborg(b.1904 d.1987). It has been copied from a n original recording. -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Document (Item) - Report, John F. Waghorn, Yarra Track, Unknown
A report on the history of the Yarra Track by John Waghorn, a local amateur historian.A report on the history of the Yarra Track by John Waghorn, a local amateur historian. John Waghorn was an amateur historian, an authority on the history of Victoria's postal services. He could tell you how mail was delivered in the high country in the 1880s, where the town of Gobur was, or when the overland Melbourne-Sydney mail service began. He admitted that his hobby has got a little out of hand. He had 30 filing cabinets, and indexes of more than 70,000 postal workers over the past 160 years crammed into three rooms at his home. If an ancestor was a postmaster in a Victorian town, he may have been able to reveal the person's occupation, income and working conditions.yarra track, john waghorn, victoria's postal services, wood's point, sydney road, longwood, merton, mansfield, postmasters, bonnie doon, melville merton mansfield, eltham, healesville, marysville, walhalla, melbourne-warburton-wood's point line, loose bags, heidelberg post office, eltham post office, kangaroo ground post office, yarra glen post office, marysville post office, healesville post office, mansfield post office, jamieson post office, gaffney's creek post office, wood's point post office, postal department, george rieck, stockman, jones, beecher, stockman's reward, big river, mary mcdonald, upper yarra river, donovan's creek, cornelius donovan, bridget buggy, matlock, alexandra, william farrell, jordan diggings, new chum, watts river, black spur, narbethong, granton, acheron river, mount strickland, paradise plains, mount grant, mount arnold, jordan goldfields, william robley, robley's spur, big river crossing, great dividing range, cumberland valley, james mcguigan, w elliot, christopher harrison, james marsh, cobb and co, box hill, lilydale, fehrings, koehlers, shaws, bear creek, cairnsville, cumberland creek, walkers, golden bower mine, collins' mountain home hotel, walsh's creek post office, rosa mcveigh, frank barton, hitchins, matthew kennedy, william morris, e r nichols, t woods, tom burchell, peter kerr, henry kuyper, william podlech, george koehler, henry brockmann, henry petty, thomas smith, jacob butchart, john perry, slingsby davis, royal mail hotel, walter gray, john summers, travellers rest hotel, lockington, the oaks, the springs, st clair, thomas crawford, springvale hotel, john sinclair, saint clair hotel, gould, mathews, willie we have missed you hotel, germany, johan fehring, adelaide, linton, ballarat, gunbower, murray river, anna katerina fehring, 1890s depression, land boom, fehring place, fred baker, alf sparke, fehring's hotel, mcveigh's hotel, wood's point mountaineer, l cox, victorian country directories, letson cox, coburg, maria hayes, setson, fitzroy, richmond, john cox, jordan river, jericho, e. norris, le poidevin, newell, o'brien, alhambra, sinclair, parker, ellis, tripp, quin, vernon, thompson, charsley, james fahie, george locke, william chester, chesterville, kirwan, cumberland reserve, blue spruce, e.s. and a bank, selby joyce, selby charles joy, selby joseph joyce -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Rotary Club of Caulfield – Rosstown
Contains four items relating to the Rotary Club of Caulfield – Rosstown: 1/A pamphlet titled ‘Weekly Bulletin’ (6 pages on A4 pages folded) outlining various events, activities and meetings covering 08/1988 to 10/1988; such as blue light disco, tennis challenge match, Italian night, special speakers night and make-up meetings. Includes speaker Dr. Greg Holland-King, Counsellor at Caulfield Grammar School, on the problems of being an adolescent and Jack Campbell (former mayor of Caulfield). 2/Two articles and a pamphlet describing Jeffrey Gibb Kennett (Premier of Victoria) speaker at a Rotary of Caulfield-Rosstown Business Person’s breakfast on 04/05/1993. The pamphlet is 1 page, 2 sided – dated 04/05/1993, an article titled ‘Breakfast Blast’ cut out of the Malvern-Caulfield Progress newspaper dated 12/05/1993 and a photocopy of a newspaper article titled ‘Breakfast with the Premier’ – handwritten date 12/05/1993 with SC possibly meaning Southern Cross newspaper. (Includes 4 photographs). 3/Photocopy of an article (handwritten noting source to be Southern Cross 10/03/1993) titled ‘Sayonara to Caulfield, a Chance to Study in Japan’, describing Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown Association with Youth Friendship exchange program. 4/Research note of conversation with Felicitie Campbell on 11/04/2014 by Janet Gromer. It covers makeup meetings; that Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown became Rotary Club of Glen Eira; and that Rotary Clubs of Caulfield and Caulfield-Rosstown were separate entitites.the rotary club of caulfield-rosstown, clubs and associations, community groups, societal events and activities, the alma club, caulfield, wilks street, sherlock max, nettelbeck david, leske john, langfelder kurt, smith barry, davis rex, campbell jack councillor, fookes marc, graham jeremy, bellmaine mark, forshaw ken, tuhiwai tamati, jacob bob, holland-king greg, burstyner henry, smith barry, angus james, sarah ted, sherlock helen, rattray john, rome graeme, oscar geoff, warren ron, ford peter, will arnold, turner brook, cunningham david, hassing andre, morris robert, stapleton ted, jacobs frank, davis cardyn, moller lise, kennett jeffrey gibb mp, pollock david, strong john, regent lodge, latrobe street, caulfield market, caulfield festival, caulfield racecourse, charities, charity fairs, festivals and celebrations, youth clubs, excursions, student exchanges, wills david, woodward stewart, wills david, woodward stewart, marks stan, mocicka andrew, britten elizabeth, shelford grammar, premiers -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - TOURS
There are two copies of the Discover Caulfield guide produced by the Caulfield Historical Society. One from 1982 which contains twelve pages, seven of which are typed and the last five a continuation of the guide added later, hand-written. The other is a modern typed version of the same document. They both detail a pictorial tour of the mansions and gardens in the City of Caulfieldcaulfield, mansions, gardens, homes, ‘lirrewa’, lirrewa grove, caulfield city hall, smith sydney, ‘halstead’, bambra road, halstead road, caulfield historical society, messrs. upton and smith, civic establishments, dickson james dr., houses, national trust, st. stephen’s church, balaclava road, gothic (revival) architecture, messrs. haddon and henderson, st. aloysius, archbishop of melbourne mannix dr., caulfield park, hawthorn road, inkerman road, kambrook road, paddy’s swamp, cannizzo philip, caulfield city council, trams, orrong road, grimwade house, ‘harleston’, grimwade frederick sheppard, primary schools, caulfield art centre, ‘stanmark’, art galleries, ‘craigellachie’, person william, pearson eliza, francis newton mr., greenmeadows gardens, milburn grove, greenmeadows house, lempriere john, mayors, ‘glenfern’, boyd john captain, boyd martin, ‘myoora’, alma road, ‘bagatelle’, christian thomas, henderson anketell, flats, building construction, ‘burreel’, kooyong road, burreel avenue, francis john, stephen sidney, allan george l., ‘royston’, renwick s. mrs., sargood frederick sir., ‘glen eira’, ricketson henry, caulfield hospital, royal southern memorial hospital, caulfield general medical centre, ‘ripponlea’, reed and barnes, architects, towers, rippon emma, rippon thomas, guilfoyle william, employees, ‘the village houses’, regent street, st. george’s road, cottages, bent thomas sir., jones louisa mrs., nathan benjamin, ‘anselm’, glenferrie street, queen anne style, haddon robert, historical buildings, princes’ park, ‘glenmore’, watts thomas, more hugh, glenhuntly road, gates, villas, ‘hopetoun’, hopetoun street, webb charles, hopetoun hospital, harleston park, allison street, langdon montague, langdon harry joseph, ‘tarqua’, ‘labassa’, manor grove, koch john, robertson a. w., wagner john, ‘ontario’, trinity congregational church, grange road, glen huntly, churches, greek orthodox church, ‘fairfield hall’, north road, younger james, glenhuntly post office, smith alfred, smith anne, methodist church, ‘lambros the cobbler’, railways, ballantyne r., snowball betty, kahlyn private hospital, ‘kynaston’, st. mary’s jubilee school, festivals and celebrations, st. mary’s anglican church, church of england, bishop moorhouse, joynt donoman, elsternwick post office, elsternwick, elsternwick bowling club, elsternwick rsl, caulfield grammar school, davis henry rev., selwyn street, elsternwick railway station, glen eira road, barnett r. j. rev., tudor court, world war 1914-1918, ‘fairhaven’, hope george, caulfield library, plaques, cannons, ‘janvec joinery’, parkside street, ‘parkside court’, clarence street, ‘streetscene’, grange road, greenhouses, vallati gladys -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895, 1878-1895
The Donation Book relates to the Ballarat School of Mines Museum which opened in 1872. Very few of these items are still held by Federation University. The Museum was emptied in the 1960s with items being distrubuted to the Ballarat Historical Society, returned to original lenders (ie Pern Collection), of disposed of. Donations to the Ballarat School of Mines include: 34. M. Hamburger, Ballarat - bunsen burner 41. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - 81 nos of 'Engineer' 89. Juvenile Industrial Exhibition Association Committee per Joseph Flude - dies used for striking medals awarded to successful exhibits. 165. Ferdinand Von Mueller 172 Ferdinand Von Mueller o hortus siccus 6 197. James Stoddart 203. Edward Gazzard, North Creswick - Model of safety Cage invented and made by donor 218. E. Morey 222. Alfred Lestor 228. J.J. Sleep, Ballarat, patent Lever escarpment Clock (displayed in laboratories) 237. Bernard Smith (Warden) per favor of James M. Bickett - Bust of Mr John Lynch, Smythesdale. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 241. James Oddie, J.P., Ballarat, Copy of 'the Chemist and Druggist' 267. John Lynch Junior, Smythesdale - Cast of "Golden Age" nugget, found at Browns by Co-operative party, 12 men. Weight 75 oz, 12 dwts, 12 grs.(Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 270. Isaac Davis, Main Road, Ballarat 294. W. H. Shaw, Ballarat - 94 nos of 'The Engineer' 295. Rivett Henry Bland, Clunes - Specimen of water pipe from the Port Phillip Company's mine encrusted with carbonites of lime and magnesium (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 299. D.J. Williams, Queenscliff - 1 case shells from Fiji 305. C. Retallack, Ballarat 314. William Henry Shaw, Ballarat - glass case 323. W. Longley, Ballarat - Botanical Specimen (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 327. W. H. Angove, Perth 337. J. Cosmo Newbery, B Sc, Melbourne 343. James Hector, M.D., New Zealand 353. R.S. Mitchell, Ballarat - 8 specimens live plants (medicinal) (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 355. W. Magee, Ballarat - Sugar cane plants and seeds (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 363. James Hector, Wellington, new Zealand 371. William Wesley, 28 Essex St, Strand, London - Scientific book circular 380. Jacob Upfold (deceased) per favor of the trustees - bequest of steam engine indicator and belongings (boothe and case) 381. Joseph Mitchell, 22 Macarthur Street, Ballarat - sod of turf cut from Warboy's High Few, County Huntingdon, England, 1872. 394. W.H. Barnard 401. James Orr 418. F. Ratte, Sydney 440. Alfred Mica Smith, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Inaugural Address, delivered to the Bendigo School of Mines Science Society, June 20. 1881 by P.H. Macgillivray, MA, MRCS, FLS, President. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 446. C. C. Shoppee, Ballarat 462. Dr Bunce, Ballarat 468. James Black, Mining Manager "Kerrit Bureet' 479. J.S. North, Mining Manager No. 2 Queen Co, Black Hill Ballarat. 505. Smith Tibbitts - A block of ancient leaves from the Nigtingbool Estate near Haddon on the Ballarat district from shaft 80 feet deep. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 512. F.W. Niven, Ballarat - "A Handy Book to Tasmania" 522. James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand 549. C.E. Grainger, Manager Ballarat Woollen Mills - samples of dyed and raw wools 600. (4 July 1882) Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 13th annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain; 2 papers from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, nos 217 and 218- 1882, "One a new electrical storage battery by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria. 608. H. Glenny J.P., Ballarat - Specimen of Asbestos from Tasmania 610. M.H. Edelmann, Munich, Germany 674. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Steel boring 95 feet long taken from bed-plate of locomotive engine. 675 - H.R. Hancock J.P. pre favour Mr James Pryor, Moonta Mines 676. Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller KCMG, etc, Melbourne 678. E.F.A. Gaunt, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Nelson, per favour Lyde Gaunt - Specimen of manganese ore from the mines - Russell - New Zealand 728. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat 760. Simon Morrison, Ballarat 784. James Shugg, Hamilton - 1 case fossils from Muddy Creek, near Hamilton. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 786. W. Bolam (inspector of Schools), Melbourne - 2 spears and 1 fishing prong Fijian 806. James Oddie, Ballarat 708. Henry G. Hanks, San Francisco 786. W. Bolam (Inspector of Government Schools Melbourne) - 2 spears and one fishing prong Fijian 824. Henrique Gorceixm Onro Preto, Brazil 840. W. Laplau, Ballarat - Gas furnace with a large assortment of fittings, also large gas holder and oil-heating apparatus 854. Robert Borch, Main Road, Ballarat - Improved safety chain (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 928. James Oddie 944. James P. Munroe, Registrar, Massachusetts 952. L.E. Cutter per favour of Mr F.J. Martell - Unexploded bomb shell from the Eureka Stockade 957. H. Glenny, Hobart 962. George Hart, Ballarat - eagle 976. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 1 volume "Plattner on the Blowpipe" 978. J.W. Flatow, 45 Madeline Street, Carlton, Melbourne 984. Charles C Shoppee Ballarat - Copies of ancient coins 989-95 - Specimens from Moonta, South Australia 985. W.H. Wooster BOlwarra - books microscope related 1179. James Oddie - Live hedgehog 1181 C. Crisp, Bacchus Marsh, Portugal Copper Coin, 1785 1248 James Oddie, Solomon Islands - Bow and arrows & Spears 1285. C. Colyer, Smythesdale 1327. John L. McKenna, Smeaton - Fragment of Stone Axe. 1395. Mrs O. Skoglund, Nerrina 1428. Daniel Brophy, Ballarat - Collection of mineral specimen form Silverton (Collected by Mrs James Murray) 1442. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - Specimens of fossil fruits collected at Haddon by Charles Brown. 1444. Mining Department - Underground Mine Workings from Band of Hope and others. 1517. W.H. Wooster, Ballarat 1592. Bishop of Ballarat - Stone Axe and other native items 1669. H. McHaffier, Napoleons - 1 Spanish silver coin 1681. James Oddie, Dunedin 1688. W. Burbridge, Ballarat - Native Tomahawk from Metung 1708. A. Doepel, Ballarat 1712. Marty Guerin, Ballarat 1735. Bella Guerin. M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 7 May 28th 1887 and The Bulletin, March 19th 1887. 1747. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 8 June 4 1887 1751. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 9 June 11th 1887 1842. Linnean Society, London England - Charter, By Laws, Proceedings, Transactions, Journals 1853. W.J. Corbould, Silverton, NSW - chloride of silver from Pinnacles, Broken Hill, Silverton 1888. W. J. Corbould, Sample of metallic silver from Silverton, NSW 1928. E. Morey, Ballarat - Steam Engine 1937. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman (number crossed out) 1951. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman 1981. Harrie Wood (per W.H.B.[Barnard?), Ballarat 1996. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Papers "The Vict Engineer July 1887, May June July August 1888 and others 2014. Harrie Wood, Sydney - Report Department of Mines, 18872027. W.J. Bechervaise - Copy of Book by Baldwin Spencer 2034. A.G. Randall - Native Hatchet 2045. W.H. Corbould, Silverton, Collection of silver ores 2051. Fowler, Tarnagulla - Native Tomahawk 2123-2131. James Oddie, London 2163. Roff. F. Taplier, Sturt Street - Native Tomahawk 2178. Syd. Johnson, Meredith - Native Tomahawk, Greenstone 2184. Mr Tupp for Hall - Native Spear and Club 2292. Emmanuel Steinfeld, Melbourne 2313. A. Atwood, Rowlands Factory, Dana Street 2361. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat - Collection of Living Sponges 2363. P. Curnow, Ballarat - Piece of wood with stone naturally embedded 2364. R. Dowling, Waubra 2875. Mrs C, Flude, Ballarat - Collection of (5) mineral specimens 3460. Joseph Weir, Ballarat - Sample of rolled Annibar 3466. J. Hart, Ballarat - Native Shield - supposed to have been made by King Billy 4784. Mr. O. Woolnaugh, Pleasant Street - Four Native Tomahawks 6469. L. Balhausen, Ballarat 3472. John English, Smeaton - three samples of auriferous wash dirt 3607. Columbia College, New York - Handbook of Information of the Columbia College in the Ciry of New York 1892-3. 3672. L.A. Samuels, Bendigo 3724. P. Paperhagen 3736. The Late Rivett Henry Bland per John Noble Wilson - Collection of mineral specimens and fossils 3752. G.A. Denny, South Africa 3755. J. Carroll, Ballarat - Specimen of Native bread found in Ballarat East. 4765. J. Donnelly, Springs, Bungaree I. Fowler, Coolgardie, Specimen of Gold Bearing Quartz ballarat school of mines, doantions, museum, ballarat school of mines museum, safety cage, botanical garden, materia medica garden, library, bella guerin, james oddie, phoenix foundry, w.h. shaw, john lynch, henry sutton, aboriginal, stone axe, tomahawk, geological specimens, moonta, fedinand krause, oddie collection of minerals, thomas bath, spears, solomon islands, king billy, bows and arrows, ancient coins, birds eggs, snakes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat Junior Technical School Certificates, 1914-1939, 1914-1939
The Ballarat Junior Technical School was part of the Ballarat School of Mines.Foolscap, charcoal green book with red leather binding and marbled edges. In date order each student who received a certificate from the Ballarat Junior Technical School between 1914 and 1939 is listed, along with their results.ballarat junior technical school, certificates, guido brelaz, noel brelaz, harold adair, norman anstis, howard beanland, allan bernaldo, g. g. callister, francis capuano, j.e. capuano, peter chatham, arthur coates, leslie crouch, richard dale, francis davis, henry dodds, jack dulfer, john dulfer, donald furlong, john garner, bennett gluyas, otto hauser, r, haymes, graham hopwood, arthur h. hoskin, r.m. kittelty, carl krahnert, larkin, michael, leask, james, leech, george, fred longhurst, john martin, john mcnabb, harold morton, g.g. netherway, harry o'bern, h. pitman, keith rash, percival a. trompf, percy trompf, harold g. wakeling, harold waller, robert h. warnock, thomas wasley, george webb, albert williams, john a. garner, walter button, jack kopke, b. bernaldo, a. snowden, g.c. callister, a.l. brittain, w.j. bassett, j.k. kneeshaw, ronald ditchfield, l.a. chung -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Quadrangle: Magazine of the Junior Technical School Ballarat, 1960, 1960
The 1960 Quadrangle magazine committee were Kelvin Whitford, Bill Heywood, Ken Delayney, Daryl Burt, John Cornish, John McDonald, Ross Gray, and Messrs I. Chisholm and N. Watkins.Salmon coloured soft covered magazine of 46 pages. Contents include: Villiers Internal Combustion Engine, Geelong, School Song, Death of W.J. Paterson, Old Boys Newsletter (Keith Rash), Pine plantation. Robert Champneys, Air Training Corps, Mothers' Club Images include: R. Watson (headmaster), staff, prefects, tennis court, Peter Trezise, Doug Rash, Wong Chik Min, John Gilbert, John McDonald, Ray Bilney, Denis Moy, John Crawley, Roberto Venier, Reijo Karvinen, Cheetham Salt Works; Graeme Cummins, Gerald Kessel, James Colligan, Alan Everett, David Newman, Air Training Corps, Ken Wach, Athletics team, Tunnel Ball Team, Cross Country Team, Basketball Team, Softball Team, Football Team, Swimming team, Cycling Team, Cricket Team, ballarat junior technica school, ballarat school of mines, whitford, watson, paterson, w.j. paterson, george cornell, franklin, tresize, prefects, tennis court, peter trezise, doug rash, wong chik min, john gilbert, john mcdonald, ray bilney, denis moy, john crawley, roberto venier, reijo karvinen, cheetham salt works, graeme cummins, gerald kessel, james colligan, alan everett, david newman, air training corps, ken wach, athletics team, tunnel ball team, cross country team, basketball team, softball team, football team, swimming team, cycling team, cricket team, r. watson, kelvin whitford, bill heywood, ken delayney, daryl burt, john cornish, ross gray, william paterson obituary, ron kirner, keith rash, air training cadets, i. pym, c. antonio, k. woodyatt, b. middleton, a. everett, b. clarke, d. riddiford, i. trembath, j. myers, l. goldsmith, p. chanler, p. edge, s. riddiford, r. cook, j. holt, k. fellows, d. coldicott, douglas rash, g. angow, n. jones, john dellaca, j. angwin, w. scanlon, m. chung, g. holt, r. bilney, w. carey, r. carmichael, b. mckinnon, n. bedggood, r. robinson, c. cunninham, r. grubb, l. skevington, g. cole, w. whiting, ronaldson-tippett, palmer bros, h. dubberley & son, m.b. john and hatersley limited, h.a. davis motor service, alexandria tea rooms -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, about 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Triangular shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, About 1871
This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Oblong shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, Ballarat School of Mines Staff Photos, c1988
Laminated black and white photographic portraits of Ballarat School of Mines staff members.xballarat school of mines, ian aitken, anne wood, roger macfarlane, des cooper, malcolm vallance, mal vallance, lyn pitt, floss stephenson, shane everard, lily saylor, linda bland, lyndall cooper, don doulton, julie baulch, peter gunn, malcolm gaunt, steven medelson, jan reeves, trevor slater, tracey cummins, ray martland, ann kerr, kieran jones, mandy rhook, john gibson, iam pym, patti mcnulty, janice shepherd, lindy hamill, bob feary, philip dixon, ron lucas, glen mcgregor, gordon whitefield, david fithall, bill bridges, doug symons, keith howlett, bernie stevens, norm howard, ray barnes, peter kelly, garry christie, paul clarke, robert munt, shaun tope, james mddonald, graeme tyrell, bruce wallis, tracey coleman, bradley rae, phillippe theatre, don lawless, bill whittle, geoff nicholls, maureen carli, keith boast, fiona watson, sonia davis, manfred hacker, ian robinson, jeff fletcher, angela murray, angela smith, lyn peucker, rosemary moorhouse, keith hankin, judy mills, brian webber, jan o'toole, veronica black, fleur haller, lorelli huggins, karen cook, len wilson, bruce staley, lynne beaumont, dzintra crocker, faye hunt, leonie hines, sally smith, jenny leviston, heather durant, barrie firth, john van dreven grant curnow, ron sutton, lynne schepis, pam merrett, fran harrison -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1962, 1962
Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1962. Editorial, Prominent Personalities, The Principal's Pages, The Richard W. Richards Medal, The Challenge, Camera Portraits, Conferring of Diplomas, The Highest Distinction - the F. J. Pomeroy Cup, What is Mathematics?, Microliths, Begonia Festival Procession, In a Man's World, Retirement of Mr. Harold Yates, The Eric McGrath Award, Asian Students in the S.M.B., Austral-Asian Relationships, Originality - At What Price?, Sports Awards 1962, Sports, The BEAT Generation, University in Ballarat, Heads of Departments 1873 - , Associates Black soft cover with grey inscriptions and grey and yellow figures on front cover, 72 pagesOn one of the first two loose pages there is the inscription "Copy uncollected by student but paid for, used to cut our advertisers' copy, 15/08/63".ballarat school of mines students' magazine 1962, staff, sports, stanley white, kelvin whitford, eric mcgrath, ian weir, gordon johnson, kerry penna, kevin oscar rogers, robert coutts, graeme waller, anita bitans, noel kelly, john davis, tony brauer, sue davies, h. e. arblaster, w. h. reimann, a. j. bethune, william peter john huberts, d. pollard, john boermans, james william beattie, edward westlake doney, john maxwell gilbert, barbara anne o'conell, helen margaret ross, robert william tantau, jeffery murrell, barry thomas dunstan, juris erdmanis, sr. mary andre power, james william john, walter henry reimann, donald james stewart, ronald william furlong, kenneth joseph howard, allan graham rock, robert geoffrey champneys, denis richard colbourn, wilhelmus peterus johannes huberts, neil herbert andrews, john barry gillick, charles edwin goddard, donald william pope, william henry saggers, ronald charles davis, travers william duncan, brian thomas hickey, robert reginald archer, kaspars bitans, robert william lochhead, tony white, teng seong khoo, robert frederic murrell, john william faulkner, harry w. goldsmith, h. darby, don holmes, j. r. pound, david james, ross gray, harold yates, w. l. moore, teddy gan, m. moissinac, c. gan, b. tanthiem, l. k. oh, b. eng, doug rash, d. holmes, t. c. poh, b. saw, s. wendt, p. malins, d. a. black, g. biddington, borom tanthiem, edward elsbury, w. lancaster, mount isa mines, eric mcgrath award, ballarat school of mines revue, electrolytic zinc companyof australasia limited, m.b. john, b. and g. myers, broken hill associated smelters -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1963, 1963
Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1963. Editorial, Prominent Personalities, King Island - Vacation Wonderland, Look back in Wonder, The Sensible Enemy, Diploma Conferring Ceremony, R. W. Richards Medal, Diplomas Conferred, Personality Tests and the Individual, Poison to Poison - Students' Revue for 1963, Malaya, Income Tax, Rustling Rags, Where Mankind has Failed, Sports Awards 1963, Sports, School Council, Members of Staff, Roll Call Yellow soft cover with red inscriptions and black figures on front cover, 104 pages including advertisements.ballarat school of mines students' magazine 1963, staff, sports, tony brauer, bob coutts, paul pusari, jeni milbourne, kerry penna brian mclennan, bob grub, john davis, netta walta, kevin brady, oscar rogers, kuo yiew see, h. e. arblaster, stanley white, quentin reynolds smyth, l. p. coombes - chief superintendent aeronautical research laboratories melbourne, graeme george redman, robert skewes, chookiat tanaksaranond, alan james bethune, lachlan stewart campbell, graham william hall, john rash, alan kenneth webb, peter agrums, sr. mary chanel fitzsimmons, david ewan clarke kirton, william joseph lannen, neil frances menz, keith houston alexander, john alexander pollock, john peter russell, francis william hunting, chookiate sirivongse, chong thung tay, keith stanley waller, bryan magson, anne moorehouse, stephen drew, gerry liston, gary roberts, ray megee, peter smith, daila berzins, don yates, kelvin whitford, greg hunter, david bell, michael moissinac, neil mudge, arthur patterson, edward scull, joseph heller, g. roberts, j. humphreys, bobby ong, alan cox, p. l. day, r. coutts, wayne johnson, prasert mahattanakul, l. t. negri, ooi kok hai, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1916, 1916
Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, First Principles, Excursion to Melbourne, General Principles of the Cinematograph, Arts & Crafts gossip, In Memoriam, Public notices, Answers to correspondents, Echoes of the past, Science School, Technical Art School, Shun Military notes, The Camp Concert, The Junior Techs, Past members of the staff, Swinburne Technical School visit. Blue soft covered magazine of 62 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, charles w. whyte, patrick s. anderson, william t. sayer, william f. m. johnson, robert m. sergeant, harold t. w. dixon, harrie wilson, ernest s. morsehead, carl jensen, t. wilkins, james fairbairn fairley, l. c. blick, f. maxwell, n. turnball, j. a. greenshields, e. eimering, l. tonkin, h. smith, r.cox, r. o. buchanan, l. vernon, w. h. steane, n. henry, r. dale, ted cannon, john walter sutherland, basil sawyer, charles burbury, herbert r. sleeman, eustace m. weston, oliver e. jaeger, godfrey s. hart, lionel j. lambert, charles g. fraser, l.w.g. buchner-malcolm, james a. reid, richard g. walker, leslie j. coulter, herbert e. hawkesworth, leslie de jersey grut, frederick g. brinsden, lewis j. westcott, angus d. gibson, henry j. whittingham, virgil tucker, norman c. tinworth, charles e. finnis, benjamin h. bennett, valentine g. anderson, ernest s. anderson, ralph i. moore, john a. grant, william gerldard, francis c. hall, harold g. cornell, robert b. lamb, sydney radcliff, george a. denny, frederick p. paul, j. lipson hancock, edgar c. hursfield, david w. bonar, wilfred l. allen, william j. lakeland, frederick a. marriott, eric byron moore, karl byron moore, norman stuckey, percy r. osborne, john f. sporn, horace l. giles, maurice troup, albert e. davies, thos. h. trengrove, garnet nightingale, walter h. bennett, cyril theimeyer, stanley tomkins, harold herbert, viola jackson, hilda wardle, elsie naples, jessie pridgeon, gertrude owen, alfred berryman, herbert malin, cedric white, arthur lilburne, donald j. johnson, arthur kennedy, eulalie perry, rex l. cutter, ronald ferguson, murdoch spencer, john b. sutcliffe, elliott gower, james leckie, richard craze, thos. r. pridgeon, d. hambly, harold n. ferguson, mabel morris, jack blaikie, robert allen, aubrey simmons, janet white, harold brown, kenneth moss, robert tremain, j. m. hobba, f. g. davis, e.j. cannon, reginald callister, r.c. callister, f.g. procter, gladstone procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Documents, Frank Pinkerton Printer and Stationer, Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute Fine Arts Exhibition 1876 Catalogue (copy), 1876
Copy of a twenty page art exhibition catalogue fine arts exhibition, ballarat mechanics' institute, john ware, j.w> hines, a.t. turner, a.m. greefield, j. rice, w.h. batten, j. curtis, a.j. boulton, alex hunter, w. hambly, a.m. greenfield, t. walton, henry brind, henry richards caselli, isaac davis, d. brophy, g. willetts, w.b. tappin, henry sutton, w. elsden, julius hogarth, w. weire, a.l. gatliff, gordon a. thomson, r.s. brown, h. blomfield, w.r. gunn, c.k. pearson, w.k. watts, george herbert, james south, b.w. wheatland, c. humphreys, h. weeks, h. dowling, j. munro, j. price, f. mitchell, t.h. thompson, p. windmiller, j. reid, e. towl, h. wheeler, robert brown, l. blair, r.m. serjeant, j.m. fisher, e. uren, j. gatliff, john harrison, william street, c.i. burrows, j. mcdowall, thomas bath, d. book, w.q. pinnell, charles boyd, eureka stockade pike, j. holloway, frank pinkerton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat Catholic Young Men's Society, 1892, 1892-1894
The Ballarat Catholic Young Men's Society was established on 01 August 1892. This is the organisation's first minute book. Rev. Dr Delaney advocated for the formation of the Ballarat Catholic Young Men's Society. Curtin and Scullin became members of this organisation, and it is where they learnt to debate. William White was one of the founders of the Hibernian Society. 09 August 1893 - Richard Sutton provided a piano for recital by Mr Bailey. Brown hard covered minute book with red spine. It is the first book of the Ballarat Catholic Young Men's Society. The minutes are handwritten in ink. This item is held offsite and will require up to a week to retrieve it into the Geoffrey Blainey Research Centre. Use the email link below right to discuss retrieval.Bookplate from M.C. Carey Post Office Stationary Warehouse. ballarat cathoic young men's society, j. murphy, r. hager, e.j. hayden, e. ryan, r.h. sutton, e.f. ryan, john meehan, w. hawley, w. maloney, e. harmer, james slater, patrick walton, j. parker, j. healey, w. moore, w. murphy, delaney, j.b. pearson, e. adams, george rode, j. moran, w. mcnamara, j.p. daly, y. mcmanamny, j. nugent, james shannon, francis clancy, george armstrong, william lamoriniere, john noonan, john hede, m. tierney, james foran, patrick o'donnell, thomas ballinger, thomas carey, h. bradley, j. cullan, j. o'callaghan, p. breheny, john hand, j. nrennan, w. mclennan, st patrick's day, p. russell, p.j. brown, john pratt, michael callinan, william white, richard h. sutton, carey ward, j. gillies, j. sheehan, rudy hager, w. armstrong, c. cusack, patrick o'hallaran, a. hager, j. manning, john o'grady, arthur smith, andrew quinn, john williams, r. wrigley, john murray, d. hanrahan, w. foley, martin tierney, g. o'malley, james bradley, john shelley, e.j. haydan, e. doherty, a.n.a. hall, w.h. davis, donald hayden, debating, fr o'dowd, south street debating society, bookplate, commercial bookplate, j.j. fitzgerald, p. walsh, h. elligott, j. hastings, j. redden, e. higgins, michael murphy, j. maher, h. mclennan, m. o'dwyer, m. kennedy, thomas nolan, thomas egan, edward mcintyre, w. bibby, j. bolger, st patrick's day procession, j.w. curran, reid's coffee palace, p. mcshane, j. lynch, thomas moran, f. mcconville, a. carnegie, father o'farrell, james carroll, john mcelroy, j. o'shannasay, a.c. carnegie, j.j. cardiff, p. nicholas, j. cullen, t. o'loughlin, thomas o'loughlin, w.h. david, thomas loughlin, h. mccauley, j. whiting, f. lynch, d. ryan, c. carey, m.c. carey, cyms