Historical information

This book has been written and published by Vanda Savill (1913-2005). She and her husband ran a dairy farm and the Bower Bird Museum and History Centre at Heywood, Victoria. She was passionate about keeping alive local people’s personal histories and for 20 years she wrote and published many books dealing with the histories of people in Western Victoria. ‘Taming the Wild’ tells of the settlers of the Portland/Tyrendarra area.


This book is of interest because it is an account of many settlers in the Portland/Tyrendarra area of Western Victoria. The format of the book, handwritten in a conversational and warm style, is also of interest.

Physical description

This is a soft cover book of 160 pages. It has been handwritten by Vanda Savill and her own handwriting had been reproduced in printed form. The cover has a black background with silver-coloured writing and images of a hand holding a pen, birds and leaves. The book has many black and white photographs. The book is bound with a plastic clip.