Physical description

A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents - Vol 5485 Fol 1096804.

Inscriptions & markings

Harold Claude Howship of Mt. Dandenong Road Ringwood, Nurseryman, is now the proprietor of an Estate in Fee-simple subject to the Encumbrances notified hereunder ... 5 acres 3 roods 10 perches or thereabouts, part of Crown Section Twenty, Parish of Warrandyte, County of Evelyn, together with a right of carriage way over roads coloured brown.
Subdivision map includes Wonga Road (later Warranwood Road), Grandview Grove (later Bemboka Road), and Plymouth Road, Ringwood.
Proprietors and Transfers include
Emily Mills, Plymouth Road Ringwood, Widow - 27th January, 1939.
William George Carter, Grandview Grove Warranwod - 14th March, 1947 - 3 acres
Evelyn Goudie and Beverley Gwen Goudie, Wonga Road Warranwood - 23rd October, 1950 - 1 acre
