Physical description

A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents - Vol 5598 Fol 1119416.

Inscriptions & markings

Thomas Arthur Wentworth Burkitt of Box Hill, Retired Clerk of Courts, is now the proprietor of an Estate in Fee-simple subject to the Encumbrances notified hereunder ... 35 acres 1 rood 11 perches or thereabouts, together with right of carriage way over part of Warrandyte Coach Road on plan of subdivision no.12040. Subdivision maps includes Brysons Road, Warrandyte Coach Road (later Wonga Road), Rangeview Parade (later Omeo Parade), and Kardinia Crescent, Warranwood.
Mortgages and Transfers include
Mortgate - part to the Trustees of Vic District no.82 I.O.O.R, 1st August, 1929,
Mortgate - part to Arthur Edward Perry, 1st August, 1929,
Transfer 1426692 - George Clements Dickason and Will Gordon Sprigg, 20th August, 1929,
Transfer 1766662 - Linda Elizabeth Collins, 28th March, 1940.
