Document, Certificate of Title - Mary Burchett, Lilydale Road, Ringwood - part of Crown Section 20, Parish of Warrandyte, County of Evelyn - 14th January, 1910

Physical description

A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents - Vol 3398 Fol 679415.

Inscriptions & markings

Mary Burchett of Lilydale Road, Ringwood, Married Woman, is now the proprietor of an Estate in Fee-simple subject to the Encumbrances notified hereunder ... 55 acres 3 roods 35 perches or thereabouts, being lots 8 and 9 on plan of subdivision no.4315. Subdivision map includes un-named road - Grandview Grove (later Bemboka Road, Warranwood, Vic). Title transferred to Theodore Hartley Burchett, 27th July, 1911.


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