Physical description

A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents - Vol 3520 Fol 703991.

Inscriptions & markings

Theodore Hartley Burchett of Lara Lake, Farmer, is now the proprietor of an Estate in Fee-simple subject to the Encumbrances notified hereunder ... 180 acres 01 rood 27 perches or thereabouts, being lots 1, 8, 9 and 10 on plan of subdivision no.4315. Subdivision map includes un-named roads - lower western side is Wonga Road (later Warranwood Road), and eastern side is Grandview Grove (later Bemboka Road), both north of Plymouth Road, Ringwood, Vic.
Transfers include
Anna Maria Wicks and Henry James Trowbridge, 3rd October, 1911
Elizabeth Ann Walden, 18th September, 1912 - 28ac 3rds 5per.
Edward Thomas Miles, 22nd September, 1913 - 27ac 19per.
Samuel Styles, 10th October, 1916 - balance.
