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Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme, Western District Orchestra, 1904
This is the programme of a concert staged by the Warrnambool Orchestral Society, probably in 1904, in the Warrnambool Town Hall. As well as the Warrnambool Orchestra conducted by Louis Bayer, the concert featured Watkin Mills, Eduard Parlovitz and the Western District Orchestra. Louis Bayer (1857-1907) was born in Germany and came to Warrnambool in 1891. With his wife he taught piano, violin, orchestration and singing and established the Warrnambool Orchestral Society. Bayer was the Musical Director of the 1896-7 Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition, composing the Cantata for the opening ceremony and directing over 60 musical performances, including 22 operas and many concerts. Bayer was a composer and produced many operas, including one called ‘Federation’. Robert Watkin-Mills (1849-1930) was the leading English bass baritone concert performer of his time. He was successful in Britain, U.S.A. and Canada and moved to Canada in 1914. He toured Australia in 1904 and again in 1905. Eduard Parlovitz was a distinguished Polish pianist. This programme is of great significance as an example of a 1904 concert produced under the direction of Louis Bayer, one of the most important musicians in Warrnambool’s history. The concert also featured two internationally-known artists, demonstrating that in 1904 Warrnambool was a venue for the top musicians of the day. These are two sheets of paper folded to make one cover and four pages of printed material. The cover is pink with borders, some ornamental, forming the text boxes that separate the concert information from advertisements for two Warrnambool businesses. The programme details are printed on the white paper inside the cover and include two advertisements. The programme has been stapled but the metal staple has been removed. The programme is slightly torn on the cover edges. warrnambool orchestral society, louis bayer, robert watkin-mills, eduard parlovitz -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Souvenir - Tumbler etched glass Warrnambool exhibition 1896-7, 1897
The Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7 was held for three months in the Town Hall/Council Chambers/ Mechanics Institute buildings with additional temporary buildings placed on the Liebig and Timor Streets corner area. It was one of the biggest events ever held in Warrnambool with an estimated 70,000 attending. John Villiers, the owner of a glassware and crockery shop in Liebig Street and a well-known theatrical performer, had a large display stand at the Exhibition. He displayed glassware items from Britain and Europe and sold souvenirs of the Exhibition. Villiers engaged Mr Bartholomew, a Melbourne engraving artist, and he gave engraving exhibitions at Villiers’ stall. Glass etching had not been seen in Warrnambool previous to this. No doubt many of his engraved objects were sold and this glass tumbler would be one of these. This is a valuable and significant item because:- 1. It is an important souvenir from the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7, the only one we have from Villiers’ stall. 2. It is an example of what is believed to be the first etching on glass to be done in Warrnambool. The identity of ‘M.R.’ is not known. This is an etched glass tumbler from the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. It is plain glass with a solid base. A three branched frond of fern is on one side of the glass and a two-branched frond of leaves on the other. ‘Warrnambool Exhibition, M.R. 1897’ warrnambool, warrnambool industrial and art exhibition 1896-7, etched glass tumbler, john villiers 1896, warrnambool souvenirs, villiers -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Seal: Woodford Mechanics Institute, 19th century
Mechanics Institutes were first established in the 19th century in Scotland and England to improve the education of working class men and to instruct them in their various trades. In Australia Mechanics’ Institutes were set up in the late 1920s with the first one in Melbourne dating from 1839. The Institutes in Victoria were (and some still are) a feature of Victorian country towns, usually consisting of a hall containing a Library and in bigger centres art class rooms and other recreation areas. The Woodford Mechanics’ Institute was established in 1861, enlarged in 1868 and burnt down in 1917.This seal is of major interest as it is the only seal we have of Mechanics’ Institutes in our district. These Mechanics’ Institutes were very important in the educational and social development of Victorian country towns. This is a seal or stamp made of brass and attached to a wooden handle. The wood on the handle is of a dark colour and is urn-shapedStamp - Woodford Mechanics Institutemechanics’ institutes, woodford, early mechanic institute seal -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Post Card, 2015
This is a printed invitation to the opening of an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ballarat in June 2015. The exhibition was of the art works and calligraphy of James Meek. It was curated by Joan Luxemburg who is writing a book on James Meek’s life and work. James Meek was an important 19th century fisherman, fish curer, accountant, writer, gold explorer and calligrapher. His art works are prized for their historical content and their illustrations of the work of a calligrapher at its best. This card is important as it concerns the art works of James Meek. He was important in the history of Ballarat, Peterborough and Warrnambool in the 19th century. In the latter town he was a well-known punt operator, a gold explorer, a writer and lecturer and a fish company operator. Several of his important calligraphy works were produced in Warrnambool. This is a lightweight cardboard card printed on both sides with printed material, logos of sponsors and an image of a section of one of James Meek’s sketches. ‘The Inimitable Mr Meek’james meek, art gallery of ballarat, joan luxemburg -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Art Gallery Ballarat, 2015
This is the program for the exhibitions and activities conducted by the Art Gallery of Ballarat in the winter of 2015. It includes the exhibition of the works of James Meek, of particular interest to Warrnambool as Meek was resident there for a number of years in the 19th century. The Ballarat Art Gallery is the largest and oldest regional art gallery in Australia, being established in 1884. The booklet is of interest as it shows the depth and variety of exhibitions and activities held at a regional art gallery. It includes the exhibition of the works of James Meek, a 19th resident of Warrnambool where he was well-known as a fishing company operator, a punt operator, a fisherman, a writer and lecturer and a gold prospector in the Otway Ranges. His calligraphy works are of great interest, both artistically and historically and one of his works belonging to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society was loaned to Ballarat for this exhibition. This is a booklet of 32 pages containing the program of the Art Gallery of Ballarat for Winter 2015. It contains logos of sponsors, a floor plan of the gallery, black and white and colour photographs and sketches and printed material on each exhibition. The cover has a reproduction of an image from Norma Redpath’s ‘Flight From Jerusalem’ art work. Front Cover: ‘Art Gallery of Ballarat, Winter 2015’art gallery of ballarat -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Tie Pin, Tie Pin half crown, Late 19th century
This tie pin has as its centerpiece a souvenir medal from the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. This exhibition was held in the Town Hall and Council Buildings and the Mechanics’ Institute and temporary buildings at the corner of Liebig and Timor Streets, Warrnambool. It was held over three months and attracted many visitors and featured concerts, sports events, industrial exhibits and a variety of competitions. This is an interesting and important item. It is one of the more unusual mementoes from the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition and shows the use made of souvenirs from exhibitions around the world. This tiepin was purchased in an antique shop in England in the 20th century. This is a metal tie pin with three circular coins, soldered together at the edges. In the middle is a souvenir medal of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7 showing an image of the Exhibition buildings at the corner of Timor and Liebig Streets on one side and a Coat of Arms on the other side. The two smaller coins on each side are imitation British half crowns. The clip at the back is soldered on to the two smaller coins Medal: Industrial Exhibition, Warrnambool 1896 Coins: 1889-90 warrnambool industrial and art exhibition 1896-7, warrnambool, tie pin -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Paint set, Artist's paints, Late 19th century
These items are a collection of paints etc for those artists wanting to produce lustroleum and crystoleum works of art in the late 19th century and early 20th century. These works of art using lustroleum and crystoleum which were mainly metallic paints, were produced on a variety of surfaces, including glass, wood, tapestry, china and ivory. These items have no known provenance but it is known that lustroleum and crystoleum painting were popular pastimes with women in Warrnambool in the late 19th century. There are several records of women advertising classes in lustroleum and crystoleum painting in the 1880s and 90s in Warrnambool. One was these was Annie Newcombe, an art teacher who offered classes at her studio in Timor Street in 1884.This is a metal tin with a metal catch and a hinged lid. The tin contains 10 items - four glass bottles of Lustroleum, one glass bottle of gold paint, one glass bottle of purple metallic paint, one tube of green paint, one china bowl with a lip for pouring, one dish to hold paint with a broken base and one small dish for holding paint. There is also a sheet of paper containing information on the Crystoleum Company of London advertising that they supplied photographs, price list for classes, silk frames and crystal glasses. On bottles: ‘Lustroleum Registered’ ; ‘H. Bessemer, Gold Paint’, ‘Purple’, On tube: ‘Winsor & Newton, Chrome Green, Vert Anglais, London England’ crystoleum and lustroleum painting, warrnambool, paint set, artist's paints -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Poster, Poster for Robert Ulman exhibition, 1982
This is a poster advertising an art exhibition by the Warrnambool artist, Robert Ulmann. The exhibition was held in the Naringal Hall in November/December 1982. Robert Ulmann (1927-1999) was born in Zurich, Switzerland where he studied sculpture and painting. After living in Canada for some time he came to Australia in 1969. From 1970 to 1972 he was employed by the Northern Territory Administration as a manual arts instructor to the aboriginal people of Docker River west of Uluru. He exhibited extensively in city and regional galleries and won numerous awards for his artistic works. His love of wildlife extended to his interest in the Southern Right Whale and he was greatly responsible for publicizing the annual appearance of the whales at Logans Beach in Warrnambool and protecting their environment. His studio in Warrnambool is still visited by many tourists. This poster is of interest as it concerns an art exhibition of the work of Robert Ulmann, a well-known Warrnambool artist of the 20th century. This is a sheet of white paper with black edging. It is an advertisement for a Robert Ulmann Art Exhibition. The page has a sketch of three birds with Robert Ulmann’s signature underneath. robert ulmann, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Modern Aboriginal Paintings, 1976
This is a book produced by Rex and Bernice Battarbee and contains reproductions of aboriginal art work, including the work of several of Albert Namatjira’s children. Reginald (Rex) Battarbee (1893-1973) was the son of George and Mary Battarbee who lived in East Warrnambool at a property called ‘Skiddaw’. Rex’s sister, Florinda was a local artist who was his first teacher of art. Rex became a well-known artist, depicting mainly the Central Australian landscape. He is credited with discovering and fostering the artistic talent of Albert Namatjira, the best-known of the early Australian aboriginal artists. This is one of the few mementoes we have of the artist Rex Battarbee who was born in Warrnambool and spent his early years in this city. This is a hard cover book with the pages unnumbered. The cover is brown with colour reproductions of two aboriginal paintings on the front and back cover. The printing on the front cover is in yellow and white lettering. The book contains written text and many reproductions of aboriginal paintings. The inscription on the first page is handwritten in black biro. ‘L. Durrant, From Russ, May 1979’. rex battarbee, aboriginal art, albert namatjira -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Catalogue, Profiles Warrnambool Gallery, 1994
This booklet is a catalogue of most of the works of art that were displayed in an exhibition in the Warrnambool Art Gallery in 1994. It was described as ‘a celebration of artists committed to living and working in country Victoria’. It was intended to be the first of similar exhibitions and was initiated by the Warrnambool-based Cultural Association of the South Coast and Western Plains. The Warrnambool Art Gallery was officially opened in 1886 though the local Mechanics’ Institute and Museum had been collecting works of art before this date. When the Mechanics’ Institute building was taken over for Council use in 1963 the Art Gallery ceased to exist and the works put in storage. The Gallery re-opened in temporary premises in 1971 and the present Warrnambool Art Gallery, a memorial to Fletcher Jones, was opened in 1986 in Liebig Street. This is an interesting catalogue as it is one of the few examples we have of the work of the Cultural Association of the South Coast and Western Plains. This Warrnambool-based group operated for a short time only in the 1990s.This is a soft cover booklet of 40 pages. It is bound with metal staples. It has a white cover with black printing and reproductions of black and white works of art on the front and back covers. The booklet contains reproductions of the works of art (in black and white) by 34 south west Victoria artistswarrnambool art gallery, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Artefact, Container (Howitzer Shell), 1917
This container is a piece of trench art. It has been made in 1917 in World War One. The container is made from a 4.5 inches Howitzer shell. The 4.5 Howitzers were British artillery units made with a short barrel and used to fire missiles over a high trajectory. It is probable that the container was made by an Australian soldier while on active service overseas during World War One. This container has no known local provenance but it is a very interesting and attractive piece of World War One trench art. This is a heavy brass container made from a Howitzer shell. The container is round with four-leaf clover –type patterns on the side and three round knobs welded on to the bottom to give it a base. There are many markings on the base of the shell and these may all be the original markings. The lid is made of lighter brass and has an octagonal-shaped knob on top. ‘4.5 Howr 11’ ‘B.A. 3 3 17’ ‘1917’ M.A.C.’ etc world war one, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Musical Instrument, Edison Phonograph, 1905
The phonograph is a mechanical device for the recording and reproduction of sound and originally used a tinfoil sheet wrapped around a rotating cylinder to produce the sound. It was invented by Thomas Edison of U.S.A. in 1877 and was the model for all phonographs or gramophones made and developed throughout the 20th century. This machine is of particular interest to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society as it is an Edison phonograph and an earlier model of this phonograph was used in Warrnambool late in the 19th century to make an important recording. In 1896 Thomas Rome, an employee in a Warrnambool boot and shoe shop, purchased an Edison phonograph that could both play and record sounds. At the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7 visitors to the Exhibition paid a fee to listen to music on this phonograph. But Rome also recorded some local Warrnambool people singing and speaking and these recordings survive today. They are regarded as the oldest surviving recordings made in Australia. Thomas Rome later became a shoe shop proprietor in Warrnambool and was a well-known person in the town/city for a great number of years. This is an Edison Gem Phonograph. It has a black-painted wooden base, now detached from the main mechanism. The phonograph is made of metal which is now heavily rusted. It has a cylindrical turntable for playing the Edison cylindrical records and a handle with a wooden knob. The turning mechanism and belt are now broken. The name of the manufacturer and details of the patents are on a metal plate attached to the side of the phonograph. The amplifier mechanism at the top of the machine is missing. The cover of the machine is made of wood and has a wooden handle attached with a piece of metal and two metal screws. There are also two metal screws on the side of the cover. The cover has a slot on the side to allow the turning handle to be accommodated outside of the cover. The cover is much stained and spotted. ‘Edison Gem Phonograph’ thomas edison, history of sound recordings, thomas rome (warrnambool) -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Coffee Cylindrical, circa mid to late 1900's
This "coffee" tin has by the "art deco" appearance its origins in the late 1950's to 1960's. This time period was one of accelerated growth both in the physical (housing) sense and the mental (new ideas and inventions) changes in "attitudes". These occurred more rapidly in cities but had its effects on the rural environment. The drinking of coffee was spurred on by easier distribution of imported food and drinks. Advertising by stronger radio links and then by television brought the variety of foods and drinks to semi isolated rural regions. The accessibility through greater information channels becoming available brought with it unbelievable ranges of goods and foodstuffs. Rural regions still relied on bulk supplies and relatively larger storage containers than those in cities. This "bulk" buying and storage "syndrome" was a lingering result of many years of "drought" periods when road transports met delays from flooded roadways in supplying population centres in the Kiewa Valley. The construction phases in building the SEC Vic Hydro electricity Scheme in the eastern sections of the Victorian Alps brought many changes to the quiet rural regions in the Kiewa Valley. Changes in population and social mores. The influx of a varied , mostly temporary, and "European flavoured cuisine" changes the "cuppa tea only" flavour to the have a "coffee break". The subliminal influence of the "American" films changed those children growing up in the post 1950s from the "English tea" to the "American coffee". This "Americanisation process has influenced not only rural Australia but also other areas throughout the world.This "insignificant" coffee tin is very significant as it demonstrates that the Kiewa Valley was becoming more accessible to reliable coffee supplies and general food items.The container was part of a "set" of containers that included tea, sugar,biscuits,flour, rice and other family condiments. This type of kitchen storage containers was brought about through changing patterns in tea and coffee useage and overall consumption. Household demands for faster "self help" cooking especially beveridges and the greater choice of kitchen "utensils" was brought on by easier access to products due to a lessening of the area's "isolation" by having a reliable (all weather) road system and an ever increasing population growth. The need for travelling goods/merchant supply caravans to service the area became a diminishing factor, as a result of the establishment of grocery stores in Tawonga and Mount Beauty in the supply of previously "hard to get" groceries. This transition was precipitated by the SEC Vic Hydro Scheme of the 1940's to 1960's which increased the valley's population level three fold.This cylindrical tin has a pull/push lid(for easy access to the contents). The container is labelled for "coffee" however it has no commercial manufacturer's label to establish that it was bought with coffee ingredients in it. The majority of the container's external surface has a "metallic" light blue colour with two sets of silver rings confining black (horizontal spotted) rectangles. "COFFEE" within an elongated spherical "art deco" four pointed banner of silver and black colouringkitchen containers, domestic food storage, bulk stocks of dried condiments -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Invitation to Reception for Governor visit 2013, 2013
This invitation to attend the City Reception to the The Honorable Alex Chernov AC. QC , the Governor of Victoria and Mrs. Elizabeth Chernov, was given to Glenys Phillpot , the former Warrnambool City Councillor and four times Mayor of Warrnambool. The reception in 2013 was held at the Warrnambool Art Gallery.This item is retained as an example of an invitation from the Warrnambool City Council to attend a Civic Reception to a visiting notable person. A sheet of white paper with black and green printing, the Warrnambool City Council logo and four colour photographs.warrnambool city council, the honorable alex chernov, governor of victoria -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1906
This Hymn Book was given to Margaret (Peggie) Peacock by the Christ Church Choir, Warrnambool when she left Warrnambool in 1912. She was the sister of Archdeacon Andrew Peacock, the fourth Vicar of Christ Church, Warrnambool. Their brother was Sir Alexander Peacock, at one time Premier of Victoria. Margaret Peacock kept house for her brother and assisted him in his pastoral work. Her brother died in Warrnambool in 1912 and Margaret left the town. She died in 1947.This book is of considerable importance as it belonged to a Warrnambool resident in the early 1900s. She worked as a housekeeper for her brother, Archdeacon Peacock and assisted him in his pastoral duties in the Anglican Church. The sketch in the book shows that Margaret Peacock was interested in art work and the caption, ‘Where Memory Lingers’ shows that she had fond memories of her time in Warrnambool. The book was in the possession of her sister, Mrs Uglow, the wife of a Colac physician and this lady was a friend of Gladys Angus, the wife of a well-known Warrnambool doctor, Roy Angus. Mrs Uglow gave the book to Mrs Angus’ daughter, Berry McDade and she has handed it over to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society for safe-keeping. This is a maroon-coloured leather-bound book of 514 pages of hymns (music and words) and 31 pages of additional material at the end of the book. The inside of the cover has an ornamental gilt pattern on the edges and the page ends have red gilt shading. There are four loose pages, three of them relating to the ownership and donation of the book and one is a prayer for members of the Girls’ Friendly Society. The front cover has been personalised with gold lettering with the initials of the owner and there is an inscription inside relating to the original presentation of the book to the owner, Margaret Peacock. This is in silver and black script. There is also a sketch of Christ Church, Warrnambool by Margaret (Peggie) Peacock inserted into the third page. There is some small damage to the first page.Front Cover: ‘Hymns Ancient and Modern, M.P., HIS’ Inscription: ‘To Miss Peacock, A parting gift from the Choir, Christ Church Warrnambool, October 1912’ Sketch: ‘Where Memory Lingers’ christ church warrnambool, archdeacon peacock, margaret peacock, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Battarbee & Namatjira, 2014
This book gives details on the lives of the artists Rex Battarbee and Albert Namatjira. It is written by Martin Edmonds. The book explores the relationship between the two artists and the effect on each other of artistic philosophies and techniques, described as each being ‘a catalyst and a primer for the other, each shimmering alongside the other’. This book is of considerable interest as Rex Battarbee was born and reared in Warrnambool and his older sister Florinda was his first art teacher and an important influence in his artistic development. She was also a talented artist and a well-known art teacher in Warrnambool and many of her works survive. The Warrnambool Art Gallery holds works by both Rex and Florinda Battarbee, with the works of the latter belonging to the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. The Battarbee family members were prominent in Warrnambool business and artistic circles at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Rex’s father was a shopkeeper and had a bacon and ham curing business and the family lived in East Warrnambool at ‘Skiddaw’. This is a soft cover book of 342 pages. It tells the stories of the artists Rex Battarbee and Albert Namatjira. It contains a Contents page, an Introduction, ten chapters, a Note on Sources and Acknowledgements. The front cover has a black and white photograph of Battarbee and Namatjira. The text includes several black and white photographs. rex battarbee, albert namatjira, florinda battarbee, history of australian art, history of warrnambool, warrnambool art gallery -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Warrnambool Art Gallery 1886-2016, 2016
These books celebrate the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Warrnambool Art Gallery. This Gallery is owned and operated by the Warrnambool City Council as a memorial to Sir David Fletcher Jones who was nationally known and a leading citizen in Warrnambool for many years as a businessman (Fletcher Jones and Staff) and as a philanthropist. The Warrnambool Art Gallery was founded in 1886 and is the third oldest institutional collection in Victoria and the fifth oldest in Australia. This book is of considerable interest as it reproduces many works of art from the Warrnambool Art Gallery, a highly significant collecting institute in Warrnambool. These are two copies of the book containing 130 reproductions of works of art (both in colour and in black and white) held at the Warrnambool Art Gallery. It is a soft cover book of 128 pages edited by Vanessa Gerrans. The cover designed by Ian Robertson has a white background and the shapes of the Warrnambool Art Gallery logo have been used as multi-coloured windows containing details of each of the 130 reproduced works. The title of the book is in black print. As well as the reproduced works of art the book contains A Message from the Mayor, notes on the Friends of the Warrnambool Art Gallery and the Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation and an article on the history of the Art Gallery. warrnambool art gallery, warrnambool city council, david fletcher jones, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book - Book of photographs, John Stoddard, Portfolio of Photographs of Famous Scenes, Cities and Paintings, c.1900
A book with a collection of world wide photographs owned by a member of the Swinton familyThis is a book containing printed text and black and white photographs. There are several loose pages at the back. The book has lost its cover and has been inserted into a folder not relevant to the contents.non-fictionA book with a collection of world wide photographs owned by a member of the Swinton family world travel, swinton family of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, William Strutt et al, Victoria The Golden - Scenes, Sketches and Jottings from Nature, 1980
Reproduction of an early Victorian artist's workThis is a book of 85 pages. It has a blue cover with gold lettering on the front cover and the spine. It contains printed text, reproductions of artistic works - sketches, lithographs and jottings. non-fictionReproduction of an early Victorian artist's workvictorian colonial art, william strutt -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Financial record - Dockets (two), John Hyland et al, 1897
These two 1897 dockets are from the Warrnambool auctioneers, John Hyland and Archibald Macfarlane. They refer to the sale by auction of the material from the demolition of the temporary buildings erected at the corner of Timor and Liebig Streets in Warrnambool as part of the staging of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition, 1896-7. This exhibition, a major event in Warrnambool's history, ran from December 1896 to March 1897 and according to the press reports at the time attracted over 70,000 people to its many exhibitions, competitions and entertainments. Despite its popularity the Exhibition ran at a financial loss and the sale of the material from the temporary buildings was an attempt to recoup some of the losses. The sale of the timber, iron, glass etc from the temporary buildings returned about one-third of the original cost of the buildings. A feature of the John Hyland docket is the payment of seven shillings and sixpence to Ballis the bellman for ringing his bell and vocally advertising the sale in the town. These two dockets are of considerable interest as they add to our knowledge of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition, an important event in our local 19th century history.1 and .2 These are two dockets printed on white paper with ruled red lines.The headings are printed and the details of sales are handwritten in black ink.19th century warrnambool auctioneers, warrnambool industrial and art exhibition 1896-7 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Financial record - Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Accounts Ledger, Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute Secretary/Treasurer, Cash Book, 1907-1911
Although the organization name is not in the book, this ledger appears to have been used as a financial record for the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute from 1904 to 1911. Most of the entries are the names of those subscribing to the Mechanics' Institute Library, the finances connected to the School of Art and Design and moneys received in connection with the Mechanics' Institute billiards room. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute was one of the earliest established in Victoria, being founded in 1854. The School of Art and Design, the second of its kind in Warrnambool, was established in 1883 and continued to be administered by the Mechanics' Institute until 1908. It eventually became part of the Warrnambool Technical School, opened in 1913. A local Museum was a feature of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute for many years. A billiards room was a recreational feature of many Mechanics' Institutes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute closed in the 1960s with the library section continuing and the building was demolished in 1975 to make way for new Warrnambool Council buildings (including a new library)This ledger is of considerable interest as it is an early record of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute, one of Warrnambool's most influential organizations. The names listed in this ledger are of historical interest and provide much material for local history researchers.This is a ledger with a black cover with gold printing on the front. The pages have ruled red and blue lines and handwritten entries in black ink and blue crayon. The spine of the cover is somewhat tattered on the edges.warrnambool mechanics' institute, warrnambool school of art and design, ethel mitchell warrnambool school of art and design -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition Medallion and Box
This medallion was awarded by the Commissioners of the Warrnambool Industrial & Art Exhibition to ten boys from the Kew Asylum who sent handmade items (basketware, matwork etc ) for display at the Education Court of the Exhibition. The Warrnambool Industrial & Art Exhibition, held in Warrnambool from December 1896 to March 1897, partly to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, was a signal event in Warrnambool's history, with one report suggesting that over 70,000 people attended the various activities held over these months. These included concerts, operas, displays, business stands, sporting events and competitions. The earliest surviving voice recordings made in Australia were produced in Warrnambool at this Exhibition and there were various other 'firsts'. The medallion awarded to the boys at the Asylum for the high quality of their work, was made by the Melboune firm of Stokes and Sons who had a stall and machinery at the Exhibition and made small souvenir Exhibition coins on the spot for visitors to buy. As well as the gold medallion the boys were also given by the Commissioners some small souvenirs to the total value of 12 shillings. This medallion is of great historical value as it is a precious and rare memento of the 1896-7 Warrnambool Industrial & Art Exhibition, an important event in Warrnambool's history..1 A round gilt-bronze medallion with a bust image of Queen Victoria and lettering on one side and a laurel wreath and lettering on the other side .2 A square black box with a metal hinge and clasp. The inside is lined with dark blue satin and silk and has a sunken area to hold a medallion. The maker's name is printed in gold lettering on the inside top of the lid.Warrnambool Industrial & Art Exhibition 1896-7 Diamond Jubilee Awarded to Idiot Asylum Kew For excellence of Workmanship Basket & Matwork & Photos of Asylum Stokes & Sons Medallists Melbournewarrnambool industrial & art exhibition, kew asylum medallion, medallion, 19th c exhibition warrnambool, warrnambool, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medallion, Australia A.I.F
This badge appears to have been made in World War Two and may be an example of trench art made by a soldier serving overseas. The piece labelled ‘Australia’ may have come from another badge belonging to that soldier. This badge has no known local connection but is of interest as a memento of World War Two. Semi circular stylised badge with background forming the letters AIF. Australia is on a slightly rounded bar in the front of the letters. Hole in upper left corner.AIF as background. Australia printed on banner at the front.warrnambool, aif warrnambool, aif badge -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Bottle, Australian Glass Manufacturers, R F Kennedy & Co, Early 20th century
This bottle comes from the chemist’s business in Timor Street Warrnambool of R.F.Kennedy & Co. Richard Frank Kennedy came to Warrnambool in 1880 and established a retail, wholesale and manufacturing business in Timor Street. The business was described in the 1904 ‘Cyclopedia of Victoria’ as the largest and best-appointed pharmacy in Victoria. Kennedy was prominent in community affairs in Warrnambool, being a Town Councillor, a Justice of the Peace, and on the committees of the Warrnambool Hospital and the Mechanics Institute and Art Gallery. He was the first Vice-President and fourth President of the Warrnambool Bowls Club. After Kennedy’s death in 1903 the pharmacy business continued as a company and this bottle comes from that time. The Kennedy chemist bottles were well-known for their lighthouse logo (Warrnambool having two operating lighthouses during the company’s time, with these still operating today).This bottle is significant as an example of a chemist’s bottle from R.F. Kennedy & Co. This pharmacy was a dominant business in Timor Street, Warrnambool for over 40 years. This is a small clear glass bottle with a rectangular-shaped body with rounded sides, a small neck and a moulded open top. The stopper is missing. The chemist’s name and a lighthouse logo are etched into the side of the bottle. ‘R.F. Kennedy & Co Chemists Warrnambool’ ‘M297 AGM’ r.f. kennedy, warrnambool chemist, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Card, Hallmark, On your retirement, 1968
This card was presented to Bruce Morris on his retirement as editor of the Warrnambool Standard newspaper in 1968. The signatures on the card are those people who worked closely with him (the editorial staff?) on the newspaper. Bruce Morris (1903-1986) was the grandson of George Lance, well-known in Warrnambool in the 19th century as an artist, writer and musician who was deeply involved in the establishment of the Warrnambool Art Gallery. Bruce Morris was the staff training superintendent at Myer in Melbourne during the 30s and 40s. In 1946 he became the editor of the Warrnambool Standard and remained there until 1968. For 22 years he observed and recorded the events that affected the lives of the local people. He was noted for his historical articles (mostly with the initials BBM) and continued to write these articles for the Standard until the year he died. This card is of interest as a memento of Bruce Morris, one of Warrnambool’s important historians. This is a buff-colured card folded over to make a leaflet with a sheet of white paper folded over in the middle of the leaflet. The front cover has gold ornamentation and gold printing. There are a printing of a verse and eleven signatures in blue on the inside paper. ‘Ron Oakley, E. Fitzhenry, Eileen T, Horne, Don Burnett, Mac Jeffers, Peter Robertson, Terry Daffy, David Ferguson, Bruce Johnson, Ron Armstrong, Jim Ewing.’brue morris, warrnambool, warrnambool standard editors, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Swap Card Albums (2), Mid 20th century
The 120 cards in these two albums are very varied in content. There are many of birds and animals, some of great artwork reproductions, some of famous places and buildings, a couple of V.F.L. footballers, two from the Melbourne Olympic Games, some matching pairs and a couple of Australian aboriginal art work. They are all of high quality and many are very beautiful. Swap card collecting was a popular activity for young girls throughout the 20th century and cards were swapped with friends and sometimes sold. Usually the cards, bought from newsagents and fancy goods shops, were kept loose in a school bag or pocket and so the number of cards and the type varied from week to week. Boys also often saved cards of a particular nature – sports cards, nature cards etc though the idea of ‘swapping’ was not so prevalent among the boys. Card collecting, usually promoted by a business concern or a toy company, is still a pastime for young people today. The cards in these two albums are of considerable interest as they are of good quality and are aesthetically pleasing. They also are good examples of a popular hobby of girls in the 20th century. .1 & .2 These two albums are similar in size and design. Both have grey/pale green covers with red printing on the front cover. Both are bound with two staples and both contain 10 pages with inserts to hold three cards each side of the page. The inserts are edged with a green decoration. Both albums contain 60 coloured cards. There is evidence of silverfish damage on the front covers of both albums. hobbies of the past, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents – Art Gallery, Chief Secretary’s Office, Melbourne, 1886-1911
All but two of these letters came from the office of the Chief Secretary of the Government of Victoria and concern the grants allocated to the Warrnambool Art Gallery from 1886 to 1911. At that time the Art Gallery was under the control of the Warrnambool Mechanics Institute Committee and managed by the Secretary/Treasurer of that group. The Government funding for the Art Gallery at the time represented a sum of money equal to the value of the works of art donated locally to the Art Gallery in any given year and frequently the estimated value of these art works were queried by the Warrnambool Secretary of the time. Two notable Secretaries of the Mechanics Institutes during this time were Walter Cockman (1880-1892) and George Lance (1892-1901). The correspondence under review here was retained by George Lance and his family and came into the possession of Lance’s grandson, Bruce Morris who was the editor of the Warrnambool Standard newspaper from 1946 to 1968 and was a well-known local historian. These letters are of considerable importance as they are original and document the struggle of the Warrnambool Art Gallery over the years 1886 to 1911 to secure funding from the Victorian Government.These are 19 pieces of correspondence relating to Warrnmbool Art Gallery grants and purchases from 1886 to 1911. The letters are written on different size pieces of paper (mostly foolscap size), with thirteen of them being handwritten and six being typed. All letters have original signatures. The earliest letter (1886) is very tattered. warrnambool art gallery, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Correspondence – Louis Buvelot, 1889-1897
One of these items is an 1894 letter written by the artist Tudor St George Tucker regarding one of his artworks in the Warrnambool Art Gallery collection. The other eight letters were written between 1889 and 1897 and document the controversy of the time when the authenticity of the art work by Louis Buvelot, The Waterhole at Coleraine, in the Warrnambool Art Gallery collection, was questioned. The Warrnambool photographer Daniel Clarke was querying the authenticity of the art work in the Art Gallery but evidence in the form of letters from George Folingsby of the National Gallery in Melbourne and from Louis Buvelot’s widow, Caroline-Julie, confirmed that there was confusion over the number of art works that Buvelot had executed with a similar theme. It was eventually proven that the Buvelot art work was genuine. The public spat was largely played out in the Warrnambool Standard but these original letters fill in the gaps of our knowledge on the subject. The letters came into the possession of George Lance who was involved with the Warrnambool Mechanics Institute /Art Gallery in the 1880s and 1890s and was the secretary of these institutions from 1892 to 1901. The letters were then handed on George Lance’s grandson, Bruce Morris, a well-known Warrnambool historian who was the editor of the Warrnambool Standard from 1946 to 1968. These letters are of great significance as eight of them are the original letters written in connection with the 19th century controversy in Warrnambool over the authenticity of a Louis Buvelot art work owned by the Warrnambool Art gallery. .1 A sheet of paper folded in two containing three pages of writing handwritten in black ink and pasted on paper. .2 A sheet of paper folded in two containing one page of writing handwritten in black ink and pasted on a sheet of paper. .3 A sheet of paper with handwriting in black ink pasted on a piece of paper. .4 One sheet of paper folded in two to make four pages of writing, handwritten in black ink. .5 .6 .7 A sheet of paper with handwritten material in black ink pasted onto another sheet of paper .8 A sheet of paper folded in two with three pages of handwritten material pasted onto another sheet of paper. .9 A sheet of paper folded in two with one page of handwritten material pasted onto another sheet of paper. tudor st. george tucker, artist, louis buvelot, artist, george lance, warrnambool, daniel clarke, warrnambool, george folinsby, melbourne, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Inventory of Old Museum, Gaspars Modern Print, 1972
This inventory of the contents of the old Museum in Warrnambool dates from the 1920s. A Mechanics Institute under the management of a local committee was established in Warrnambool in 1854 and a Mechanics Institute building was erected in Liebig Street in 1871 (site of present Municipal Library). Museum items and art works began to be collected and housed in the Mechanics Institute building at that time under the care of a committee member and local policeman, Joseph Archibald. This collection did not survive in any significant form after Archibald left the town but it was revived and vastly expanded when he retired and returned to Warrnambool in 1880. Archibald is regarded as the founder of the Museum which officially dates from 1883. In 1910 the Warrnambool Town Council took over the management of the Mechanics Institute, including the Museum collection. This museum continued until 1963 and was a much-loved institution in the city. The contents of the old Museum were dispersed, with many items lost but a considerable portion of the collection was under the care of Warrnambool Art Gallery and John Welsh, the Director in the 1970s, in an effort to keep the records of the old Museum intact, had the 1920s inventory reprinted. This inventory of Warrnambool’s old Museum is of considerable historical importance as it is an almost complete record of the Museum’s contents in the 1920s and so is very useful to researchers today.This is an inventory of 190 pages with a cardboard backing. The pages have three punched holes on the left side and are tied together with black and white cotton cord. At the front of the pages is a plastic envelope with a heading. The pages contain typed material, mostly in mauve ink and these are copies of the original typing. The typing on some pages is very faint and two pages have been re-copied to make them more legible. Warrnambool Art Gallery Old Records of the Warrnambool Museum collected by John A.Welsh, Director, and restored by Gaspars Modern Print 25th September 1972. old museum, mechanics institute building, history of warrnambool, joseph archibald -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Label, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Early 20th century
Martha Wright was the proprietor of a fancy goods store in Liebig Street, Warrnambool opposite Jordan's studio. She took art needlework classes offering seven lessons for 5 shillings . Her pupils were successful at local shows and she herself won second prize in the Australian Womens Work Exhibition of 1907 for the best made washing dress for a girl of 12. This item is significant as Mrs.Wright was a prominent business woman in Warrnambool in the early 20th century.White rectangular label with dark blue lines and background .ART NEEDLEWORK AND REQUISITES From Mrs. Wm. Wright LIEBIG ST. WARRNAMBOOL Telephone 158 GOLFERS & KNITTED SUITS A SPECIALITY martha wright, fancy goods, australian womens work exhibition