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Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Stories Untold and Faces Forgotten By James Affleck, 2015
This project started from the discovery of named photographs which were discovered behind an Honour Roll at the Koroit Primary School during renovations in 2009. These two volumes contain enlistments in the First World War, from the area of Koroit, Port Fairy, Macarthur, Penshurst and surrounding hamlets. It stretches from Codrington in the West through to Byaduk, Penshurst, Caramut in the north, and down though Woolsthorpe, Winslow and Dennington. It includes the personal family details, military records, photographs where possible, and fate of each soldier. Enlistments from the district numbered 250 men who paid the supreme sacrifice and 1100 who returned. It includes citations for bravery, excerpts from correspondence and local press.The significance and value of these two volumes lies in the fact that they bring together a large amount of information from various sources and link them effectively to the area of the Western district. They tell the stories of the many district soldiers of the first world war.Volume 1 Cover has collage of photographs of soldiers over coloured with different shades of green. Title text is white on black banner. Back cover is in shades of green, yellow and black with photograph of soldier and his bride in the centre. 348 pages Volume 2 has the same front cover with a family plaque on the back cover commemorating the four Dix brothers. Page numbers continue into Volume 2 up to page 654. The full index of names is contained in Volume 2. Signed James Affleck, April 17, 2015 on title page. The volumes are dedicated to “The brave men of the AIF, particularly those written about in these volumes.” stories untold and faces forgotten by james affleck., soldiers from the western district ww1, codrington, byaduk, penshurst, caramut, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Letter book, Early 20th century
This letter book (1910-1922) was found in the old Mackay Taylor building in Kepler Street. The Secretary of the Presbytery of Mortlake in the early 1900s was George Mackay who established his legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James Fletcher in 1893 to form Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s J. Taylor joined the business which was known from then on as Mackay and Taylor and this firm existed until the 1990s. George Mackay was prominent in Warrnambool civic and community affairs and was Secretary of St. John’s Presbyterian Church for many years. The Presbytery of Mortlake was an administrative district committee established in 1862 and included the Presbyterian churches of Port Fairy, Tower Hill, Wangoom, Allansford, Warrnambool, Woodford, Hexham, Caramut, Mortlake and Terang. The committee consisted of the local ministers, some elders and other church representatives and met monthly or quarterly to discuss church business that affected the region.This letter book is of some significance as it indicates the type of business carried out by a district church council – properties, missions, individual church problems etc. It also shows the community work of George Mackay, a prominent Warrnambool resident at the time, and the book contains his signature many times over. The book will be of interest to researchers. This is a ledger with dark blue binding and binding reinforcements on the spine and corners. The inside covers are lined with thick paper in a mottled blue, black and white coloured pattern. There are 249 pages of copies of letters written, some typed, some handwritten. Front cover: Label with typed title ‘Presbytery of Mortlake’ Spine:’ Letter Book’, ‘Mortlake Presby’. presbytery of mortlake, george mackay, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Leaflet, Coffee & Cake, 2012
The Red Cross was founded in the mid 19th century based on the ideas of Swiss business man Jean-Henri Dunant. The Australian organization was founded in September 1914 and the Warrnambool branch in October 1914. The Wangoom branch was formed at a later dateThis recipe book is of minor interest as an example of the production of a local volunteer group – Wangoom Red Cross. It will be useful for display.This is a 12 page booklet of six A4 folded and stapled pages. The printing is black on a white background and there are sketches related to cookery. This is a 12 page booklet of six A4 folded and stapled pages. The printing is black on a white background and there are sketches related to cookery. wangoom red cross, recipe books -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Calendar, Harry Taylor 1962, 1961
This calendar was issued to customers of Harry Taylors Mens Shopin Warrnambool in 1962. Harry Taylor came to Warrnambool in 1932 and opened a menswear shop in Liebig Street. By 1962 Harry’s sons were running two shops at 132 and 136 Liebig Street. In the 1980s the shop at 132 Liebig Street was known as Taylors Colonial. Today this shop is still operated by members of the Taylor family under the name of Surfodesy. Members of the Taylor family been associated with men’s wear and sports wear shops in Warrnambool, for over 80 years and so any historical item connected with the shops is of some importance. The production for customers of a yearly calendar by businesses was, and still is, a feature of our social history.This is a 1962 calendar printed in blue and red on white paper. It has been produced for Harry Taylor’s Men’s Shop in Warrnambool and features two photographs, one of Margaret Smith, the tennis player and one of the Duke of Edinburgh. There is much typed material showing dates etc of prominent sports activities in Australia in 1962. A calendar for 1962 is at the bottom of the page.warrnambool, calendar -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Booklet, CFA 126 Championship, 2009
The Warrnambool Fire Brigade was formed in 1863. The first fire engine house was in Liebig Street and carters were required to carry water to fire scenes. In 1889 the Council built a new Fire Station on Liebig Street and Warrnambool hosted its own Annual Demonstration in 1894. In 1891 the volunteer brigade became part of the Country Fire Brigade. The Fire Station relocated to Raglan Parade in 1915 and then to Timor Street in 1961. In 1989 the Brigade moved back to Raglan Parade. This booklet is a memento of the State Urban Championships that were held in Warrnambool in 2009 (Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria and Country Fire Authority)This is a booklet of 96 pages containing printed material, maps, advertisements, photographs and tables. The back cover is white with a Powercor Australia symbol in red and printed material. The front cover is multi-coloured with a photograph of the Fire Station at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The pages are stapled.Front Cover: VFBV, Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, CWA, 126th State Urban Championships, 7th, 8th and 9th March 2009, Victorian State Senior Championships, Warrnambool 2009, Warrnambool City Council logowarrnambool fire brigade, state urban championships (2009) -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Museums Aust Victoria, 2014
This is the handbook for the third annual Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference held in Warrnambool. The conference was run in conjunction with Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village which was celebrating its 40th anniversary. Warrnambool Art Gallery was one of the sponsors of the conference. This handbook is of interest as it tells us of the activities and speakers at a conference which was held in Warrnambool in 2014 and which highlights particularly Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village and the Warrnambool Art Gallery. This is a paper back booklet of 16 pages. It is the Conference Handbook of the Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2014 which was held at Warrnambool in April 2014. The pages contain printed material, advertisements, the conference program and information on the conference presenters. The cover has a white background with a map of Warrnambool Bay and town (Stanley 1870) on the front cover and an advertisement on the back cover.Front Cover: Museums Australia, Victoria, Victorian Museums & Galleries Conference 2014, Warrnambool 3-4 April, Museums Australia (Victoria), Conference Handbookvictorian museums & galleries conference. -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Booklet, The Dennington Factory Looking back, 1907-2005, September 2005
... This is a paperback booklet of 37 pages. The cover is white... (with logo) This is a paperback booklet of 37 pages. The cover ...This booklet records in brief the history of the Nestles Factory at Dennington, Victoria from its opening in 1911 to its sale in 2005 to Fonterra Milk, Australia and the closing of the Nestles association with the Warrnambool district. The factory initially produced Sweetened Condensed Milk and by 1918 was the largest Milk Condensery in the world. In later years there were productions of cheese, Sunshine Powdered Milk and Nescafe Instant Coffee. Six two-storey residences were built for employees and there were twice-daily trains from Warrnambool to the factory and back for many years. The Nestanglo Social and Sports Club, established in 1923, was important in the community life of Dennington and beyond. This booklet will be of great use as it gives a very good summary of the history of Nestles Factory at Dennington and reveals how important the factory was to the Warrnambool region and to Australia.This is a paperback booklet of 37 pages. The cover is white with a black and white photograph of the Nestles Factory (Alex Wilkins photograph) set in a brown background. The pages contain printed material and photographs and blank pages at the back for autographs. The pages are stapled.Front cover: Nestle (with logo), The Dennington Factory, Looking Back, 1907-2005 Back cover: Nestle (with logo) dennington nestles factory,, dennington, milk condensery, sweetened condensed milk manufacturing -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, A tale of two cities: a History of Modern Warrnambool, 2015
This book is the story of modern Warrnambool, describing aspects of the city from the 1980s to 2015. It looks at such topics as religion, law, population, housing, infrastructure, employment, industry, health, education and politics. The author, Gordon Forth, was formerly a lecturer in the Faculties of Education and Arts and the Director of the Centre for Regional Development at Deakin University in Warrnambool. He has written and edited a number of books dealing with Warrnambool and district history. Mark Rashleigh, responsible for the design and lay-out of the book and many of the photographs, was a lecturer in visual communication and graphic design in the Faculty of Arts at Deakin University and is now involved with the Warrnambool and District Historical Society in the preparation and cataloguing of historical photographs.The book is of some importance as it is the only comprehensive study of Warrnambool over the past 30 years and complements ‘By These We Flourish’, the story of Warrnambool’s people, places and events up to the 1980s. It is will be of great interest to readers in general and researchers in particularThis is a hardcover book of 320 pages. The dust cover is multi-coloured (black, white and gold) with an image of the water tower at the former Fletcher Jones Factory site on the front cover and an image of the Warrnambool Breakwater on the back cover. The hard cover book has the same colouring and images as the dust cover.Front covers – ‘A Tale of Two Cities – A History of Modern Warrnambool’, ‘Gordon Forth’, ‘Halstead Press’ Spines – ‘A Tale of Two Cities – A History of Modern Warrnambool’, ‘Forth’, ‘Halstead’ Back Covers – ISBN number and code warrnambool, gordon forth, a history of modern warrnambool, a tale of two cities -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Album - Family photo album, Photograph album, Circa 1954
This album shows a collection of photographs some of which are labelled as Munster Services Club. Some show the Bookshop at the TOC H building. There are photos of soldiers in parade drills and in training exercises as well as social events. One is labelled D Craven & Rab, Munster 1954. Another is labelled London bus 2 RTR Munster. The 2 RTR was a tank regiment in the British Army and was stationed at the Swinton Barracks in Munster from 1952-1959. There are also a number of loose photos showing local scenes such as London Bridge and Needle Rock at Childers Cove. Others depict floats in a parade showing Peace Woollen Mill. Others are small postcards of MaryBorough and Brisbane Queensland. There is also a photograph of the Nestanglo basketball team, Victorian champions circa 1940’s. This collection of photographs has limited local relevance as there is limited provenance. However it depicts quite well the activities of the RTR and their activities in Munster in the post WW era.Brown and fawn snake skin patterned card cover with fawn cord binding. Photographs written in gold on front cover. Pages are brown card. Photographs are black and white.Munster Services Club.warrnambool, swinton barracks munster, munster services club 1952-1959, 2rtr munster -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Booklet about Port Fairy, Life before Folkie, 2013
This booklet aims to give a brief outline of Port Fairy’s history for the benefit of visitors. Port Fairy was an early sealing and whaling town with white settlement established by 1836. As the port and shipping declined so did the town until its reinvigoration in the mid 20th century as a tourist town and the home of the annual Port Fairy Folk FestivalThe book is of use as a quick reference to Port Fairy history.This is a booklet of 48 pages. It contains printed material, black and white photographs and a map. The front cover has a black and white image of the Port Fairy lighthouse. Front Cover: ‘Life Before Folkie, A Visitors’ History of Port Fairy, David R. Jones’port fairy, david r. jones -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Project, Proudfoot's Boat House, Late 20th century
Proudfoots’ Boathouse was built in 1885 by Thomas Proudfoot and has remained an important historic building in Warrnambool to this day. In the late 20th century the original buildings were lifted and renovated and a new building constructed in front. This material on Proudfoot’s boathouse will be of considerable use for researchers on the buildings, especially the detail on the 1990s renovations and additions.This is a Warrnambool Secondary College school assignment (Claire Isaac) about Proudfoot’s Boathouse in Warrnambool. There are twelve unnumbered typed papers on white paper (A4 size) and five loose newspaper cuttings. The typed pages are outlined in red. Included are black and white photographs (copies) and colour photographs.proudfoot’s boathouse, claire isaac -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - City of Warrnambool Art Show 2014, StarPrinting, 2014
The Rotary Club of Warrnambool East has conducted the City of Warrnambool Art Show annually since 1992 and attracts entries from around Victoria. Warrnambool has a vibrant art community as indicated by the value of the prizes at the Art Show.This booklet is retained as an example of the quality of the entries in the annual City of Warrnambool Art ShowThis is a booklet of thirty pages containing printed information, both black and white and coloured advertisements and the Rotary international logo on the first page. The cover is blue and white with a decorative, printed title and the logos of two sponsors. The book staples have been removed . CITY OF WARRNAMBOOL ART SHOW 2014 city of warrnambool art show, warrnambool, rotary club of warrnambool east -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, A brief history of Warrnambool & District Baptist Church 1964 to 2014, 2014
The Warrnambool Baptist Church in Koroit Street celebrated 150 years of formal worship in 2014. This book gives a brief overview of those years from 1964 to 2014 as the first 100 years have been recorded elsewhere. The book gives details on resident ministers, women’s and men’s fellowship societies, missionary work, local church activities and Sunday School classes. The book is of some importance as it gives us a good picture of the Baptist Church in Warrnambool over the past 50 years. It will be useful for researchers and for others interested in the Church’s activities. The author is well-known in Warrnambool as a former pharmacist and a volunteer worker in historical and cultural spheres (Flagstaff Hill, Mahogany Ship Committee, Portuguese Festival etc)This is a paper back book of 52 pages. It has a red cover with a colour photograph of the interior of the Warrnambool Baptist Church. The pages are glued together. The book contains printed material, black and white and colour photographs and illustrations. Front Cover: ‘Loving God, Loving people’ – A Brief History of Warrnambool and District Baptist Church 1964 to 2014 warrnambool, warrnambool baptist church -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Helen Penrose, Seeds of Hope St John of God Hospital Warrnambool 1939-2014, 2014
History of St John of God Hospital, Warrnambool 1939-2014This is a book of 78 pages with a stiffened cardboard cover. The cover is greyish-white with a colour photograph of the hospital and background blurred images of St John of God nuns on the front cover. The book contains printed material, maps, tables, black and white and colour photographs and illustrations.non-fictionHistory of St John of God Hospital, Warrnambool 1939-2014st john of god warrnambool hospital, glenrye, healthcare, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, The Shipley Stud 1918, 1918
Sol Green came to Australia as a penniless migrant who made his fortune as a bookmaker. He was inducted into the Australian Racing Museum Hall of fame in 2002. He purchased the Shipley stud from George Rolfe about 1905 and set about turning the Ayrford cattle property into a successful horse stud. His horse Comedy King won the Melbourne Cup in 1910 and was retired to stud in 1912. He became one of the top 10 Australian Stallions in the ensuing years. He dispersed his stud at Shipley in 1918 and this catalogue lists the stock sold that day. The property remained in the Green family and continued as a dairy farm with cheese factory and piggery by his son Bob Green. Sol Green was known for his philanthropic gestures extending help where needed on various fronts. Shortly before his death in 1948 he donated 47000 pounds to five Melbourne hospitals.This catalogue has significance firstly on a local level in that Shipley was an important farm in the district and secondly that it was owned by Mr Sol Green who was a person of standing within the racing industry as a bookmaker but also as a stud owner and owner of a Melbourne cup winner in 1910. This catalogue lists the stock which he had established at Shipley in a relatively short period of time.Light grey card cover with horse in brown. The title is in top left corner in brown text with the date 1918 in bottom right. Compilers details on back cover. 164 Pages. It has black and white plates of two horses, Comedy King and White Star* Mallinson Pomborneit 9/1/18. Light paper pasted inside front cover “Colac and District Historical Society, Donor Miss Betty Mallinson 1960. There are purchasers’ names and the purchase price paid, written at the base of each page. warrnambool, allansford, shipley, sol green, comedy king, white star 1918, shipley dispersal sale, shipley stud -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Bronwen Hickman, Mary Gaunt: independent colonial woman, 2014
Biography of novelist and travel writer, Mary Gaunt (1862-1942)This is a soft cover book of 304 pages. It has a blue cover with a black and white photograph of Mary Gaunt in an oval shape on the front cover. There is white lettering on the front cover and black lettering in an oval shape on the back cover. The book has an introduction, 35 chapters, acknowledgements, endnotes, a list of publications and an index. It has several illustrations, sketches, maps and black and white and colour photographs,non-fictionBiography of novelist and travel writer, Mary Gaunt (1862-1942)mary gaunt, australian literature, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Programme - Order of Service, Les O'Callaghan, 2014
This is the funeral Order of Service for Les O' Callaghan. Born in Balmoral Victoria, he came to Warrnambool in 1932 to study at the Warrnambool Technical School. He worked for forty years in the laboratory as a microbiologist in the Kraft Cheese Factory based at the Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory in Allansford . His research work here formed the basis of the Department of Agriculture guidelines for dairy production in Victoria. He was a noted Warrnambool historian and was President of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society for forty years.This item is a memento of Les O Callaghan a prominent 20th century identity in Warrnambool.A sheet of white paper folded in two to make four pages. There are three photographs and black printing. Two of the pages have black edging.A Celebration of the life of Leslie Alexander O'Callaghan 1st August 1918 -26th November 2014les o callaghan, kraft factory allansford -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Magazine - Project, Warrnambool: sandstone era of the eighties, 1973
Geographically situated on the coast Warrnambool has large tracts of sedimentary rock, some of which is sandstone. It therefore was a readily available material and as a relatively soft stone it was easily quarried and cut. By the 1880’s Warrnambool had been established for around forty years and was proving to be a settlement of some wealth. Hence the trend to build bigger and grander homes. There are numerous other commercial buildings which are built in sandstone and many of the original quarries are still visible around the Warrnambool area. Most of the properties are situated in the central part of Warrnambool. This collection of photographs is a good cross-section of some of the significant homes and buildings of Warrnambool. It also shows how they look 100 years after being built.A collection of 18 black and white photographs of sandstone houses, mounted on card and tied loosely with string. The addresses of each house are hand-written in black pen beside each photo. Title is written in black pen on cover page.Graeme Blake 1973 in bottom RH corner, Via * Fraser & Chris How in blue pencil.warrnambool, sandstone, sandstone houses, 1880 warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, A Ton of Class: 100 favourite recipes from the families and friends of Allansford and District Primary School, 2014
This cookery book was produced in 2014 as a school fundraiser. It was purchased at Allansford Cheese World in January 2015 for $15. Allansford school was established as a National School in 1856 on land reserved for the purpose by John McMahon Allan. It comprised two sandstone classrooms -one for boys and one for girls -with an attached pise teacher's residence. In 1872 when the Victorian Education Department was set up existing schools were listed in alphabetical order and given a number. Allansford State School was No.3. The school was enlarged in the late 1800s and again in the early 1920s. In 1994 following the amalgamation of the Allansford, Allans Forest and Naringal schools a new school was built which adjoined the existing buildings. The old buildings were refurbished as administration and staff facilities. John McMahon Allan settled in the area in 1839 with his brother William Osborne Allan. They were the sons of David Allan, Deputy Commissary General during Macquarie's term of government. The brothers divided the station with William retaining the Allandale portion and John naming his portion Tooram. John McMahon Allan was president of the early district Roads Board. In an attempt to recoup some of the heavy losses due to the disastrous Bateman fire of 1854 John subdivided a portion of Tooram at the Hopkins River crossing known as Allans ford. A school reserve was included in this subdivision. Source: McLeod, Graeme & Barbara. Allansford 1855-2006This book has social and historical interest and significance as it is connected to a local school. It provides a snapshot of food and cooking methods in the early 21st cebturyCookery book with full colour cover featuring 8 photographs and drawings of the Allansford Primary School surrounds and pupil activities on. The images are 'stitched' together with a white zig-zag diamond pattern as if a quilt. The foldout cover has an image of the school's centenary memorial gates and a brief history of the school. Inside the foldout are images of the pupils in each of the school's four team houses. The foldout back cover has full colour images of pupils performing at the school concert. A white strip noting 'our values' is included on the inside back cover foldout. Soft cover, 112 pages.allansford school, a ton of class, allansford primary school, a ton of class recipe book -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Invitation, From the Sacred to the Profane, 2014
This is the program of the 2014-5 exhibition at the Warrnambool Art Gallery, ‘From the Sacred to the Profane – The Challenges and Possibilities of Renaissance Art’. This exhibition was a joint project between the National Gallery of Victoria and the Warrnambool Art Gallery and was officially opened in December 2014 by the Director of the National Gallery of Victoria, Tony Ellwood. This program is of interest as a souvenir of an exhibition in Warrnambool that was an important one as it featured historical and valuable works of art from the National Gallery of Victoria. This is a sheet of paper folded to make six sides. One side has a plasticized surface. The pages have a black background with white and red printing on five sides and a colour photograph of a painting on the front page. The back page has the logos of the Warrnambool Art Gallery Foundation, the Victorian State Government, Arts Victoria, Warrnambool City Council and Deakin Worldly.national gallery of victoria, warrnambool art gallery, art in victoria, renaissance art, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Work on paper - Periodical, WAGazine No.1, 2014
This magazine lists events and exhibitions which are current at this time. The events listed range from an interview with a local artist to exhibitions, designer of the month, public programs, and Sunday musicA record of current events and some of the people involved in the Warrnambool Art Gallery. 14 page magazine. Cover is black and white with some orange highlights. Most of the pages are printed in colour. Back cover is orange.warrnambool history, warrnambool art gallery 2014, warrnambool wag -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper - Flagstaff Beacon, 1979
The Flagstaff Beacon was printed weekly from 14th July 1979 to 5th October 1979. The paper was published in Warrnambool by Trevor Alan Mackay (Ennisclay Pty Ltd) and the address was listed as 104 Liebig Street with the Classified Department at 148 Fairy Street. The name of this paper was a reference to the two operating lighthouses on Flagstaff Hill in Warrnambool. The Flagstaff Beacon was delivered free to Warrnambool householders but extra copies could be obtained for 20 cents a copy. The paper produced the usual newspaper material – current news, sport, real estate, movies, women’s news, motoring, advertisements etc. In August 1979 the Flagstaff Beacon offered colour reproductions of any photographs appearing in the paper. This was described as the first service of its kind to be offered in Victoria. These newspapers are of considerable interest as they are some of the few surviving copies of the 1979 Warrnambool paper, The Flagstaff Beacon. They also are of historical interest because of their news items and their advertisements. These are 13 copies of the Warrnambool newspaper, The Flagstaff Beacon. The newspapers are printed in black and white with a masthead featuring a colour – mainly red and orange. The masthead also has an image of a lighthouse, perhaps the Upper Lighthouse at Warrnambool. Most of the copies have 20 pages. The copies have some staining where they have been folded. warrnambool newspapers, the flagstaff beacon, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Michael Moore, Peterborough Please Slow Down: a history of Peterborough, 2014
History of Peterborough, VictoriaBlue cover with black and white photograph of the Peterborough sign. Title text is a pale blue and authors name is white. Colour plates inside front and back covers. 184 pages. non-fictionHistory of Peterborough, Victoria peterborough, michael moore, a history of peterborough, daniel curdie, james meek, jemima vans robertson, james irvine, tom mackenzie -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Basilica Notre Dame Albert France, 1914-1918
... This is a piece of paper folded in two to make four pages... and handwriting . Two pages have black and white photographs ...This is number 20 of 27 items in the Daisy Vickers collection of World War One memorabilia. These items were sent or given to Daisy Ogier (nee Vickers) during World War One by Corporal Arthur Anderson who enlisted from Warrnambool in 1915 at the age of 21. He served in Egypt and France and returned to Australia in 1919. Daisy Ogier (1907-1987) was a student and then a teacher at Warrnambool Technical School with her early teaching years there from 1925 to 1936 and in 1949. She became the head mistress from 1950 to 1963 and in 1968. She officially retired in 1976. Daisy Vickers was one of the best loved and dedicated teachers that the school ever had. She married the Reverend Fred Ogier and continued her association with the school after her husband's death.This card is interesting because of its association with World War One and two local people Daisy Vickers and Arthur Anderson This is a piece of paper folded in two to make four pages. Two pages have printed lettering and handwriting . Two pages have black and white photographs of the basilica in Albert, France. 1 - ALBERT (Somme) La Basilique de Notre Dame de Brebieres aujourd' hui detruite par les Allemands . The Basilica of N.D. de Brebieres today destroyed by the Germans. Dear Daisy Just to let you know I received the scarf you sent. It came in very useful during the cold weather especially when there were plenty of snow and ice around. Arthur Miss Daisy Vickers, Bushfield Post Office Victoriadaisy vickers, arthur anderson, world war one postcard, world war one correspondence -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Elizabeth Bright Probate 1905
Tait collection: item 26 of 62 This is a 1905 document containing information on the Will and Probate of Elizabeth Bright, a widow from Ellerslie in Victoria. She died in April 1905 and left real estate to the value of £540 and personal estate to the value of £412. The main beneficiary was her daughter-in-law, Ann Gibson, the wife of William Gibson, a dairyman from Ellerslie. No other information has been found on Elizabeth Bright. The lawyer concerned with the document was Edward Backhouse of Terang. He came to Victoria with his family in 1871 and was educated at Wesley College and Melbourne University. He was the founder and Head Teacher of the Alma Road Grammar School in St. Kilda and later was the Head Teacher of the St. Kilda Grammar School. He also was the Classics teacher at Geelong Grammar School. He practised law at Terang and Yea. This document is of some interest as it gives details on the Will and Probate of Elizabeth Bright who lived at Ellerslie, an area with some associations with Warrnambool at the time. This is white sheet of paper folded in two with hand written material on the four sides detailing the Will and Probate of Elizabeth Bright of Ellerslie, 1905. The pages have printed red lines on three sides. The document has one hand-drawn stamp of the Colonial Bank of Australia of Terang. The written material is legible. In the Supreme Court of Victoria; In the Probate Jurisdiction; In the Will of Elizabeth Bright late of Ellerslie in the State of Victoria Widow deceased.elizabeth bright, edward backhouse, warrnambool, ellerslie, tait collection -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - David Williams Probate 1889, 1889
Tait collection: item 36 of 62 This document contains the details of the Will and Probate of David Williams of ‘Morgrugyn’ farm near Woodford. He was born in 1804 and died in 1889. He was a pioneer settler in the Woodford area, arriving, according to the Pioneer Honour Board, in 1842. His son, Ivor, was Secretary of the Grasmere Cheese and Butter Factory for some time and Secretary of the Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory in 1888. David Williams left real estate to the value of £1540 and personal estate to the value of £1075. The chief beneficiary was his eldest son, David but other sons and grandsons also benefited. His wife, Mary, was left £300, a house to live in rent free during her lifetime, two cows and the right to graze them on the farm, six silver spoons, her bed and bedding, washstand and ware, a dressing table, a table in the dairy and ‘all the crockery and cooking utensils she may require’. The lawyer drawing up this document was James Fletcher who had an office in Port Fairy in the 1870s and an office in Koroit Street, Warrnambool, in the 1880s. In the 1890s and early 1900s he was in partnership with George Mackay. This document was in the possession of the lawyer Ernest Chambers who had drawn up the Williams will. It was then passed down to successive lawyers occupying legal premises in Kepler Street until it was located in 2014 in the Kepler Street building last used as legal premises by the firm of Mackay Taylor. This document is of considerable interest as it contains the will and probate details of a prominent 19th century farmer in the Woodford district. It will be useful for researchers.This is a white piece of parchment paper folded in two with typed material on two pages and handwritten material on one page. The pages are ruled with red ink. The pages include the Will and Probate details of David Williams of ‘Morgrugyn’ farm near Woodford. He died in 1889.In the Supreme Court in the Colony of Victoria in the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will of David Williams Morgrugyn farm near Woodford in the Colony of Victoria Farmer deceasedjames fletcher, david williams, ernest chambers, warrnambool, woodford, morgrugyn farm -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Thomas Oakley Letters of Administration 1898, 1893
Tait collection: item 39 of 62 This document gives the details of the Will and Probate of Thomas Oakley who died in Warrnambool at the age of 75 in 1893. He had come with his first wife to Australia in 1852 and was a Customs Officer in Warrnambool, in charge of the signals and premises, living in Merri Street. Later after the death of his wife (they had ten children) he married Eliza McKeeman in 1870 and they lived at ‘Oakbank’ near the Warrnambool Cemetery where Oakley pursued farming interests. They had a further eight children, many of them making their mark in the business and community life of Warrnambool and further afield. Thomas Oakley left real estate to the value of £900 and personal estate to the value of £1251, with the beneficiaries being his wife, his daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Anne from his first marriage and the eight children of his second marriage. The lawyers concerned with this document, O’Mahony and Murray, had offices in Warrnambool in Kepler Street at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. This document was in the possession of Ernest Chambers, a Warrnambool lawyer during the same period. It was then passed down to successive lawyers occupying the Kepler Street premises and located there in 2014.This document is of considerable importance as it gives details of the Will and Probate of Thomas Oakley, a prominent and successful landowner in Warrnambool in the 19th century. It will be of great use to researchers. This is a white piece of thick paper folded in two with handwritten material on four sides of the paper. The pages have printed red lines at the edges of three pages. The document contains details of the Will and Probate of Thomas Oakley who died in 1893 in Warrnambool. The pages are clean and readable.In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria in its Probate Jurisdiction in the Will of Thomas Oakley late of Warrnambool in the County of Villiers in the Colony of Victoria Landowner deceased.o’mahony & murray,, warrnambool lawyers, ernest chambers, warrnambool lawyer, thomas oakley, tait collection -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Patrick White Probate 1897, 1897
Tait collection: item 42 of 62 This is a document giving details of the Will and Probate of Patrick White, a farmer from Codrington who died in 1883. He left personal estate to the value of £316, with the beneficiaries being his wife, Eleanor and his son George. The lawyer concerned with this document was Ernest Chambers who had legal offices in Port Fairy, Koroit and Warrnambool at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He had possession of this document and it was passed down to successive lawyers occupying the legal premises in Kepler Street, Warrnambool and located in this Kepler Street building in 2014. This document is of minor significance as Patrick White was not a resident of Warrnambool. The interest lies in the fact that the lawyer, Ernest Chambers, practised in Warrnambool in the 19th centuryThis is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper containing details of the Will and Probate of Patrick White of Codrington who died in 1883. The paper is folded in two and the edges of the pages have blue lines ruled on them. There is handwritten material (black ink) on three of the pages. The seal of the Supreme Court of Victoria is attached with olive-green ribbon and there are five red stamps of the Master in Equity of the Supreme Court. The writing is fading in places but the document is readable. In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria In the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will of Patrick White late of Codrington in the Colony of Victoria Farmer deceasedpatrick white,, codrington, ernest chambers, warrnambool history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - William McJannet Probate 1898, 1898
Tait collection: item 44 of 62 This document gives details of the Will and Probate of William McJannet, a Warrnambool carpenter who died in 1898 at the age of 80. He and his wife and two of his children came to Australia from Scotland in the 1850s and at the time of his death he was living in Raglan Parade. He left real estate to the value of £400 and the beneficiaries were his children. The lawyer concerned with this document, H. Parrington, had legal offices in Kepler Street with the firm known as Higgins and Parrington but Mr Parrington was in partnership with Mr J.Tait when this document was drawn up. The document has been passed down to successive lawyers occupying the Kepler Street premises and located in this building in 2014. This document is of some importance as William McJannet was a well-known resident of Warrnambool in the 19th century. The document will be useful to researchers. This is a piece of white paper folded in two with printed red lines on the edges of three of the pages. Three pages have typed material and one page has handwritten material in black ink. It gives details of the Will and Probate of William McJannet who died in 1898. In the Supreme Court of Victoria In the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will and Codicil of William McJannet late of Warrnambool Victoria Carpenter deceasedwilliam mcjannet, h.r.parrington, warrnambool, tait collection -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Tears of Forgetting, 1914
This is a novel written by Ethel Patricia Stonehouse under the name of Lindsay Russell. She was born in Nhill in 1883 and was educated at Charlton State School. From 1894 on she wrote verse and short stories and worked as a journalist in Melbourne. She published her first novel in Melbourne in 1912 and lived for a time in London where she met Dr John Scott whom she married in 1914. After the First World War she came to live at Mortlake and her novel writing ceased. Most of her novels are about women rebelling –against Catholicism, Calvinism, the English class system and the restraints of marriage. Her railings against the Catholic Church and the oppression of women caused her to be a controversial figure, especially in Mortlake, but she was a popular novelist with one of her books, ‘Smouldering Fires’, selling over 100,000 copies in Australia alone. She died in 1964. No details on the inscription or the recipient of the book, ‘Isie’ have been found. The name, ‘Glasgow’ suggests that the book at some stage was connected with the Glasgow family of Wangoom. They were important local dairy farmers and cheese makers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.This book is of great interest because it was written by an Australian woman and one who lived for many years in Mortlake, a town close to Warrnambool. The connection with the Glasgow family is also of interest. This is a hard cover book of 320 pages. The book has a dark blue cover with gold lettering on the front cover and spine and some gold scroll work on the front cover. The book has a Prologue and 22 chapters and contains advertisements at the front and the back of the book for other books published by Ward, Lock & Co. There is a black and white illustration at the front of the book with a piece of tissue paper covering it. The page at the front of the book that contains an inscription is detached. The inscription and another annotation are written in black ink. The cover is partly detached from the pages and the cover is marked and worn. ‘To Isie Wishing her many happy returns of the day From Father, 15-9-14’ ‘Glasgow’ lindsay russell, ethel stonehouse, history of mortlake, australian literature, warrnambool history