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matching j. wilson
Wycheproof & District Historical Society Inc.
Wycheproof Honour Roll, FOR GOD KING AND COUNTRY 1914 -1918 WAR, 1919
This Honour Board listing of servicemen contributes to and is part of a National collection of Memorials to honour our armed forces. Listed are 49 names of whom 11 are Fallen.This Presbyterian Church Honour Board is believed to be the only existing 1914 - 1918 Board of its type. It has social and cultural value - and is of local,State and National importance.Large rectangular solid varnished wooden Memorial has inscribed, in gold lettering, 49 local Wycheproof and District servicemen, 11 of whom are marked Fallen. Below the top edging is some ornate wooden decoration. ARCHBOLD S . / ATKINSON H. / AXTON A. / BOYCE W.G. / BRUCE R. / BRYCE R. / BUCHANAN A.W. / CREELMAN K. / CURRIE A./ CURRIE N.G. / + DENNEY A. / DENNEY P./ DOWNIE J.J. / GRAY A.B. / + GRIFFIN C. M. / HARDING G.M. / HARRISON L . / HERCULES W. / HERCULES C. / HERCULES N. / + KERR J. / KERR A. / MARTIN G. / MARTIN J. / MATHESON H. / MORRISON J.H. / MORRISON H. / McCALLUM H. / McDONALD G. / McDONALD G. / McDONALD G.M. / McDONALDW. / McDONALD W. B. / McKENZIE C.R. / McLENNAN C.R. / McPHERSON E. / + McPHERSON A.G. / McPHERSON A. / + NICHOLLS J.L. / ORR F.J. / +ORROCK P.N. / PRATT A.H.G. / PRITCHARD J. / PRYDE L. / + PRYSE D. / + ROBINSON S. / + SAYERS W.J. + SLOCOMBE R. / UNWIN A.H. / WILSON S. Silver plaque attached reads: Presented by Mrs M.J. Matheson 1919 ARCHBOLD S . / ATKINSON H. / AXTON A. / BOYCE W.G. / BRUCE R. / BRYCE R. / BUCHANAN A.W. / CREELMAN K. / CURRIE A./ CURRIE N.G. / + DENNEY A. / DENNEY P./ DOWNIE J.J. / GRAY A.B. / + GRIFFIN C. M. / HARDING G.M. / HARRISON L . / HERCULES W. / HERCULES C. / HERCULES N. / + KERR J. / KERR A. / MARTIN G. / MARTIN J. / MATHESON H. / MORRISON J.H. / MORRISON H. / McCALLUM H. / McDONALD G. / McDONALD G. / McDONALD G.M. / McDONALDW. / McDONALD W. B. / McKENZIE C.R. / McLENNAN C.R. / McPHERSON E. / + McPHERSON A.G. / McPHERSON A. / + NICHOLLS J.L. / ORR F.J. / +ORROCK P.N. / PRATT A.H.G. / PRITCHARD J. / PRYDE L. / + PRYSE D. / + ROBINSON S. / + SAYERS W.J. + SLOCOMBE R. / UNWIN A.H. / WILSON S. Silver plaque attached reads: Presented by Mrs M.J. Matheson 1919 wycheproof presbyterian - church, first world-war, honour roll, matheson, m.j -
Wycheproof & District Historical Society Inc.
Framed photograph, Mrs Elaine Storey, Roll of Honour Towaninnie Methodist Church, 26/10/2008
The Towaninnie Methodist Church no longer exists but on the Towaninnie plains a location sign marks it. In common with many church communities the faithful who met here were very patriotic and their young men were strongly supported when they volunteeered during the Great War of 1914 -'18. This Honour Board once hung on the Methodist Church wall but is now at the Pioneer Settlement,Swan Hill.The actual Honour Board is believed to be the only one of its type with this listing. This photo of it contributes to and is part of a Local, State and National collection of War memorabilia that honours our servicemen and women.Wooden framed Roll of Honour photo - Towaninnie Methodist Church listing of 21 local WW1 servicemen. The memorial has a triangular shaped top and features a simple wooden sculpured bottom edging with the gold inscriptions in 2 columns. Hosking,J.W./ Hosking, J.V. / FALLEN Nalder, J./ Smith,W./ Smith, J./ McPhee,W./ McPhee, A./ Holt,D.A./ Jolley,A./ Nalder,J.Q./ Hosking,J.H./ Dashwood,C./ Ellis,P./ Hercules,R./ White,H. / Mead,W.L./ Wilson,B./ Root,E./ Hosking, F./ Ellis,C./ Pryse,R. Roll of Honour Towaninnie Methodist Church. Hosking,J.W./ Hosking, J.V. / FALLEN Nalder, J./ Smith,W./ Smith, J./ McPhee,W./ McPhee, A./ Holt,D.A./ Jolley,A./ Nalder,J.Q./ Hosking,J.H./ Dashwood,C./ Ellis,P./ Hercules,R./ White,H. / Mead,W.L./ Wilson,B./ Root,E./ Hosking, F./ Ellis,C./ Pryse,R. roll - of - honour, towaninnie - methodist, towaninnie - church, world - war 1, wycheproof - servicemen -
Wycheproof & District Historical Society Inc.
Photo, Mrs Elaine Storey, Wycheproof School Honour Roll 1914 - 1919, 1919
This plaque recognises the Wycheproof servicemen from State School No1757 who served in the 1914-1919 War. The actual large Honour Roll hangs in the old historic Wycheproof State School building.This Honour Roll contributes to and is part of the nation's collection of War Records; it is unique,believed to be the only one of its kind.PHOTO of large Wycheproof School Honour Roll WW1, on wall at the former Wycheproof S.S. No.1757 building - now the Mount Wycheproof Museum. The plaque of solid wood has cylindrical wooden pillars each side of the 55 gold inscribed names - 12 FALLEN servicemen and marked with a +. Raised wooden carved grapes and leaves adorn the top edge. In the centre, on the scroll are dedication words in Honour of the Brave Men From Wycheproof State School. A small wooden cupboard is attached underneath for War Service Records. This photo is in a display Book registered number 02089 at the Court House. Anderson, E. , Anderson, N. , Boyce W. , Bruce R. , Brotherson, H. , + Brotherson, L. , Barker, D. , Beardon, G., Currie N. , Currie, G. , Cutts, R. , Cutts, A. , Chisholm, A. , Cooper, C. , Duckmanton, S. , Dooley, N. , Dooley, J. , Donnelly, T. , Gibb, J.R. +Gregson A. , Hurcules, W. , Hurcules, C. , Hurcules, N. , + Hayes, L. , Hayes, G. , +Hotham, J. , Hindson, E. , Heap, A. , Holloway, V. , Headley, J. , + Kearney, P. , Matheson, H., Matheson, J. , Miles, H. , McDonald, G., McDonald, W., +W., McElphinney, D. , McElphinney, D. , Pratt, A. , + Orrock, P. , + Orrock, A. , + Robinson, S. , Redgen, J. , + Ryan, J.F. , + Slocombe, R. , Stewart, C. , Stewart, R. , Stavely, W. ,+ Sayers, W. , Secombe, W. , Taylor, R. , Tucker, C. , Thomas, R. , Wilson, S. , Ward, P. + Supreme Sacrifice Anderson, E. , Anderson, N. , Boyce W. , Bruce R. , Brotherson, H. , + Brotherson, L. , Barker, D. , Beardon, G., Currie N. , Currie, G. , Cutts, R. , Cutts, A. , Chisholm, A. , Cooper, C. , Duckmanton, S. , Dooley, N. , Dooley, J. , Donnelly, T. , Gibb, J.R. +Gregson A. , Hurcules, W. , Hurcules, C. , Hurcules, N. , + Hayes, L. , Hayes, G. , +Hotham, J. , Hindson, E. , Heap, A. , Holloway, V. , Headley, J. , + Kearney, P. , Matheson, H., Matheson, J. , Miles, H. , McDonald, G., McDonald, W., +W., McElphinney, D. , McElphinney, D. , Pratt, A. , + Orrock, P. , + Orrock, A. , + Robinson, S. , Redgen, J. , + Ryan, J.F. , + Slocombe, R. , Stewart, C. , Stewart, R. , Stavely, W. ,+ Sayers, W. , Secombe, W. , Taylor, R. , Tucker, C. , Thomas, R. , Wilson, S. , Ward, P. + Supreme Sacrifice wycheproof - school, honour roll, world- war-one, wycheproof- servicemen -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
Notice Board
... up/ 1952 L. Jamieson W Davies/ 1953 W. Y. Wilson K.R Trueman... up/ 1952 L. Jamieson W Davies/ 1953 W. Y. Wilson K.R Trueman ...Wooden notice board with inscription featuring names of the winners of the annual table tennis competition MHTOSC/ Table Tennis/ Championship/ Year champion/ runner up/ 1952 L. Jamieson W Davies/ 1953 W. Y. Wilson K.R Trueman/ 1954 J. N Hosking K.R Trueman/ 1955 M.J Jewell J.M Alexander/ 1956 W.Y Wilson I/S Gaskell/ 1957 W.Y Wilson R.J Hardy/ 1958 M.J Jewell W.Y Wilson/ 1959 M.J Jewell W.Y Wilson/ 1963 K. Walsh M.J Jewell/ 1964 K Walsh R. J Austin/ 1965 R. J Austin R.S Kirkwen/ 1966 B.J McCarthy M.J Jewell / 1967 M.J Jewell B.J McCarthy / 1968 R.S Kirkwen R. J Austin / 1969 R.S Kirkwen R. J Austin/ 1970 R.S Kirkwen M.J Jewell/ 1971 R.S Kirkwen D.W Fowler/ 1976 D.W Fowler R.S Kirkwen/ 1986 J.D Leahy R. J Austin/ 1987 R.S Kirkwen R. J Austin/ 1988 R.S Kirkwen J.D Leahy " PMA 0363 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Foreword - Commander R. S. .Veale, C.M.G. V.R.D. - 5 Editorial - - 7 Light Houses - N. S. Smith - 11 On Passing for Second Mate - R. Thiele - 18 Passenger Steamers on the Tasman Sea - I. Mackay - 22 Dune Ship - Dr. Philip Martin - 37 The Rum Runners - S. A. E. Strom - 38 To Australia Amongst Emigrants - S. Duncan - 43 The Persian Gulf or "Hells Kitchen" - K. Bull - 49 Monkey Business - Captn. James Gaby - 51 Anchor Hardy - Capt. R. G. Edwards - 52 Light Houses - C. E. Bonwick - 58 The Forlorn Hope - N. S. Smith - 59 Robert Louis Stevenson in The South Seas - Captn. Fred Klebingat - 68 Eastward-Ho! - Charles E. Howlett, B.A, LL.B. - 73 Commonwealth Government Rewards for School Boys - I. Wilson, M.P., Minister for Home Affairs - 78 Protection of Historic Wrecks off Queensland Coast - I. Wilson, M.P. - 79 The s.s. New Texas --Elder Dempster Line - Captn. L. Gibson - 83 Carmichael's Golden Fleece Line - L. Holmes - 89 Passing the Buck - - 95 Ice Barrier - D. M. Fyfe - 96 A Dream Come True - W. P. Shemmeld - 97 Homeward Bound - R. W. Rudd - 105 More of the Wreck of The City of York - A. T. Wreford and E. M. Christie - 110 A Fortunate Rescue - Captn. J. Gaby - 112 More About Sail - Capt. W. J. Cowling - 113 Book Reviews - 120sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Editorial - Fifty Years Past - Miss S.A.E. Strom - 5 The Port of Melbourne — A Historical View - Andy Gash - 8 We Moved the Cargoes - J. Beggs - 15 A Chaplain’s Chatterings - W.S. McUtchen - 19 Pilots - Late C.E. Borwick - 26 Up the River — Down the River - Lloyd Taylor - 27 Port Services in the Nineteenth Century - M.A. Syme - 45 The Schooner Enterprise - Roy Stuart - Roy Stuart - 49 The Port Phillip Sea Pilot Service - Capt. Michael Carolin - 53 Streamers - G.M. Naug - 60 Errata - - 60 War Diary of H.M.A.S. Bendigo Part 2 1942 - T.W. Richardson - 61 Fire Fighting Services in the Port of Melbourne - Frank M. Stockton - 75 Shipwreck - A. Roland Jones - 81 The Diary of Peter Charles Iredale - Colin Wilson - 87 The John Oxley - R.N. Thiele - 95 The Volunteer - Bert Attwood - 100 Sailing in Wharanui - W.P. Shemmeld - 101 Book Reviews - - 110 The Most Fascinating Immigrant — Marco Polo - K. Shewan - 111sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
One of a collection of over 400 photographs in an album commenced in 1960 and presented to the Phillip Island & Westernport Historical Society by the Shire of Phillip IslandPhotograph of the juvenile Red Cross workers holding Tea Tree walking sticks made for soldiers wounded in World War I Back row: E Bennell, R Forrest, H West, W Smith, W Wilson Teacher, R Smith, T Burton, C Cleeland. Middle row: C Leeson, J Cleeland, A Jackson, A West, N Leeson, F Forrest, S Smith, K West. Front row: A Jenner, J Jenner, C Jackson, D McLardy, A Jackson, R Jenner, V Leeson, S Jenner.local history, photography, juvenile red cross workers, black & white photograph, red cross, world war i, john jenner, bryant west -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph, Photograph - Portland Town Council, 1981, 1981
Glenelg Shire Council RecordsColour photograph of Portland Town Council (10 men, 1 woman) in a meeting. Mounted under glass in brown matt and gold-painted wooden frame.Front: Portland Town Council/Meeting of Council on Tuesday, 3rd November 1981. Left to right: Cr. R. Halliday, Cr. K. Wilson, Cr. G. Dawson, Mr. J. Costello (Deputy Town Clerk), Mr. P. Shanahan (Town Clerk), Cr. L. Murrell (Mayor), Mr. P. Cooper (Town Engineer), Mr. N. Buckingham (Deputy Town Engineer), Cr. I. Foley, Cr. L.J. Davis, Cr. J. Patterson. Absent: Cr. M.E. Box and J.H. Templar. Presented at a Special Meeting of Council held on Monday, 16th November, 1981 to mark one hundred and twenty-six years of Local Government in Portland (label, lr centre). -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Smart family home in Bridge Street, Eltham, c.1903
Believed to be Mrs Jane Bailey (nee Matthews) (d. 1904) and her grand-daughter Ruby Jane Bertha Smart (1890-1903) in front of the Smart family cottage in Bridge Street, Eltham, c.1903 Located on the north side of Bridge Street at the intersection with Bolton Street, facing Bolton Street (now part of present day Brisbane Street and occupied by the Kitchen Design Centre). Ruby Jane Bertha Smart born abt 1890 died in 1903 in Eltham. Her brother Alfred Francis Smart was born abt 1887 and died 1966 in Mont Albert, Vic. (Accessed via Show's an original early settler's cottage in Bridge Street. The cottage was built by Mrs Mary Jane Smart's parents, Edwin Bailey and Jane (nee Matthews). Mary Jane Smart was born in the cottage. She married an Englishman, Alexander Wilson Smart who disappeared to Western Australia in the early 1900s in search of gold. He ultimately married again in W.A., committing bigamy and then committed murder and was hung in 1911. This photo was taken c.1903 not long before both Mrs Bailey and her grand daughter both passed away. Jane Bailey died 2 Dec. 1904 and Mary Jane Smart and Ruby Jane Bertha Smart died July 1903 are all buried in Eltham Cemetery. SMART'S HOME AT ELTHAM. HIS WIFE AND SONS. In a little bush cottage surrounded by tall gum trees, through which appear glimpses of a willow fringed creek, of road ways hedged by masses of snowy flowering hawthorn, of growing crops and vividly green grazing paddocks, lives Mrs. Smart, the lawful wife of the man who is now in the hands of the police of Western Australia on suspicion of having committed a dreadful crime. Here, about half a mile out of the picturesque village of Eltham, she was born, and has lived her whole life — about 50 years. Smart himself lived here till the time when many years ago, the "lure of gold" got into his blood and he cleared out to Western Australia, to follow the digging rushes, gradually becom ing more and more estranged, till at length all communication ceased and be became lost to his wife and children. "I did not want him to go away," said Mrs. Smart, "because I had heard of so many men who had forgotten their homes in the excite ment of gold seeking, and of many others who died unknown and uncared for. But he would go, and when I saw his mind was set on it I placed no obstacles in his way. My parents built and lived in this cottage, where I was born, and they died in it. When I grew up I met my husband, a young Englishman, and married him. His name is Alexander, not Alfred, and his age is 52. We were very happy here, and although we were not well off we were comfortable, for he was a steady, sober, industrious man and had constant employment. He was just a manual worker, but could turn his hand to anything. We had five children, but one died. Four sons grew up in this little cottage. Thus three generations lived in it, somewhat unusual in an Australian bush home, I think. My eldest son is married and has a family; one is in Western Australia— not with his father— another is away working for him self, and one (indicating a young man by her side) has always stuck to his mother. He is my sole support, and he is as good to me now as his father once was. Yes, his father was a good, home-loving man in our younger days. He was fond of his children and was highly respected in these parts.' "It is fifteen years since my husband went away first. He had then been work ing for the Metropolitan Board of Works, and was engaged in the tunnel under the Yarra near Queen's-bridge when it col-lapsed. After he went to the West he sent me money regularly and wrote constantly. He came home three times — twice for a week or two at a time, the third time, eight years ago, when the Eitham railway was nearing completion. I induced him to stay till the railway opened, and he re-mained with me several months. I tried to get him to leave the West and settle down in his home, but he would not; he seemed restless and anxious to be off. One day when we were in Collingwood together he left me, saying he wanted to see what boats were going West. I implored him not to go away, and he said he would see. However, he returned to me soon after wards and said he had taken his ticket and would go by the next boat, and he went. For a year he wrote at irregular intervals, and then his letters ceased and I heard no more of him. For seven years I have not known whether he was alive or dead. Before that time my two sons in Western Australian used to see him some times, though they did not live with him; they used to tell me in their letters that he was well. It was a hard blow to be forgotten by him, but as my sons grew up I became more reconciled, and now I seem to look back at my life with him as some thing that happened a long time ago and is only a memory. Of his life and doings in Western Australia I know nothing. The last time I heard of him he was working in a foundry at Midland Junction. He was at Cue working on the railway when it opened there, and he caught the fever, but all that time he sent me money. When he returned the first time he took our eldest son with him, and the other boy followed later. They did not stay with him, how ever, and as far as I know they did not know how he lived." 'Mrs. Smart is a quiet, toil worn woman who has the respect of everyone who knows her.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Neg Original print 10.5 x 16.5 cmFor postcard print: Inscribed on envelope: "Return to Mrs H. Butherway, 22 Bridge St, Eltham." Also "Photo Mrs Clark Hampton (nee Smart), original Smart's house - Bridge Street, 95 years ago." Also "Right - Mrs Clark's grandmother Mrs J Smart Left - Her daughter Ruby dies soon after photo taken. Brother Alf Smart died about 6 years ago." Inscribed on back of photo "247 Vincent St, Leederville" It is believed that this inscription may be somewhat mixed up.sepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, bridge street, alexander wilson smart, bigamy, bush cottage, early settlers, houses, jane bailey (nee matthews), mary jane smart (nee bailey), murder, ruby jane bertha smart, smart family home, smart home -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings
This collection of articles was collated by Mary Gilbert. 743.1 - In the group are, from left to right:—First Row—Councillors T. W. Murphy (Bairnsdale), J. R. Coate (Lakes Entrance); T. Hodgd (Tambo), W. Wilson (Berwick), A. Inglis (Mirboo), E. S. Whittakers (Traralgon), and W. C. Kingston (Warragul). Second Row—J. S. Lister (Rosedale), R. Stockdale (Narracan), W. Grose (Omeo), and J. Allan (Toora). Back Row—S. Purdy (Maffra), E. Heesom (Morwell), J. Arohibald (Bruthen), Mr. Lind, M.L.A., Councillor A. E. Rodwell (Orbost), Mr. S. Langslow (Health department), and Mr. C. S. Ogllvy (Warragul). A manila folder of newspaper cuttings related to commerce and government in Orbost. 743.1 is titled, " Gippsland Councillors Wait on State Ministers and is from The Argus, July 1926 .It has a large black / white photograph of the representatives of shires and boroughs of Gippsland who formed a deputation to meet which waited most of the State Ministers with various requests. 743.4 is from the Snowy River Mail and is titled, "Cann RIver's first Hotel" and has a black and white photograph of a four-wheeled buggy pulled by four horses standing outside a hotel. 743.5 is titled "At the End of a Long Trip" and is from the Snowy River Mai. It has a black and white photograph of the Cann River hotel with Mr W. Dreverman standing outside. 743.6 is from the Snowy River Mail, September 6, 1967, and is titled, " Orbosr Businessmen 20 Years Ago" and has a black and white photograph of a group of men in business suits.orbost-business cann-river-hotel -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper - Newspaper cutting, The story of the Ringwood Memorial Clock Tower erected 1928 incl list of Roll of Honour names, 4-Aug-28
Around 1940-42 the clockwork mechanism was wound by hand for payment of 2/6 (25 cents) per week, payable half yearly. The clock tower was removed and re-erected in 2000 at the intersection of Maroondah Highway and Wantirna Road, with a new electric winding mechanism.The story of the Ringwood Memorial Clock Tower erected 1928 at a cost of approx $1700 and unveiled 4-Aug-1928 at the intersection of Maroondah Highway and Warrandyte Road. It commemorates those who served and those who lost their lives in WW1.ROLL OF HONOUR; Addison, W.J.; Allan, A.; Bailey, A.F.; Bolton, E.; Brain, W.; Brown, A.G.; Brown, W.; Brown, C.H.; Browning, D.; Brocksop, P.; Bruce, R.T.; Butler, W.J.; Cairnduff, J.B.; Castles, D.; Chivers, S.R.; Chivers, A.; Clemson, J.K.; Cutts, C.W.G.; Cutts, N.F.L.; Cooper, J.; Dehne, P.C.; Dawes, L.F.; Dawes, F.A.; Dawes, C.A.R.; Foster, A.; Franks, C.V.W.; Ford, T.; Franklin, E.; Fitts, E.; Goodall, R.; Goodall, J.H.; Grant, T.W.; Guy, W.H.; Hannah, J.; Harris, D.B.; Hardidge, B.; Hains, C.L.; Hefferson, R.H.; Hodgetts, L.F.; Hodgetts, W.C.; Homewood, L.; Howship, M.L.; Howship, F.R.; Howship, S.P.; Hubbard, H.; Johnston, W.J.; Johnston, R.A.; Johnston, C.H.; Justice, Rev. T.H.; Kennedy, G.; Kraefft, H.G.; Lang, A.C.; Larkwing, A.H.; Lawlor, J.; Lothian, J.C.; Maggs, C.B.; Martin, E.; McCann, R.; McGillvray, M.; McKinnon, J.; Miles, Sister A.F.; Miles, T.A.; Miles, R.F.; Miles, K.L.; Miles, L.E.; Milner, T.; Miller, S.; Moss, L.S.; Moss, C.B.; Muller, G.W.; Muller, J.H.; Neal, A.G.; Nield, F.N.; Parker, A.; Parker, R.; Parker, F.V.; Parker, T.S.; Paris, C.C.; Peake, A.; Pearson, H.F.; Pollard, J.L.; Ratten, C.J.; Ratten, W.G.; Read, I.; Sanders, J.; Shanks, R.J.; Smith, S.; Smith, P.C.; Smith, C.; Stephenson, R.H.; Stowell, H.A.; Taylor, J.; Thomas, H.O.; Thomas, I.; Thompson, A.R.; Thorpe, J.G.; Tomholt, S.J.; Toogood, E.G.; Venables, W.E.; Walker, J.; Wedge, C.H.; Wedge, J.W.K.; Whitchurch, A.; Wilson, L.J.; Williams, J.A.; Williams, W.G.; Wright, S.; Wright, J.W.C.; DIED ON SERVICE; Johnston, C.H.; McCann, H.J.; Mackinlay, H.W.; Mitchell, L.; Morris, J.; Pollard, H.L.; Palmer, E.R.; Parker, J.J.; Rooney, E.; Schonfelder, A.W.; Thurrowgood, W.; Todd, J.; Thomas, R. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Oil painting, W. Langley-Taylor, Cape Schank [Schanck], Late 19th to early 20th century
This painting is one of a pair of large paintings by W. Langley-Taylor in our collection. Currently, no further information has been found about the artist but research is ongoing. The subjects of these paintings are seascapes of notable areas of the coast on each side of Port Phillip Bay, south of Melbourne, Victoria. The subject of this painting is Cape Schanck, Victoria, which is on the east side of Port Phillip Bay. It includes the Cape Schanck Lighthouse and its Flagstaff. The Cape Schanck Lighthouse was built in 1859 and is the second of Victoria’s coastal lights. It is 21 metres tall and made from limestone. Unusually, its stairway is made from stone rather than wrought iron. Gilded tours are available to explain its use and significance to visitors. The lighthouse keepers at Cape Schanck kept records of the ships that sailed past them along Bass Strait; ship’s names, direction, time and date and so on. The details would also be passed on to shipping agencies, Harbour Masters and newspapers, which published Arrivals and Departures into and out of shipping ports such as Port Phillip Bay and the Port of Melbourne. INSCRIPTIONS “Mrs M Irby” (and on the Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, painting “980/Regency”) The inscription “Mrs M Irby” is on the back of both paintings but the significance of the inscription has not yet been discovered. Perhaps she was connected with the ship or shipping company “Irby”. A ship named “Irby”, built in Merseyside, Liverpool in 1881 by R & J Evans, Birkenhead. It was a four-masted iron ship built for the White Star Line. Henry Wilson Hewitt bought her in 1882, then later she was owned by Chadwick & Pritchard. In 1888 she was registered under the Irby Ship Co. Ltd. (trading as J. Joyce) in Liverpool. In 1912 Galgate Co. Ltd owned her. She traded between London, England and Australia, and is recorded as being in Melbourne and Hobart. In 1919 the Irby was destroyed by a mine when on her way to England. Or perhaps her name and the inscription in pencil “980/Regency” on the Eagle Rock Warrnambool, painting could be a delivery address for the paintings, perhaps an apartment in a hotel. NOTE: The artist’s spelling of the title “Cape Schank, Vic.” is incorrect. The location in this painting is named Cape Schanck. This painting is significant geographically for its representation of the coastal scenery of Victoria, Australia. It is also significant as one of a pair of paintings of seascape, one at sites each side of Port Phillip Bay. The painting is significant historically as an example of late 19th and early 20th methods and materials used to construct a painting’s frame. Painting oil on board in a dark wooden frame, portrait orientation. Seascape of coast with cliffs, lighthouse and flagstaff, flying birds, high waves breaking onto rocks, blue sky with clouds. The title is painted on lower left corner and the Victorian artist, W. Langley-Taylor, has signed his name on lower right. The inscription on back is handwritten script in red crayon or thick red pencil. The board is held in place inside the timber frame with small, dark metal tacks around all sides. Metal eyes join the wire to the frame. Small round, dark metal nail heads are dispersed around the frame and there is a change of colour on both the board and the wood of the frame. Painted on front “W.LANGLEY-TAYLOR.” and “CAPE SCHANK, VIC.” [NOTE: correct spelling is Schanck] Handwritten on back “Mrs. M. Irby” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, painting, oil painting, cape schanck painting, w. langley-taylor, wall decoration, seascape of victoria's coast, art, mrs m irby, victoria's coast, pair of paintings -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Oil painting, W. Langley-Taylor, Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, Vic, Late 19th to early 20th century
This painting is one of a pair of large paintings by W. Langley-Taylor in our collection. Currently, no further information has been found about the artist but research is ongoing. The subjects of these paintings are seascapes of notable areas of the coast on each side of Port Phillip Bay, south of Melbourne, Victoria. This painting is of Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, which is on the west of Port Phillip Bay. Eagle Rock is located about 400 metres west of Thunder Point, near Shelly Beach. The painting includes the rocky cliff formations looking east towards the Warrnambool Breakwater. The walk from the Thunder Point car park westwards to Shelly Beach has been popular over the decades with residents as well as tourists. Many photographs include the rock, with varying backgrounds depending on the angle of the camera. It is a popular dive site for locals and visitors, in calm weather! The site can be approached by boat from the open sea in favourable conditions, and there is plenty of native marine to be seen in this marine sanctuary. This part of Warrnambool’s rugged coastline is unprotected from the Southern Ocean with its wild icy winds and high seas. The painting’s crashing waves and the northerly direction of the smoke on the steamship sailing north show the effect of the southerly wind. INSCRIPTIONS “Mrs M Irby” and “980/Regency” The significance of the inscription “Mrs M Irby”, on the back of each of the two paintings, has not yet been discovered. Perhaps she was connected with the ship or shipping company “Irby”. A ship named “Irby”, built in Merseyside, Liverpool in 1881 by R & J Evans, Birkenhead. It was a four-masted iron ship built for the White Star Line. Henry Wilson Hewitt bought her in 1882, then later she was owned by Chadwick & Pritchard. In 1888 she was registered under the Irby Ship Co. Ltd. (trading as J. Joyce) in Liverpool. In 1912 Galgate Co. Ltd owned her. She traded between London, England and Australia, and is recorded as being in Melbourne and Hobart. In 1919 the Irby was destroyed by a mine when on her way to England. Or perhaps her name and the inscription in pencil “980/Regency” on the Eagle Rock Warrnambool, painting could be a delivery address for the paintings, perhaps an apartment in a hotel. This painting is significant geographically for its representation of the coastal scenery of Victoria, Australia. It is also significant as one of a pair of paintings of seascape, one at sites each side of Port Phillip Bay. The painting is significant historically as an example of late 19th and early 20th methods and materials used to construct a painting’s frame. Painting oil on board in a dark wooden frame, portrait orientation. Seascape of rock formation and cliffs, two yachts, a two-masted steamboat with red funnel and smoke, flying birds, high waves breaking onto rocks, blue sky with clouds, some tinted pink.. The title is painted on lower left corner and the artist, W. Langley-Taylor, has signed his name on lower right. The inscription on the back is a handwritten script in red crayon or thick red pencil. The board is held in place inside the timber frame with small, dark metal tacks around all sides. Metal eyes join the wire to the frame. Small round, dark metal nail heads are dispersed around the frame and there is a change of colour on both the board and the wood of the frame. Painted on front “W.LANGLEY-TAYLOR.” and “EAGLE ROCK, WARRNAMBOOL, VIC.” Handwritten on back “Mrs. M. Irby” and “980 [underlined] Regency”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, eagle rock warrnambool, w. langley-taylor, oil painting, wall decoration, seascape of victoria's coast, mrs m irby, art, seascape, pair of paintings -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Booklet (Item) - Information booklet, Albert J. Mullett, Victoria-List of Excursions, 1914
A booklet of a list of excursions that was arranged for the visiting members of the British Association for Advancement of Science which included Marysville. These excursions were conducted in August 1914. They included geological excursions as well as excursions to local attractions to observe the flora and fauna found in and around the various destinations. The excursions were to Bacchus Marsh, Marysville, Warburton and Cement Creek, the Macedon District, Emerald, Ballarat and the local district, Bendigo and surrounds, Wilson's Promontory, and the Central Research Farm at Werribee. There is also a chapter on other places of interest in Victoria which includes Mount Buffalo, the Gippsland Lakes, the Buchan Caves, Daylesford, Lorne and Sorrento.A booklet of a list of excursions that was arranged for the visiting members of the British Association for Advancement of Science which included Marysville.victoria, british association for the advancement of science, bacchus marsh, marysville, warburton, cement creek, macedon, emerald, ballarat, bendigo, wilson's promontory, central research farm werribee, werribee, mount buffalo, gippsland lakes, buchan caves, daylesford, lorne, sorrento -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1916, 1916
School Council, Members of Staff, Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, Ancient Craft Classes and the Apprenticeship Question, Magazine Editorial Staff, The Trip to Bradshaw's Creek, Arts & Crafts Gossip, In Memoriam - E. J. Cannon, Echoes of the Past, The Haunted Tram Car, Old Boys', Sport, Shun!! Military Notes, The Junior TechsBlue soft covered magazine of 62 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, f. maxwell, n. turnbull, g. procter, e. seimering, l. tonkin, w. carrol, h. smith, r. cox, j. a. greenshields, jnr, r. o. buchanan, l. vernon, a. bowman, w. h. steane, n. henry, r. dale, e. j. cannon, ted cannon, lance-corporal e. j. cannon, charles w. whyte, patrick s. anderson, william t. sayer, william f. m. johnson, robert m. sergeant, harold t. w. dixon, harrie wilson, ernest s. morsehead, carl jensen, corpl. r. sergeant, sergt. h. dixon, q.m.s. t. wilkins, captain james fairbairn fairley, sergt. e. morshead, sergt. hy. wilson, lieut. l. c. blick, f. g. procter, f. g. davies, glad procter -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick
Ten documents concerning the redevelopment of 543-555 Glenhuntly Rd., Elsternwick in the early 1980s by B. P. Food Plus to create a 24 hour drive-in convenience store. Includes newspaper articles and correspondence from local residents, small business and community groups stating their objections and concerns. Also a report by the MMBW, 1982, on the development of guidelines for such planning appeals tribunal, de silva m., de silva m. a., b. p. australia ltd., city of caulfield, riley john, buckner john, wright h. mcm., cook r., burleigh brian, caulfield progress association, wilson lawrence john, murphy barry oliver, messrs. whiting and byrne solicitors, messers t. j. mulvaney co., mckimm russell, robinson g. a., watt h. w., kinder alan, commercial development, white o. a., van hoon joan, van hoon john, smith p., ben s. g., lee g. b., gibbs les, brennan h. p., pretty f. w., rasmussen l., orchard a. r., lopek m., carpenter mrs., pearce mrs., mcgrowan e., owens p., brawn j. e., harron g., brittingham w. c., lindsey m., de silva s., horton mary, james m., walker e., bennett h. l., riley s., b. p. food plus, coltex, glen huntly rd., hopetoun gardens, pickerd c. w., doolan g. n. (cr), the retail confectionary and mixed business association, town planning, land values, peak susan, white ted, ingleby june, elsternwick chamber of commerce, moore h. r., melbourne metropolitan board of works, ‘convenience premises and convenience shops report and guidelines’, legal documents, hawthorn road, petitions, north road, petrol stations, hopetoun hospital, foster street, winton hall (special accommodation home), caulfield council, resident action, murray street, councils -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 3 items: 1/A program for the 50th anniversary of Ormond Church of Christ dated 29/06/1975. 2/A Diamond Jubilee book for Ormond Church of Christ dated 23/06/1985. 3/A 75 years of witness book of Ormond Community Church of Christ from 1925-2000. It chronicles the church’s activities and progress by year.ormond, ormond church of christ, henrichsen e.c., hutchings brother, hutchings sister, lyall r., pratt c., lintott brother, lumley brother, ring brother, tuck brother, blair sister, olliver sister, ring sister, tuck sister, goddard elsie, hanaker sister, bowen-jones sister, kershaw brother, kershaw sister, merrin r. brother, moore sister, mcclelland i. brother, mcclelland i. sister, nesbit brother, oliver brother, oliver sister, oliver p. sister, paynter j. sister, ring sister, ring minnie, ring reynold, ring robbie, richards sister, small sister, smedley sister, scott brother, scott sister, taylor sister, telfer brother, telfer sister, theyer mrs., theyer miss., yewdall v., yewdall f., linttot mrs., lumley mr., ring mr., tuck mr., blair mrs., oliver mrs., ring mrs., tuck mrs., yewdall mrs., mcclelland mr., yewdall mr., thomson w.j., kershaw mr., taylor mr., mcclelland mrs., oliver mr., pioneers, ring mrs., veal mrs., oliver mrs., smail mrs., brown mrs., yates mrs., lumley mrs., knight mrs., hannaker mrs., hooper miss, merrin mrs., tuck mrs., smith mrs., henry mrs., bartlett mrs., johnson mrs., vautier mrs., mulroney mrs., bethany nursery school, murrumbeena, oakleigh, ward clive, henry edna, weaver edna, moorabbin hospital, north road, bambra road, mckenzie r., cole g., ghys p., jacques b., kay d., knee b., streader c., kilgour p., stibbe g.o., cannon p.r., hunt a., stibbe b., crittle w., yewdall sister, yewdall brother, mcclelland brother, thomson w.j. brother, taylor brother, brown sister, bartlett sister, hannaker sister, henry sister, hooper sister, johnson sister, knight sister, lumley sister, merrin sister, mclelland sister, smail sister, smith sister, theyer sister, meyer sister, veal sister, yates sister, clay w.h., clay l., withers a.b., baker s.r., andrews g.j., mcnaughton k.a., lang c.l., mcdowell w.w., martin j.k., vautier r.w., buckingham f.e., mansell d.w., randall e.h., garros n., mckenzie r.c., barker l.f., mathieson g.w., clayden c.p., cole brother, keneley brother, knee brother, alabaster brother, hood brother, hunt brother, kay brother, kilgour brother, manson brother, parker brother, towns brother, canns sister, houzego sister, grant sister, keneley sister, knee sister, mulroney sister, mcmillan sister, streader sister, young sister, hunt sister, whittaker brother, ennor sister, manson sister, ryall brother, alabaster j., beazley f., whittaker b., flanders g., north l., skews n., cole p., knee i., beazley bev., bradley n.w., cole d., keneley r., alabaster r., hood h., kay j., knee a.j., wannan john, wannan jennifer, arnott street, walsh street, hutchings mr., hutchings mrs., andrews sister, burton may, briggs b., bevan sister, brown brother, fisher brother, faragher l., streader d., mcdonald i., mcmillan d., cannon p., cannon h., mcquatter s., mcqualter s., kwong d., wittick r., mcdonald a., w.a. o’donnell pty ltd., williams louis r., henrichsen e.c., mayor of caulfield, shaw h.h., shaw w.g., drayton r., killmier e.r., stibbe glen, stibbe betty, stibbe ian, stibbe michelle, nicholls road, cannon peter, cannon helen, randall e.r., westwood j., langford f., white a.e., williams e.l., jones a.r., gray m., heath b., mullen i., van lean a., holt r., stevens d., fechner k., leake k., tippet i., tunks b., wilson d., bannon g., alabaster r.l., bishop j., faragher m., hunt l., reeves o., swankie m., cann b., ennor e., roper j., nash n., ryall d., kappa sigma pi, phi beta pi, clubs and associations, bethany close, webb j.e., lang c.l., skewes home, claire street, mckinnon, bethany nursing school, bentleigh east, j. bond and timms mission, thorpe jack, ormond station, ormond railway station, avery allan, aurelia, langford frank, drayton r., moorabbin town hall, hunt lindsay, whittaker john, deuble greg, gauson bill, beavis colin, pell norman, mansell david, niven alan, ormond road, ormond community church of christ, risson anthony, risson bronwyn, avery allan, avery liliane, cannon p.r., adamson m., bainbridge b., larkham j., moore j., bauer p., longmuir p., dodd m., uldrich m., thistlewaite a., english c., avery a., risson a., westwood t., langford f., white a.e., williams e.l., jones a.r., gray m., heath b., mullen i., van lean a., holt r., stevens d., fechner k., leake k., tippet i., tunks b., wilson d., bannon g., religious structures and establishments, religious groups, church groups, congregations (religious), monuments and memorials, clergy, baptisms, funerals, choirs, church festivals, rites and ceremonies, festivals and celebrations, paralysis epidemic, organs, manses -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 pamphlets relating to Shelford Girls School: 1/1 pamphlet titled ‘St. Mary’s Church, Glen Eira Road, Caulfield, The First One Hundred Years, 1863-1963’ dated 01/06/1963, containing a brief history of the school on page x. Author unknown. 2/1 pamphlet from the ‘Dedication and Opening of the C. C. Cowling Wing’ at Shelford Girls School, 26/07/1987, containing an order of proceedings for the ceremony. Author mary’s church, glen eira road, caulfield, churches, shelford girls school and kindergarten, hood crescent, dixon emily miss, seymour road, blundell miss, cowling c. c. reverend, allison road, langley h. t. canon, green bishop, thomas a. m. miss, ‘helenslea’, hood judge, st. margaret’s hall, ripley grove, criswick wing, thewlis j. s. miss, thewlis wing, baddams v. t. miss, woods archbishop, cooper e. franklin, cooper wing, v. t. baddams wing, caulfield grammar school, c. c. cowling wing, wilson john bishop, mccaughey jean mrs., pitt marie e. j., welsford smithers esq., cowling nancy mrs., downie peter, gregson tom, frank mas carol miss, parents clubs, clubs and associations, schools, education, openings (events), centenaries -
Glen Eira Historical Society
3 items about this person: 1/Two twelve page carbon copied documents, purportedly written by William Letchte, son of George, written in c1935/36. He writes of his jobs as a dairyman, cow minder at the age of ten tears. He recollects streets, people, residences, business and general landscape in the area, as he takes you on a tour of the area. 2/Photocopied photo of Katrina Lechte (nee Bolch?) donated by Ian Lechte, 15 Adrian Street, East Bentleigh. 3/Photocopied copy of first pages and cover of William Lechte’s booklet on ‘Caulfield 1869 – 1935 Memories of the Past’, published by the City of Caulfield, 1992. The Society has the full booklet in its book collection (not yet catalogued as of 07/07/2015).grange road, glenhuntly, glen huntly station, alma road, dairies, caulfield park, swamp, queens avenue, station street, cross street, racecourse, heywood j. g., turf club hotel, dandenong road, royal hotel, koornang road, north road, murrumbeena road, mclaurin archibald, crosbie j. w., poath road, newton mr., hooker mr., peck family robert farmer, dairies, ross murray, rosstown, hansen hans, arnott family, peppin family, ormond station, malane family, fraser simon, overtons, shepherds, spring road, mohlers, brighton cemetery, mall kim, market gardeners, long john farmer, fiedler mr., booran road, reservoir, summers mr., maddocks mr., holland mr., caulfield council, glen eira road, harriman benjamin c., kambrook road, bambra road, princess park, marriott john, hawthorn road, brickworks, hyam mr., cottages, jasmine street, sycamore street, paddy o’briens swamp, arnold tom, london tavern hotel, guess john-grocer, topp mr., poath road, pine trees, colonel le marehand, balaclava junction, chemist shop, bell mr., nicholls mr. william h., wine shop, orme mr., pepperorn mr. john, balaclava road, orchards, harvey mr. robert tailor, schubert mr., blew charlie – gardener, philpott mr. richard b., farquhar mr. william farmer, newing t. r., glen eira road, payne john, brockhoft mr., dickson mr. james, snipe t., bevan mr., mckean family john, murray family, francis mr., hart mr., mcdougall james, brady peter, cad, elsternwick station, webb mr., masters mr. samuel, master street, ford mr., anderson mr. joseph gardener, slaney mr., boxhill mr. richard, post office, newsagent, hotham street, service james, bunn mr., sargood mr., orrong road, arnold tom – dairy, officer mr., grimwade mr., alexandra street, oakleigh hall, degraves mr., wilson samuel, ‘manifold’, house names, miller septimus, alma road, knox mr. james gardener, smith mr., coachman, ‘cumloden’, lange mr., holyrood justice mr., cronin mrs. mary, mcgivenys dairy, ‘belle vista’, lloyd c. d., caulfield council, hughes mr., armstrong j. a., tom healey’s market garden, kooyong road, inkerman road, tom roe’s market garden, mcleod captain, daish captain, plumridger mr. frederick, gardeners, tester mr. thomas, kent mr., kent g., fiddes mr., billings mr., semple mr., fosberry mr., howitt or., merrett mr., orchards, hawthorn road, hines mr., ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., ‘crotonhurst’, webb justice mr., renwick s., ‘garrell’, barry mr., drinsdale family, st. mary’s church, sunday school, newing miss, teachers, stephen justice mr., stephen wilberforce, mount l., grimwade’s, ‘grimwade house’, danby’s, spence mr., venables family, mr. moss’ congregational church, barnhill mrs., porter miss, webb’s, ferguson, orange, police stations, kooyong road, pennington mr., health inspectors, engineers, inkley mr., farriers, mckeon mr., ‘sylverly’, dixon mr. edward, turner mr., marriott robert, ‘ravenhurst’, thompson j. j., wott t., architects, perrin mr. francis, tennis courts, royal parade, sayce mr. joseph j. p., ricketson h., ‘glen eira’, mansions, hospitals, turner mr., evans family, stephens miss, registers, mcculloch lady, convalescent homes, prentice street, edward street, strickland, keany pat, brentwood charlie, fordham lewis, hopetoun gardens, higgins mr. joseph f. engineer, railway construction bill, evans mr., beavis mr., twycross family john, medina captain, cowderoy mr. benjamin, murray mr., moore mr., ‘glenfern’, st. georges road, glen huntly road, cedar street, hunt bill – ‘bandy hunt’, jessamine street, alder street, le page’s store, post offices, balaclava junction, stephens frank, solicitors, parkside street, robinson j., ilbery mr. and family, mclennan mrs., victoria street, savings bank, riddell parade, elworthy mr. richard, butchers, shaw mr. william, armstrong mr., guess’ hotel, sycamore street, bagshaw mr., clack joe, wawn alex, sisson family, north road, younger mr., kooyong road, sheridan joseph, anketell family – john, wren john – carpenter, wills mr. peter, attrills arnold, heffernan family, cox peter, ilbery john, hotham street, glen huntly road, page j. w., bakeries, forests, godfrey mr., blacksmiths, thompson j. j., olive street, cedar street, letchte w., tierney richard, alma road, st. kilda east, murray peter, letchte’ cows – grazing, holland grove, eskdale road, lechte katrina, lechte ian, lechte catherine, lechte warren, lechte stuart, lechte elaine -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains four items 1/Two copies of a twenty-four page booklet titled CITY OF CAULFIELD CENTENARY 1857-1957, created by the Caulfield City Council and printed by Peter Isaacson Pty Limited, Melbourne. The booklet details important aspects of Caulfield’s history including council procedures, the Caulfield Road District Proclamation, the first election and a summary of 100 years of local government with a description of the present Caulfield in 1957. The booklet also includes several pictures of various Caulfield landmarks and people including one of Caulfield City Councillors (11 men and 1 woman). Also one photocopied version of this booklet. 2/Eleven pages of typed notes for the City of Caulfield Centenary booklet. All notes are undated and incomplete. Two pages titled NOTES on THE HISTORY and PROGRESS OF THE CITY OF CAULFIELD, author unknown. Three and a half pages titled THE STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN VICTORIA, author unknown. Five pages titled 100 YEARS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT – EARLY CAULFIELD, by Mrs A. P. Bell. 3/A typed letter to Miss V. Webb-Langdon from the Town Clerk H.G. Nelson, acknowledging her contribution to historical details for the Caulfield Council’s Centenary booklet, dated 24/12/1957. 4/A handwritten letter and a handwritten note regarding the acquisition of notes for the Caulfield Centenary booklet. The letter is dated 03/08/2006 and the note is dated 09/02/ of caulfield centenary, caulfield road district, sinclair a.j.g., city hall, war memorials, gamble h.a., machin l.r., bunny f.c.d., caulfield park, koornang reserve, parton e.m., sims h.e., thomson w.r., gunn e.e., yorston j.s., wallace g.e. mrs, green w.c., jenner e.r., ward boundaries, dandenong road, queens avenue, normanby road, station street, bond street, glen eira road, orrong road, poath road, north road, booran road, nepean highway, glen huntly road, glenhuntly road, inkerman road, hotham street, nelson h.g., fullard w.r., mackley g.j., ellis k.i, crosbie m.r., nutting b.i., body j.h., pritchard r.j., guildford l.t.g., lund l.m., street h.c., reynolds a.w., elections , political processes, local government, springthorpe reserve, greenmeadows gardens, business and finance, roads and streets, caulfield racecourse, east caulfield reserve, mackinnon reserve, hawthorn road, balaclava road, murrumbeena road, lempriere avenue, victoria street, koornang road, lord reserve, lyons street, murrumbeena reserve, kangaroo road, ormond park, beatty crescent, foch street, packer reserve, oakleigh road, leila road, prices park, bambra road, riley reserve, playgrounds, town hall, maternal and child health centres, truganini road, grange road, senior citizens centre, barkley sir henry, moore david, handasyde gilbert, caulfield school room, harris g.w., semple john, dempsey william, brooks w.a., wilson thomas, lyall william, murrum murrumbeen lifestyle, ‘greenmeadows’ house, lempriere family, aboriginal culture, ‘rippon lea’ house, caulfield john, ‘slaney’s’ home, alma road, paddy’s swamp, racecourse hotel, caulfield technical college, bevan mr., ‘grosmont’, hart john, railways, mansions, ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., caulfield cup, ‘crotonhurst’, webb judge, ‘kilwinning’, service james, ricketson henry, ‘glen eira’, house names, garden vale, ross william murray, ‘ross’s folly’, outer circle railway, caulfield grammar school, davies j. henry, lagdon william, grimwade f.s., loyd charles du plan, hope george, ‘airdrie’, kooyong hill, market gardens, dairies, lady talbot milk supply, jenner family, o’niell college, presentation sisters, glenferrie road, grimwade frederick sheppard, grimwade alice, ‘harlston’, grimwade house, ‘saint aubin’s’, ‘st. aubin’s’, ‘caulfield hall’, caulfield john p.t., st georges road, caulfield military hospital, nursing homes, health establishments, dover street, sports and recreations, rosanna street, ‘cantala’, health services, parks and reserves, community services, town planning, local government finance, local officials and employees -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Annual Report, Ballarat School of Mines, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report, 1969, 1969
This annual report was one year before the opening of the new tertiary division at Mt Helen. Council decided to retain the overall title "The School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat" for the foreseeable future, but to separately name the three divisions as follows: 1. Diploma School - The Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (A division of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat) 2. Trades School - The Ballarat School of Industries (A division of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat) 3. Secondary School - The Ballarat Technical School (A division of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat). The annual report also foreshadowed the Centenary of the School (and technical education in Australia) in 1970. Speaker at the trade Prize Night and Apprenticeship Week was W.J. Anderson, and Craftsmen Certificates were presented by the Ballarat City Council. A number of quarto pages with stapled inside a brown card cover. The report was for the year ended 30 June 1969, and was delivered by Ballarat School of Mines President M.B. John. Page 5 lists the Diplomas awarded. Page 6 lists the scholarships, prizes and awards, including the Josephine Brelaz Scholarship, Martha Pinkerton Scholarship, Frank Pinkerton Scholarship, Mica Smith/Serjeant/Ironworkers Scholarship, Ballaarat Has Comapny Scholarship, Ballaarat City Council Scholarship, R.W. Richards Medal. Page 8 covers buildings and accommodation. Conditions were cramped at Lydiard Street , with conditions hoped to be improved when the Stage I buildings at Mount Helen were completed in the following year. Mount Helen Master Plan was undertaken by Joint site planners G.J. Harrison, staff architect at the Flinders University of South Australia. and messrs L.H. Vernon and associates, of Ballarat. The following staff members retired: A.L.H. Aldersey; J.V. Crotty; M. Page; J.Ralston; P.J. Smith, P.B. Todd; Derek Wooley; Mr Goldfinch. TRADE DIVISION: F.D. Hamilton, J. Moran, D.Drake The following new lecturing appointments were made during the year: G.I. Boyd; E.W. Butters; D.R. Dowling; P.D. Kelly; G.J. medwell; R.E. Northey; C.A. Pogliani; R.H. Pyke; Roy Schrieke; B.J. Shearer, D.J. Stabb, T.W. Sweatman; A.C. Turner; D.G. Williams; C.M. McGarry. The Computer centre was enlarged when Arch MacKinnon was transferred as Mathematics lecturer to Computer Manager. J.A. Wilson was the computer operator, and R. Kopke, E. Dykstra and V. Gay were Card Punch Operators. Preliminary work on the new Brewing and Malting course was continuing, and plans were being made for the commencement of courses in Librarianship and General Studies. A Halls of Residence Committee had held meetings to explore the type of student accommodation required. ballarat school of mines, library, m.b. john, stohr, robertson, beanland, graeme beanland, arthur nicholson, m.j. brown, anderson, rex hollioake, w.j.c. north, patterson, smail, w.g. smith. sutton, e.j. tippett, webb, white, yandell, mount helen, scholarship, martha pinkerton, josephine brelaz, graham beanland -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Certificate stub book, School of Mines Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines Certificate Stubb Book, 1938-1964
This certificate stub book contains the subject certificates of the graduates of the School of Mines and Indutsries, Ballarat, a predecessor of Federation University Australia.This item highlights the subjects studied and graduates of the School of Mines between 1938 to 1964. It also records the change of cursive over that time.This book includes stubs of subject certificates from the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat. This also contains a number of uncollected certificates. It is a brown hardback book with black binding. Its contents covers certificates between 1938 to 1964. Names of recipients include: Charles Holt, Henry Elford, Irvin Singleton, J. H. Hughes, John Morcom, Alfred Amor, John Wastell, John Rudwick, Jared Hines, Harry Allan, L. F. J. Hillman, Arthur Davies, Letitia Stanley, Victor Wright,Raymond Ball, Mary O'Callaghan, Ethna Burke, Alec Foyster, James Duggan, Leonard Auchettl, Reeves Collins, James Patterson, Stanley Douglas Webb, Oswald Lyle, Marvis Orr, Eric Roberts, Jack Clennell, A. R. Millar, Heith Smyth, Walter Hines, Harold Leslie, Joseph Fisher, Geoffry Burns, Alick Dait, George Hill, Raymond Wines, Robert Manson, Albert O'Neill, Thomas Green, William Stargatt, William Harrison, Reginald Allen, Albert Wilson, Allan Curtis, Arthur Donald, John Wynn, Sydney Robinson, John Blackic, Percy Elsdon, Hubert Jenkins, Kingsley Callister, Douglas Hall, Norman Lawson, Winfield Tonkin, Artuhur Williams, Allan Curtis, Ernest, Billinge, John Daelon, Harold Bunting, Stanley Wilton, Robert Sugden, Heith Foster, Winsome Stevens, Herbert Stanbridge, Robert Pittard, Henry Brew, Ernest Berriman, Carlyle West-Onley, William Blackic, Lorna Dunstan, Cedric Pike, Stanley Jephson, Hugh Hendrick, Joseph Fisher, Ernest Grove, Ronald Fisher, Heith Halsall, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Stanley Trengove, Donald Trescowthick, Harold Tolliday, Russell Lucas, John Boyd, John Keys, Stanley Betteridge, Ernest Betteridge, Michael Ross, Robert Stewart, Joseph Beasley, William Beasley, Ray Deveson, George Hennessy, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Moorhouse, Hector Tonks, John Donald, Hugh Hendrick, Stanley Jephson, Ian McIntosh, Robert Nice, Ralph Scott, Walter Martin, Grant Coutts, Lindsay Hannah, John Tainsh, Hubert Robinson, John Donald, George Beaton, Heather Harris, Brian McCarthy, Samuel Perry, Valentine Pascoe, Philip McLean, Geoffrey Hewish, Hubert Robinson, John Borch, Frederick Gale, Ian Grundell, Albert Perry, Frank Hutchinson, Horace Shuttleworth, Kenneth Mason, David Hatt, Malcom Foster, George Jones, Graham McKinnon, Ronald Newton, John Betts, Leonard Wade, Robert McClure, David Beaumont, Leslie Powell, Samuel Perry, Donald Treweek, Edgar McArthur, Russell Fraser, Edgar McArthur Bartrop, Clive Carmichael, Leslie Fuhrmeister, Lindsay Coon, Zigurds Plavina, Victor Gingell, Rupert McKenna, Graham McKinnon, David Fairley, Johannes Meennen, Ronald Murphy, Johannes Naus, John McConville, Graham Melonie, William Cutter, Thomas Chalkley, Kenneth Morton, Stanley Shears, Robert Auld, Donald Campbell, John Cofield, Brian Whykes, William Milford, Noel Richards, Stewart Jacobs, James Robertson, Clement Rose, Eric Brown, Allan Raworth, Ernest Salter, Neville Cartledge, Peter Stacey, Robert McClure, Antonius Goossens, Rodney Cartledge, Rodney Hayes, Bevan Grigsby, James Robertson, Neil Stephens, John Riddle, Andreas Aaus, Bruce Fletcher, Keith Pedler, Allen Flavell, Robert Cartledge, Ronald Shaw, Kenneth Hibberd, William Lockland, Percival Bilney and Petrus Damen. Uncollected certificates for James Patterson, Robert Sugden, Ernest Berriman, Stanley Jephson, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Joseph Beasley, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Hewish, Robert McClure, Kingsley Callister, Winfield Tonkin, Raymond Wines, Oswald Wilde and Kenneth Mason are included within. The subjects covered include: Printing, mining, geology, metallurgy, mining geology, mine surveying, mechanics applied to mining, electric welding, machine shop practice, algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat treatment, graphics, oxywelding, engineering drawing, blacksmithing, shorthand theory advanced, shorthand speed, commercial English, intermediate English, plain dressmaking, dressmaking advanced, electric wiring, physics, electric technology, carpentry, machine shop, plumbing, trade science, carpentry and joinery, building construction, heat treatment, wiring, oxyacetylene welding, foremanship, turning and fitting, electric wiring, arithmetic, social studies, commercial correspondence, office routine, bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand, electric refrigerator servicing, refrigeration, radio mechanics, trade maths, sheetmetal, wool sorting, motor mechanics, human relations in management and industrial supervision. Many of the stubbs are signed by principal Dick Richards. Each certificate is signed by the current principal of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, and a number have also been signed by the of mines, school of mines andindustries, certificate, richard w. richards, horace william shuttleworth, dick richards, charles holt, henry elford, irvin singleton, j. h. hughes, john morcom, alfred amor, john wastell, john rudwick, jared hines, harry allan, l. f. j. hillman, arthur davies, letitia stanley, victor wright, raymond ball, mary o'callaghan, ethna burke, alec foyster, james duggan, leonard auchettl, reeves collins, james patterson, stanley douglas webb, oswald lyle, marvis orr, eric roberts, jack clennell, a. r. millar, heith smyth, walter hines, harold leslie, joseph fisher, geoffry burns, alick dait, george hill, raymond wines, robert manson, albert o'neill, thomas green, william stargatt, william harrison, reginald allen, albert wilson, allan curtis, arthur donald, john wynn, sydney robinson, john blackic, percy elsdon, hubert jenkins, kingsley callister, douglas hall, norman lawson, winfield tonkin, artuhur williams, allan curtis, ernest billinge, john daelon, harold bunting, stanley wilton, robert sugden, winsome stevens, herbert stanbridge, robert pittard, henry bre, ernest berriman, carlyle west-onley, william blackic, lorna dunstan, cedric pike, stanley jephson, hugh hendrick, joseph fisher, ernest grove, ronald fisher, heith halsall, henry harris, maxwell silvey, stanley trengove, donald trescowthick, harold tolliday, russell lucas, john boyd, john keys, stanley betteridge, ernest betteridge, michael ross, robert stewart, joseph beasley, william beasley, ray deveson, george hennessy, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey moorhouse, hector tonks, john donald, hugh hendrick, stanley jephson, ian mcintosh, robert nice, ralph scott, walter martin, grant coutts, lindsay hannah, john tainsh, hubert robinson, john donald, george beaton, heather harris, brian mccarthy, samuel perry, valentine pascoe, philip mclean, geoffrey hewish, hubert robinson, john borch, frederick gale, ian grundell, albert perry, frank hutchinson, horace shuttleworth, kenneth mason, david hatt, malcom foster, george jones, graham mckinnon, ronald newton, john betts, leonard wade, robert mcclure, david beaumont, leslie powell, samuel perry, donald treweek, edgar mcarthur, russell fraser, edgar mcarthur bartrop, clive carmichael, leslie fuhrmeister, lindsay coon, zigurds plavina, zig plavina, victor gingell, rupert mckenna, graham mckinnon, david fairley, johannes meennen, ronald murphy, johannes naus, john mcconville, graham melonie, william cutter, thomas chalkley, kenneth morton, stanley shears, robert auld, donald campbell, john cofield, brian whykes, william milford, noel richards, stewart jacobs, james robertson, clement rose, eric brown, allan raworth, ernest salter, neville cartledge, peter stacey, robert mcclure, antonius goossens, rodney cartledge, rodney hayes, bevan grigsby, james robertson, neil stephens, john riddle, andreas aaus, bruce fletcher, keith pedler, allen flavell, robert cartledge, ronald shaw, kenneth hibberd, william lockland, percival bilney, petrus damen, james patterson, robert sugden, ernest berriman, stanley jephson, henry harris, maxwell silvey, joseph beasley, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey hewish, robert mcclure, kingsley callister, winfield tonkin, raymond wines, oswald wilde, kenneth mason, trades -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Roll of Honor School of Mines Ballarat (rough), 1915, 1915
These pages are the rough notes and compilation of the Ballarat School of Mines World War One honour board..1) Roll of Honor for School of Mines Ballarat - original listing on blue feint lined cream foolscap paper. Handwritten names (lines through) with ROLL of HONOR printed at top. .2) Handwritten names on blue feint lined foolscap paper .3) A5 cream sheet of paper with handwritten names.1) ROLL OF HONOR printed on top of page .2)Revised list 12.10.15 at bottom right hand corner .3) Joined Expeditionary Forces handwritten on top of paperroll of honor, roll of honour, honour roll, honor roll, ballarat, ballarat school of mines, smb, university of ballarat, expeditionary forces, soldiers, world war one, wwi, 1st world war, killed in action, virgil tucker, alexander fraser, a.g. campbell, herbert hawkesworth, william e. figgis, stanley hepburn, robert m. serjeant, milton williamson, e. sleep an anderson, p. sinclair anderson, john h.s. thomas, leslie de jersey grut, ralph moore, louis g. buchner, william williams, thomas rhys williams, leslie w. mathews, leigh simpson, john bolton, martell, stanley kitchner, william henry o'brien, reginald callister, theodore serjeant, les kemp, basil ross, carl janssen, fred hepworth, percy levison, alfred mica smith, les mounsey, leslie blick, john r. sides, henry jerman, harold g counell, stanley kitchen, h.m. connan, reg nunn, hedley long, frank dawson, leslie kemp, mcnamee, g.h. winckler, h.j. hibbins, arthur w. hughes, syd rawlings, bent hayes, trevan ruglen, brew, w. wilberforce, e.t.a. zuabour, t.t.w. dixon, r.r. marshall, charles tait, j.j. hibbins, d.r. tunbridge, w.s. davies, j. coglan, frank clark, harold peart, frank peart, a.t. bury, a.r. mcconnell, sheppard, alf wilson, roy parker, kevin coglan, allan perry, forbes tweedie, c.e. bray, l.w. matthews, robert marshall, a. parry, h.w. preston, alfred wilson, r.w. vickery, alfred bailey, p. besmore, c. bryant, a. clegg, n. cameron, w.f.m. johnson, l.w. quirk, a.c. collins, e.c. doepel, a. gourlig, allan ross, ross allan, samuel ainsworth, les blick, c.c bray, b. beesmerse, calvin briant, h. brown, harry brittain, harold c. connell, kevin j. coglan, ted cannon, e.j. cannon, ray cormack, dixon, arthur dixon, ernest duncan, harold ferguson, n.j. hibbins, bert hayes, heddles long, leslie mournsey, ken moss, arthur w. nicholas, morshead, j.b. morshead, allan t. penny, roy parkin, paulig, paterson, l.w. quick, morris roberts, lindsay ross, a. simmons, percy senior, s. halliburton sheppard, spencer, gerard scarff, trevan, a.a. trahan, percy towly, robert tremain -
Federation University Historical Collection
Medal, Ballarat School of Mines Hillman Award (medal), c1992
Lindsay F.J. Hillman was born in Ballarat in 1910, and attended the Ballarat Junior Technical School. He became a cadet in Electrical Engineering Laboratory at the Ballarat School of Mines where he gained eventually gained a student Teachership for diploma studies at the School. Hillman was particularly active and excelled in a wide range of sporting interests and in student activities. In 1928 and 1928 he was awarded the Ballarat School of Mines Honour blazer by the Old Boys' association for all round athletic ability, leadership and scholarship. After spending two years with the Melbourne City Council Electric Supply Department gaining industrial experience Hillman was awarded his Diploma of electrical engineering in 1931, returning to the School in 1932 to teach apprentices and senior students. Hillman was appointed lecturer in Engineering Design and Graphics in 1937, lecturer in Engineering Design and Civil Engineering in 1944, Lecturer-in-Charge of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in 1948 and Head of the Electrical Engineering Department in 1949, a position he held until his retirement in 1973. In 1975 Lindsay Hillman was appointed to the Council of the Ballarat School of Mines and played an active role in school affairs.As Vice-President of Council from 1981 until his death in 1991 Hillman took a leading part in the implementation of many of the major building projects on the Lydiard Street Campus. The L.F.J. Hillman Award was established by the Ballarat School of Mines Council in conjunction with and through the generosity of the Hillman family in honour of the late Lindsay Frederick John Hillman. The bronze medal was presented annually to an enrolled student in an accredited course in the field of electrical/electronics studies at the Ballarat School of Mines. specific Criteria for the Award consisted of a balance of academic performance, leadership qualities, commitment to further study and involvement in sporting and/or community groups. Bronze medal designed depicting the portrait of Lindsay Hillman. The medal has a copper finish, and is presented in a blue hinged box. The first Hillman Award was presented in 1992. The recipients are: 1992 - Brett A. Hovey 1993 - Nil 1994 - Brent L. Ferguson 1995 - Kirsty McKenzie 1996 - Peter J. White 2000 - Roger Bush 2001 - Thomas Edward George 2002 - Mark William Holden 2003 - David James Hopwood 2004 - Leighton Dunn 2005 - Donald Pirouet 2006 - Mark Irvin 2007 - Ricky Wilson 2008 - Luther Dean 2009 - Daniel Thatcher 2010 - Craig Coulter 2011 - Sarah Draper 2012 - Rhys Hendrickson 2013 - Jayden Hooper "Lindsay Hillman Memorial Medal" Verso: "The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat, Est. 1870 Presented to "ballarat school of mines, hillman, lindsay hillman, medal, numismatics, honour blazer, electrical engineering, electronics, hillman medal, hillman award -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat Teachers' College Extra Muros, 1958, 1958
... k. ryrie d. ritchie m. scanlon e. robinson m. rutter j ...February 1958 Classes commence at the new Gillies Street location of Ballarat Teachers’. (BTC Handbook 1965; Beggs-Sunter: 84) Contents include: Editorial, Our Principal Speaks, the President S.R.C., 1958 Highlights, Teaching Round, Section Notes, Social Notes, Hostel Life, Sporting World, Insignias and Awards 1958, Club NotesLight blue cover with dark blue and yellow titles. Soft covered magazine of the Ballarat Teachers College. 48 pages. Articles include Victoria Street Hostel, Gilies Street Hostel, Grampians Trip, Beaufort House , Sturt St House , Camp St Hostel, Club Notes btc, ballarat teachers college, n. harvey, t. w. h. turner, monica miller, m. hines, b. rickard, d. eldridge, n. turnbull, b. english, k. o'neil, p. burgess, m. almeida, e. doney, j. rae, p. wise, w. crocker, p. r. burgess, barry withers, j. bourke, a. linton, s. mckaskill, h. pattenden, d. chandler, a. stafford, r. croft, a. cuthbertson, r. reed, a. sonsee, j. lacy, f. ryan, c. rodger, m. egan, j. hill, t. turner, c. m. canty, j. blair, e. walpole, m. miller, michael long, m. blair, j. blackman, n. beacham, d. astbury, m. bergin, a. constable, g. clarke, g. briggs, m. brown, e. beck, j. badger, g. angwin, g. alexander, k. broad, a. costa, e. davidson, p. burbidge, j. clements, s. elder, d. foster, b. fernandes, b. fischer, m. harcoan, j. heenan, b. hudson, e. jardine, k. hayes, g. coffey, r. dennis, w. cartledge, v. delbridge, n. hawker, l. hales, d. farnsworth, l. hallam, r. fencher, g. karstens, f. leach, r. kelly, m. long, g. macdonald, j. mcdermott, a. lehmann, i. hastie, b. haig, m. jones, l. jeffrey, m. kiefel, j. mcalpine, i. jenkins, j. kenworthy, b. lawton, m. livingston, e. mcormick, d. mckimmie, g. mcintosh, m. mckee, b. murphy, f. mitchell, m. mclachlan, r. power, k. mcdougall, s. murphy, b. nash, d. mckenzie, j. madder, j. meadows, n. mchenry, j. mayo, l. missen, e. muir, g. roberts, k. ryrie, d. ritchie, m. scanlon, e. robinson, m. rutter, j. rogers, m. rae, v. reynolds, j. rees, r. sloley, d. sheen, b. nunn, r. nicholas, b. ruwoldt, m. rowe, l. walker, l. wilkinson, n. wright, d. shoebridge, f. stokie, g. stewart, j. teschendorf, n. souter, e. walker, m. spinks, m. wallace, m. stone, s. tucker, r. taylor, j. short, b. tucker, l. castree, w. craig, r. bibby, b. davies, r. bowker, g. cabble, i. clayton, w. coleman, j. bates, m. elder, l. anthony, j. carmichael, e. edwards, l. anderson, b. cannard, b. drake, j. elliott, p. dunn, b. withers, m. stewart, l. wright, d. smith, r. rowe, k. wilson, k. waltrowicz, j. roach, l. schreenan, i. sutherland, d. williams, b. wynne, j. schaefer, s. shepherd, s. wright, b. whiteside, m. oliver, j. quayle, j. waller, j. taylor, v. rogers, s. moller, m. norman, l. thomas, j. wagner, w. j. craig, e. anthony, r. neville, j. noonan, b. lay, k. hammer, g. moncrieff, r. mason, g. howlett, w. knight, j. matthews, b. lumsden, b. phelan, p. hope, v. la franchi, s. henderson, l. hayne, w. keen, b. forbes, m. gray, g. mcilvena, a. horwill, j. mccumber, m. hateley, k. rieniets, e. fletcher, d. johnson, j. miller, i. ross, c. keys, e. jarvis, m. youngs, j. smith, e. davies, g. commons, p. larmour, r. gowan, b. hedley, miss egan, s. blomfield, m. meyer, k. duffy, h. speedie, j. witton, d. magee, a. pope, p. quinlan, h. jones, miss miller, kevin o'neil, lois e. hayne, w. keem, mr croft, geoff cabble, jack noonan, jan carmichael, gwen macdonald, bev. ross -
Federation University Historical Collection
Parish Plan, Parish Plan of Trawalla in the Parish of Rippon, 1913, 28/4/1913
Trawalla is surrounded by Beaufort, Brewster, Lillirie, Yangerahwill and Eurambee.Parish Plan of Trawalla in the Parish of Rippon. trawala, ripon, westbrok, simson, mackenzie, mcarthur, wilson, nicholason, gibb, read, hayward, topper, foreman, bell, mcmillan, halpin, davis, goldsmith, trawalla pre-emptive right, butson, w.j. butson, m4471, w. read, c.a. foreman, j. simson, a. goldsmith, trawalla, g. topper -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895, 1878-1895
The Donation Book relates to the Ballarat School of Mines Museum which opened in 1872. Very few of these items are still held by Federation University. The Museum was emptied in the 1960s with items being distrubuted to the Ballarat Historical Society, returned to original lenders (ie Pern Collection), of disposed of. Donations to the Ballarat School of Mines include: 34. M. Hamburger, Ballarat - bunsen burner 41. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - 81 nos of 'Engineer' 89. Juvenile Industrial Exhibition Association Committee per Joseph Flude - dies used for striking medals awarded to successful exhibits. 165. Ferdinand Von Mueller 172 Ferdinand Von Mueller o hortus siccus 6 197. James Stoddart 203. Edward Gazzard, North Creswick - Model of safety Cage invented and made by donor 218. E. Morey 222. Alfred Lestor 228. J.J. Sleep, Ballarat, patent Lever escarpment Clock (displayed in laboratories) 237. Bernard Smith (Warden) per favor of James M. Bickett - Bust of Mr John Lynch, Smythesdale. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 241. James Oddie, J.P., Ballarat, Copy of 'the Chemist and Druggist' 267. John Lynch Junior, Smythesdale - Cast of "Golden Age" nugget, found at Browns by Co-operative party, 12 men. Weight 75 oz, 12 dwts, 12 grs.(Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 270. Isaac Davis, Main Road, Ballarat 294. W. H. Shaw, Ballarat - 94 nos of 'The Engineer' 295. Rivett Henry Bland, Clunes - Specimen of water pipe from the Port Phillip Company's mine encrusted with carbonites of lime and magnesium (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 299. D.J. Williams, Queenscliff - 1 case shells from Fiji 305. C. Retallack, Ballarat 314. William Henry Shaw, Ballarat - glass case 323. W. Longley, Ballarat - Botanical Specimen (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 327. W. H. Angove, Perth 337. J. Cosmo Newbery, B Sc, Melbourne 343. James Hector, M.D., New Zealand 353. R.S. Mitchell, Ballarat - 8 specimens live plants (medicinal) (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 355. W. Magee, Ballarat - Sugar cane plants and seeds (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 363. James Hector, Wellington, new Zealand 371. William Wesley, 28 Essex St, Strand, London - Scientific book circular 380. Jacob Upfold (deceased) per favor of the trustees - bequest of steam engine indicator and belongings (boothe and case) 381. Joseph Mitchell, 22 Macarthur Street, Ballarat - sod of turf cut from Warboy's High Few, County Huntingdon, England, 1872. 394. W.H. Barnard 401. James Orr 418. F. Ratte, Sydney 440. Alfred Mica Smith, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Inaugural Address, delivered to the Bendigo School of Mines Science Society, June 20. 1881 by P.H. Macgillivray, MA, MRCS, FLS, President. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 446. C. C. Shoppee, Ballarat 462. Dr Bunce, Ballarat 468. James Black, Mining Manager "Kerrit Bureet' 479. J.S. North, Mining Manager No. 2 Queen Co, Black Hill Ballarat. 505. Smith Tibbitts - A block of ancient leaves from the Nigtingbool Estate near Haddon on the Ballarat district from shaft 80 feet deep. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 512. F.W. Niven, Ballarat - "A Handy Book to Tasmania" 522. James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand 549. C.E. Grainger, Manager Ballarat Woollen Mills - samples of dyed and raw wools 600. (4 July 1882) Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 13th annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain; 2 papers from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, nos 217 and 218- 1882, "One a new electrical storage battery by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria. 608. H. Glenny J.P., Ballarat - Specimen of Asbestos from Tasmania 610. M.H. Edelmann, Munich, Germany 674. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Steel boring 95 feet long taken from bed-plate of locomotive engine. 675 - H.R. Hancock J.P. pre favour Mr James Pryor, Moonta Mines 676. Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller KCMG, etc, Melbourne 678. E.F.A. Gaunt, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Nelson, per favour Lyde Gaunt - Specimen of manganese ore from the mines - Russell - New Zealand 728. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat 760. Simon Morrison, Ballarat 784. James Shugg, Hamilton - 1 case fossils from Muddy Creek, near Hamilton. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 786. W. Bolam (inspector of Schools), Melbourne - 2 spears and 1 fishing prong Fijian 806. James Oddie, Ballarat 708. Henry G. Hanks, San Francisco 786. W. Bolam (Inspector of Government Schools Melbourne) - 2 spears and one fishing prong Fijian 824. Henrique Gorceixm Onro Preto, Brazil 840. W. Laplau, Ballarat - Gas furnace with a large assortment of fittings, also large gas holder and oil-heating apparatus 854. Robert Borch, Main Road, Ballarat - Improved safety chain (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 928. James Oddie 944. James P. Munroe, Registrar, Massachusetts 952. L.E. Cutter per favour of Mr F.J. Martell - Unexploded bomb shell from the Eureka Stockade 957. H. Glenny, Hobart 962. George Hart, Ballarat - eagle 976. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 1 volume "Plattner on the Blowpipe" 978. J.W. Flatow, 45 Madeline Street, Carlton, Melbourne 984. Charles C Shoppee Ballarat - Copies of ancient coins 989-95 - Specimens from Moonta, South Australia 985. W.H. Wooster BOlwarra - books microscope related 1179. James Oddie - Live hedgehog 1181 C. Crisp, Bacchus Marsh, Portugal Copper Coin, 1785 1248 James Oddie, Solomon Islands - Bow and arrows & Spears 1285. C. Colyer, Smythesdale 1327. John L. McKenna, Smeaton - Fragment of Stone Axe. 1395. Mrs O. Skoglund, Nerrina 1428. Daniel Brophy, Ballarat - Collection of mineral specimen form Silverton (Collected by Mrs James Murray) 1442. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - Specimens of fossil fruits collected at Haddon by Charles Brown. 1444. Mining Department - Underground Mine Workings from Band of Hope and others. 1517. W.H. Wooster, Ballarat 1592. Bishop of Ballarat - Stone Axe and other native items 1669. H. McHaffier, Napoleons - 1 Spanish silver coin 1681. James Oddie, Dunedin 1688. W. Burbridge, Ballarat - Native Tomahawk from Metung 1708. A. Doepel, Ballarat 1712. Marty Guerin, Ballarat 1735. Bella Guerin. M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 7 May 28th 1887 and The Bulletin, March 19th 1887. 1747. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 8 June 4 1887 1751. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 9 June 11th 1887 1842. Linnean Society, London England - Charter, By Laws, Proceedings, Transactions, Journals 1853. W.J. Corbould, Silverton, NSW - chloride of silver from Pinnacles, Broken Hill, Silverton 1888. W. J. Corbould, Sample of metallic silver from Silverton, NSW 1928. E. Morey, Ballarat - Steam Engine 1937. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman (number crossed out) 1951. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman 1981. Harrie Wood (per W.H.B.[Barnard?), Ballarat 1996. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Papers "The Vict Engineer July 1887, May June July August 1888 and others 2014. Harrie Wood, Sydney - Report Department of Mines, 18872027. W.J. Bechervaise - Copy of Book by Baldwin Spencer 2034. A.G. Randall - Native Hatchet 2045. W.H. Corbould, Silverton, Collection of silver ores 2051. Fowler, Tarnagulla - Native Tomahawk 2123-2131. James Oddie, London 2163. Roff. F. Taplier, Sturt Street - Native Tomahawk 2178. Syd. Johnson, Meredith - Native Tomahawk, Greenstone 2184. Mr Tupp for Hall - Native Spear and Club 2292. Emmanuel Steinfeld, Melbourne 2313. A. Atwood, Rowlands Factory, Dana Street 2361. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat - Collection of Living Sponges 2363. P. Curnow, Ballarat - Piece of wood with stone naturally embedded 2364. R. Dowling, Waubra 2875. Mrs C, Flude, Ballarat - Collection of (5) mineral specimens 3460. Joseph Weir, Ballarat - Sample of rolled Annibar 3466. J. Hart, Ballarat - Native Shield - supposed to have been made by King Billy 4784. Mr. O. Woolnaugh, Pleasant Street - Four Native Tomahawks 6469. L. Balhausen, Ballarat 3472. John English, Smeaton - three samples of auriferous wash dirt 3607. Columbia College, New York - Handbook of Information of the Columbia College in the Ciry of New York 1892-3. 3672. L.A. Samuels, Bendigo 3724. P. Paperhagen 3736. The Late Rivett Henry Bland per John Noble Wilson - Collection of mineral specimens and fossils 3752. G.A. Denny, South Africa 3755. J. Carroll, Ballarat - Specimen of Native bread found in Ballarat East. 4765. J. Donnelly, Springs, Bungaree I. Fowler, Coolgardie, Specimen of Gold Bearing Quartz ballarat school of mines, doantions, museum, ballarat school of mines museum, safety cage, botanical garden, materia medica garden, library, bella guerin, james oddie, phoenix foundry, w.h. shaw, john lynch, henry sutton, aboriginal, stone axe, tomahawk, geological specimens, moonta, fedinand krause, oddie collection of minerals, thomas bath, spears, solomon islands, king billy, bows and arrows, ancient coins, birds eggs, snakes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat Junior Technical School B Grade Football Team, 1946, 1946
The B grade football team of the Ballarat Junior Technical School . Back row left to right: L. Wilson, K. Spalding, K. East, W. Holdsworth, E. Jackson, J. Anderson Centre row left to right: T. Shaw, W. Whittle, G. Hindson, D. Morris, W. Fisher, G. Toplis, W. Sutherland Front row left to right: B. Bowman, A. Hughes, W. Coles, G, Clifton, G. Bergin, F. Atchison, F. Gallagher, T. Aggett, T. Hewittballarat junior technical school, ballarat junior technical school football team, football, australian rules football -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat Junior Technical School Activities Account, 1937 to 1949, 1937 to 1949
The Ballarat Junior Technical School was a division of the Ballarat School of Mines.Charcoal green foolscap book with red spine. It lists students form 1937 to 1949 and fee activity fee they paid. The books was kept by two sportsmasters, William J. Paterson (1937-1943) and George Benson (1944-1949)ballarat junior technical school, patterson, benson, fee, sport, activity fee, paterson, the ballarat junior technical school was a division of the ballarat school of mines, activities, financials, ballarat school of mines students' magazine, white flat committee, nelson brayshaw, jan grant, donald lucas, john pool, k.g. haymes, william cunningham, john hume, william llewelyn, donald lewis, john spittle, robert wilkie, albert glover, ashley stutchberry, william brody, robert lemke, colin day, wallace reid, john eddy, bruce linklater, colin moynihan, douglas mills, frederick reeves, arthur schrader, stanley lang, r.g. elshaug, c.e. eltingham, i. sutton, j.m.blackburn, w. sutherland, henry haymes, affilliations, gordon and gotch, w.a. wilson, wesley church tennis club, c.a. heighway, r.f. scott, wattle tea rooms, 1941-1951 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1952, 1952
School Council, Members of Staff, Editorial, Principal's Page, Magazine Committee, Obituary - Rupert P. Flower, Literary Society, Prominent Personalities, Science School, News and Notes, Prize Presentation, The Apprentices, Boys Sport, Sun Youth Travel Memoirs, The Art School, His Majesty the Late King George VI, Commercial Notes, Gleanings Here and There, Junior School, Girls Sport, Sport, House Notes, Junior Technical School Students', Roll Call - Diploma Students 1952Pale blue soft covered magazine with navy blue titles.ballarat school of mines, magazine, mr bryan, c. sanos, s. deans, j. williams, r. simpson, c. g. fairbank, d. treadwell, e. aitkens, g. birkett, g. allen, f. benjamin, s. gillespie, r. hullick, h. mccallum, h. harris, j. walton, e. walsh, j. stevens, b. clark, rupert p. flower, john bechervaise, w. keith hindson, a. james tinney, walter c. tooth, john d. bethune, vilma sansom, betty clark, travers duncan, joyce wilson, lex lockhart, jim w. beattie, joyce stevens, slim ingleton, a. eddy, john howard, douglas george dean, edgar bartrop, colin mck. henry, tom adams, max kennedy, jeff coward, o. j. nilsen, j. skuja, s. rowe, w. maddox, a. kinnane, d. fraser, a. carpenter, john james, b. flavel, j. murray, d. schmidt, g. habel, t. duncan, l. matthews, n. spiers, b. smith, a. tonnisseu, r. ingleton, j. bethune, j. mills, j. mcneil, b. schreenan, w. carlyon, d. stevens, l. j. hillman, k. hindson, r. furlong, j. beattie, b. taylor, g. heyes, l. quilliam, r. archer, a. johnson, m. gillin, t. seabrook, m. phillips, j. sawyer, c. restarick, j. saggers, g. ditchfield, j. tinney, don stewart, j. faneco, m. stevens, w. tooth, ron simpson, bill maxwell, graham searle, jim tinney, k. treloar, j. barnes, s. j. deans, lynette j. blomeley, georgina cox, heather mcgregor, janet saunders, heather harris, elizabeth mcarthur, norma coffield, pat lavery, imelda lee, gloria white, valerie westbrook, cynthia stone, janice thompson, clare mooney, glenys perry, faida lewis, betty clarke, marion volk, isla veal, valerie yates, coralie mckenzie, lorraine digby, barbara henderson, deidre wilson, margaret henderson, barbara ngip, glenys sleeth, anne duncan, l. dwyer, elaine leishman, j. jenkin, stirling gillespie, w. bridges, b. baldock, b. braybrook, e. mackie, r. braybrook, c. grose, b. mackie, c. garnham, c. schmidtke, t. lugg, j. copeman, b. tozer, g. mathews, n. sutherland, r. lambert, j. sanders, m. quick, j. collier, g. pike, r. digby, r. quayle, r. sharp, n. brogden, r. lyons, p. stevens, j. bastin, b. kay, k. duncan, b. golding, l. norman, b. murnane, k. hocking, c. sealey, b. langdon, f. weightman, m. birch, r. stevenson, r. stewart, r. haintz, k. mccoll, k. jarvis, l. hocking, d. curtain, r. lazarus, e. boak, j. fletcher, b. orchard, j. squires, n. pike, j. shrader, l. reynolds, m. ritchie, g. smith, d. parkes, g. templeton, m. wunhym, v. vincent, d. robertson, d. lang, l. horwood, d. searle, d. new, v. jolly, a. minotti, b. beaumont, m. marshall, e. bowen, j. rogers, d. cody, e. kinnane, j. cunningham, j. schrader, r. horgan, j. white, n. flood, j. matthews, h. gale, k. mitchell, v. rowse, j. mayne, a. gilbert, b. warrillow, g. gilbert, n. quick, m. hall, d. furlong, n. lyons, j. richards, j. jones, l. major, d. baldock, d. dow, g. ruddick, d. howell, j. caddy, b. singleton, b. powell, r. sharpe, c. lockhart, l. daff, c. sharpe, d. irish, l. dow, a. douglas, n. twaites, j. courtney, l. beacham, n. c. cartledege, cliff sealey, j. f. collier, e. g. mackie, m. g. quick, b. l. collinson, j. n. bastin, g. e. timmins, valerie mills, j. a. jenkin, w. cowan, i. mitaxa, n. c. leckie, r. j. austin, n. coffield, d. quilliam, r. courtney, f. m. kilfoyle, p. nunn, king george vi