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matching summers s.
Glen Eira Historical Society
... Summers S..... Hosking B. E. Cheeseman R. N. Summers S. Croy L. W. McLatchie S ...This file contains six items pertaining to the Caulfield Central RSL: 1/A page to which is attached a black-and-white photograph (date, source and photographer unspecified) of the Caulfield Central RSL, outlying garden and Australian flag. Some writing on the rear identifies the subject. 2/A typewritten letter, (1 page) dated 1946 (no date more specific than that specified), from the Chairman & Honorary Treasurer of the Caulfield Central RSL Appeal Committee (name unspecified) to the Mayor of Caulfield (name also unspecified), imploring the latter for a donation of $20,000 dollars for purposes of constructing a Memorial Hall to eulogize servicemen killed during WWII. Some rough working notes on rear side. 3/A flyer, undated (although presumably published in 1950), printed by Peter Isaacson Pty. Ltd., advertising a concert presented by the Ugly Ugly Man (Frank M. Beard) and the Malvern Tramways’ Harmonica Band to be held at Caulfield Town Hall on 06/06/1950 to assist the Welfare Funds of the Caulfield Central RSL and the Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Mothers’ Association. Also contains an advertisement for a drapery business called Tallents. 4/The annual report of the Caulfield Central RSL, for the period 1952 – 1953. Contains announcements of the annual general meeting and annual elections, the President’s report (in which he principally discusses the club’s charity work and sporting activities), the subcommittee staff roster, the sportsmen’s honour roll, the annual accounts (e.g. balance sheet, income & expenditure statement) and the roster of nominees for office in the committee of management election. 5/A typewritten letter, (1 page) dated 26/11/1982, from Max Brian Blair, Treasurer of the Caulfield Central RSL, to Mr. R. Ballantyne, Secretary of the Caulfield Historical Society, thanking him for his donation to the RSL. 6/A photocopy of an article titled ‘RSL pays $30,000 to buy off objector’ (from the Sunday Herald, by Mary-Anne Toy, dated 16/09/1990), about the Caulfield Central RSL paying local resident Mr. Chris White to withdraw his objection to the RSL’s intention to re-allocate its clubrooms, and the consequent response of the relevant authorities.caulfield, caulfield central returned servicemen league (rsl), ex-service organisations, clubs and associations, returned servicepeople, armed forces, soldiers, aged people, senior citizens centres, mayors, city of caulfield, war memorials, blamey thomas general sir, white t. w. group capt., gullett h. b. major, beaurepaire frank sir m.l.c., kennedy j. a. m.l.c., warner a. g. m.l.c., michaelis archie m.l.a., dennett a. h. lt.-col. m.l.a., don john capt. m.l.a., reid h. squire m.l.a., brooks w. r. cr., packer j. t. cr., parton e. m. cr., prior p. l. cr., morris t. w. cr., sinclair a. j. g. cr., sims h. e. cr., smith h. c. h. cr., smith james e. cr., tyers s. w. cr., webster harold cr., yorston j. s. cr., briggs r. jas., disney j. s., donath h., llewellyn evans, goddard s. a. padre, lynch p. j., nilsen oliver j. cr., pidd padre a. t., robinson norman, reece harold j., wootton harold s., wallace gordon w., nelson harold g., halls, concerts, musical events and activities, fundraising events, bands, musical ensembles, sailors soldiers and airmen’s mothers’ association, ‘the ugly ugly man’, beard frank m., malvern tramways harmonica band the, caulfield town hall, tallents, drapers, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, elsternwick, peter isaacson pty. ltd melbourne, annual reports, financial documents, fisher s. w., finch f., williams f., salmon j. e., mallyon v. k., woods w., mayne t. v., lanyon r. j., rowney w. p., williams j. d., pepper e., bathurst t., patterson r., nuzum e. j., phillips e. v., turner g., hawthorn road, byrne l. j., eva a. r., bunny c. l., hoy c. a., orken a., hiam s. f., rawson n. l., coleman g. h., cohen a. s., mason j., goode l. p., nelson h. g., crosbie m. r., mcsweeney t., westley g. de v., greeves c. g., festivals and celebrations, community services, social services, service clubs, ladies auxiliary, returned servicewomen’s section, blamey house, social sub-committee, sport, sporting clubs, tennis, golf, billiards, table tennis, lawn bowls, thompson peter, cricket, children’s health bureau, family welfare bureau, buley doug mr., tomlins m. i., lang a. r., kendall h. i., ford c., munro w., gordon h., rowe s., green j. h., o’brien j., ring t., anderson g. j., croft r. m., jones p. j., la cerf g., roper i., lawrence f., eustace r. c., hanley a., moore a., strachan w. d., gilbert w. f., blair m. r., scriven e. g., miller j. l., hosking b. e., cheeseman r. n., summers s., croy l. w., mclatchie s., williams stan, hattersly cliff, day alf, rawson noel, johnson alby, banham bill, kersey b., williams s., jones a., witten f., waters r., dash r., meldrum i., grant j., haggar l., nightingale n., hallett r., somers r., young g., rawson n., croft r., barton m., o’grady w., cooper p., manton j., sutcliffe a., maver a., challender d., hunt a., parrott e., leicester j., westwood a., rae alex, smith harry, forbes jimmy, johnson jack, higgins w., fink s., hall s., ross m., anderson h., fleming j., bottoms a., peek e., stark j., mathews e., gursansky l., morres r., alenson j., holland i., wallace p., craig h., lucas j., smith h., bretel l., berryman p., reid a., swann j., tully f., henderson g., fields w., johnson j., gloster p., tennat j., boyd a., butterworth k., chapman k., curran j., elkington a. b., evans w., mckenzie d. a., nicol a. b., thompson w., wanliss t. w., watson g. j., williams g., yeomans p., mcgowan h., o’connor k., atherton r., batson s. s., bull e., fletcher a., gorman s. c., hall w., jellett l., lesar h., mather r., nelson n., ratford d., rowe p., turner w. j., wehsack f., williams s. c., wilson a., carter w., forbes i., purvis l., datson r., jackson e., wolstencroft w., smith c., mitchell r., harward j., gillespie ray, hill wally, parkinson w. g., greeves colin mr., water stan mr., selleck f. p., luckins l., andrews f., young v. l., king e. j., mccutcheon j. o., grenfell d. j., hurley c., shand a. r., yeates l., hogue h., mather j., wardrop j., lyons a. m., ross a. r., bradley t., walker r. n., cox f. c., mornane j. s., fletcher a. e., mcneil j. g., rose n., lyons l. j., trevorrow g., wright d. e., walker r., maxwell j., hutchinson j. c., mclean r., caulfield historical society, ballantyne r. mr., blair max brian, toy mary-anne, ruxton bruce mr., administrative appeals tribunal, caulfield city council, white chris mr., northcote avenue, independent church of australia, marsden ian mr., mccutcheon mr -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Posters – Set of 3 A4 posters depicting the early days and people in the Kiewa Valley
In the 1830’s, European pastoralists started moving south from NSW into the Alps. In 1836, cattle grazing began around Omeo and the runs spread out into the foothills. The higher country was used for summer grazing and huts were built for shelter and storage during stock mustering. The lure of gold brought many people to the Alps from around 1850 to 1900. Bushfires destroyed the forests around Melbourne in 1939 and the boom in house-building after World War II ked to increased demand for timber from the Alps. This resulted in the building of a network of roads which helped open up access to the Alps. The early 1940’s brought the first of many workers to the Alps for the planning and construction of the Hydro-Electric Scheme. These were the pioneers and early settlers of the Kiewa Valley and provided a wealth of characters and a tapestry of stories and adventures to be handed down to future generations.These 3 posters, which were most likely produced for promotional purposes provide a glimpse into the early lives of the pioneer families of the Kiewa Valley through pictures and verse. They show their lifestyle and outline the hardships they had to endure in living and working in the Alpine region. They also highlight the early arguments regarding grazing in the high country which would ultimately lead to the end of the long traditions of the high country cattle men. Set of 3 A4 size posters with black and white photographs and text and colour background depicting various parts of the history of the Kiewa Valley. 1. Titled - ‘Life wasn’t meant to be easy’ Describes early life for Kiewa Hydro workers. 2. Titled - ‘Cattlemen of the High Plains’ Describes a brief history of life of the cattlemen of the high plains 3. Titled – ‘There are Places I’ll remember’ Depicts early photographs of residents of the Kiewa Valley, also includes the words from a John Lennon song as per poster title. Printed on each poster – Poster designed by Dyanne Photography - Wodonga 1. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: G Napier and G Easdown “The Kiewa Story” 1993. Southern Hydro Archives, N Hetherington and R Hollands. G Gardner “The Kiewa Kids” 1998. 2. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: D Purland. Handwritten at top of poster- Poster 4 3. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: B Roper, W Davies, D Higginson, H Ryder. Handwritten at top of poster- Poster 3 kiewa valley; tourism; lifestyles -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
11 Black and White photographs of the Rocky Valley area, c1948
In October 1947 construction was commenced on the erection of the workmen's camp at Rocky Valley. Also in 1947 construction of a stream diversion was commenced to allow excavation to commence for the dam wall. In the summer of 1948/49, stripping of the foundation area on both sides of the river was carried out. Weather conditions were not always favourable during the construction, particularly 1955/56 summer, and work would have to cease each year for the winter season due to the severe conditions. The dam is a earth and rock fill structure with a height of about 30.5 metres and crest length 518.16 metres and was completed in March, 1959.These photographs show the type of terrain in the area prior to the construction and filling of Rocky Valley Dam. Also of interest is the type of accommodation provided for those working on the construction and the early cranes available in the 1940/50's. Of historical importance to understand the conditions in the early construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric SchemeEleven small black and white photographsPhoto No. 1 - on the back, printed in ink"Rocky Valley - New Mess & offices Dec. 1948". In pencil '14 on the back Photo No. 2 - on the back, printed in ink "Rocky Valley Camp. October 1948". Also stamped on the back "998L" Photo No. 3 -on the back, printed in ink "Rocky Valley Hostel October 1948". Also stamped on the back '998L' Photo No. 4 - on the back, printed in ink "Spion Kopje from bedroom window. October 1948". Stamped on the back '998L'. Photo No. 5 - on the back, printed in ink "Rocky Valley Basin Dec. 1948." In pencil on back, 14. Photo No. 6 - on the back, printed in ink "Site of Wall for Rocky Valley Dam Dec. 1948". In pencil on back, 14. Photo No. 7 - On the back, printed in ink "Commencing of Diversion Tunnel Rocky Valley December 1948". In pencil on back, 14. Photo No. 8 - on the back, printed in ink "One of the two electric cranes at Rocky Valley December 1948". In pencil on back, 14. Photo No. 9 - on the back, printed in ink "'Rapier' (H.Y.) electric crane Rocky Valley December 1948". In pencil on back, 14 . Photo No. 10 - on the back, printed in ink " Pretty Valley Pump line construction Mt. Cope in Background Nov 1948. Circular stamp with the words 'print by Wilson White Albury' in the circle. Photo No. 11 - on the back, printed in ink "Stringing cable on Ruined Castle October 1948. Same stamp as No. 10. In pencil '31'. rocky valley; pretty valley; ruined castle; bogong high plains; kiewa hydro electric scheme -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Safe Coolgardie, circa early 1900s
The harsh summer temperatures and the isolated rural environment(of the 1890's) provided the inventor of the "Coolgardie safe" (Arthur Patrick McCormick) with an idea to cool perishable foods by using water soaked "hessian" cloth to provide the "coolant" for the evaporation process to cool the inside temperature of the "safe". Items such as meat,cream/milk/butter and cool "drinks" are a few perishables that need cool environments , especially in isolated "ice free" locations. Cities during this time period had large "ice works" which delivered block ice to all areas that required a form of refrigeration. These ice blocks where held in early refrigerators to keep perishables cool to cold. This "Coolardie" safe was the next best thing for isolated rural households and travellers/campers/stockmen to provide a cooler environment for foodstuff affected by heat. Ice filled "esky" coolers and ice boxes are a modern day off shoot to the original Coogardie safe however they still rely on ice or frozen coolant bricks for cooling.This "Coogardie" safe is very significant to the Kiewa Valley and the Bogong High Plains because it represents not only the initiative thinking of the early settlers and communities but also the "primitive" solution to an everyday (1800s to 1930s) problem (before gas and electric run refrigerators) of keeping "perishables" at a low temperature and thereby prolonging their "shelf" life. This was before electricity and gas was available to the inhabitants of the Kiewa Valley and Bogong High Plains. Another cooling method for food was to have "water tight" containers dipped into the very cold streams running from the "cooler" alpine mountains and the Bogong High Plains. This however could not be carried out in all situations eg. fast flowing currents and locations away from streams. This "Coolgardie safe" is made from a medium grade steel enclosure and its appearance is of a perforated box with a wire handle and one side (long side) being a hinged "door" with a clasp securing "lock". There are air holes grouped into a small "boxed" pattern. Each "box" is divided by a crossed pattern, dividing the "holed" sections(4) into a diamond configuration of 49 small holes each. There are four sides (long) which have the perforations except for the base which does not. The base has an indentation with a loose "catch" tray to catch water spills. When in use the "box" is covered with a water "soaked" cloth. The wet cloth is used as "coolant" ie. fibers in the cloth hold the water droplets seep out evaporating the area and thereby (in mass) cooling the air inside the container.domestic refrigeration cabinets, coolgardie "safe", insect and vermin proof food containers, electric and gas free cold storage containers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Snow Plough, Bogong High Plain,5,500 Feet Kiewa Hydro-Electric Project, Circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment. This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap. This item is a black and white photograph(professional) of a panoramic view of a snow plough clearing the unsealed road in 1950.This postcard is on quality paper and the reproduction of the picture is of a high standard.For other "tourist" postcards see 0480 (A) -(F) for other photos of similar postcards. kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, secv, snow plough -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Road to Bogong High Plains Kiewa Hydro Electric Project, Circa 1950's
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph on a Valentine's postcard is from a V2 Argus photograph.. It is on a 200g/m paper density photo side gloss. See 0480 (A) - (G) for other photos of similar postcards.In white lettering " ROAD TO BOGONG HIGH PLAINS KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT", V3secv, road making, victorian alps -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard - Rocky Valley - Circa 1950, 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph is from a Valentine's V2 Argus postcard. It is on a 200g/m paper density one side gloss. See also KVHS 0480 (A) to (L) for similar postcards. "ROCKY VALLEY FROM BOGONG HIGH PLAINS KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT" "V1"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, rocky valley, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard - Junction Dam - Circa 1950, Circa 1950's
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph is a Valentine's postcard, from a V2 Argus photograph. It is on a 200g/m paper density with only the photo side gloss.Front "JUNCTION DAM & SPILLWAY, BOGONG KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT" on the flip side "VALENTINE'S POST CARD " "A GENUINE PHOTOGRAPH"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, junction dam, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard - Junction Dam - Circa 1950, Circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph on a Valentine's postcard is from a V2 Argus photograph. It is on a 200g/m paper density one side gloss only/. See 0480 (A) -(L) for other photos of similar postcards."JUNCTION DAM & SPILLWAY, LAKE GUY, BOGONG, KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT" "V5" on the flip side" VALENTINE'S POST CARD " "A GENUINE PHOTOGRAPH"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, junction dam, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, No.3 Power Station Kiewa Hydro-electric Project "V.8", Circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph from a Valentine's postcard is from a V2 Argus photograph postcard. It is on a 200g/m paper density photo side gloss. See 0480 (A) - (K) for other photos of similar postcards."No.3 POWER STATION KIEWA HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT" "V8"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Diary Extract - Trip to Bogong High Plains Xmas 1934 & DVD photos, original diary 1934
The Melbourne Women's Walking Club enjoyed bush walking as a hobby travelling to the north east of Victoria, using pack horses and camping on a 9 day hike. One of the woman, 'Bill' describes each day in detail - what they did, where they went and what they saw giving an insight into walking and the Bogong High Plains in the mid 1930's before the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme opened up the area. The diary mentions a photo being taken by Mr Blackwell on the 9th day, New Year's Eve 'from a lovely bush track from which, looking back at intervals we got our final glimpse of Fainter. 5 miles from from our destination'.Historic: This extract from the diary of 'Bill', a member of the Melbourne Women's Walking Club gives an insight into walking in the mid 1930's and describes the Bogong High Plains as it was then before it was opened up with a road built during the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. It describes the area in summer including the flora & fauna, cattle grazing & cattlemen, the huts, the gauges set up by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, the people working up there, the weather and the lifestyle of the walking group - their food, duties, swimming etc.. Six double sided typed photocopied yellow pages describing the Melbourne Women's Walking Club trip to the Bogong High Plains at Christmas in 1934. Also one page photocopied of the programme for Year 1934-35 with an arrow pointing to the above trip and a page with a photocopied sepia photo of the "Melbourne Women's Walking Club / Bogong High Plains / Dec. 1934. DVD 12 photos of the trip arrow showing trip from Programme. Title of photo "Melbourne Women's Walking Club / Bogong High Plains / Dec. 1934melbourne women's walking club. bogong high plains. camping. pack horses. cattlemen's huts. -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Map - Topographical, Ski Club of Victoria Bogong High Plains and Adjacent Peaks, Early 1930's
This map has been in the Ryder family for approx. 70 years. Probably used when bush walking and skiing in the early days on the Bogong High Plains. The Ryder family are farmers in the Kiewa Valley and were involved in taking their cattle up to the Bogong High Plains where they had a lease. The State Electricity Commission of Victoria constructed the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme opening up the area during the 1940's and 1950's. This type of map is an early one, used by people in the Kiewa Valley and possibly by surveyors prior to construction.The map is an early topographic map used by farmers living in the Kiewa Valley. It is historically significant as these people were involved in taking cattle up to the High Plains during summer and may have been used for bush walking and skiing.This is a sepia coloured paper map which was originally printed copyright registered. It was revised in 20/6.33/4.4.37/8.4.40/24.8.43/19/6/54. It shows roads / tracks / snow poles / snow pole numbers (27) / Snow pole spacing (3 chains. 66 yards) approximately 27 poles to the mile / height above sea level in feet - 5280. Water courses not definitely located etc.Rocky Valley Dam (Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme) has been drawn on the map by hand with a biro. There is a wooden rod at the top of the map.topographic map; kiewa valley; ryder family; high plains of victoria -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly
Order of service for the induction of Rev. K Moorhead into the Parish of Glen Huntly 19/01/1984 Order of service for the celebration of the life of Ronald. Henry Summers 1921 – 1999 at St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly, dated June 08/06/1999. Reprinted service of holy communion for Glen Huntly Uniting Parish date unknown. Pamphlet, including photograph of St David’s Uniting Church Parish of Glen Huntly, for the rededication of the Peace Memorial. Pipe organ; for the uniting of the Congregational Methodist and Presbyterian in the Glen Huntly Parish. Reprinted leaflet, with order of service for re-dedication of organ at St David’s 03/03/1985.moorhead kenneth h rev., st david’s uniting church., glen huntly, hunkin edward rev., grange road, waters r rev., rayment rosalie rev, stuart-murray j. dr., duke s. mrs., wallis ken, denholm robin rev., summers ronald henry, gray robin dr., roach harry, roach rene, purcell mr., purcell mrs., stephen cathy, harkness jeff, funston neil, funston robin, sypott e., neerim road, hutchison a, rosedale avenue, barnes peter, fenton r, rockell d, clarke j miss, ness p miss, osborne ivy miss, brownbill jim, courtnay s., fenton leo, johnston e, leather t, moyle b, ness r, peden a, pregnell max, rockell d., jones a., halls, uhe mrs., milligan m miss, chapman may, choirs, abhaywickrema m, theobald j, jones f, abhaywickrema p, riegelhuth j, riegelhuth j, bates t, bates l, ballantyne m, kuhn m, kite l, cameron m, hoare j, roach r, avery d, holmes j, havie j, chapman m, brownbill ella, barren b, pregnall joy, hearn edward henry, toolambool road, mcintyre ted, moyle jenny, avery daisy, powney maisie, vertigan olwyn, dawson harry, davidson eileen, mitchell mabel, mccowan roger, wright lyn, yeaman j, courtnay j, smith j, yeaman d, fenton s, jones f, penfound j, wright l, lord e, brownbill j, brownbill e, hunter j, mitchell m, barren b, moores e, donaldson j, coulson o, moyle b, johnston e, peden a, osbourne i, mccowan r, waters r rev, duke s mrs., adam a. j. rev, hewitt john, davis lyle, organs, cowan john n, organists, scotland betty, musicians, vertigan earle l rev., muirhead j, andrewartha c. w., lomas chas., foundation stone, anderson george rev., fraser finley dr., hadley s. c. rev., simon r. p., mcnair mr, fender mr, forster k rev., flynn john dr., vertigan s. a. rev., muirhead j, smith a.w.f., glen huntly plant nursery, alcock bruce, callen graeme, murrumbeena, neerim road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Drawing - Methodist Church, 23 - 25 Bundeera Road, Caulfield South
Phamphlet containing photocopied and dated newspaper articles about construction of church from various newspapers in 1926 and a brief outline of how and why church was begun and of its eventual demise, 1923 - 1985. Photocpied page of Recollections of Bundeera Road Church by Charlotte Harley (b. 1890), listing the members of December, 1985.methodist church, taylor mr., latham a. t., kindergartens, methodist uniting church, wesley johns rev., corben mrs, bundeera road, eddy r., organs, collier charitable fund, south caulfield, primary schools, kooyong road, methodist church, woodford, bambra estate, mcconchie rev. r. bruce, davenport mr., davies bill, davies mrs., philp rev., shaw mesolames, morris, miles, monday, bryant, woodford, paice, warren, evans bert, shaw william ronald, gvard w. h. rev., wells charlotte, evans elsie, narrawong road., bundeera road uniting church., mcraw dick, westaway frank, adamson dorothy, harley charlotte (nee wells), harley j, hunkin ena, hunkin edward rev., lydiard ruby, lydiard dick, sharples d, sharples j, spence margaret, spence bert, summers mary, summers ron, veitch alan, westaway m, arundell joyce, campbell heather, cock marian, heywood. a, putland roy, richards d, spence philip, taylor mrs., trewin norman, newton m., uniting church archives, kilgour alex, mann gwenda, gray daniel, gray gordon, heywood a, putland roy, richards d, featenby rev., brent p. e, woodford s. g., bent mr., st. kilda circuit, bundeera road ladies gvild, sunday school, choirs, windows -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Plan - Nettalie
An A4 photocopy of the 'Plan of the Caulfield Road District' dated 1867. This plan shows the location of the properties owned by A Shaw and Blundell on Balaclava and Orrong Roads where Nettalie is situated. The plan includes all the landowners listed where their property was, the street names and other landmarks of 1867 including railways, hotels and reserves.caulfield, caulfield north, elsternwick, st kilda east, parish of prahran, parish of moorabbin, caulfield road district, melbourne and brighton railway, rosstown railway, elsternwick railway station, caulfield railway station, rosstown railway station, murrumbeena railway station, baptist church, paddy’s swamp reserve, cemetery reserve, leman swamp reserve, caulfield racecourse reserve, brighton cemetery, the vine caulfield hotel, the tam o’shanter hotel, melbourne hunt hotel, royal hotel, hotham street, horne street, nepean highway, north road, orrong road, dandenong road, princes highway, kooyong road, alma road, inkerman road, balaclava road, glen eira road, glen huntly road, hawthorn road, cemetery road, bambra road, redan road, kambrook road, neerim road, booran road, racecourse road, grange road, koornang road, murrumbeena road, crosbie road, kangaroo road, poath road, ford w, lempriere, cople j, riddell j c, manifold j, testar t, billing r h, semple, blundell, shaw a, butchart g, stephen j w, stephen g sir, hart j, duncan g, blackie r, stephen f, mccombie t, woollaston h, higgins j, lloyd j c, daish j, mcleod j, hughes d, wilson a, jamieson g, webb g h, renwick s, pennington h, dunn j, kirkpatrick w, ricketson w, toad a, sayce j, watts t, widgery, store, guess j, anketell j, clack j, sissen w, clayton g, dickson d, bevan j, hart t, anderson j, hart mrs, webb h, masters s, waghorn j, hemming c, hiam c, farquhar w, newing t, payne t, cooper r, snipe s, chambers j, forster w, summers r, harriman b, warrick, o’connell, long j, peck r, cochrane c, murray ross w, evans c, kennedy j, maclean n, forster, lyall w, dean j, newton h, looker w, baker c, johnston, crosbie j, kerr, jones, parr, nelson c, montgomery l, parsons w, james j c, sibon c, smith sydney w, plans, maps, land subdivisions, land use, settlements, roads and streets, hotels, churches, police stations, post offices, land surveys, railway stations, railways, schoolhouses, commerce, clergy residences, official buildings, local government, road districts -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Uniform items worn by Katriona (McLeod) Fahey (1966) at Clarendon Presbyterian Ladies College during the early 1960s. Donation also included matriculation timetable and biology exercise book. Uniform items for Clarendon Presbyterian Ladies College from the 1960's comprising winter tunic, winter coat, summer and winter hat. tie, senior blazer (including junior blazer pocket) and two badges (CCAC - Clarendon Current Affairs Club and CPLC). katriona-fahey, katriona-mcleod, clarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, 1960s, uniform, clarendon-current-affairs-club, exercise-book, matriculation -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Journal (item) - Periodicals-Annual, Shiplovers' Society of Victoria, The Annual Dog Watch
This journal provides the reader with glimpses of the adventures and hardships of a seaman's life. Many of the stories are of sailing ships.Contributes to our knowledge of the importance of shipping and places on record those stories of the sea which would otherwise be lost.Contents Editorial - - 5 Foreword - Capt.R.J.F. McDonell - 6 Abel Tasman -- The Highway to Tasmania - - 9 Up for Second Mate - E. Moodie-Heddle - 13 The Manifest of the Thistle - - 19 HMAS Shropshire in the Philippines Pt. 2 The Lingayen Landings - F. Hoolahan - 21 Two Shipbuilders - J.B. Thompson - 27 The Diamond Cargo Blues - Captain L. Gibson - 32 Port Victoria Epilogue - W.P. Shemmeld - 33 Letter to the Editor - - 39 Sea Shanties - S. Buckland - 41 Cat Overboard - captain Ron Munro - 45 Voyage in Wongala - Desmond Jackson - 48 Retirement of Tor Lingquist - - 66 The "Lawhill" at Sydney Harbour - - 67 Salvage of the Barque Garthsnaid - Captain L. Gibson - 69 A New Entrance to the Port of Brisbane - - 73 Summer -- North Atlantic - Capt. Fred K. Klebingat - 78 The Days of "Whack" and "Slush" - Sir James Bisset - 89 Olivebank Remembered - Alan Glover - 93 The Hobson's Bay Ferry Boats - Capt. H.R. Watson - 97 The King Island Letter - - 101 As My Memory Serves Me - Gordon Wright - 107 The Yardarmer - R.N. Thiele - 112 Piling Up Memories - F. Wavell Urry - 117 Book Reviews - - 127sailing ships, steamships, shipping, seafaring life, shiplovers' society of victoria, dog watch -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
During the 1940's and 1950's, all State Primary Schools gave students fresh milk during the 'summer' months. In the Hall's Gap/Stawell area hot cocoa was given to the students in 'winter' months.The photo shows a group of nine primary school students drinking from mugs. Eight children are standing and one is squatting down. They are in a yard and there is a light coloured pail in the, schools -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Domestic object - Silver Candelabra, 3 Stem
Set of 5 with catalogue no 0455, 0534, 0535, 0536. 3 stem, silver EPNS candelabra.Presented to 4/19 PWLH Sergeants Mess by Mrs G Swan Mrs Perkins Mrs M Tuskin Miss S D'Atri Mrs M Baker Mrs J Douglas Mrs M D'Atri Mrs M Bullock Mrs C Summers Mrs J Axten (sic) Mrs M Bell Mrs G Burke Mrs L Hibberd Mrs J Arnott Silver plated by Ianthe of Englandcandelabra, silverware, sergeants' mess -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Lake Guy Dam and Bogong Village, Circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This black and white photograph from a Valentine's postcard is from a V2 Argus photograph postcard. It is on a 200g/m paper density photo side gloss. See 0480 (B) - (F) for other photos of similar postcards.In white lettering " LAKE GUY & BOGONG VILLAGE KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Snowfall at Bogong Village Kiewa Hydro-Electric Project, 1950s
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This scanned black and white photograph of a postcard, shows vehicles covered in thick snow at Bogong Village in 1950. See 0480(A), (C) - (F) for other similar photos of postcards available at this period."SNOWFALL AT BOGONG VILLAGE KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRICITY PROJECT"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, bogong village, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Scene in Bogong Village Kiewa Hydro-Electric Project, 1950s
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment. This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap. The couple shown in this photograph would have been employed by the S.E.C. under the Kiewa Hydro-Electricity Scheme.This item is a scanned black and white photograph of a couple walking along a gravel street in Bogong Village in 1950. See 0480 (A) ,(B), (D) - (F) for other photos of similar postcards" SCENE IN BOGONG VILLAGE KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, bogong, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Mt. Beauty Village, Kiewa Hydro-Electricity Project, circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment. The regulatory pondage on the northern aspect of the village had no water over-spill from the unfinished power station.This rural region in 1950 (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap. The couple shown in this photograph would have been employed by the S.E.C. under the Kiewa Hydro-Electricity Scheme.This item is a scanned black and white photograph of a panoramic view of Mount Beauty Village in 1950 (a closed village, entry by pass only). The regulatory pondage has earthen walls but no water.See 0480 (A) -(D) and (F) for other photos of similar postcards"MT. BEAUTY VILLAGE KIEWA HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT"kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Postcard Circa 1950, Howman Gap Hostel under snow Kiewa Hydro-Electric Project, Circa 1950
This postcard was produced in the 1950's for the tourist trade in the Kiewa Valley and Alpine region. It encompasses the period when the State of Victoria was pressured by the ever increasing demand by industry and its population for electricity supplies. Hydro electricity was seen as an untapped natural resource to quench this demand. The Victorian Alps and the rivers flowing into its valleys was ideal for the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. The late 1940's saw the development of this scheme and the changing of sections of alpine landscape is covered by this and other postcards/pictures (tourists, construction workers, and established rural populations). This period in time was before the established wildlife and forest/nature groups became political activist who changed legislative acts to protect the environment.This rural region (Kiewa Valley/alpine plains) was at most only significant to a smaller group of winter sports, summer hikers/horse riders and rural farmers/graziers. The numbers of tourists and the increase in the local resident population was boosted by the construction of the Hydro Electricity Scheme. This influx to the regional population resulted in a corresponding diversity in services and brought about an environment that responded to a growing level of tourists and thereby permitting this industry to grow more rapidly than it would have naturally. This postcard details an attraction to the "cleaner" method of providing electricity. This postcard was purchased in 1950 by a surveyor at Landford's Gap.This item is a scanned black and white photograph of a panoramic view of Howman Gap Hostel under snow in 1950 (a closed village, entry by pass only). This accommodation was for construction workers only. See 0480 (A) -(E) for other photos of similar postcards.On the photo, " Howman Gap Hostel under snow Kiewa Hydro-Electric Project" . On postcard address and personal information side "V.2 Valentine's Post Card "kiewa valley tourism, victorian alps, alternate energy supplies, alpine population growth, bogong, secv, howman's gap hostel -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Boots Riding, late 1800's - early 1900's
The early Kiewa Valley farmers opened up the Bogong High Plains for cattle grazing in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Many farmers of the Kiewa Valley built huts on the Bogong High Plains to stay in during the summer mustering season. The Roper family had their own cattle run on the High Plains with several version's of Ropers Hut being built and used for this purpose. These boots were owned by Fred Roper whose father was one of the first pioneers of the Upper Kiewa Valley and Tawonga farming district. These boots were made around the late 1800's to early 1900's and are of a quality hide and a very good example of historical clothing worn at the time. These boots are very significant to the Kiewa Valley because the mark a period of early farming within the Kiewa Valley and Bogong High Plains as they were worn by Fred Roper who comes from one of the farming pioneering families of Tawonga. These boots were used when mustering the families cattle up to the Bogong High Plains for summer grazing and also around his farm in Tawonga when riding his horses. They were donated by his great grand daughter Leonie Roper in 2011, therefore the manufacturing of these boots could be anything from the late 1880's to early 1900's. They are made of high quality leather and were made to last the tough conditions of mustering and farming cattle. They also had wooden stock which fitted into them "KVHS 0445"These knee high "riding" boots have a 4 "rung" laces at the base of the upright boot and a strap at the top of the boot. They are made of brown leather and have a small heel (not the usual higher heel for stirrups)riding boots. footwear. cattle mustering footwear. roper family. cattlemen. bogong high plains. -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Boots Riding Women's, Circa 1950's
This pair of "adjustable" boots came from the 1950's era in which the majority of footwear was either locally manufactured or imported from England or Europe. Quality hard wearing leather was a rural necessity especially for the cattle mustering activity in the Kiewa Valley and the Bogong High Plains region. The late 1900's provided a cheaper made riding boot from Asia, however many rural based riders still prefer an Australian made boot. The better quality (stronger stitching) of Australian boots is the main considerations of "stock horse riders". In 1947 a scientific research project started to provide an impact analysis of any damage to alpine vegetation by cattle grazing in the Alpine regions incorporating the Bogong High Plains area. This monitoring is the longest running ecological study ever undertaken in Australia. From this study, compelling evidence was presented to the Victorian Government to cease cattle grazing in the Alpine regions including the Bogong High Plains. All grazing was banned by the Victorian Government in 2005. Recreational horse riding within the Bogong High Plains is still permitted.These pair of women's riding boots are very significant to the Kiewa Valley as the boots were worn by one of the descendants of a pioneer family living and operating a cattle station before the SEC Hydro Electricity Scheme opened up the semi remote rural location in the 1950's. These boots were worn during the annual six weeks (approx.) mustering of cattle in the Bogong High Plains location (Victorian Alps region). The owner of these boots was Clare Roper, part of the Roper Family who built a "lodging" hut on the "High Plains" for accommodating riders during the periods (up to six weeks) when controlling grazing cattle during the summer muster seasons. It was unusual for women in the early to mid 1900's to go up on the High Plains to join the muster, which Clare Roper often did. These boots have high historical significance and good interpretive capacity.These brown "knee high" lady riding boots, are fastened by long "boot" laces which go from the base of the "fastening" position to a boot height of 22 cm. At the top end of the boot is a leather flap which crosses the front section of the boot and is fastened to the outside leg region by two straps. These provide the wearer with an adjustable tie. The boot has a "tongue" of 22 mm long. The boot has six pairs of metal boot lace "hooks" and eight pairs of boot lace "eyelets".ladies riding boots. cattle mustering footwear. rural footwear. cattlemen. bogong high plains. roper family. horses. -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph Rocky Valley Dam Excavations, Rocky Valley Dam Wall Excavation, c1947-48
Work commenced at Rocky Valley Dam site in early 1947 and proceeded until May. Resumed work in October after the winter and a camp for the accommodation of workmen was commenced at this time. Work continued in 1948 with the establishment of work facilities, including the erection of two large excavators. At the dam site the river was diverted through a temporary pipeline. Work proceeded in the summer months with the placing of concrete in the foundations and earth and rock fill for the construction of the wall. Rocky Valley and associated spillway and outlet works were completed in March, 1959. A very good representation of the type of machinery available in the 1940's used for excavation of the dam and the construction of the dam wall.Black and white photograph of Rocky Valley Dam wall under construction. There are at least three cranes plus workmen in the photo. This is taken from the Heathey's Spur side of the dam wall looking back toward Sun Valley.Hand written on back of photograph "Rocky Valley Dam Wall Excavation" in blue ink.rocky valley, dam, wall, machinery -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Golf Trophy
Emerald Country Club Associates Ladies Championship Trophy from 1937 to 1996Local golf club trophy donated by ex committee member Rosalie LeakeSilver Golf Trophy Cup (Ladies) on wooden base.. engraved with winners from 1937 to 1996 Emerald Country Club Associates E.M..KENNON CUP 1937 Mrs G.L. Elkins 1938 Mrs T.W. Gunnersen 1939 Mrs Norman 1940 Mrs A. Baker 1946 Mrs L.A. Fenton 1947 Mrs A.L. Newold 1948 Mrs C. Bedgood 1949 Mrs A. Baker 1950 Miss P. Massey 1951 Mrs W.H. Symon 1952 Mrs W.H. Symon 1953 Mrs A.L. Newbold 1954 Mrs W.H. Symon 1955 Miss M. Jamison 1956 Mrs W.H. Symon 1957 Miss J. Mellor 1958 Mrs L. Bulmer 1959 Mrs W.H. Symon 1960 Miss J. Mellor 1961 Mrs E. Hoy 1962 Mrs L. Bulmer 1963 Miss D. Smith 1964 Mrs N. Tuxen 1965 Mrs M. Hanger 1966 Mrs A. Howard 1967 Mrs R. Morgan 1968 Mrs P. Young 1969 Mrs J. Little 1970 Mrs J. Fountain 1971 Miss P. Jackson 1972 Mrs J. Little 1973 Mrs J. Houghton 1974 Mrs J. Meldrum 1975 Mrs. B. Barraclough 1976 Mrs J. Meldrum 1977 Mrs F. Gooch 1978 Mrs S. Hunter 1979 Ms F. Fenton 1980 Mrs J. Martin 1981 Mrs C. Grand-Court 1982 Mrs J. Pugh 1983 Mrs M. Ruigrok 1984 Mrs P. Summers 1985 Miss A. Scurry 1986 Mrs P. White 1987 Mrs M. Ruigrok 1988 Mrs P. White 1989 J. Ross 1990 Miss B. Bates 1991 Ms A. Felgate 1992 Ms M. Purbrick 1993 Ms J. Thomson 1994 Ms J Tomson 1995 Ms J Thomson 1996 Mrs R. Leake emerald country club, wm kennon cup, golf trophy 1937 to 1996 -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 13 official documents pertaining to the Rotary Club of Caulfield: 1/A typewritten copy of the constitution of the Rotary Club of Caulfield (undated). Said document is essentially an instruction manual detailing how the Club is to be administered and the duties of officials. 2/A page (unclear if intended for use as a poster or letter) announcing a Business Persons Breakfast to be held at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall on 19/11/1986, wherein Jeff Kennett, M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition of the Parliament of Victoria, will deliver a speech titled ‘Responsibility Before Rights’. 3/A booklet announcing the 25th anniversary celebration of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held at Tudor Court on 24/02/1987. Contains the menu, national anthem, programme, and two lists – one of the founding members of the Club and one of the extant members of the Club. 4/Two copies of a booklet announcing a dinner, to be held at Tudor Court on 10/11/1987, wherein charter will be presented to the Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown by District Governor Ian Knight. Contains a list of extant staff, the menu, the programme, a description of the history of the ‘Wembley Wheel of Friendship’, a list of charter members, and an account of the etymology of the name ‘Rosstown’. 5/Two copies of a page featuring four items of relevance to the Rotary Club of Caulfield. The first is an article (titled ‘Rotary scholar makes it’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about Club scion Mark Collard receiving an MBA from Clarkson University. The second is an article (titled ‘New Caulfield Rotary’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about the presentation dinner to which item 7 pertains. (This article is not present in its entirety, trailing off at the end.) The third is an announcement of a ‘progressive dinner’ to be held on 28/11/1987, also containing an announcement of a bicentennial conference to be held on 19/03/1988. The fourth is an announcement of what appears to be the initiation of some sort of historical re-enactment, the proceeds of which will fund the Rotary Club’s ‘Polio Plus’ project. A title (‘A Long Haul Through Caulfield’) suggests this item may be the header section of an article about said event, but if so, the remainder is not present. Contains three black-and-white photographs; one of Collard with an unidentified woman (presumably his wife), one of Club President Howie Dunlop congratulating Charter President Geoff Oscar, and one of some men riding on a horse-drawn cart. 6/Two copies of a booklet announcing a President Changeover Dinner, to be held on 28/06/1988. Contains the menu, programme, and a list of extant members. 7/Two copies of the weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 28/06/1988. Contains lists of faculty, notification of the Club’s decision to admit women, notification of upcoming events, a biography of guest speaker Fred Epstein, and a list of the times and places of alternative meetings. 8/Two photocopied statements of the receipts and expenditure of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, one for the period 01/10/1989 – 30/06/1990, and one for the period 01/07/1990 – 27/08/1990. 9/The photocopied minutes of a New Members Committee Meeting of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 02/08/1990. Objects of discussion include fundraising methods and application of funds. 10/A booklet announcing Change Over Night, dated 21/06/1994. Contains the programme, menu, national anthem, and a list of extant faculty. 11/4 unbound pages announcing the winners of the Rotary Youth Photographic Awards, dated 1995 (a more specific date than this is not given). (Pages contain no photographs.) 12/A small note announcing the Murrumbeena Community Market, to be held on 04/12/2010, of which the Rotary Club of Caulfield is one of the sponsors. 13/A booklet announcing a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held on 23/02/2012. Contains the programme, menu, a list of past presidents, a description of the history of the Gifu Vase (a trophy in the Club’s possession), and a list of some of the charity projects the Club has been engaged in.rotary club of caulfield, clubs and associations, charitable organisations, kennett jeff m.l.a., st. anthony’s parish hall, grange road, neerim road, glenhuntly, festivals and celebrations, tudor court, gray robin, baird jack, lord john, king john, crittenden doug, gelme anthony, hunkin ed. rev., fryer roy, quine john, bedford f., bell jim, bunny d., cripps e., don john, epstein fred, hattam j., howard w., kerry g., kumnick j., kurrie s., lord l., morrison charles, nelson h., parton willis, perry bruce, pollard r., price f., skuse e., stillwell g., tilley norman, tomlinson charles, watson don, webster j., wilson duncan, fincher roy, wheller john, allen selwyn, christopher don, cohen godfrey, davis keith, davis lloyd, dornbierer w., dunlop howie, fillmore wally, ford john, ford peter, forshaw ken, gales brian, green myer, hind jim, humphreys john, hunter ian, lewis ray, melville jack, oscar geoff, penaluna harry, perlen louis, rampling ross, ronaldson keith, sherlock max, sicklemore graham, smith barry, stapleton ted, summers ron, tovey david, rotary club of caulfield-rosstown, knight ian, tudor court, kooyong road, bellmaine mark, langfelder kurt, morris rob, rome graeme, alma club, wilks street, wills david, blankfield mark, awards, wembley wheel of friendship, bellmaine loretta, cunningham david, cunningham jean, davis pam, davis rex, davis judith, forshaw hannah, graham jeremy, graham kara, hassing andre, hassing arlette, jacobs frank, jacobs june, langfelder judy, morris robert, morris angela, nettlebeck rosalie, oscar enid, rattray john, rattray diana, rome lorraine, sarah ted, sarah denise, sherlock helen, smith suzanne, stapleton jackie, turner brook, turner vicki, tuhiwai tamati, tuhiwai ravina, will arnold, will claire, rosstown, ross william murray, rosstown sugar works, collard mark, rotary foundation, keller chuck, campbell felicitie mrs., campbell jack cr., knight genny, albury civic centre, green tess, tantram avenue, quine gwen, beaver street, rosalind ray, rosalind lweis, devon street, little company of mary hospital, polio plus, smith ian, jackson adrian, miller peter, spence bert, wheller denise, coffey bill, financial documents, receipts, gilmartin e., moran d., kaan a., fillmore wal, coleman peter, coleman moyrha, wesley college elsternwick big band, puddy mark, fradkin barry, fitzgerald gerald, renton robert, herschberg gedeon, kinston david, montgomery peter, dawes shane, silberberg henry, zazryn ben, cohen michael, rotary youth photographic awards, photographic competitions, photography, terry ted mr., terry e. a. mr., eldridge hannah, cottral anne, abdullahi khalid, gostin cassie, podlabeniouk lena, diyab ahmed, draca julijana, pevkoski danilla, wooster heath, lesar dion, sansoni rachel, leatham chelsea, townsend jessie, barker megan, fitzgerald megan, maokhamphiou anthony, smith naomi, fraser sue-ellen, white tanya, murrumbeena community market, koornang uniting church, murrumbeena road, welsh heather, robinson david, kesselschmidt sima, potasz sophie, southwick david, cheyne gordon, ryall keith, arianti listy, westbrook natasha, pollard bob, hancock irey, lovett jack, cooper alby, rundle john, patkin nehama, mcmullen adele, douglas jennie, preston mark, resubal loreto, gifu vase, aoki seiichi, operation firewood, alfred hospital, bus of knowledge, australia day breakfast, bethlehem hospital, caulfield hospital -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1921-1930, 1921-1930
The Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid was published for Victoria's teachers and was sent to all school on the state. In 1920 The Ballarat School of Mines had donated 136 pounds 14 shillings and 10 pence to the Victorian Education Department's War Relief Account, and the Ballarat Junior Technical School had donated 10 pounds 6 shillings and 10 pence.Ten black hard covered volumes with red tape spine, covering 1921 to 1930. The gazettes include Education Department appointments, transfers, resignations and retirements, vacancies, notices, queries, notices of books, examination papers, original articles, lesson plans, suggestions for lessons, drawing, obituaries, notes on nature study, mathematics, music, sloyd woodwork, English grammar, Victorian State School Swimming Clubs, Geography, penmanship, science, History, Latin, Geography, The School Garden, horticulture, singing, World War One; ANZAC Day, lifesaving, Astronomy, Empire Day, ANZAC Buffet London, Victorian Education Department's War Relief Fund .1) 1928. Articles include: New Caledonia, Swimming and Lifesaving, School forestry, a visit to the pyramids, Exploration of Gippsland, paul de Strezelecki, Angus McMillan, Villers Bretonneux Memorial School, American Black Walnut, Red Gum, Messmate Stringybark, The Great Barrier Reef, retirement of Frank Tate, Stawell High School, Report on Some Aspects of Education in the United States, Jubilee Education Exhibition , New School Readers; measured Drawing Images include: Macarthur Street School's Plantation, Maryborough School Plantation, Pinus Insignis (Radiata) ready for Milling, Creswick State Forest, Metalwork, Daylesford Pine Plantation four years old, Henry Harvey (art Inspector); Omeo School Endowment Plantation; Frank Tate; Stawell High School Drawings From Casts; Lake Tyers School Endowment Plantation, measured drawing, Thomas H. Stuart, GEorge Swinburne. J.R. Tantham-Fryer, Cookery Class, John Edward Thomas. .3) War Savings Stampsm Swimming and Life-saving, Teh Rural School System of Victoria, Imaginative Composition, ANZAC Day, Retardation, Teh Bright Child Hudson Hard Obituary, Leeches, Relief for Distress in Europe, Dental, Teachers' Library, History of Portarlington, J.E. Stevens Obituary, Victorian Teachers in England Images: Swimming and Life-Saving Medallion .3) Swimming and Lifesaving, Bronze medallion, Victoria Leage of Victori, War Savings Stamps, Rural School Sytem of Victoria, .4) War Relief, Talbot Colony for Epileptics Masonmeadows, Discipline New and Old (Percy Samson), Soldier teachers, Preservation of Australian Birds, Arbor Day, Jubilee of Free Education, Teaching Geography, Poery in Schools, School Committees, Shelter Pavilion, Mysia Memorial School, Clovers, Jubilee Exhibition, Domestic Arts, Louis Pasteur, .5) Victoria League of Victoria, An Endowment Scheme (Pine Plantations), School Endowment Plantations, Protecting our trees by Owen Jones,. Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Sloyd Woodwork, School Forestry, Thomas Brodribb Obituary and portrait, Imperial Education Conference London, school Management and Method, School plantations, Eucalypt plantations in the Bendix and Heathcote District, Junior Red Cross, Jubilee Education Exhibition, Gould League Competitions, handwriting, The School Magazine, Frank Tate in London, Victorian beetles, Council of Public Education, Villers Bretonneux and its new School, Death of Samuel Summons, Woodwork Summer School, Swimming, Japanese Relief Fund, Retirement of John Cross, reminiscences of the Late Mr Albert Mattingley .6) Thomas H. Trengrove and the Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, forestry, visit of Maryborough teachers to Ballarat Water Reserves, noxious weeds, relief for Distressed Europe, The Dalton Plan, Empire Day, Retirement of Mr Fussell, Centenary of Hume and Hovell Expedition, League of Kindness, Effective Nature Study in a Rural School, Some Facts About Paper and their Bearing Upon School Plantations, Council of the Working Men's College Melbourne, Maria Montessori, University Vacation School, Horticulture in State Schools, An Informal Chat About French Schools (C.R. McRae), The Vacation School, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Inspector's Report on a 5th-class School, Can Children Write Verse, John Adams, Victoria League of Victoria, R.F. Toutcher, Sir James Barbie's Address to High-School Girls, Impressions of a High School Teacher Abroad (R.D. Collman), The Spirit of the School Plantation Scheme, Monument of the Late Mr and Mrs A.T. Sharp at Box Hill Cemetery, The Teaching of Geography, The Treatment of Poetry in Class, Two Difficult Arithmetic Lessons, Location of Principal Australian Timbers, Dr John Smyth, Stammering and its Influence on Education, Wireless Broadcasting as an Educational Medium, Boys School at Villers Brettonneux, The New School at Villers Brettonneux, Bird Day, Messmate or Stringybark, What Every Woman Knows, Director's Report on Denmark .7)1925 . Includes: School Forestry, horticulture, J.H. Betheras retirement, Ivanhoe School, Coburg School, Moorabool Junior Technical School, Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, Francis Ormond, William Charles Kernot, Corsican Pnes at Creswick, Ballarat High School Plantation, Workin Men's College, RMIT, Naorrow LEafed Peppermint, Education and World Peace, Eucalypts of Victoria, John C. Eccles, Blue Gum. Manners, Giving the Poorly Nourished Boy A Chance, Native Ferns, Marybourough Technical School, Memorial School at Villers-Brettonneux .8) Experimental Plots in Country Schools (W.W. Gay), Villers Bretonneaux and its Memorial School. nominated classes for Art Teachers, The Teachers Act 1925, Horsham High School, Richmond Technical School, Farewell to Messrs C.R. Long and Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Frank Tate, Phyiscal Training, Arbor Day, ANZAC Day, Shakespeare Day,Bendigo Junior Techncial School, Musical Appreciation, Motor Dental Unit, School Camps, Education Act of 1872: Mr Angus McKay's Part (George Mackay), A Bush Fire Experience (Irene Stable), Black Sunday, Californian Red Pine, Women's Education in America, Farewell to Lord and Lady Stradbroke, Grevilia Robusta, Silky Oak, Redwood, John E. Grant, The Need for Research (Donald Clark), Junior Drama, Ida D. Marshall, John Pounds, Australian Books, Fish Creek School, State Boundaries, History in the Curriculum, Ceramic Art in Australia (Percy E. Everett), Choice of School Songs, Tasmanian Beech, Should History be Taught on a National or an International Basis, Hydatid Disease, James Holland Obituary, Florrie Hodges, Queensland Maple, Post Bushfire Ruins at Fumina, Arbor Day at Fumina, Queensland Rosewood, Omeo Endowment Plantation, Bird Day, Junior Red Cross, Pioneers' Day, Edward Henty, Junior Technical Schools, Yellow Pine, History and Progress of Needlework, A.B.C. of Astronomy, Northumberland Mental tests, Queensland Red Cedar, Teh Globe Theatre, .9) 1927 includes The ABC of Astronomy, Atr Theatre, English Beech, Angus McMillan Art Pottery, School Singing, State Schools' Nursery, School endowment plantations, Making a Man, experimental proof of Charles's Law, John Smyth obituary and portrait, Linton Pine Planation, motivation of arithmetic, Women's Classes at Dookie, Swimming and Lifesaving, Pioneers Day, Drawing, Ballarat High School planation, biting fly, Tir-Na-N'og, John Byatt retirement and portrait, Technical Schools Conference at Daylesford, Ethel Osborne and portrait, library. Francis Thompson portrait, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Solar movement, motor transport, Liverpool Cathedral, Teh Story of the Cathedral, Bendigo School of Mines, Omeo School pine plantation, Egypt and the Nile, Self-Criticism Images include Ballarat High School Pine Plantation, Vale Park, Francis Ormond, Woking Men's College (RMIT), W.N. Kernot, A Stand of Corsican Pines at Creswick, Victoria .10) Some Remarks on the Relationship of the technical Schools to the University (Donald Clark) , Present Day Education in England , Memorial to Joseph Cornwall, Spelling, motivation, Singing, State Scholarships, Agriculture, T.W. Bothroyd, The Swimmer - A Summer School Sketch (H.H. Croll), Swimming woodwork, Farewell to Dr Sutton. ,Drowning, War Savings Movement, White Beech. George S. Browne , Example of School Honor Book, Blackwood, Optimistic teacher, Soldier settlement around Shapparton, Oral Hygiene, Cinema Machines, Basketball, Wakter M. Camble obituary, ANZAC day Pilgrimage in England, Froebel's System, Montessori Method, War Relief Fund, New Zealand Kauri Tree, Bat Tenis at a Bush School., Advice to Australian Girls, Chrysanthemums, Royal Visit, National Parks of Victoria, Maurice Copland Obituary, total eclipse of the Moon, School libraries, The teacher and the COmmunity (A.M. Barry), The Reading Lesson, Swimming and Life-saving, MElbourne Teachers' College War Memorial Windows Old Trainees War Memorial, Cultivating a Natinoal Art education gazette, school, education, teaching, teacher, world war one, school plantations, macarthur street pine plantation, school forestry, creswick state forest, anzac day, armistance celebrations, frank tate, frank tate retirement, drawing from cast, education department school readers, lake tyers pine plantation, w.n. kernot, rmit, working men's college, francis ormond, pine plantations, calenbeem park, creswick, villers-brettonneux school hall and carvings, thomas trengrove, corsican pines, creswick, pine endowment plantations, mccarthur st primary school pine plantation, ballarat high school pine plantation, vale park, mount pleasant primary school pine plantation, golden point pine plantation, angus macmillan, paul de strzelecki, gippsland, villers-bretonneaux memorial school, francis thompson, english ash, pestalozzi centenary, shakespeare day, swimming classes, clear pine, cinema in education, american black walnut, red gum, thomas wolliam bothroyd obituary, and portrait, physical training displays, teaching of spelling, ohm's law, blue gum