Historical information

A newspaper clipping about the 'Gown of the Year' from a book compiled about the Legacy children's residence called Stanhope.
The newspaper clipping shows a photo of junior legatee girls on the steps of Stanhope watching Justine Silver model a ball gown. The caption says 'Legacy girls "Ooh" and "Ah" over this ruched gown which could have come straight from the pages of Cinderella. The flowing gown, worn by Justine Silver, is in chiffon.' The note below the picture adds 'Grey tulle (50 yds) over old gold'. The Gown of the Year was annual event modelling the latest ball fashions with the proceeds going to Legacy.
Stanhope was supervised by Matron Dorothy (Dorrie) Vines from the time it opened in 1946 until she retired in December 1966. It is likely she compiled this notebook as she is referred to as 'self' in one photo.
Individual pages of photos or newspaper clippings have been added separately. Items 01817 to 01834.
Blamey House (purchased 1947) , Stanhope (purchased 1945) and Harelands (purchased 1950) were residences run by Melbourne Legacy to take care of children whose fathers were servicemen, and who may have been left orphans, or whose mother may have been unable to care for them herself, or they needed to stay in Melbourne for further education.
Harelands accommodated boys and girls under the age of 14, Blamey House looked after boys over 14, and Stanhope looked after girls over 14. The children were cared for until they were old enough to become independent.


A record of Stanhope being used as the setting for publicity for the Gown of the Year gala.

Physical description

Newspaper clipping of a girl modelling a gown for girls on the steps of Stanhope in October 1959.