Physical description
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs S Corrie to Holeproof Ltd. Register No 11956.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs S Corrie to Holeproof Ltd. Register No 11956.
This record is the Parent Record for the collection of items donated in 2021 by Richard Carter. and covers individually catalogued items in the number range 18001-19999, plus other numbered items previously catalogued. Richard Carter : biographical notes to be added
3 colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, May 1979, of "Lyndhurst", 26 Wantirna Rd, Ringwood, shortly after the property was sold by "Booty" Goodwin for unit development. (NW corner of Arlington St).
Part of Richard Carter Collection
Red covers with gold printing containing index to streets, suburban postal districts, country postal towns and alphabetical listings, Melbourne and suburban classified professions and trades section. Many advertisements for AMP, Lombard Insurance Co Ltd. K Gardner and Lang Pty. Ltd. on front cover. Back cover Kerb Exchange, May Otway Fire Alarms Pty. Ltd., Sportsmen's Physiotherapy Service and D.P.C. Cleaning Service.
part of the Richard Carter Collection
Collection of 16 books from the Office of the Valuer general with data and analysis of property values in Victoria by City and by Shire. With maps of local government. 1988-1994 A4 in size reducing to a slightly smaller size 1996-2006. Originals not kept - only scanned pages of City of Ringwood and Maroondah City Council PDFed. Refer to Victorian Government websites (, and others for Excel downloads and further details.
Built in 1947 by A.V.Jennings and Co. Lived in for 34 years by Sir Billy and Lady Sneddon.
Folder compiled by Richard Carter (C.E. Carter & Sons, RESI) containing various plans, title and notes on the development and extensions to the house, of significance because it was the home of Liberal Parliamentarian and leader of the Liberal Party Sir Billy Snedden.(1926-1987). Built in 1947 by A.V.Jennings for J.M.C. Pratt. Sir Billy and Lady Snedden bought the property in 1963 and Lady Snedden sold it in 1997.
Typed carbon copies and handwritten Real Estate file records 1956 - 1973, including lists of tenants, lease arrangements, rental payments and miscellaneous receipts associated with Midway Arcade/Ringwood Investments Pty. Ltd., 517 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.
Written for the Real Estate and Stock Institute of Victoria
106 pages of the life and times of Mr. George Thomson as a Real Estate Agent and the history taken from minutes and proceedings of the Real Estate and Stock Institute from its inception. Clear plastic covers with blue cloth spine. Typewritten with some reproduced pictures.
Front cover has The Real Estate and Stock Institute logo in the bottom quarter. Back page has faded picture of the Lebanese Catholic Church in Rathdowne Street, Melbourne.
Collection of maps and title deeds of Kleinert's 1886 homestead - 22 pages in pockets in black plastic spiral binder, compiled by Richard Carter, November 2008. Photocopies of title deeds and subdivisions.
"Rothsaye" was built in 1917 by J.B. McAlpin who was a councillor in Lillydale and Ringwood and was Mayor in 1928-29.
Multi pocket burgundy coloured spiral binder containing 34 pages of the property history, subdivisions, land titles and photographs of the house, compiled by Richard Carter pre-auction 17 June 2006
16 plastic pockets containing the history of "Cherry Hill". Titles and subdivision plans of the 35 acres in the triangle bounded by Oban, Wonga and Warranyte Roads, Ringwood North. Multi pocket burgundy coloured spiral binder containing 34 pages of the property history, subdivisions, land titles and photographs of the house, compiled by Richard Carter pre-auction 9 September 2006. Includes architectural descriptions of "Cherry Hill" from original allotment in 1872 to 2006. Also history of well known residents who lived in it.
Evolution of the subdivision and the use of land
Black plastic bound pockets containing copies of 18 LANDATA subdivision maps and mortgage transfer pages dating from 1884 for 303 acres 2 roods and 1 perch bounded by Warrandyte Road, Wonga Road, Oban Road and Mullum Mullum Creek in Ringwood, Victoria. Certificates of Title include Vol 1606 Fol 045 Frederick Walter Purches 1884 and subsequent transfers to 1902, and Vol 3232 Fol 646357 Ann Jane Kennedy 1907 and transfers to 1921.
Certificate of Title - Georgina Elizabeth Wingfield Knox, wife of William Robert Knox, part of allotments 14A and 40A, 27th November, 1895, and subsequent transfers up to 1959. Plan of Subdivision includes Allens Road, The Greenway, Dickasons Road, and Canterbury Road, Ringwood. (With further residential and commercial developments taking place since the 1920s, this area became part of the suburb of Heathmont.)
Keith Welch was a local builder
Biography in yellow covered spiral binder containing a short biography of Keith Welch (26-12-1920 - 16-7-1968) who built and lived in the house at 23, Campbell Street, Ringwood East. Complied by his widow Gloria Welch in 2008. Contains many family photos and associated family events. The house was sold by Richard Carter in 2013.
Terry Kane and Richard Carter were the authors of the short history
Type written notes and plans pertaining to the land titles and history of the Ringwood Secondary College site from 1905, prior to the land being sold by the Borough of Ringwood in 1954 to the Education Department. Transcript of covering letter from Richard Carter to Mr T Kane dated 16 November 2012 - "Re: Ringwood Secondary College As we discussed recently, I have done some research into the history of the site. Going back to 1905, the site, then 26 acres one rood 37 perches, was in the name of Walter James Anderson of 61 William Street, Melbourne, Accountant - most likely a speculator. Title transferred to Theodosia Anderson of 167 Collins Street, Melbourne, Artist - possibly his son - In 1907. Theodosia Anderson was thus the owner when on abortive subdivision Into "110 Splendid Home Sites" as "Bedford Park Estate, Ringwood" took place In 1924, creating Anderson Street, Joyce Street, Adams Street and Graham Road, all of which sank without trace. Theodosia Anderson died In 1933, leaving the property to John Blair, Solicitor of Melbourne and Annie Benson of Melbourne, widow, until title ultimately passed to The Mayor, Councillors and Burgesses of the Borough of Ringwood In 1946. Title was then spilt Into three with 14 acres 0 rood 11 perches being transferred to the Minister of Education on 1954 followed by a further 2 acres 1 rood 26 perches to the Minister In 1956. The balance of the land remains In the ownership of the now Maroondoh City Council as Bedford Park. It Is Interesting that at no stage did any of the land belong to the Commonwealth of Australia, notwithstanding that I always understood It was the site of the P.M.G. Workers Camp after the War. Perhaps the P.M.G. utilized the site by arrangement with the borough of Ringwood; perhaps the camp was on the opposite site of Hill Street (Government Road). More research Is needed on this point. Yours faithfully, CE CARTER & SON PTY LTD Richard Carter Managing Director"
Folder of Estate Agent's notes compiled in preparation for property auction, 11th October, 2008. Two-page history of "Shadowood", display photo of house with floor plan dating from circa 1920s, copies of LANDATA title documents. Map of Wicklow Hills subdivision, including Alto Avenue, Elesmere Avenue, Glenora Avenue, Wicklow Avenue, and railway line to Lilydale. Title Vol 1323 Fol 264412 Allotment 43C Parish of Warrandyte - Ann McKean, dated 6th October, 1881. Title Vol 1937 Fol 387367 Part of Allotment 43C Parish of Warrandyte - Richard Bonynge Kelly, 11th August, 1887. Title Vol 2728 Fol 543569 Part of Allotment 43C Parish of Warrandyte - Thomas Robertson, 27th July, 1898. Title Vol 4161 Fol 832181 Part of Allotment 43C Parish of Warrandyte - John Gordon Robertson, 4th November, 1918. Title Vol 4490 Fol 897808 Lots 82 and 83, Plan of Subdivision 7478 - Elizabeth Rutherford Morell, 12th August, 1921. Title Vol 4617 Fol 923322 Lot 82, Plan of Subdivision 7478 - Flora Clapperton, 23rd September, 1922. Title Vol 8409 Fol 533, part of Lot 82, Plan of Subdivision 7478 - Hugh Ravenscroft Hastings Wettenhall and Sybella Anne Wettenhall, 1st May, 1962.
Addendum to folder of Estate Agent's notes compiled in preparation for property auction, "Shadowood", 74-76 Alto Avenue, Croydon, Victoria, 11th October, 2008. Ten pages plus map detailing the history of the severance of Croydon from Lillydale written by Robert Federick Jensen.
Carter Real Estate Agents sold some of the subdivision in 1946-47. This information was tied in with the early orcharding families.
Collection of notes, titles and maps of "Jewel in the Crown" subdivision - Mount Dandenong Road (formerly Oxford Road), Velma Grove, Valda Avenue, Mirabel Avenue. Genealogical charts of Meyland and Wigley families. 4 page history of the area compiled in 2004 by Richard Carter, Real Estate Agent. Registered Proprietors, Vendors, Property Title Holders and Transferees include: Herbert Edward WATSON, John Richard SHARP, Myrtle Evelyn BIRRELL, Marie Mathieson MUNRO, William Alex McCLELLAN, George Andrew GOODMAN, Joseph Tasman PEDRAZZI, Alexander ANDERSON, John Charles PATERSON, Eric William PHILLIPS, T.E.A. Co. Ltd., Florence Lavinia WYNARD, William John HARRIS, Lindsay and Hazel ALLNUTT, Douglas John RITCHIE, Eliza A.M. BOURBAND, Henrietta Irene COOK, Eric Edward COOK, Harold Thomas NICHOLLS, Stewart and Mary HIRD, Grace ROBINSON, Helen Rutherford GOOD, Henry Wyatt FARRELL, Irene Ann SMITH, Leslie Neil DOW, Helen Anne DOW, Frederick Ronald HOLDING, John Frederick McINTYRE, Horton Wilcox EDGE, Herbert James HARDINGHAM, Donald James ALLEN, Cyril Frederick WILLIAMS, Florence Sarah MAGGS, Maud Margaret PEARSON, Warwick Scott Holroyd MATTHEWS, Alice Eliza McCLEAVE, Leslie Archibald Charles HARRIS, Enid Beth HARRIS, Roy Victor DRAEGER, Elizabeth Ann STANDLEY, Charles Walter WATSON, Mabel Dorothy CARTER, Alan Garnett KELLY, Michael Vincent HARRIS, William Thomas Sylvester PROUD, Florence Blanche IVES, Douglas George PEARSON, Harry Clifford CLEGG, Dorothy Ellen Mary WHITE, Frederick Nathaniel EVANS, Madge EVANS, Leonard DUNSTAN, Violet Florence CONNELL, Valerie Jean Schimmelbusch, John Sydney COOK, William Donald THOMPSON, Ralph E RAUNSLEY, Murray McRae OSBORN, Francis William CLARKE, Alfred Daniel WILLIAMS, Harry Clifford CLEGG, Bernard Francis GARRY, Richard McKENZIE, Mignor Leonie WESTON, Idonea Moncrieffe DAVIS, Helen Marsden Rutherford GOOD, George SMART, Clement Henry DAVIS, Peter FINLAYSON, Elenor Leah HARVIE, Charles MEYLAND.
Transfer of Land Act Title dated 24/4/2002 - Volume 10314 Folio 972 Crown Allotments 11H and 11J, Parish of Ringwood, Entitlement Grant to a depth of fifteen metres - 29/1/1997, City of Ringwood planning permit and diagram of office floor plan - 1973.
Development of Coolooli Estate with property titles and leaflets for the sale of "Byways" homestead, 4 Byways Drive, Ringwood East. Also the house at 9 Walhalla Drive, Ringwood East. Correspondence between David Best and Richard Carter re the estate. Coolooli subdivision includes lots fronting Isabel Avenue, Byways Drive, Coolooli Court, Walhalla Drive and Cleland Street. Property Titleholders include: George Blood William Chelman Thurgood Frederick Deine Laurie Arthur Wigley Charles Patterson Mary Aphra Patterson John Douse Langley August DiGilio Kenneth Ross Landy Mervyn MacPherson Brewer Richard Blennenhassett Best Jessie May Cleland John Brian Little Robert William Campbell Lynette Marie Campbell Lorraine Ruby Campbell David Charles Nicholls Barbara Janette Nicholls Ian Finlay Packer Nellie Packer
Email from Marie Wallington via Richard Carter (Carter Real Estate, Ringwood, Victoria) to G. Bruno (Real Estate Institute of Victoria), 31 October, 2008, with attachment: Proposal for The REIV to commission a history of land subdivisions around Melbourne from circa 1890s to circa 1960s. Subsequent Report to Past Presidents' Council dated 10th March 2009 including submission of proposed printing costs by Bounce Books, Rosanna, Victoria. Email from Allan Lord sent Monday, 4 April 2011 to Richard Carter, Subject: Wednesday Meeting, with list of names (for discussion?).
These Games were held in March each year.
Folder compiled by Richard Carter containing pages of statistics relating to the Ringwood Highland Games in 2008 including list of organisations, income and expenditure, and post code allocation.
Single typed buff coloured page. A letter from the Honorary Secretary of the fund, Ivy Bartlett to Mrs. Matthews complaining of her attitude to the fund. Also a photo copy.
Blue print for shopping arcade at 147 Whitehorse Road, Ringwood, for Ringwood Investments Pty. Ltd. Rubber stamped on back and signed off by Borough of Ringwood Building Surveyor 24/5/1955, "Approved subject to Building Regulations and Bye-Laws." Architect for the project was P.E. Jorgensen, Collins House, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne.
Transcription of conversation with Alma and Kelly Helm by Richard Carter (Past President of Ringwood Historical Society) and Larraine Haslam on 18 July 2008 detailing family history. Certificates of title of land between Oban Road and Mullum Mullum Creek. Six and a half acres sold to the Helm Family in 1917. Includes Certificate of Title Vol 5311 Fol 1062052 Carolyn Mary Glynn dated 27 April 1927. Certificate of Title Vol 4023 Fol 804560 Robert Beckett dated 19th January 1917. Plans of Subdivision including Oban Road, Barnsdale Way, Loughies Track, 1997. Certificate of Title Vol 4029 Fol 805702 Ellen Elizabeth Helm dated 8th February 1917. Transfer of Land (2093031) payment to James William Dartnell by Alma Mary Helm and Elsie May Helm of Oban Road, Ringwood North - 13th August, 1947.
The house was owned by Mrs. Jessie White 4, Melbourne St. on the corner of Miles Ave. now both lost in the development of Eastland Shopping Centre.
Details include map reference, dimensions of land and living space, picture of house, details of local services. Owner/Occupier Mr. Whiter. Agent J.B. Thomson & Co., 129 Springvale Road, Nunawading.
Folder containing correspondence between book launch weekend organisers, RDHS members Gerry Robinson and Richard Carter, with details of celebrations in conjunction with tour of Reumah Court, Rawson Court, and Aringa Court on 10th & 11th November, 2007. Folder also includes RDHS newsletter dated November 2007 with report of the success of the event.
Speakers include Glenda Oliver, Reumah Court resident, Greg Allen, Reumah Court resident, Lorraine Greet, Rawson Court resident, Ian McKellar, Homebush Court resident, Garry Barker, Rawson Court resident, John and Helen Munro, Aringa Court residents, Judy Normand, Aringa Court resident. Past and present memorabilia and photographic display in the Heathmont Uniting Church hall Sunday afternoon. Books ($15) and Booklets ($5) on sale both days and subsequently at Philip Webb Real Estate and Active Feet, both on Canterbury Road, Heathmont.
Plans show how the modern house has progressed and evolved since 1920.
Grey covered booklet of plans for 53 dwelling houses available for selection by applicants under the Housing and Reclamation Act 1920. Published by the State Saving Bank of Victoria
The Heritage Council was the funder of the project and it was produced by the Department of Planning and Community Development
Yellow covered booklet with photographs and printing of design features with coloured schemes for houses from Early Victorian to Post War Modern. 31 pages forward by Hon. Justin Madden MLC Minister for planning.
Multiple listing Bureau of Victoria compiled the booklets. Carter Real Estate Agents were members of the multiple listing bureau and were issued with the booklets
11 spiral bound booklets with covers of various colours of buff and green. Containing addresses, number of rooms, age, selling agents and the price of houses in Melbourne. Country areas included - Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo Mornington and South Western.
"RECORD OF SALES OF PROPERTIES ... This Booklet is compiled by the Multiple Listing Bureau of Victoria for issue to Bureau members only. It must not be made available to non-member agents or the public."
Folder with two A4 invitations to unveiling ceremony and morning tea at Maroondah City Council Offices, Braeside Avenue, Ringwood, Victoria, Tuesday 5 June, 2007, showing logos of Maroondah Council and Ringwood Historical Society, co-organisers. Folder also includes Mayoress' Luncheon inviation on 23 July, 2007, at Karralyka Centre.
White bifold flyer with photographs and location.
One sepia and two black and white photographs of houses with prices in pounds, indicating prior to currency decimalisation in 1966.
Photograph by The Ringwood Studio, Shop 14, Ringwood Shopping Centre. Phone WU7609 Copyright.
Folder containing leaflet and flyer for the Pictorial History of Park Orchards exhibition by local resident, Graeme Tamme, at Park Orchards Community House, 8th & 9th September, 2007. Follow-up letter 16th January, 2008 from Graeme Tamme, to Richard Carter, past RDHS President. (Enclosures mentioned in letter not included in folder.)
Original Particulars and Conditions of Sale document by C.E. Carter & F. H. Patterson & Co, to B.C. Tilbury Esq and A.J.Albon Esq: Lots 98 and 99, Electric Railway estate, Ringwood Plan of Subdivision 9473, Crown Portion 18, Parish of Ringwood.
Contract and Conditions of Sale of Freehold Property, Wantirna Rd, Ringwood, from F.J. Edmunds to F.J. Hill. Register No. 400 Book 515.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale - from Frederick Jesse Hill to Ellen Fergus. Numbered 1067 in the Rate Book of the Shire of Ferntree Gully
Particulars and Conditions of Sale, from Frederick Hobbs to Flora Christina Bates dated 28th May 1929.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale - Henry Charles Rayner to Annie Guy (Grey?) dated 1st October 1924.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale - Staker to Harris dated 10th October 1927
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , H. Kelly to ?
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Harry Peake to ? Dated December 1924.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Bayswater Road, Bayswater from Mrs L.L.C. McKenzie to ? (Unstated)
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Munro Street, Ringwood. Lot 112 Ringwood Park Estate. From H.J.Marshall to F.Powell.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 16,17,18,& 19, Railway Station Estate. From F.Wiltshire to E.A.Story
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lot 57 Wantirna Road, Ringwood. From A.Wigley to E.R.Given.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lot 44 and 45 on Plan of Subdivision 6736, Mitcham Road, Mitcham. Mrs M.E.Burke to ?
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Healesville Road, Ringwood. From Hugh Robinson to Catherine Cribbes.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lot 20, Dorset Park Estate, Bayswater.From George Kellock to John Forrestor.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 8 and 9, Peacedale Estate, Nunawading. From Harry Jackman to Laurence Cook.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 11, 12, 13 & 14, Peacedale Estate, Nunawading. From Harry Jackman to Domenico Casamento.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 13 & 14, Peacedale Estate, Nunawading. From Domenico Casamento to Jessie Stallard.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 44 & 45 from Mary Elizabeth Burke to Unstated
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Robert Davidson to Jessie Tudman
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Lots 98 & 99 The Electric Railway Estate, to Bertie Tilbury & Arthur Albon
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Alexander Dale Edwards to Edith Maud Graves
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from G. B. Carter to Unstated.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mary Somerville to Maria Perkins.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Grace Mathews to Stanley Harris
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Unstated to Emily Tilbury & Clarlotte Albon
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Edward Kennedy to Mr D. A. Hunt
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Herman Gerlach to William Henry Saunders.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from E Saywell to Miss P Steinbach
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from D Hodges to Unstated
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Elizabeth Schmidt to Maude Taylor & Edward Taylor
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Walter Buxton & Arthur Longland to Unstated Purchaser
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Matilda Williams to Frank William Taylor
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Robert Somerville to Edith Wilkinson
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Jane Tatnel to John Deane Wells
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Fred Dark to E.I.Barncu(?)
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from A Wigley to F Dark
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Estate of R.E.Ward to Unstated
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Peter payne to Wilfred Squire Goodin to Ellen Goodin
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Frances Henrietta Kennedy to Edith Ada Wright & Stanton George Wright
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Charlotte Dobbin to Unstated
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from John roberts to B Tilbury & A Albon
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Stanton Wright to W MacKay
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from O Anderson to G Smith
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Doris Miller to Alice Needham.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from John Roberts to Michael McEwan
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr J R Jamieson to Holeproof Ltd
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H E Watson to Mr L A Harris
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr R J H Futcher to Holeproof Ltd.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs.R.E.Green to Mr.J.J.Toner.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from C.E.Carter (Agent) to Frank W.McKinnon.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from C.E.Carter (Agent for ES & A Bank) to Herbert Williams
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from C.E.Carter (Agent for William Cross) to Ernest O'Keefe.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from C.E.Carter (Agent for E.D.Chung) to E.F.Hounslow - Register No 7522.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr D.G.Bull to Mr D.L.Barro.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs F.E.Western to Mrs M.E.Robbie.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.E.Watson to Mr J.F.McIntyre.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr U.Y.Dyer & Mrs E.L.Dyer to Mr B.G.Corrick & Mrs M.A.Corrick.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr C.Wilson to Annie Mary Campbell.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr T.H.Warwick to Mr O.A.Frederick.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr W.Ballock to Mr & Mrs Bott.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from C.E.Carter ( Estate of Bridget Kelly) to Miss F.M.Sharp.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , Draft Contract for Mr C.J.Martin.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr C.H.Rayner to Mrs A Guy.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.H.Loche to Mr C.F.Osmond.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs F.L.Coombes to Mr R.A.Bonsack.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Falconer Bros to Mr G.K.Gibson.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr E.R.Givers to Mr C.N.Wilson.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs E.M.Wright to Mr C.J.Peglar.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs S.H.Houston to Mr J.J.Constable.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs E.M.Atkinson to Mrs O.Williams. Register No 7356.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.E.Watson to Mr A.G.Kelly.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.W.McSweeney and Mrs R.S.Sullivan to Mr J.R.Hitchen.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs E.A.M.Bourbaud to Mr A.Whamond, Register No 10492.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr & Mrs Hodgson to Mr A.N.Davison, Register No 7491.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr B.A.Longfield to Mr A.J.Peck, Register No 13543.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.J.Loughnan & Mr J.A.O'Keefe to Mr C.E.Carter, Register No 8022.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr L.R.Jones to Mr & Mrs Davidson, Registration No 3070.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr Atkin to Mr Lethlian.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from ES &A Bank Ltd to Trevor Morris.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs L.E.Collins to Mr N.F.Frangi, Register No 12040.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs E.Milner to Mr K.G.Thomson, Register No 15580.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr C.A.Lancaster to (?).
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr R.Mathieson to Mr A.A.Collins, Register No 10405.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from various Vendors to C.E.Carter.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr S.T.Reiher to Mrs S.J.Nichols.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr W.B.Blain to Mr & Mrs A.G.Hill.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr K.M.Matheson to Mrs L.O.Foster.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr W.E.Aird to (?)
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr W.E.Aird to (?)
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr T.Morris (Solicitor).
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs E.M.Whitchurch to Mr D.McIntyre, Register No2427.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.J.Dwight & others to Mr J.A.Butler, Register No 8441.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr C.C.Hayes to (?).
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr S.A.H.Mullins.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.W.M.Chalmers to Mr A.Young.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr R.Mathieson to Mr A.A.Collins, Register No 10405.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.Symes to Mrs E.D.E.E. Melbourne, Register 3051.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.W.M.Chalmers to Mr C.R.Webb, Register No 15512.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Miss E.M.McIntyre to Mr R.M.Clements, Register No 8305.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.E.Watson to Mrs F.S.Maggs, Register No 11645.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mrs M.A.Meyers to Mr C.C.Carrick.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr H.E.Watson to Mrs E.A.Standley, Register No 11645.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr J.Roberts to Mr B.C.Tilbury and Mr A.J.Albon.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr C.E.Carter to A.L.Schultz.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr V.Geraghty to Mr I.A.Walker.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr J.J.Constable to Mr W.J.Yob, Register No 14278.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.Aitkin to Mrs A.Darts.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr A.J.Treacey to Mr & Mrs. Wardley, Register No 14278.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Mr E.L.Batten to Mr K.M.Matheson.
Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Property , from Miss A.P.Wilson to (?), Register No 2400.
Standard form of Fire Insurance Policy issued by Atlas Assurance Company Limited, England.
Policy issued to J. E. M. Williams for property in Main Street Ringwood, dated September 1934.
Standard form of Fire Insurance Policy issued by Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, Melbourne
Policy issued to Ringwood Pre School Centre, Main Street Ringwood
Standard form of Fire Insurance Policy issued by Commercial Union Assurance Co Ltd
Policy issued to Charles W. Bruce, for dwelling in Mount Dandenong Road, Ringwood.
6 colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979 - Ringwood Timber and Trading Co, before demolition.
Set of colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979 - Ringwood Timber and Trading Co demolition, and later photos (undated) of the RT&T yard , Charer Street, looking North East and West.
Two colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photograph taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photograph taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photograph taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979-1980 of development of Target Square / Market Square Ringwood
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1979 - yet to be identified
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1980
Colour photographs taken by Richard Carter, c1981. Images scanned from oiginal negatives (no hardcopies). Negatives subsequently disposed.
Two typewritten pages and ten pages of handwritten notes and sketches - Schedule of materials to be used in the Shopping Arcade at 147 Whitehorse Road, Ringwood, being built for Ringwood Investments Pty. Ltd. Architect - P.E. Jorgensen, Collins House, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne C.1. Consulting Engineer - W.L. Irwin, 441 St.Kilda Road Melbourne. Rubber stamped Borough of Ringwood approval subject to Building Regulations and By-Laws (signed) Building Survyor 24/5/1955.
Photocopied Certificate of Title Vol 8446 Fol 751 dated 27th May, 1963. Valfrids Teodors Celms of 123 Canterbury Road Heathmont, Hardware Retailer, is now the proprietor, Lot One on Plan of Subdivision No.36857, Parish of Ringwood. Page 2/3 - Transfers - Ansis Rudolf Kilevics and Mirdza Erika Kilevics, registered as joint proprietors 27th May, 1963. Mirdza Erika Kilevics registered as surviving proprietor 9th November, 1966. Velfrid Teodors Celms registered as proprietor 18th November, 1966. John Boer and Brenda Marion Boer registered as joint proprietors 11th July, 1973. Page 4/5 - Photocopy of Certificate of Title Vol 9557 Fol 423 dated 31 May, 1984 shows John Boer and Brenda Marion Boer mortgate discharged 31 October, 1984.
Folder containing copies of LANDATA documents relating to "Pinemont", Panorama Avenue, Ringwood, Victoria, compiled for potential real estate sales background information purposes. Title Vol 965 Fol 923 Allotment 27B Parish of Warrandyte - James Forbes, dated 30th August, 1876. Title Vol 5236 Fol 1947157 Lots 294 and 370 on Plan of Subdivision no.11392 - Anthony Loughnan, dated 4th March, 1927. Title Vol 6415 Fol 1282937 Lot 294 on Plan of Subdivision no.11392 - Jessie McCracken Rothwell Woodard, dated 9th September, 1940.
45 photocopied pages including - Plan of Subdivision No.LP80718, Parish of Ringwood, Victoria, Crown Portion 12(Part) and part of a former government road Ref Vol 8668 Fol 745. - Vendors Statement, Planning Certificate and Heritage Council (Victoria) Certificate issued for 20 Melbourne Street, Ringwood. - Maroondah City Council Land Information Certificate for 149 149A and 149B Maroondah Highway; number 8 Civic Mall; and numbers 16, 20, 22 & 24 Melbourne Street Mall. - Yarra Valley Water statements relating to encumbrances for Shop 11, 149 Maroondah Highway; Shop 10, 149A Maroondah Highway; Shop 9, 149B Maroondah Highway; numer 8 Civic Place; Unit 3, 20 Melbourne Street; Office 4, 20 Melbourne Street; Shop 7, 22 Melbourne Street; and Shop 8, 24 Melbourne Street. - Land Tax Certificate pertaining to Commonwealth Bank, Civic Place, Ringwood. - Certificate of Title Vol 8892 Fol 906, Lot One on Plan of Subdivision No. 80718, Parish of Ringwood - Hanover Developments P/L - 29th June, 1971.
27 A4 pages of colour photocopied certificates with typewritten summaries, including Certificate of Title Vol 1156 Fol 231096, 8th March 1880. Certificate of Title Vol 1440 Fol 930, 14th March 1883. Certificate of Title Vol 8487 Fol 090, 28th January 1964. Certificate of Title Vol 9019 Fol 634, 5th December 1973. Certificate of Title Vol 3711 Fol 742129, William John Harnwell, 1st August 1913. Certificate ot Title Vol 6552 Fol 1310305, 5th June 1942. Certificate of Title Vol 5282 Fol 1056207, Arthur Clifton Beilby, 19th July 1927. Certificate of Title Vol 6573 Fol 1314497, Florence Beatrice McGoldrick, Lot 4 on Subdivision 14786, Whitehorse Road, Ringwood, 18th August 1942. Proprietors and transferees include: William Astley of Richmond, Compositor, Marianne Thomson of Jolimont, Spinster, Margaret McGillivray of Ringwood, Spinster, George Frederick Burgess Wilsmore of Ringwood, Railway Employee, Leslie Wilsmore, John Wilsmore, Lionel Wilsmore, 90 Whitehorse Road Ringwood, B.T. Building Aust P/L, Lot 1 of subidivision 35788, Whitehorse Road Ringwood, Maliblue P/L 33-35 Ruthven Way Ringwood East, Hesketh Motor Cycles P/L, 70 Maroondah Highway Ringwood, Arthur Clifton Beilby of Ringwood, Storekeeper, Florence Beatrice McGoldrick and Oscar Edward John McGoldrick of "Carrum", Whitehorse Road Ringwood, Elsie May McGoldrick, 82 Whitehorse Road Ringwood, Douglas Murray and Ronald Arthur Mason, H.W.P Tortice and D.M. Tortice, V.B. Rowe.
Two pages of notes and subdivision sketches on tracing paper.
Mary Ann Williams of Bedford Road Ringwood in the County of Mornington, wife of John Williams of the same place, Gardener, is now the proprietor of and estate in fee simple subject to the encumbrances notified herunder in all that piece of land deliniated and coloured red on the map in the margin, containing 72 acres 3 roods and 30 perches of thereabouts being parts of Crown Portion 16, Parish of Ringwood, County of Mornington, together with a right of carriage way over the road coloured brown on the said map. 18/4/1912. Encumbrances - special railway conditions contained in Crown Grant to Nelson Polak. Transfer to Elizabeth Anne Yelland 10/9/1918 Transfer to Mary M Savage 16/5/1912 (?) Easement - Emma Blood 8/10/1919 (?) Turner - 12/3/1924 18 Greenwood Avenue 3/7/1915 Caveat no.63960 25/8/1924
Black and white photocopied page with added notations in blue pen.
Ellen Elizabeth Stanton, Married Woman of 35 Bell Street Richmond is now the Proprietor of an estate in Fee-simple, subject to the Encumbrances notified herunder in the surface down to the depth of fifty feet below the surface of the pie of land delineated and colored red purple and blue on the map in the margin, being Lot 29 Parish of Ringwood. Plan of Subdivision No. 12150. (undated).
2-page Maroondah City Council notice for workshop on Tuesday 3 July 2007 at Urban Life, 143 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood - light refreshments served.
A key initiative of the Precinct Plan is the significant street upgrade which may include creative water features along Larissa Avenue to better connect recreational paths along Mullum Mullum Creek and Ringwood Lake.
4-page Urban Planning/Urban Design/Landscape Architecture guidelines for the design of street furniture, paving treatments and signage elements throughout the railway station precinct.
Department of Transport. Aurecon & Grimshaw Architects.
Photocopied Certificate of Title Vol 5127 Fol 1025238 dated 9th March, 1926. Ernest Albert Milne (orchardist) and Jay Wilkins (builder) of Ringwood and Ernest Hugh Emmanuel Hann (carpenter) of East Ringwood are now proprietors as tenants in common in equal shares, Lot 30 on Plan of Subdivision No. 5577, part of Crown Allotment 19, Parish of Ringwood. Location map includes Aird Street, Pratt Street, Whitehorse Road. Subsequent Proprietors Transfers & Mortgate details include: Herman Pump and Frank Kenworthy of Ringwood and Albert Raymond of Collins Street Melbourne, trustees for the time being of the Loyal Ringwood Lodge No. 6724 of the MUIOOF Victoria Friendly Society - 26 June 1936, Holeproof Limited of 204 Sydney Road Brunswick, proprietor by transfer on 18th February, 1947, (*) Ringwood Masonic Hall Company Limited of 173 Whitehorse Road Ringwood, proprietor by transfer on 14th June, 1950, City Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited registered 1st March, 1965, ANZ Banking Group Limited, registered 10 June, 1981 & Discharged 3 June, 1982, Mayor Councillors and Citizens of the City of Ringwood registered as proprietors 6th July, 1982. (*During WWII, Holeproof had been renting the hall where they manufactured socks.)