Royal Brighton Yacht Club has a long and distinguished history going back to 1875, growing from a small lean-to shed on the beach here in Brighton to the large modern facility you see now.
Our passion for the sport of sailing has remained undiminished. The style of yachts may have changed, but the wind in our sails, friendly competition and adventurous cruising further afield, continue to attract countless Melburnians and visitors to our Club on the water.
We have an extensive sailing program, which provides opportunities for young and old, male and female, racer and cruiser to go sailing. For those new to sailing there is children’s or adult learn to sail, while for the more experienced there is racing, or cruising, or a combination of both. Besides our active keelboat and one-design fleets, our dinghy classes are strongly re-establishing themselves.
The Club’s online calendar provides an overview of what is on offer this season. Some prefer the Club’s active social program with numerous functions and live musical entertainment without venturing out on the water, whilst our Iceberger members have found a home here for their daily swims.
We recommend our catering and hospitality to you – we have a beautiful Members Lounge and a stylish function room with views over the water upstairs to suit all your wedding, dining, party and conferencing requirements. In 2018 we opened our redeveloped forecourt, deck and brand new kitchen downstairs, and this has become a wonderful new social hub for the Club for all Members and their guests and visitors.
Our collection
Royal Brighton Yacht Club Trophies
Royal Brighton Yacht Club has collected a great deal of sailing memorabilia during it's 147 years of operation. We have steering wheels from old ships, flags, trophies etc which we would like to catalogue.The significant collection of trophies displayed at Royal Brighton Yacht Club is being loaded online for the benefit of all members.
Many members will have additional information about these memorabilia. We encourage and welcome anyone with such knowledge to send any additions or corrections to [email protected] with the subject heading "RBYC Collections Contribution".