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Federation University Historical Collection
Ephemera, Various papers relating to Richard Squire Mines
In 1905 Richard Squire was manager of the West Berry Consols at Allendale, and developed an improved system of mine ventilation, which was supported in "The Age."[4] He was successful in combating and remedying the gas and ventilation troubles of the Deep Mines of Creswick and Allendale Districts after all had failed. MINE MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ballarat Branch. ... Mr R. B. Squire, manager of the West Berry Consols, at Allendale, submitted a paper detailing what he had done tor the betterment of ventilation in the alluvial mines of Smeaton and Mary borough districts- Members gave Mr Squire every credit for the results that he claimed to have effected; the adoption of his ideas had testified to their value to mine-owners. It was painted out, however, that for want of a thorough debate of the subject with experienced men the author had unwittingly included some general statements that required modifying in some points and extending in others, in justice to other workers among the earlier and the present day managers of mines. It was decided to invite the author to meet a sub-committee on this subject!Various papers relating to Richard Squire Mines including telegrams, reports, receipts, letters and newspaper clippings. .1 Souvenir Telegram .2 Telegram .3 Telegram .4 Telegram .5 Telegram .6 Telegram .7 Telegram .8 Telegram .9 Telegram .10 Telegram .11 Telegram .12 Telegram .13 Telegram .14 Telegram .15 Telegram .16 Newspaper article Mt Mercer Lease 8109, Ballarat .17 Report on the Southern Extension of Main Ballarat Goldfield .18 Letter from Harwood & Pincott Solicitors and Notaries re: Agreement .19 Ballarat Deep Leads Extensions .20 Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate Voucher x 4 .21 Debt Collector Letter .22 HY. W. Pearson Account .23 William Barrett Mining and General Blacksmith Quote and Account .24 Letter from Department of Mines, Melbourne dated 5th December 1934 .25 Letter from Mines Department, Melbourne dated 27th August 1937 .26 Documentsrelating to the purcghase of a wreath for R. Woolley .27 Prospectus of the Southern Leads .28 Propsal prospectus of Leigh River .29 Letter to Tom Squire from his brother Jim .30 Letter to Mr Squire from C Hayes regarding wages owed .31 3 copies of report on mine 8th August 1935 .32 Letter regarding unpaid account .33 Contributary causes of Collapse at Mt Mercer .34 Letter from D. Crawford re payment for timber .35 Letter from John McLeod apologising for not sending cheque .36 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Neil Cameron purchases of portions 64, 65. 66 and 71 .37 3 Letters from Department of Mines granting an extension of time to pay overdue rent. .38 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Mining Lease No. 8217 .39 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Lease Rents .40 Letter from the Department of Mines regarding further boring at Mt Mercer .41 Letter from E.R Hodge requesting that Richard Squire meet with Board members of Glenfine South .42 Letter from G Brown regarding Leases not being paid for .43 Letter from daughter Judy .44 Newspaper article regarding Berry United Deep Leads .45 Envelope addressed to R.T Squire Box 2 Tresco .46 Letter to Richard Squire from A.L. Read Date stamps richard squire, tom squire, jim squire, reports, contributary causes, account, c. hayes, proposal, prospectus, leigh river, southern leads, una cooperative society ltd., wreath, r. woolley, department of mines, e. woodlock, a.l. read, geo brown, hy. w. pearson, william barrett, ballarat deep lead extension, harwood & pincott, edmund woodlock, leigh river tunnel syndicate, federal debt collecting coy, the southern extension of main ballarat gold fields, telegram, received telegram, mt mercer lease, souvenir telegram, mining -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - Detail plan and explanation, Department of Public Works, N.S.W, 1927
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.2. Detail Plan and Section. Starting from the New South Wales and there will be an earthen embankment 430 feet 6 inches long which is retained by the North Wing Wall. Then come the sluice section 284 feet 3 inches long, the spillway 720 feet long and the South Wing Wall, making a total length of 1,042 feet 6 inches of concrete wall. Beyond the South Wing Wall is earth embankment again to a length of 3,827 feet. The Full Supply Level is R.L.626.00 and allowance has been made for a surcharge of 9 feet. A road will run along the top of the dam at R.L.642.00. The sluice section contains seven offlets, the three nearest the north wing wall being 13 feet in diameter for hydro-electric purposes and the other four 9 feet in diameter for regulation purposes only. There are to be stony sluice gates on the upstream ends of the outlets and needle valves on the downstream ends. The shock of the discharged water will be taken by a stilling pool. Trash racks will protect the intake ends of the outlets. Next comes the spillway section, which is curved on the downstream face, and carried up to within 15 feet of the full supply level. Above that will be a series of piers between which will be the flood gates and on top of which the roadway will be carried. The gates will be 20 feet wide and 15 feet high and will be 29 in number. They will slide down the face of the wall when opened for the escape of the water. The investigation of the control of this cascade of water was made by means of a model and as a result the form of “bucket” or energy dissipater shown on the section of the spillway was decided upon. The earth embankment in Victoria is being constructed by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of Victoria who are the Constructing Authority for that State under the River Murray Waters Agreement. The core of the embankment is of concrete 6 feet wide at the base tapering to 2 feet at the top end and is reinforced with steel rods from the level of the decomposed rock upwards. On the downstream side, at about natural surface level, is a tunnel for drainage and inspection purposes. Above the tunnel is a vertical layer of large stones to drain any seepage to the tunnel. Against the core wall is packed selected material of as impervious a character as can be got locally and beyond that the bank is carefully built up in horizontal layers by means of horses and wheel scoops. The upstream slope is 3-to-1 hardening to 2½-to-1 at the top and the downstream slope is 2½-to-1 hardening to 2.07-to-1 at the top. The thrust of the upstream toe is taken by a mass of granite blocks, and this face is protected by concrete laid in situ. The width of the bank at base is 650 feet and at top 32 feet.hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme, hume weir diagrams, hume plan details -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Newsletter, Miners Write: Ballarat School of Mines Staff Newsletter, 1994-1997, 1994-1997
The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. Photocopied newsletters with numerous newspaper clippings. 20 June 1994 - Mission, Women's Policy, Kate Wait, Walter Haller, Stewart Moors, Cynthia Jardine, Mark Lynch, R.J. Young Scholarship, David Thomas 22 August 1994 - Wimmera Community College Agreement, SMB/University of Ballarat Affiliation Agreement Signed by Chancellor Geoffrey Blainey, Max Palmer, Matthew Barlow, Mark Dawe, Phillip Lee, John Conaughton, Elizabeth White 05 September 1994 - Employment White Paper, Workcover, Ross Furness, Nance Jeffreys, Keith Chase, Michael Ronaldson, Ron Wild, Paul Jenkins 25 October 1994 - Staff Consultation Committee, Bendix Mintex Award, Rick Williams, Mike Hickey, Sexual Harassment, Ann McCaffrey, Brewery Complex building 07 November 1994 - Karpin Report, Edgar Bartrop Scholarship, Winsome McCaughey 13 June 1995 - Female Participation in TAFE, Lake Bolac Visit, Virginia Fenelon, Hairdressing, Ararat Community College, Brian MCLennan, Forestry Industry Contract, Ararat PRison Education, E.J.T. Tippett Award, Shane Lake, SMB Graduates 1995, Tony Leonard, Colin McCurry, Steph Pilmore 26 June 1995 - Child Care Centre, computer survey responses, Ellimatta, Sharna Whitehand, Jack Veeken, John Hanmer, Aaron Block, Kirsten Martin, Rowena Worth, Jan Croggon, Andrew McEvoy 24 July 1995 - Teaching, Engineering Liaison, Graham Shearer, Carol Durant, Brian McLennan, Market Research, Ararat Campus, Kevin Martin, Myrtle Muir, Hairdressing, Carol McDonald 07 August 1995 - Childcare, Playgroup, Disabilities, Judy Mills, Former Ballarat Gaol, Private Providers, Equal Opportunity, Equal Employment Opportunity 04 September 1995 - Keith Boast, Barkly Street Campus Library, Barrie Firth, Yuille Street Building, Painting and Decorating, Bricklaying, Disability Forum Committee, Belinda Morgan, Fay Guinane, Olivia Guinane, Robert Clarke Community Centre ceramic Tile Mosaic, Neville French, Annelies Egan, Judith Davies, Tanis Yuille, Margaret Komishon, Ruth Zegir, Ray Isaac 18 September - Competition Policy, Public Sector Reform, Brewery Building contract to S.J. Weir, Ararat Campus, BHP, Peter Bell, Mining Industry, Horticulture Facility (Gillies Street), Creche Fairy Mural, Shellagh Kentish, Daylesford Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre, Jenny Beacham, Tom Bates, Colin Trembath, Alan Scanosio, Zaiga Svanosio 16 October 1995 - Rural Studies Staffing, Robyn Greig, Ross Holton, Virginia Fenelon, Michelle Loader, Christina Elshaug, Cynthia Jardine, Morgan B. John death, Ian Pym, Melissa Cameron, hairdressing, Woolshed, Great Southern Woolshed, Graham Shearer October 1995 - Employment Relations Update, Enterprise Bargaining, Sue Wright, Ron Wild 30 October 1995 - 125th anniversary, 125th anniversary Medallions, Bill Murray (died 28 October 1995), Metal Fabrication, Ron Wild, Gael Ramsay, Paul Keating 20 November 1995 - Ceramics Exhibition, Heather Campbell, Marion Byass, Barry Norman, Helen Knowles, Michael Bracher, Brian McLennan, Rural Studies, Carpark, David Nicholson, Linetter Penhall, Suzanne Brown, Marie Bedggood 27 May 1996 - David Brown Farewell, Keith Boast, Educational Services, Wally Gradkowski, Dzintra Crocker, World Wide Web, Ann McCaffrey 17 June 1996 - Lifelong Learning Through Vocational Education and Training, Lyndal Cooper, Engineering Studies, David Manterfield, Rod MacKinney 19 August 1996 - SMB Strategic Plan 1997-2001, Ian Harris, Ararat Prison Education, Moongate 06 September 1996 - Tom Johnson, Bill Gribble, Ron Wild, INternational Projects Report, Cas Anderson, Court House Theatre, Former Court House, The Moongate 11 November 1996 - Brewery Complex Opening by Prime Minister John Howard on 09 December 1996, Human Resources, Marie Kerr, Fran Kisler, Karen Neale, Trudy Horwoood, Graham Hankin, Engineering Studies, David Manerfied, Sheilagh Kentish, Goroke College 12 May 1997 - Ballarat Group Training, Ballarat Aboriginal Co-operative, SMB Flexible Learning Centre, E.J. Tippett Library, Changing Role of the TAFE Teacher, Maree Greig, Colin Prowse, Performing Arts, Dave Knowles, Karyn Kilroy 20 August 1997 - Amalgamation Update, Graham Paynter, Heather MacLeod, Performing Arts 05 September 1997 - From TAFE to VET, Leoda Atkinson, Daniel James, Ararat campus, Mark Bevelander, computers, Craftsmanship Awards, Koorie Programs Unit, Deanne Jakiel, Stephen Burns, Women's Access Program, Internet 20 October 1997 - amalgamation update, Flexible Learning Centre, Andrea Bateman, Val D'Angri, Leoda Atkinson, Paul Mason, Andrea Bateman 10 November 1997 - Ballarat School of Mines/University of Ballarat Amalgamation, Shenzhen Polytechnic China, Videoconferencing, John Ferrier (Science), Performing Arts 08 December 1997 - Last Edition of Miners' Write Ron Wild, Brian McLennan, Max Palmer, Jeanetter John, Farewell to SMB, Time Capsuleminers write, ballarat school of mines, ron wild -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Hand operated embossing document press, 1910
The woollen mill was a vital part of Warrnambool for all but 22 years of the town’s history since it's the establishment in 1847 when the first land sales were held and white settlement began. In 1869 the Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company began operations on the mill site, in 1875, shareholders of the then defunct Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company happily sold the land and buildings on the Merri river to Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company Ltd for £5,000. The site was sold again in 1876 to grazer Robert Hood of Sherwood, who was chairman of directors of the failed company, which couldn’t raise sufficient capital to keep the works operating. The entrepreneurial Hood then used the existing plant to turn his own wool into tweed cloth. But just as the mill was starting to show a profit, a fire destroyed the building and plant on the night of 25 March 1882. So again, the mill was operational for six short years. Insurers only paid a fraction over 10% of the damage, Hood couldn't raise sufficient capital to rebuild on his own, and so the site lay unused until 1910. In 1908 Marcus Saltau and Peter John McGennan convinced the Warrnambool Chamber of Commerce to invest in a secondary industry with local capital. A public meeting in September 1908 agreed to raise £40,000, electing Saltau chairman of directors, a post he held for 34 years. A year later, using mostly local money, the Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company dispatched its first manager, John E. Bennett, to buy a plant and recruit 20 experienced staff from the Yorkshire woollen industry in December 1909. Another year more, the new mill was officially opened on 14 November 1910 by Marcus Saltau as company chairman and town mayor. Eighteen months on, in May 1912, the mill paid its first half-yearly dividend of 2 ½%. It was now working two shifts, with a year's orders to fill. In 1914 the mill ordered its own generator, providing the town with electricity and effectively doubling its plant size by October 1915, six months after Gallipoli. Thereafter, government orders for cloth and military supplies assured the mill’s success right through the First World War and on until 1923. A plant upgrade in 1922 for machinery to make worsted fabric drained profits, which, with a fall in demand, led to a loss in 1925. Profits were restored by the 1930s, despite the Depression, mostly due to tight management and robust marketing. Production boomed again during the Second World War, but soon foreign competition bit into profits, forcing the company to consolidate operations. The ‘50s and ‘60s were golden years for the mill. Security and growth gave the company confidence to trial Australia’s first electric blanket in 1958 and to install Swiss Sulzer looms in 1965. Over time, the building facades took on the modern look that the mill presented until it closed. The Dunlop company bought the mill in 1968, fending off a challenge from Onkaparinga in South Australia, and continued to expand by adding Wendouree Woollen Mill in the same year and Dream-spun Textiles a decade later, in 1979. Soon after that purchase, however, the mill began its slippery slide into decline. Dunlop sold to its former rival bidder Onkaparinga Woollen Co. Ltd in 1982, which in turn was taken over by Macquarie Worsted's only a year later, in 1983. Operations remained stable for a decade until 1994 when the Macquarie Group signaled that its newly rationalised operations left no room for the Warrnambool investment. The final operator of the mill was The Smith Family charity group, which ran the site by agreement with the Warrnambool City Council and a state government grant in that same year, 1994. The mill became more of a fabric recycler than a manufacturer. The site was sold to private operators in February 2003 and rezoned four months later to allow for the mixed housing development. The embossing press is significant for its association with the Warrnambool Woollen Mills 1910-1968, a major employer in the Warrnambool district. The press is also significant as an example of commercial office equipment used in the 19th and 20th century.Press, metal, for Company seal of Warrnambool Woollen Mill, stamping their brand as Western District Worsted Mills Pty Ltd. Metal is black with red and gold floral markings. Inscription of stamp reads "WESTERN DISTRICT WORSTED MILLS PROPRIETRY LIMITED" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, warrnambool woollen mills, western district worsted mills proprietry limited, worsted fabric, printing press, logo printing press, stamp printing press, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Sewing Machine, Early 20th century
Ward Brothers (George and Samuel) registered a company (Australian Sewing Machines Limited Pty Ltd) with the head office address in Errol St, North Melbourne, and Prahan. The earliest newspaper advertisement for this company was in 1897. Around this time the Ward Brothers first imported sewing machines from England and Wertheim placed their decal on them and mounted them in their own Australian made cabinets. David Ward later imported machines from Beisolt & Locke in Germany and registered name A.N.A. (All Native Australian), his shop was in Collingwood Melbourne. Some of these machines had Ward Brothers decals on them as well. The three brothers sold under the same name as Ward Brothers. The early Ward Brothers logo had a map of Australia with a picture of all three brothers on it. In 1911 all three of the Ward Brothers decided to share a stall in the yearly Melbourne exhibition. The A.N.A was the machine that got rave reviews. It was at this time that the Australian Sewing Machine Company Pty Ltd decided to add the A.N.A logo to their logo to cash in on the new found celebrity status that the A.N.A has gained. To cut a long story short. David Ward took his brothers to court to prevent this from happening. This was a long drawn out affair that took quite a few years. The settlement was decided out of court and nothing was disclosed of the deal that was made. David seemed to have left the scene, then the remaining Ward Brothers and A.N.A. combined and then became “Wardana”. There are many Ward Brothers sewing machines in displays, they originated from Japan, England, America, and Germany. It seems that where ever they got the best deal for sewing machines or parts is the direction they went. This is where the Bendigo sewing machine company came into the picture. All imported sewing machines into Australia drew a government tax. Bendigo Cording's Traction Company was given proposed two-pound tariff protection that gave the company a significant price advantage for its machines. As a result, the Ward Brothers purchased a huge number of Bendigo shares to get cheaper machines for their sewing machine cabinets. Ward Brothers then placed one of their company officials on the Board of “Bendigo Sewing Machines Limited” and the rest is history. Ward Brothers had shops Australian wide and in most of the major country towns. History for “Bendigo Sewing Machines Limited” Cordings Traction Company owners (H. Keck MLC, W. Wallace, and W. Ewing) operated their business out of the former W. Webb & Co. building in Queen St. Bendigo. Around 1923-1924 they decided to switch from traction engines to manufacturing sewing machines. The actual date is not known but that year's financial report made note of both Cordings and Bendigo Sewing Machines Limited. The switch was made with the government of the day agreeing to a tariff of two pounds per head for every machine head made completely in Australia. The change from traction engines to sewing machines went well. Government representatives visited the factory in Bendigo to inspect and ensure that the sewing machines were Australian made as a result they agreed on granting the two-pound tariff to the company. After the first 12 months, they built 30, the following 12 months the company had produced 1500 machines probably due to the involvement of the Ward brothers. However, the government proposed a new condition to the tariff agreement which was that the company must produce 20% of Australia's requirements for sewing machines. In 1924 after having had produced 1500 machines resulting in reaching their financial limit for tariff support. According to the government, the requirement was 15,000 machines for the next year had to be produced to qualify for the tariff. The company had already reached its production limit and unfortunately folded. There were several attempts to regain government assistance to save this new industry but it was to no avail. Even a promise to open another factory in Sydney was offered but unfortunately wasn't accepted. An item fabricated in Australia from a majority of imported parts from either Germany, America or England giving a snapshot into the early manufacturing industries that were operating at the time of Federation. Sewing machine, treadle, in timber cabinet. Branded Ward Bros, A.N.A., Australian Sewing Machine Coy. Decorative carved timber cabinet, hinged, fold-out laminated timber top and five drawers; two small on each side with handles and one long, shallow, between side drawers without handle. Thread is on bobbin in a rocket shuttle (both in good condition) plus spare empty shuttle (rusty). Brass ‘Half Yard’ ruler inlaid across front, measuring scale in inches and centimetres. Two metal shuttle cover plates (or throat plate / slide plate); front one is impressed with a gauge for needle and thread. Gold trim and decals on flatbed and machine front and back, serial number under shuttle cover, brand on decals and on round metal plate on back of machine. Front right of machine has a bobbin winder. Treadle belt shows signs of wear and laminate on timber machine cover is peeling slightly.Decal coat of arms on right front of machine: kangaroo on left, man with broad-brim hat, holding pick-axe on right, in centre, top “SEWING MACHINE / THE / A. N. A.” then below it, the rising sun, then below that is state of Victoria shield with the Southern Cross constellation. Wheat sheaves around edge on left and flowering plant on right. Gold ribbon banner at bottom with script “WARD BROS.“ Decal of map of Australia on flatbed of machine. States and capital cities are marked and named (no northern territory), portrait of two men. In centre of map are interwoven letters “A. N. A.” and written in script “WARD BROS.” Decal across front of machine body has large, decorated gold lettering “A. N. A.” Decal across the top of machine “THE AUSTRALIAN SEWING MACHINE COY. PTY. Ltd.” Steel shuttle cover at front has an impressed gage listing cotton and needle sizes and number of stitches. Brass disc on back of machine “A. N. A.” in centre. Brass ruler across front of machine has carved or pressed words in the timber. In centre “INCHES” above ruler and “CENTIMETRES” below ruler, and on right above ruler is “HALF YARD” Decal across back of machine’s body “A.N. A. / MADE IN U.S.A.” Stamped into metal under shuttle cover is “219415” (2 and 5 are partially there, first 1 could instead be a 7) flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, ward bros., australian sewing machine co., a.n.a., treadle sewing machine, rocket shuttle sewing machine, home industry, clothing, wardana, australian sewing machine company, all native australian, dressmaking, clothing manufacturer -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
The steamer S.S.CASINO was much loved by the whole Port Fairy community- with the possible exception of some of the fishermen whose boats she ran down! Transport of the large quantities of wool, potatoes, onions, grain, sheep, cattle and other produce grown on the rich lands of the Western District Belfast was served by a plethora of shipping, both sail and steam, but only one of the steamers then in the regular trade (S.S. DAWN) would ever be able to get up the river and reap the cost savings of loading against a wharf. It was not unusual for four steamers to be anchored in the bay at once and for seven or eight different steamers to call during a week. A number of inter-colonial steamers also called to pick up produce for delivery to Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Production in the Western District was increasing and virtually all of that production had to go through one of the western ports in order to reach markets. By 1882 a meeting 15ft. March, 1882, in the office of auctioneer, J.B. HoIden in Cox Street took action and it was unanimously resolved - that the Belfast & Koroit Steamship Company be formed with a capital of £20,000 in 10,000 shares of £2 each". A number of steamers were offered by letter to the fledgling company, including the new and almost sister ships, CASINO and HELEN NICHOLL. The CASINO was on her delivery voyage from England was due to arrive in Warrnambool to load potatoes for Sydney and, initially, arrangements were made for her to call into Port Fairy for inspection by the BKNS Co directors. She eventually proceeded direct to Warrnambool and the Directors inspected her there. Without hesitation they purchased her even though they had to raise a large bank loan to do so. The CASINO arrived in Port Fairy on Saturday, 29th. July, 1882, steaming triumphantly up the Moyne River, and was greeted by crowds, many of whom had driven in from the surrounding countryside, which gave her “loud ringing English cheers". By 1884 the CASINO could not carry all the cargoes available to her and in December of that year the company purchased the new steamer BELLINGER to provide additional capacity. She helped to open up the intermediate ports of Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, but the BELLINGER was not really suitable for the trade and she was sold in 1887, leaving the CASINO to operate alone -as she was to do for almost all of the next 45 years. The opening of the railway in 1890 decreased the cargo available to the steamers and the economic depression of the early 1890's worsened the situation. The weak soon began to fall by the wayside and when the Portland & Belfast SN Co. decided to go into liquidation in April 1895, the Belfast & Koroit Company bought the Portland Company's steamer DAWN on advantageous terms, a substantial part of the payment being in BKSN Co shares. The BKNS Co and the Howard Smith Line came into direct head to head competition and nearly forced the BKNS Co out of existence. Cargo dropped to such an extent that in 1899, they reached agreement that only one ship would run and that the ship which ran would pay a weekly amount to the competitor to stay out of the trade. This controlled service ceased in1909, and competition intensified when Howard Smith placed the newly built, larger steamer EUMERALLA on the run. The BKNS Co survived this competition and even prospered during it partly by extending on a more regular basis, the CASINO'S voyages to South Australian ports Port Macdonnell, Kingston, Beachport, Robe and, on occasions Adelaide. There were setbacks when, on 20 October 1924, CASINO went ashore at the Kennett River, near Apollo Bay, and again, in February l929, when she struck a submerged object at Warrnambool and had to be beached. The railways placed great competitive pressure on the small steamship company and this pressure was intensified when the Great Depression slashed the market for Western District produce, BKNS Co struggled on, paying dividends in most years, and the company planned a big celebration for the CASINO'S fiftieth anniversary in the trade on 29th July, 1932. Disaster struck soon after 9 o'clock on the morning of Sunday I0 July, 1932 when the CASINO was lost at Apollo Bay together with the lives of 10 crew members. Black and white photograph of s.s.Casino steaming down to berth at her wharf on the left fishing boats in foregroundship, boat, industry, belfast and koroit steam navigation company, moyne river, river,, wharf -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph - Panoramic Photograph, A.C. Aberline, Moyne River East Beach Port Fairy. SS Casino
The steamer S.S.CASINO was much loved by the whole Port Fairy community- with the possible exception of some of the fishermen whose boats she ran down! Transport of the large quantities of wool, potatoes, onions, grain, sheep, cattle and other produce grown on the rich lands of the Western District Belfast was served by a plethora of shipping, both sail and steam, but only one of the steamers then in the regular trade (S.S. DAWN) would ever be able to get up the river and reap the cost savings of loading against a wharf. It was not unusual for four steamers to be anchored in the bay at once and for seven or eight different steamers to call during a week. A number of inter-colonial steamers also called to pick up produce for delivery to Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Production in the Western District was increasing and virtually all of that production had to go through one of the western ports in order to reach markets. By 1882 a meeting 15ft. March, 1882, in the office of auctioneer, J.B. HoIden in Cox Street took action and it was unanimously resolved - that the Belfast & Koroit Steamship Company be formed with a capital of £20,000 in 10,000 shares of £2 each". A number of steamers were offered by letter to the fledgling company, including the new and almost sister ships, CASINO and HELEN NICHOLL. The CASINO was on her delivery voyage from England was due to arrive in Warrnambool to load potatoes for Sydney and, initially, arrangements were made for her to call into Port Fairy for inspection by the BKNS Co directors. She eventually proceeded direct to Warrnambool and the Directors inspected her there. Without hesitation they purchased her even though they had to raise a large bank loan to do so. The CASINO arrived in Port Fairy on Saturday, 29th. July, 1882, steaming triumphantly up the Moyne River, and was greeted by crowds, many of whom had driven in from the surrounding countryside, which gave her “loud ringing English cheers". By 1884 the CASINO could not carry all the cargoes available to her and in December of that year the company purchased the new steamer BELLINGER to provide additional capacity. She helped to open up the intermediate ports of Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, but the BELLINGER was not really suitable for the trade and she was sold in 1887, leaving the CASINO to operate alone -as she was to do for almost all of the next 45 years. The opening of the railway in 1890 decreased the cargo available to the steamers and the economic depression of the early 1890's worsened the situation. The weak soon began to fall by the wayside and when the Portland & Belfast SN Co. decided to go into liquidation in April 1895, the Belfast & Koroit Company bought the Portland Company's steamer DAWN on advantageous terms, a substantial part of the payment being in BKSN Co shares. The BKNS Co and the Howard Smith Line came into direct head to head competition and nearly forced the BKNS Co out of existence. Cargo dropped to such an extent that in 1899, they reached agreement that only one ship would run and that the ship which ran would pay a weekly amount to the competitor to stay out of the trade. This controlled service ceased in1909, and competition intensified when Howard Smith placed the newly built, larger steamer EUMERALLA on the run. The BKNS Co survived this competition and even prospered during it partly by extending on a more regular basis, the CASINO'S voyages to South Australian ports Port Macdonnell, Kingston, Beachport, Robe and, on occasions Adelaide. There were setbacks when, on 20 October 1924, CASINO went ashore at the Kennett River, near Apollo Bay, and again, in February l929, when she struck a submerged object at Warrnambool and had to be beached. The railways placed great competitive pressure on the small steamship company and this pressure was intensified when the Great Depression slashed the market for Western District produce, BKNS Co struggled on, paying dividends in most years, and the company planned a big celebration for the CASINO'S fiftieth anniversary in the trade on 29th July, 1932. Disaster struck soon after 9 o'clock on the morning of Sunday I0 July, 1932 when the CASINO was lost at Apollo Bay together with the lives of 10 crew members. black and white panaramic photograph mounted on cardboardMoyne River & East Beach Port Fairy- s.s.Casino-A.C.Aberline-Canterburyship, boat, sea, river, training walls, wharf, moyne river,, steamer -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
S.s.Casino 1910. The people on the decks are tourists coming from Terang and surrounding areas to spend the day at the seaside. The steamer S.S.CASINO was much loved by the whole Port Fairy community- with the possible exception of some of the fishermen whose boats she ran down! Transport of the large quantities of wool, potatoes, onions, grain, sheep, cattle and other produce grown on the rich lands of the Western District Belfast was served by a plethora of shipping, both sail and steam, but only one of the steamers then in the regular trade (S.S. DAWN) would ever be able to get up the river and reap the cost savings of loading against a wharf. It was not unusual for four steamers to be anchored in the bay at once and for seven or eight different steamers to call during a week. A number of inter-colonial steamers also called to pick up produce for delivery to Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Production in the Western District was increasing and virtually all of that production had to go through one of the western ports in order to reach markets. By 1882 a meeting 15ft. March, 1882, in the office of auctioneer, J.B. HoIden in Cox Street took action and it was unanimously resolved - that the Belfast & Koroit Steamship Company be formed with a capital of £20,000 in 10,000 shares of £2 each". A number of steamers were offered by letter to the fledgling company, including the new and almost sister ships, CASINO and HELEN NICHOLL. The CASINO was on her delivery voyage from England was due to arrive in Warrnambool to load potatoes for Sydney and, initially, arrangements were made for her to call into Port Fairy for inspection by the BKNS Co directors. She eventually proceeded direct to Warrnambool and the Directors inspected her there. Without hesitation they purchased her even though they had to raise a large bank loan to do so. The CASINO arrived in Port Fairy on Saturday, 29th. July, 1882, steaming triumphantly up the Moyne River, and was greeted by crowds, many of whom had driven in from the surrounding countryside, which gave her “loud ringing English cheers". By 1884 the CASINO could not carry all the cargoes available to her and in December of that year the company purchased the new steamer BELLINGER to provide additional capacity. She helped to open up the intermediate ports of Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, but the BELLINGER was not really suitable for the trade and she was sold in 1887, leaving the CASINO to operate alone -as she was to do for almost all of the next 45 years. The opening of the railway in 1890 decreased the cargo available to the steamers and the economic depression of the early 1890's worsened the situation. The weak soon began to fall by the wayside and when the Portland & Belfast SN Co. decided to go into liquidation in April 1895, the Belfast & Koroit Company bought the Portland Company's steamer DAWN on advantageous terms, a substantial part of the payment being in BKSN Co shares. The BKNS Co and the Howard Smith Line came into direct head to head competition and nearly forced the BKNS Co out of existence. Cargo dropped to such an extent that in 1899, they reached agreement that only one ship would run and that the ship which ran would pay a weekly amount to the competitor to stay out of the trade. This controlled service ceased in1909, and competition intensified when Howard Smith placed the newly built, larger steamer EUMERALLA on the run. The BKNS Co survived this competition and even prospered during it partly by extending on a more regular basis, the CASINO'S voyages to South Australian ports Port Macdonnell, Kingston, Beachport, Robe and, on occasions Adelaide. There were setbacks when, on 20 October 1924, CASINO went ashore at the Kennett River, near Apollo Bay, and again, in February l929, when she struck a submerged object at Warrnambool and had to be beached. The railways placed great competitive pressure on the small steamship company and this pressure was intensified when the Great Depression slashed the market for Western District produce, BKNS Co struggled on, paying dividends in most years, and the company planned a big celebration for the CASINO'S fiftieth anniversary in the trade on 29th July, 1932. Disaster struck soon after 9 o'clock on the morning of Sunday I0 July, 1932 when the CASINO was lost at Apollo Bay together with the lives of 10 crew members. Black and white photograph of tourists crowded on the decks of s.s.Casino during a sail around the bay for Terang dayship, boat, sea, river, 1910, transport, 1910, wool, onions, grain, sheep, cattle, steam, terang day -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, s.s.Casino
This photograph show the ship in dry dock (possibly Melbourne) for maintenance. The steamer S.S.CASINO was much loved by the whole Port Fairy community- with the possible exception of some of the fishermen whose boats she ran down! Transport of the large quantities of wool, potatoes, onions, grain, sheep, cattle and other produce grown on the rich lands of the Western District Belfast was served by a plethora of shipping, both sail and steam, but only one of the steamers then in the regular trade (S.S. DAWN) would ever be able to get up the river and reap the cost savings of loading against a wharf. It was not unusual for four steamers to be anchored in the bay at once and for seven or eight different steamers to call during a week. A number of inter-colonial steamers also called to pick up produce for delivery to Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Production in the Western District was increasing and virtually all of that production had to go through one of the western ports in order to reach markets. By 1882 a meeting 15ft. March, 1882, in the office of auctioneer, J.B. HoIden in Cox Street took action and it was unanimously resolved - that the Belfast & Koroit Steamship Company be formed with a capital of £20,000 in 10,000 shares of £2 each". A number of steamers were offered by letter to the fledgling company, including the new and almost sister ships, CASINO and HELEN NICHOLL. The CASINO was on her delivery voyage from England was due to arrive in Warrnambool to load potatoes for Sydney and, initially, arrangements were made for her to call into Port Fairy for inspection by the BKNS Co directors. She eventually proceeded direct to Warrnambool and the Directors inspected her there. Without hesitation they purchased her even though they had to raise a large bank loan to do so. The CASINO arrived in Port Fairy on Saturday, 29th. July, 1882, steaming triumphantly up the Moyne River, and was greeted by crowds, many of whom had driven in from the surrounding countryside, which gave her “loud ringing English cheers". By 1884 the CASINO could not carry all the cargoes available to her and in December of that year the company purchased the new steamer BELLINGER to provide additional capacity. She helped to open up the intermediate ports of Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Campbell, but the BELLINGER was not really suitable for the trade and she was sold in 1887, leaving the CASINO to operate alone -as she was to do for almost all of the next 45 years. The opening of the railway in 1890 decreased the cargo available to the steamers and the economic depression of the early 1890's worsened the situation. The weak soon began to fall by the wayside and when the Portland & Belfast SN Co. decided to go into liquidation in April 1895, the Belfast & Koroit Company bought the Portland Company's steamer DAWN on advantageous terms, a substantial part of the payment being in BKSN Co shares. The BKNS Co and the Howard Smith Line came into direct head to head competition and nearly forced the BKNS Co out of existence. Cargo dropped to such an extent that in 1899, they reached agreement that only one ship would run and that the ship which ran would pay a weekly amount to the competitor to stay out of the trade. This controlled service ceased in1909, and competition intensified when Howard Smith placed the newly built, larger steamer EUMERALLA on the run. The BKNS Co survived this competition and even prospered during it partly by extending on a more regular basis, the CASINO'S voyages to South Australian ports Port Macdonnell, Kingston, Beachport, Robe and, on occasions Adelaide. There were setbacks when, on 20 October 1924, CASINO went ashore at the Kennett River, near Apollo Bay, and again, in February l929, when she struck a submerged object at Warrnambool and had to be beached. The railways placed great competitive pressure on the small steamship company and this pressure was intensified when the Great Depression slashed the market for Western District produce, BKNS Co struggled on, paying dividends in most years, and the company planned a big celebration for the CASINO'S fiftieth anniversary in the trade on 29th July, 1932. Disaster struck soon after 9 o'clock on the morning of Sunday I0 July, 1932 when the CASINO was lost at Apollo Bay together with the lives of 10 crew members. Black and white photograph of ship in dry dockship, boat, sea, river, industry, belfast and koroit steam navigation company -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Locomotive R761 and Bicentennial Train 3801 departing Wodonga, 16 October 1988
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Locomotive R761 with Driver Norm Depomeroy and Fireman Steve Gibson running in parallel with the Bicentennial Train hauled by Locomotive 3801 with Driver Fred Rochow and Fireman David Brown. Locomotive R761 - The R761 arrived in Victoria on the 28th February 1952 upon the ship ‘Helenus’ and entered service on the 9th April 1952. R761 spent long periods in storage and occasionally saw service until it was withdrawn. In 1970 R761 was overhauled and was made available for use on special trains. It became the final R class to run in VR service on the 5th September 1974, ending 120 years of mainline steam operation in Victoria. After years of debate about its future, on the 30th March 1985 the loco was officially returned to service, hauling special trains to celebrate the years of steam locomotives. Locomotive 3801 was built by Sydney company The Clyde Engineering Co. Ltd., Granville in 1943 as the first of five streamlined (C) 38-class locomotives for the New South Wales Government Railways’ top-link express passenger duties. The delivery of 3801 was much delayed due to wartime labour & material shortages, together with competing wartime construction priorities. After many years of service, 3801 had been scheduled for withdrawal in 1962 due to deteriorating mechanical condition, but rail enthusiasts raised sufficient funds to cover the cost of its overhaul. 3801 joined the collection of the New South Wales Rail Transport Museum (NSWRTM), Enfield on withdrawal from NSWGR service and continued in operation as a tour locomotive. It hauled the “Western Endeavour” on the first crossing of the Australian continent by a standard gauge train from Sydney to Perth and return in August – September 1970. 3801 also stars in the railway film ‘A Steam Train Passes’ made by Film Australia in 1974 By 1976 had been withdrawn from service due to poor boiler condition and placed on static display by the Rail Transport Museum in Thirlmere, NSW. The Locomotive remained in Thirlmere until 1983 when it was decided it should be restored for the Australian Bicentenary in 1988. A new organisation was created specifically for the purpose of operating 3801, and thus 3801 Limited was incorporated on 5th June 1985. Work on the locomotive was completed after three years, with 3801 making its debut at a special Railway Ball hosted in its honour on 29th November 1986. During the Australian Bicentenary celebrations in 1988, it operated an extensive program across Australia visiting every mainland capital accessible by rail including an appearance at AusSteam ’88 in Melbourne in October 1988, stopping over in Wodonga on the way. After the company’s 20-year lease on the locomotive expired in 2006 Railcorp chose not to extend the agreement, and the locomotive returned to the Rail Transport Museum at Thirlmere (now the NSW Rail Museum). 3801 was withdrawn from service in 2007 for major boiler repairs. Locomotive 3801 was officially relaunched at Sydney's Central Station on Friday 12 March 2021 by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales.On front of locomotive on the left "STEAMRAIL /R761". On front of locomotive on the right "BICENTENNIAL TRAIN/3801" railways wodonga, fred rochow, locomotive r761, bicentennial train, locomotive 3801 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Machine - Treadle Lathe, 1920-1923
The lathe-making business incorporated in 1902 as Drummond Bros Ltd originated in the fertile mind of Mr Arthur Drummond, said to have been living at that time at Pinks Hill, on the southern edge of Broad Street Common, west of Guildford. Mr Drummond, whose accomplishments included several pictures hung in the Royal Academy, was unable to find a lathe suitable for use in model engineering. In 1896 he designed for himself a ‘small centre lathe … which had a compound slide rest with feed-screws and adjustable slides’. He also designed and built ‘lathes of 4.5 inch and 5 inch centre height, which had beds of a special form whereby the use of a gap piece was eliminated but the advantages of a gap-bed lathe were retained’. Assisted by his brother, Mr Frank Drummond, who had served an apprenticeship to an engineering firm at Tunbridge Wells, the first lathes were made in a workshop adjoining Arthur Drummond’s house. The demand that speedily built up led to the decision to form a company and manufacture the lathes for sale commercially. Land was acquired nearby, at Rydes Hill, and the first factory built. The enterprise was a success, and the company quickly established ‘a high reputation in this country and abroad for multi-tool and copying lathes, and gear-cutting machines’. Other lathes were added to the range, including the first of the ’round bed’ machines for which the firm became widely known. A Drummond 3.5 inch lathe was among the equipment of Captain Scott’s 1912 expedition to the South Pole, and large numbers of 3.5 inch and 4 inch designs were exported to Australia, Canada and India. By the outbreak of war in 1914, 5 inch, 6 inch and 7 inch screw cutting lathes, arranged for power drive, were on sale. Large orders were received from the government for 3.5 inch lathes, for use in destroyers and submarines, and 5 inch lathes for the mechanised section of the Army Service Corps. The latter were used in mobile workshops. The factory worked night and day to supply the forces’ needs, until production was disrupted by a fire which destroyed a large part of the works in May 1915. As soon as rebuilding was complete work restarted. At the end of the war the entire production was being taken by the Government departments, a special feature being a precision screw lathe, bought by the Ministry of Munitions in 1918. Between the wars Drummond Bros Ltd introduced new machines for the motor vehicle, and later the aircraft industry, and the works were extended on many occasions to fulfill the increasing orders. The Maxicut multi-tool lathe (1925), designed for high-production turning operations, was one of the first machines of this type to be built in England. It was followed (1928) by an hydraulic version for turning gear blanks, and similar work. Further developments provided machines which, during the Second World War, turned all the crankshafts and propeller shafts for Bristol engines. Others, ordered by the Ministry of Supply were employed in turning shells, and many other specific needs of vehicle and aircraft manufacture were catered for by new types of Drummond lathes. Production of the small centre lathes ceased during the war when the company needed to concentrate on building multi-tool lathes and gear shapers. After the war a completely new Maxicut range was introduced, replacing the older versions, and fully automatic. The types were continually developed, and new versions manufactured until the end of the company’s life in 1980. The disappearance from the scene of Mr Arthur Drummond in 1946, and the end of the company’s autonomous existence in 1953 when the company was acquired by William Asquith Ltd, which was in turn bought by Staveley in 1966, meant that the factory at Rydes Hill became one – albeit very effective – part of a large national engineering company. Achievements at the Guildford works during its last years included the development of automated Maxicut gear-shapers in what was ‘probably the most fully automated gear shop in the country’, while a machine from Guildford was sent to the Osaka Fair in 1962. In 1963 an agreement was signed with Hindustan Machine Tools for the manufacture of Maxicut gear-shapers in state owned factories in Bangalore and Chandigarh. During 1963 the two largest multi-tool lathes ever made in the UK were installed in Ambrose Shardlow’s works in Sheffield for handling cranks up to 14 foot long. In 1976 Drummond lathes were included in Staveley’s £14,000,000 installation in Moscow of an automated production line for Zil motor cars. Up to the end invention continued at Guildford: a new Drummond Multi-turn memory-controlled machine was shown at the International Machine Tool Exhibition in 1977. This could not save the works from the pressures of the late 1970s, and Staveley Industries closed its Guildford site in 1980.An early example of a lathe that was designed primarily for the hobbyist model maker. It is in good condition and sought today by collectors as many of it's attributes were innovative at the time and lead to further development and incorporation of some of its features into more industrial models of production machinery. Lathe, round bed, treadle powered lathe, Drummond Type A, Serial number and maker's inscription. 1920-1923, Made by Drummond Brothers in Guildford, Surrey, England. Lathe is complete with Chuck, Tool post and Tail Stock in situ (30 extra parts)"MADE BY DRUMMOND BROTHERS LIMITED - PATENT TEES - RYDE'S HILL n GUILDFORD SURREY", "Serial Number 01470," "L44" or "L45 " flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, lathe 1920-1923, round bed lathe, treadle lathe, drummond type a, guildford surrey, drummond brothers guildford surrey england, tread'e -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Trams may join trains in huge strike action” "Pay row to hit trams" "Trams to stop as drivers plan strike action" "Rail strike cancelled" "More tram strife on the cards as pay dispute drags on" "Tram strife to restart" "Tram driver pay figures disputed", 2/07/2019 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: 1 - “Trams may join trains in huge strike action” Newspaper clipping from the Age 2/7/2019 by Timna Jacks More than 1500 Yarra Trams drivers, authorised officers and customer service staff may join Metro train staff in strike action in late July. The Rail, Tram and Bus Union is negotiating with public transport operators over its next enterprise bargaining agreement. 2 - “Pay row to hit trams” Newspaper clipping from the Age 15/8/2019 by Timna Jacks Tram services could be hit with a wave of cancellations and delays after about 1500 Yarra Tram drivers and customer service personnel voted to launch work bans on Monday 26 August. 3 - “Trams to stop as drivers plan strike action” Newspaper clipping from the Age 17/8/2019 by Timna Jacks Trams staff will stop work for 4 hours between 10am and 2pm on Friday August 30. 4 - “Rail strike cancelled” Newspaper clipping from the Age 20/8/2019 by Timna Jacks Train strike cancelled but tram strike will go ahead on Friday August 30. 5 - “Final bid to avert train, tram strikes” Newspaper clipping from the Age 9/8/2019 by Timna Jacks Yarra tram drivers and customer service staff have joined rail workers in taking industrial action against Yarra Trams. 6 - "Industrial Action Starts This Week" - 26 August 2019 PDF of notice from Rail Tram and Bus Union advising of disruptions to tram services. 7 - "Industrial action affecting Yarra Trams on Friday, 30 August 2019" PDF of email from PTV advising of disruptions to tram services. 8 - "Upcoming Industrial Action - Uniform Ban Cancelled" - 22 August 2019 PDF of notice from Rail Tram and Bus Union advising of cancellation of uniform ban. 9 - "Upcoming Industrial Action" - 14 August 2019 PDF of notice from Rail Tram and Bus Union advising of uniform ban and disruptions to tram services. 10 - "More tram strife on the cards as pay dispute drags on" - 31 August 2019 About 1500 tram workers stopped work yesterday for 4 hours. Negotiations to resume in the Fair Work Commission on Monday. The union wants a 6% annual pay rise over 3 years but Yarra Trams offering 3% over 4 years. 11 - Tram strikes to Restart - Nov and Dec. 2019 Newspaper clipping from the Age - by Timna Jacks Strike action to continue on 28 November and 5 December. 12 - "Tram driver pay figures disputed" - 7 December 2019 Newspaper clipping from the Age, by Noel Towell Tram drivers on strike again on Thursday 5 December 2019. Yarra Trams claim wage demand would result in drivers on average pay of $114K at end of 4 year deal, but union dispute these figures. 13 - "Tram strikes called off" - 26 February 2020 Newspaper clipping from the Age - by Timna Jacks Tram strikes scheduled for the grand prix called off after the government intervened to end the industrial dispute. 14 - "Pay rise for tram drivers" - 29 February 2020 Newspaper clipping from the Age - by Timna Jacks Tram drivers will get a 3.5% a year pay rise and Yarra Trams will employ fewer part timers than planned. Under the first 2 years of the contract, this would rise to 6%, then to 8% in 3rd year and 10% in the final year of new wage deal. Part time workers guaranteed minimum of 23 hours per week. 15 - "Bid to halt grand prix tram strike" - 21 February 2020 Newspaper clipping from the Age - by Sumeyya Ilanbey Government call on the Fair Work Commission to intervene to stop a tram strike during the grand prix.trams, tramways, public transport, unions, keolis downer, yarra trams -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Hong Kong Street Flyer by an unknown artist, 2019, 06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a street art poster taken on the streets of Hong Kong during the protests against legislation to allow Hong Kong suspects to be extradited to mainland Chinese carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, poster art, posters -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, A thousand protestors surround Hong Kong's main police headquarters on Arsenal Street in Wan Chai on June 26th 2019, 21/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. than a thousand protestors surround Hong Kong's main police headquarters on Arsenal Street in Wan Chai on June 26th following a peaceful rally at Edinburgh Place in Central. Doors to the complex were barricaded by protestors, who left after a six hour siege in protest at police violence at a prtest held earlier on 12 June 2019. Protesters ended a six-hour siege of Hong Kong’s police headquarters – their second in a week over the now-suspended extradition bill – early on Thursday morning. More than 1,000 were involved at the height of the protest, which began after 10pm on Wednesday. Around 100 were left at the end and dispersed without a fight when officers with riot shields emerged from the building in Wan Chai at 4am on Thursday. After a peaceful rally attended by thousands earlier at Edinburgh Place in the Central business district, hundreds descended on Arsenal Street, blocking the junction with Lockhart Road to all traffic and sealing the entrances to the police base. ( )carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Seven police officers stand guard in front of Hong Kong's main police headquarters on Arsenal Street in Wan Chai, 2019, 21/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. police officers stand guard in front of Hong Kong's main police headquarters on Arsenal Street in Wan Chai as an estimated one thousand protestors surround on 26 June 2019. Protestors take turns to step up and hurl abuse at the officers, in a protest lasting 6 hours before peacefully dispersing. The protesters chanted 'Release the martyrs' and 'Stop police violence' in reference to violent clashes with police in the days previous. ( lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors, police, wan chai -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Crowds Gather on June 16 on the Streets of Causeway Bay, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. crowds gathering on June 16 on the streets of Causeway Bay before an estimated 2 million people take part in march protesting the government's push for extradition laws to China and demanding an apology from the chief executrive Carrie Lam. Nearly 2 million’ people take to streets, forcing public apology from Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam as suspension of controversial extradition bill fails to appease protesters. ( )carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Street Protests in Hong Kong against proposed extradition laws, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a crowd or protestors against proposed extradition laws gathering on the streets of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, leading down to the gathering area. carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Jarrod Watt, Street Protests in Hong Kong against proposed extradition laws, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. of a crowd on the streets of Hong Kong to protest against proposed extradition laws, heading towards Admiralty. carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors, admiralty -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour Photograph, Street Protests in Hong Kong against proposed extradition laws, 2019, 17/06/2019
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, had plenty of political support in the territory’s pro-Beijing legislature to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China. The legislators were set to begin discussing the bill in early June, and intended to vote on it just weeks later. A series of protests took place, and after a June 16 protest saw the largest turnout yet, Ms. Lam made a major concession: She postponed the bill, at least temporarily. It was an undeniable victory for the protesters — but it did little to quell the unrest. Since the bill could later be reintroduced, protesters felt they remained in danger. The police tactics to break up the demonstrations on June 12, including the use of more than 150 tear gas canisters to push protesters far away from the government office, created a new set of demands from the protesters. Now, instead of just calling for the withdrawal of the bill and Ms. Lam’s resignation, they said they wouldn’t be content unless there was an independent investigation of officers’ conduct. They also wanted the release of protesters arrested on June 12, and for the government to rescind its description of the demonstrations as a “riot,” a designation that carries legal significance. None of that has happened. Many analysts say Ms. Lam is unlikely to step down, nor would Beijing accept her resignation if she offered it. She has more wiggle room on the other demands, but has not indicated any willingness to budge. The Hong Kong Protests are a leaderless, digital movement.There is no single leader or group deciding on or steering the strategy, tactics and goals of the movement. Instead, protesters have used forums and messaging apps to decide next steps. Anyone can suggest a course of action, and others then vote on whether they support it. The most popular ideas rise to the top, and then people rally to make them happen. At its best, this structure has empowered many people to participate and have their voices heard. Protesters say it keeps them all safe by not allowing the government to target specific leaders. Their success in halting the extradition bill, which was shelved by the territory’s chief executive, speaks to the movement’s power. Despite the lack of a clear leader, protesters have shown extensive coordination at the demonstrations, having planned the specifics online beforehand. Supply stations are set up to distribute water, snacks, gloves, umbrellas and shields made of cardboard. Volunteer first aid workers wear brightly colored vests. People form assembly lines to pass supplies across long distances, with protesters communicating what they need through a series of predetermined hand signals. Anyone walking in dangerous areas without a helmet or a mask is quickly offered one. No individual can speak on behalf of the protesters, which makes negotiations difficult, if not impossible. (, accessed 07/07/2019) Hong Kong’s amended extradition law would allow the extradition of suspects to mainland China for the first time. Supporters say the amendments are key to ensuring the city does not become a criminal refuge, but critics worry Beijing will use the law to extradite political opponents and others to China where their legal protections cannot be guaranteed. The government claims the push to change the law, which would also apply to Taiwan and Macau, stems from the killing last year of a Hong Kong woman while she was in Taiwan with her boyfriend. Authorities in Taiwan suspect the woman’s boyfriend, who remains in Hong Kong, but cannot try him because no extradition agreement is in place. Under the amended law, those accused of offences punishable by seven years or more in prison could be extradited. The new legislation would give Hong Kong’s leader, known as the chief executive, authority to approve extradition requests, after review by the courts. Hong Kong’s legislature, the legislative council, would not have any oversight over the extradition process. Many Hong Kongers fear the proposed extradition law will be used by authorities to target political enemies. They worry the new legislation spells the end of the “one country, two systems” policy, eroding the civil rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents since the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China in 1997. Many attending the protests on Sunday said they could not trust China as it had often used non-political crimes to target government critics, and said they also feared Hong Kong officials would not be able to reject Beijing’s requests. Legal professionals have also expressed concern over the rights of those sent across the border to be tried. The conviction rate in Chinese courts is as high as 99%. Arbitrary detentions, torture and denial of legal representation of one’s choosing are also common. Many in the protests on Sunday 09 June 2019 said they felt overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness in the face of mainland China’s increasing political, economic and cultural influence in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s top political leader is not elected by ordinary voters but by a 1,200-strong election committee accountable to Beijing. Half of its legislature are chosen through indirect electoral systems that favour pro-Beijing figures. Many Hong Kongers also cited the jailing of leaders and activists from the 2014 Occupy Central movement– a 79-day mass civil disobedience movement – as well as the disqualification of young localist lawmakers as signs of the erosion of civil freedoms. Resentment towards China has been intensified by soaring property prices – with increasing numbers of mainland Chinese buying properties in the city – as well as the government’s “patriotic education” drive, and the large numbers of mainland tourists who flock to Hong Kong. Many Hong Kongers are also concerned about China’s growing control over the city’s news media, as they increasingly self-censor and follow Beijing’s tacit orders. mass on Queens Way in Hong Kong as an estimated 2 million people march in protest at the government's refusal to withdraw a controverisal law allowing people to be extradited to mainland China. Chants demanded the chief executive apologise and the legislation be withdrawn, while many held signs protesting police violence. Nearly 2 million protesters flooded the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday, organisers claimed, delivering a stunning repudiation of Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s governance and forcing a public apology out of the city’s leader over her campaign to bulldoze a controversial extradition bill through the legislature. A day after Lam suspended her push for the bill, expecting it to defuse a crisis that has seen violent clashes between mostly young protesters and police, the centre of Hong Kong was brought to a complete standstill as the masses marched to chastise her for refusing to withdraw the bill or apologise when first asked to, and declaring that nothing short of her resignation would satisfy them now. ( ) carrie lam, hong kong protests, extraditions, protest, protestors, admiralty -
Ballarat and District Irish Association
Image, Charles Parnell, c1864, 1864
Parnell was an Irish nationalist and statesman who led the fight for Irish Home Rule in the 1880s. Charles Stewart Parnell was born on 27 June 1846 in County Wicklow into a family of Anglo-Irish Protestant landowners. He studied at Cambridge University and was elected to parliament in 1875 as a member of the Home Rule League (later re-named by Parnell the Irish Parliamentary Party). His abilities soon became evident. In 1878, Parnell became an active opponent of the Irish land laws, believing their reform should be the first step on the road to Home Rule. In 1879, Parnell was elected president of the newly founded National Land League and the following year he visited the United States to gain both funds and support for land reform. In the 1880 election, he supported the Liberal leader William Gladstone, but when Gladstone's Land Act of 1881 fell short of expectations, he joined the opposition. By now he had become the accepted leader of the Irish nationalist movement. Parnell now encouraged boycott as a means of influencing landlords and land agents, and as a result he was sent to jail and the Land League was suppressed. From Kilmainham prison he called on Irish peasants to stop paying rent. In March 1882, he negotiated an agreement with Gladstone - the Kilmainham Treaty - in which he urged his followers to avoid violence. But this peaceful policy was severely challenged by the murder in May 1882 of two senior British officials in Phoenix Park in Dublin by members of an Irish terrorist group. Parnell condemned the murders. In 1886, Parnell joined with the Liberals to defeat Lord Salisbury's Conservative government. Gladstone became prime minister and introduced the first Irish Home Rule Bill. Parnell believed it was flawed but said he was prepared to vote for it. The Bill split the Liberal Party and was defeated in the House of Commons. Gladstone's government fell soon afterwards.(, accessed 21 January 2014) The Irish National Land League (Irish: Conradh na Talún) was an Irish political organisation of the late 19th century which sought to help poor tenant farmers. Its primary aim was to abolish landlordism in Ireland and enable tenant farmers to own the land they worked on. The period of the Land League's agitation is known as the Land War. Within decades of the league's foundation, through the efforts of William O'Brien and George Wyndham (a descendant of Lord Edward FitzGerald), the 1902 Land Conference produced the Land (Purchase) Act 1903 which allowed Irish tenant farmers buy out their freeholds with UK government loans over 68 years through the Land Commission (an arrangement that has never been possible in Britain itself). For agricultural labourers, D.D. Sheehan and the Irish Land and Labour Association secured their demands from the Liberal government elected in 1905 to pass the Labourers (Ireland) Act 1906, and the Labourers (Ireland) Act 1911, which paid County Councils to build over 40,000 new rural cottages, each on an acre of land. By 1914, 75% of occupiers were buying out their landlords, mostly under the two Acts. In all, under the pre-UK Land Acts over 316,000 tenants purchased their holdings amounting to 15 million acres (61,000 km2) out of a total of 20 million acres (81,000 km2) in the country. Sometimes the holdings were described as "uneconomic", but the overall sense of social justice was undeniable. (, accessed 21 January 2014) The Irish National Land League was founded at the Imperial Hotel in Castlebar, the County town of Mayo, on 21 October 1879. At that meeting Charles Stewart Parnell was elected president of the league. Andrew Kettle, Michael Davitt, and Thomas Brennan were appointed as honorary secretaries. This united practically all the different strands of land agitation and tenant rights movements under a single organisation. The two aims of the Land League, as stated in the resolutions adopted in the meeting, were: ...first, to bring out a reduction of rack-rents; second, to facilitate the obtaining of the ownership of the soil by the occupiers. That the object of the League can be best attained by promoting organisation among the tenant-farmers; by defending those who may be threatened with eviction for refusing to pay unjust rents; by facilitating the working of the Bright clauses of the Irish Land Act during the winter; and by obtaining such reforms in the laws relating to land as will enable every tenant to become owner of his holding by paying a fair rent for a limited number of years. Charles Stewart Parnell, John Dillon, Michael Davitt, and others including Cal Lynn then went to America to raise funds for the League with spectacular results. Branches were also set up in Scotland, where the Crofters Party imitated the League and secured a reforming Act in 1886. The government had introduced the first ineffective Land Act in 1870, then the equally inadequate Acts of 1880 and 1881 followed. These established a Land Commission that started to reduce some rents. Parnell together with all of his party lieutenants, including Father Eugene Sheehy known as "the Land League priest", went into a bitter verbal offensive and were imprisoned in October 1881 under the Irish Coercion Act in Kilmainham Jail for "sabotaging the Land Act", from where the No-Rent Manifesto was issued, calling for a national tenant farmer rent strike which was partially followed. Although the League discouraged violence, agrarian crimes increased widely. Typically a rent strike would be followed by evictions by the police, or those tenants paying rent would be subject to a local boycott by League members. Where cases went to court, witnesses would change their stories, resulting in an unworkable legal system. This in turn led on to stronger criminal laws being passed that were described by the League as "Coercion Acts". The bitterness that developed helped Parnell later in his Home Rule campaign. Davitt's views were much more extreme, seeking to nationalise all land, as seen in his famous slogan: "The land of Ireland for the people of Ireland". Parnell aimed to harness the emotive element, but he and his party preferred for tenant farmers to become freeholders on the land they rented, instead of land being vested in "the people".(, accessed 21 January 2014)Image of bearded man known as Charles Stewart Parnellballarat irish, parnell, charles parnell, home rule -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Correspondence, Richard Squire Mining Correspondence
Seems that Tom pays Ned's wages. Numerous bores were sunk , some were opened out and driven in the direction of the reef. Numerous Cross cuts were also made from the main tunnel.Unless otherwise stated the letters are from Dad (Richard Squire) to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all. .1) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & little men' with information regarding the Leigh River Tunnel at Mount Mercer, dated 6/8/28. .2) Handwritten three page letter with information regarding mining operations dated 27.6.29. .3) Handwritten three page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Flock' with queries regarding the health of one of their children, other personal information and information regarding mining operations dated 18/7/29. .4) Handwritten one page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom' dated 20/7/29, regarding the enclosed handwritten receipt with stamp for Call of two shares costing 8 pounds 7 shillings and 2 pence in Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate from Richard Squire dated 13th July 1927. .5) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Pinchers' regarding his health, other personal information and information about the four page report of position of work at 'Leigh River Tunnel' enclosed. The letter is dated 29/11/29 and the report dated Nov 28th 29. .6) Handwritten two page letter with personal information and a suggestion that Tom learn to swim dated 13th Jan 30. .7) Handwritten two page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate plus a one page 'Rough Section' drawing of the tunnel dated 29th April 1930. .8) Typed one page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate and the findings of a new shaft dated 9th December 30. .9) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding mining operations and four handwritten receipts for payment of Calls from Richard Squire and Mr H McLeod and Mr E McLeod with stamps. .10) Handwritten two page letter regarding a meeting he had with the Secretary for Mines, Mr Whitehead dated 22 Feb 1931. .11) Handwritten two page letter regarding the difficulties in financing the mining operation occasioned by the interference of the government department dated 12th Mar 31. .12) Handwritten one page letter regarding the delay in the submission of his letter to the Gold Committee and with details of plans he had sent to Tom separately, dated 1st April 31. .13) Handwritten two page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding personal matters including his health and also information regarding Tunnel work, dated May 11th 31. .14) Handwritten two page letter regarding the mine work, how his new employee, Ned, was going and also his health, dated Thur 21st May 31. .15) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and financial matters dated Tue 26th May. .16) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress dated Thur June 11th. .17) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an issue relating to Ned's taxation assessment and his own health, dated 28th June 31. .18) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information on the Tunnel progress and information regarding his health, dated Thur July 23rd. .19) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and some personal greetings, dated Thur July 30th 31. .20) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an agreement with Messrs Read & Peers? and a renaming of a Prospect as Lawaluk instead of Mount Mercer, dated Sun 2nd Aug 31. .21) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, the lease agreement on Mr Read's property at Mount Mercer which he had been unable to pay and a parsley root remedy which a Ballarat Chinese herbalist had prescribed for his catarrh and had been effective, dated Thur 13th Aug 31. .22) Handwritten two page letter regarding the efficacy of the parsley (root) water in healing his catarrh and detailed progress report on the Tunnel which showed a little gold in the uncovered 'wash', dated Mon 24th Aug. .23) Handwritten three page letter regarding the progress of the Tunnel and one of the bores sunk also mentions his health, dated Mon Sept 7th. .24) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and an account of his illness, dated Thur 24th Sept. .25) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and his health which had been poor, dated Thur Oct 8th 31. .26) Handwritten four page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail, dated Thur Oct 22. .27) Handwritten four page letter regarding a detailed report of the Tunnel progress including the news of some show of gold and other personal matters including advising Tom not to drive there when he would have to drive home in the dark because of the accidents caused by 'Boosy Drivers', dated Thur Nov 19th 31. .28) Handwritten two page letter regarding the continued promising Tunnel progress, dated Thur Nov 26th. .29) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters relating to the coming Christmas visit, dated Thur Dec 3rd 1931. .30) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters regarding the impending visit by the family, dated Sun Dec 6th 31. .31) Handwritten two page letter regarding his health and the treatment proscribed by a Chinese herbalist and also some information about his expenses, dated Sunday 25/1/32. .32) Handwritten four page letter regarding Tunnel progress including a small diagram and further information on his health, dated Thur 25th Feb 32. .33) Handwritten three page letter regarding Tunnel progress and some personal and family information, dated Mon 21st 32. .34) Handwritten one page letter regarding some personal matters and information about the Tunnel progress, dated Thus 31st Mar. .35) Handwritten two page letter regarding detailed information about the Tunnel as well as a one page diagram of the Drives being excavated, dated Sun night 3rd April. .36). Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding a mixture of personal matters and matters relating to the Tunnel, dated 18/4/32. .37) Handwritten one page letter regarding enclosed three shares which were to be placed as he was very short of funds, dated 19-4-32. .38) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel and family matters, dated 6/5/32. .39) Handwritten one page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel, dated 10/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned (E. Woodlook) to 'Mr Squire' regarding regarding Tunnel progress, dated Saturday. .40) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress and some personal matters, dated 27/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress and with the information that the rats were bad in Richard's hut, dated Friday. .41) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress, dated 3/6/32 plus a two page letter written by E.Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress as well as person matters regarding his health, dated Friday (27th May 32 written in pencil by Richard). .42) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding tunnel progress and financial matters, also detailed information about the Madison's Tunnel, dated 8/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday (4 June, 32). .43) Handwritten three page letter from his home Prahran regarding a sketch he had made of Madison's Tunnel and the Mercer Shaft (not present) and the similarity of other mines with barely Payable gold, dated 13/6/32. plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .44) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' from his home in Prahran with some personal information as well as the hope to return to Mt Mercer as he felt he was now well, not dated, plus a two page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding duty stamps sent and Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .45) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the progress of the Tunnel, dated 21/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock regarding the progress of the Tunnel work, dated Monday (20/6/32). .46) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the price of gold and the effect that mining Payable gold in the Madison Tunnel could have, dated 27/6/32. .47) Handwritten three page letter by Richard Squire to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' from his home in Prahran regarding his thoughts on the Madison Tunnel at Piggoreet, dated Mon 4th July 32, plus two one page letters by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding the Tunnel work and more personal things, dated Wednesday (June 29th 32) and Saturday (July 2nd). .48) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding his intention to return to the diggings in a small car procured for his use and his intention to re-peg the Leigh River Lease in another name, dated Sun 17/7/32, plus a two page and a one page letter by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding progress at the Tunnel dated Thursday (7th July) and Tuesday (12th July 32). .49) Handwritten one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire detailing the tunnel work and other work related details dated Saturday (16th July 32), plus a one page letter by 'Dad' (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the letter sent by Ned (E Woodlock) and the ongoing work. He also talks about the health of Mam, his wife, dated 19th July 32. .50) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that he was to finally return to the mine, dated 22/7/32, plus a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the ongoing work, dated Wednesday (20th July). .51) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, regarding the works in the Mt Mercer Tunnel (mentioning South Cockloft). He also details that the drive from town (Melbourne) took 4 gallons of petrol, dated Thur 28th July 32. .52) Handwritten 3 page letter detailing the work carried on at the tunnels and with the information that underground gas had halted work temporarily. He was keen that Tom should visit one weekend soon, dated Sat 6th Aug 1932. .53) Handwritten four page letter detailing the work and new bore holes near Madisons Tunnel. The No 1 tunnel work had to be suspended due to continued gas filling the diggings every time the barometric pressure dropped. On the last page was a rough sketch of the area which was being worked, dated 19th Aug 32. .54) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tom's proposed visit to the site and some plans that he should bring with him. He also spoke of a pup that he was housing till Tom came, dated 21/8/32. .55) Handwritten one page letter encouraging Tom to bring skid chains for his vehicle as the road was muddy when he came on the weekend. He gave a brief account of the work and of the pup's progress, dated 25/8/32 .56) Handwritten three page letter regarding the weather and the relief he felt at knowing Tom and his companions had arrived safely home. He also thanked Tom for the cheques for Ned and detailed a little of the work at the tunnel and the need for more explosives as well as the fact that they had had to put a lock on the door of the hut to stop intruders, dated Sun Sept 4th 32. .57) Handwritten one page letter regarding the ongoing work at the tunnel, dated Thur Sept 8/32. .58) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, regarding his trip home, work at the tunnel and with information about the enclosed receipts, dated 16/9/32. Also included was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire regarding the work at the tunnel, dated Wednesday. .59) Handwritten one page letter from Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' written from Mt Mercer, regarding the work at the tunnel and the effect that 2 inches of rain had on the work, dated Wed Sept 20th 32. .60) Handwritten two page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that Mr Read who owned the property where the tunnel was located, had a serious accident in Melbourne, dated Thur 29th Sept 30 (this 1930 date is a mistake as the information contained in this letter follows on from his previous letter dated 20th Sept 32). .61) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel with the encouraging information that flecks of gold were found in about half a dish (mining pan), dated Thur Sept 22nd. .62) Handwritten two page letter regarding the progress at the tunnel and the difficulties of the work and thanks for Ned's cheque. Also mentioned was the information that Mr Read had a fractured pelvis and would be in hospital for two months, so Mrs Read with her father was looking after the shearing, dated Thur 6th Oct. .63) Handwritten two page letter with a third page of a diagram of a cross section of the Leigh River Tunnel, including the new tunnel and Madisons tunnel, with detailed description of the work in the tunnel, dated Sat 8th Oct. .64) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, giving detailed information of the tunnel and the expected outcome of the work. He also commented that he was to visit Mr Read in hospital, dated 14/10/32. .65) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the work in the tunnel and his visit to Mr Read, dated Wed 19th Oct. Enclosed also was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving an account of his work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .66) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work in the tunnel, dated Sun Oct 23/32. .67) Handwritten two page letter from Dad & Jim (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the receipt of Ned's wages cheque and the insurance of Ned's person as well as a detailed description of the tunnel and its relationship to Madisons Tunnel. He also gives some indication of his health, dated Tue Nov 1st 32. .68) Handwritten on page letter written from Prahran, giving a small amount of information about the tunnel work as well as his visit to see Mr Read and some personal information, undated. Enclosed also is a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .69) Handwritten one page letter with little information, dated 11/11/32. Also enclosed is a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .70) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information about the tunnel work and an aside about Jim's help and the he suffered from "Imaginitis imagines he sees a speck of gold in every bit of gravel met", dated 10/11/32. .71) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information on the work as their tunnel crossed with the old Madison Tunnel, dated Thur 17th Nov. .72) Handwritten three page letter detailing information on an application for a 500 acre lease which was posted at the Grenville Post Office and how it would impact on their lease. The upshot was that their leases would need to be re-pegged and the fee to publish a Notice of Application on their Leigh River claim was necessary to pay and he wondered if one of their investors would pay the 10 pounds necessary to secure the claim. He also spoke of perhaps forming a Company to put a plant on their Mt Mercer shaft as he felt that the gold would be of a payable quantity, dated Sunday 20th Nov, Also included was a note written by Ned (Edward Woodlock) who had copied the Notice of Application. .73) Handwritten two page letter detailing information found in Madison's Tunnel as it related to their own tunnels, particularly No 2 tunnel and how far he felt he would need to tunnel to reach an improvement in the 'wash', dated Thur 24th Nov. .74) Handwritten one page letter thanking him for the cheque the investor, Mr Wilkinson had provided for the Notice of Application for the Mt Mercer old Lease of 828 acres. He also gave some information about how it was originally farm labourers who only worked this lease and only when they had no other work. He also gave some personal information about Mam's birthday, dated Mon Nov 28th 32. .75) Handwritten two page letter by Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies 3' written from Prahran, telling them that they had received Ned Cheque and that that Jim and He had come home. He also detailed an incident that Jim had had with a tyre blowout whilst on his way to get explosives and post the Notice of Application in the Warden's Office in Ballarat. The stub axle had bent and Jim had to ride a bike to get a new one and after changing the inner tube of the tyre they were able to drive back to Melbourne and were in the process on having the tyre re-treaded, dated 6/12/32. .76) Handwritten one page letter explaining how he and Mam had contracted colds and that his kidneys had some of their of trouble. He hoped to return to Mt Mercer on the weekend, dated 18th Jan 33. Also included was a handwritten two page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving information about the tunnel work, an injury to his hand and the fact that he had only 3 picks that were any good. He also asked for some vegetables, tomatoes and bacon when Richard returned, dated Saturday. .77) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the tunnel work, now 97'6" in and how he had expected to have already come upon the Madison's gold bearing gravel wash, dated Wed 25th Jan 33. .78) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information about how the tunnel had cut across a second Madison's tunnel and the prospects in this tunnel looked more promising. He also stated that he had not been well the last few days, dated Frid 27th 33 .79) Handwritten one page letter with information about the shotty gold found and the tunnel work and that he would test the value of the wash where the gold was found, dated Mon 30th Jan. .80) Handwritten short note of one page giving sketchy information about the tunnel work, dated Tue 31st Jan 33. .81) Handwritten two page letter giving information about his dealings with the Secretary for Mines relating to the fact that because the application for lease was identical to the old lease, they therefore should not need to pay for a full survey costing 7 pounds, just an inspection. He also detailed the workings and asks for more parsley roots to be sent to him, dated Thur Feb 9th 33. .82) Handwritten one page letter stating that he had received Ned's cheque and information about the workings, the coarse gold found and the fact they were going home for fresh food, dated Tue 14th 33. .83) Handwritten two page letter giving detailed information on the progress of the tunnelling as well as the information that Len and Max had come to visit the site and that Len had brought with him Keating, who he detested and pondered the reason for his bringing the man. As they were leaving Max "told Ned he thought they were going down to Ice Mam". Richard was worried about paying the 7 pounds ten shillings for the Department of Mines survey and was loath to put in another 20 pounds for another share of the mine to pay for it. He gave his thanks for a parcel of parsley he'd received , dated Tue 21st Feb 33. .84) Handwritten two page letter written saying that he had received Ned's cheque (for wages) and giving detailed information on the progress and for the need to timber the drive and have the bottom stoped up. He had no timber or laths left and was concerned about the cost necessary to satisfy the Mines Department. He mentions the possibility of insolvency. Fine gold had been found but not like the Madison's tunnel, dated Tue 28th Feb 33. .85) Handwritten two page letter written giving detailed information of the progress in the tunnel and with the expectation that they would soon meet the same wash which was in Madison's Tunnel. He also personal information about his health. the parsley roots received and the apples which Jim had "burgled", dated Sun 5th Mar 33. .86) Handwritten four page letter by with a very detailed account of the progress of the tunnelling and the reason why the expected intersection with the Madison wash did not occur, but with the hope that this intersection would soon occur, then they would be able to meet expenses. He also talked about not being able to pay for the lease but had the hope they they would not be too rigid in their case. He added some personal information about Jim not having the makings of a miner, catching rabbits "for the pot" and the fact that Mr Read was so much better that he was able to ride his horse, dated Sat 11th Mar 33. .87) Handwritten one page letter written from Prahran, acknowledging the receipt of Ned's cheque, a note about the work at the tunnel and some personal information, dated 21/3/33. .88) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, saying that there was little change in the tunnel but that he was would open a cross cut north, dated Thur 23 March 33. .89) Handwritten note of a half page telling them that he had cross cut the tunnel, dated Sat 25th Mar. .90) Handwritten one page letter with progress of the tunnelling and where it is in relation to Madison's Tunnel, dated Thur 30th Mar 33. .91) Handwritten three page letter with the first part of the letter talking about the personal and financial worries he and his family had with travelling and mining expenses as well as Ned's wages which could not have been managed without Judy's little car, Jim's help and the payment of Ned's wages by Tom. He went on to give detailed information of the tunnelling and then talked about a letter received by the Department of Mines regarding the non payment of the lease and that a Notice of Abandonment would be published if not paid. Lastly he talked about the struggle he had had with this process and that it was only because of Tom's help that he had been able to continue this far, dated Sun 2/4/33. .92) A one page letter with information about the progress as well as the information that he had not heard from the Mines Department regarding the lease, and the the 1000 sq ft Miners Right Claim was secure, dated Thur 6th April. .93) A three page letter with detailed information about the work in the tunnel and also detailed explanation of the leases he has pegged and repegged. He also thanked Tom for paying the balance which was owed to the Department and informed Tom that he was going home, dated Tues 11th April 33. .94) A four page letter written from Prahran, thanking Tom for Ned's cheque and with information about the work still being carried on by Ned. He also talked about the pegging of the Mt Mercer claim and the cost of the advertisement and application and survey fees to secure the site as well as his opinion of the probable value of the gold from this site. He also stated that he really needed more investment from those who had initially invested with him or from new investors, dated 17/4/33. Included was a one page letter from Edward Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work he was carrying out at the tunnel, dated Saturday. .95) A three page letterwritten from Mt Mercer, regarding the work in the tunnel and the quality of the gold found and the direction they will take. He also stated that he was posting letters to the original investors to see if they would contribute to the cost of the lease and also talked about another man who had a Notice of Application posted at Grenville for the water rights for a 25 miles long area and a dam. His Capital is 300 pounds and the supposition is that he wants to 'unwater' the leads, dated Frid 20th April. .96) A one page letter regarding the continued work in the tunnel and how his suppositions seemed to be correct, dated Thur 27th April 33. .97) A three page letter thanking Tom for Ned's cheque of 6 pounds 7 shillings and 6 pence. He also gave detailed information about the tunneling and the type of ground found and his next intentions. He also gave further information about the Notice of Application at Grenville which was posted by B Ryan, Agent for Western Deep Leads Coy Limited for 6000 acres, dated Sun 30th April 33. As well is a note detailing the information copied from the Notice. .98) A two page handwritten letter detailing the work being carried out as well as a complaint that he had not heard from the men he had written to, dated Thur 4th May 33. .99) A one page handwritten letter regarding the tunnel work and informing Tom that the gold found is shotty, dated Sat 6th May 33. .100) A four page handwritten letter written from Prahran, detailing the tunnel work and informing that the gold prospects were better in no.1 cross cut south and there was also payable fair gold where they were currently working, if worked in bulk. He also talked about the possibility of new investors as the old ones had not responded to his letter and the necessity of securing the leases, dated 11th May 1933. .101) A one page handwritten letter by E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work going on, dated Thursday. .102) A six page handwritten letter written from Prahran historically detailing the acquisition of the two leases at Mt Mercer, 35 years earlier, with M C Donnely/Donney and Jas Clements, including Madisons. He goes on to clarify Tom's suggestion regarding the Leases and the Companies to be floated, then details the the shafts, bores, tunnels and Deep Leads held in the leases and then goes on to say what his next steps would be, dated 13th May 33. .103) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer detailing the continued work in the tunnel with the added information that because of the incline it was taking two men to push the truck up the tunnel. Richard also told of the need to take more parsley water for his condition, dated Thur 18th 33. .104) A three page letter with a very detailed description of the work in the tunnel. Richard also told that he had run out of metal rails and was having to use timber as a substitute. He was also to re-peg the North and South Leases in the morning, dated Sun 21st May 33. .105) A two page letter detailing the work in the tunnel and saying that there was a hundred feet of rail locked in by a fall in the No.2 Tunnel and he was hoping to get them out to replace the wooden rails as they made for heavy work on the inclines. He also said that he had a letter from the Department telling him to communicate with the Surveyor in Ballarat, dated Wed 24th May. .106) A three page letter acknowledging Ned's cheque as well as information about the work in the tunnel, including that he had been able to retrieve 45 feet of rail and would get more when needed. He said he was pleased that Tom and Mr Wilkinson were making a trip on Saturday to see him. He talked of the weather and the fact that the bread was a week old, so to bring enough to last till the Monday. Among other things he also spoke of Tom revising the Plans and also having a Share book printed and the name was to be the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension for which there could possibly be 3 Companies, dated Sun 28th May. .107) A one page letter with information about the work in the tunnel and also a weather update and the best way to come, dated Wed 31 May 33. .108) A two page letter written from Prahran, explaining a visit to the Leigh River Shaft to get whim rope, whip wheels and sundry items. He shifted some equipment and built a new forge and was to fix and mount a windlass and rope to enable Ned to get the truck up the incline of the tunnel. He also spoke of the work being undertake by Ned then when on to more personal correspondence about a birthday present for one of Tom's boys, dated 9/6/33. .109) A two page letter acknowledging receipt of the 'Prospectus of the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension Syndicate' and 'Share Certificate'. The No.1 Lease was in Ned's name and the No.2 Lease was in Jim's name to avoid inquisitive interest. Jim logged a Notice of Application and paid the fees. Richard acknowledged receipt of Ned's cheque and asked for 5 pounds as his finances were 'rather tight', dated 14/6/33. Included was a 1 page letter from Ned to Mr Squire regarding the work in the mine, dated Saturday. .110) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer giving information about what was happening in the new x cut N near the mouth of the tunnel, dated Friday 16/6/33. .111) A one page letter telling about the work and that he had fixed an old shed of Mr Reads for the forge. Mr Read and Mr Cameron visited and Richard was hopeful that Mr Cameron, the owner of the land in the North Lease would be easy as regards an agreement, dated June 22/33. .112) A two page letter which talked about his health, the mine, the local J.P. who had lost his eye in a shearing accident and the surveyors visit, He also spoke about contacting the Gold Mines Ltd and the Berry Leads Company, dated Tue 27th 33. Also included was a letter to the Mines Department and a receipt from the Mines Department for the sum of 7 pounds 10 shillings as well as the Lease Applications from the newspaper dated June 13th 1933. .113) A two page letter complaining of the charge made by the Mines Department for a Surveyors Inspection. He also wrote of trying to set up a float for the mine which he would do when he returned home.He also explained the current findings at the mine, dated Sun 2nd July 1933. .114) A one page note written from Prahran informing Tom that he had not yet heard from Gold Mines Ltd and also that there was a hitch with the lease on the house, but this was to hopefully be fixed the following day. He also spoke of Tom's trip home (completed in tow), dated 18/7/33. .115) A two page letter recounting some of the difficulties they were having with the new owners of the house they leased in Prahran. He also spoke of the fact that the Mines Department had requested another 10 pounds although they had not yet completed the survey on either mine, dated 21/7/1933. Also included was a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire about the workings, dated Tuesday and a letter from the Gold Mines of Australia Limited saying that the information he had supplied was now with their engineers, dated 20th July, 1933. .116) A three page letter written from Armidale saying that Mam (his wife) was fretting with the move to this house. He also told of the rejection by the Gold Mines of Australia Limited of his proposal to invest in his Mt Merser Mine, stating that he believed that Jim Clements who had been the manager when the mine had previously been opened, had most likely "thrown all the cold water he could" on the proposal. He spoke at length about how this man had run the mine into the ground and his own involvement with the winding up of the company. He went on to say that he would approach Ryall to see if he was interested in investing, dated 28/7/33. Included was the letter from Gold Mines of Australia Limited, dated 26th July, 1933. .117) A two page letter written from Prahran telling of the move to another house where Mam was quite settled. He also wrote of the work Ned was carrying out at the mine as well as personal and family news. He wrote that as he had not heard from Ryall, he would visit him the following day, dated 6/8/33. Also included was a two page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving detailed information of the progress at the tunnel, as well as asking for a new pair of boots as the ground was so wet his were letting in the water, dated Thursday. .118) A two page letter explaining about a letter he received from Mr Cameron who believed he had found gold as well as some personal information and his health, dated 8/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Neil W Cameron to R B Squire telling about some specks of gold he'd found in a post hole, dated July 31st 33. Thirdly was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire explaining the work he was doing in the tunnel, dated Saturday. .119) A one page note saying that he did not like the enclosed 2 copies of the typed Agreement of the Leigh River Gold Mining Company with William Ryall, but asked Tom's advice. dated 9/8/33. .120) A two page letter dealing mainly about the work going on at the new house and the settling in process. He also wrote about the proposed Agreement with Ryall, dated 11/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Mr Ryall to R B Squire from which part of the left hand side had been severed, dated 10th August 1933. .121) A one page note from R B Squire to W Ryall dated 14/8/33, with attached one page of information and figures. Also attached a one page letter from R B Squire to W Ryall asking if Ryall would be interested viewing the plans for an alluvial mining proposition, dated 27/7/33. .122) A three page letter mainly about the visit to Ryall and a Mr Cundy about the proposed agreement with his concerns about the language and terms of the agreement, dated Sun 21st 33. Also included was a letter from Ned to Mr Squire about the continued work in the tunnel and the fact that two of the pick heads had cracked and would have to be fixed, dated Thursday. .123) A two page letter dealing with a meeting had with Ryall and others in a private office regarding the interest in investing in the mining proposition, dated 23/8/33. .124) A four page letter dealing mainly with the work at the tunnel and exploratory diggings at the spot Mr Cameron had written about as well as the damage done to the car on the way to the workings, dated 29/8/33. .125) A one page letter telling of a proposed meeting with Mr Taylor and a Mr Bowler, who may turn out to be Alan Bowler who he knew, regarding the Mr Mercer Float scheduled for the following day, dated 30/8/33. .126) A five page letter explaining the content of the meeting held with Mr Bowler, who represented an English consortium which was interested in the Mt Mercer site. He explained the terms that the consortium would offer if they went ahead, This included 25 % shares in the mine but no money, which he bemoaned because of the shortness of their cash reserves. He went on to detail the 4 distinct deposits of wash in this field, which he believed were unique in the Ballarat district. He also stated that he had not heard from Mr Ryall. He closed by talking about the water levels in the mine, dated 1/9/33. .127) A two page letter saying that he had written an 11 page report on the Mt Mercer field for the English consortium as well as a private letter for the chairman.He also reported that he had been to see Ryall. Neither party knew that he was talking to the other. added was some personal information, dated 6/9/33. .128) A one page letter telling of a meeting with Mr Bowler and Mr Tayler who carefully went through his report. It was then being typed. He believed he had two strong supporters, dated 7/9/33. Also included was a 2 page note from A Bowler to R B Squire asking him to bring the report into the office the following day to be perused and typed, dated Sept 6th 33. .129) A two page letter with personal encouragement for one of the children. The letter then goes on with more information about the meeting with Mr Tayler and Bowler and his impressions of their interest. He also talked about the one of the experts who was to examine the site and also about the report which was now typed and a copy sent to Tom, dated 8/9/33. .130) A one page letter keeping him informed of progress. The expert was away but would be briefed on his return. He also thanked Tom for a cheque, which was used to get the car 'Liz' back in order for the trip to be made with the experts at a later date. He informed Tom of his intention to return to Mt Mercer, dated 13/9/33. .131) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer telling of the trip from Melbourne and the weather. He spoke of what was happening in the tunnel and that he had not yet heard from any of the interested parties, dated Tue 19th Sept. .132) A five page letter written from Prahran with detailed information about the tunnels, the washes and the shows. He also detailed his meeting with Bryant 38 years ago at the No 1 at Carisbrook and how he had given him assistance at that time and subsequently as well as giving his version of a potted history of Bryant, dated 29/9/33. .133) A two page letter with information about the arrival of the chairman of the English group and that Ned had shown Mr Kermode around the site, dated 6/10/33. Also included was a cutting from the Age about the arrival of Mr F W Baker, representing a large English financial group interested in Victorian deep lead propositions, dated Oct 6th. As well were two, one page letters from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom, regarding the work in the tunnels, the bad air and the hopes of a successful float, dated Tuesday and Wednesday. .134) A one page letter thanking them for the gift of eggs and parsley. He also talked about a letter from Bowler regarding the business of the experts and that their leases would be seen in due course, dated 10/10/33. Included was a one page letter from A Bowler to P B Squires saying that Mt Mercer site was receiving attention but that no decision had as yet been made, dated Oct 9th 1933. .135) A three page letter written from Prahran giving information about Richards visit and conversation with Mr Ryall, who indicated that no decision had as yet been made regarding his proposal. He also included some personal information about members of the family, dated 18/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom with information about the tunnelling progress in no.2 tunnel and the bad air that drove them out for a time, dated Saturday. .136) A one page letter containing a brief update on the state of affairs , dated 20/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire with an information on the progress at the tunnel and with the information that his hands were cracked so badly that he was wearing two socks on each hand, dated Saturday. .137) A one page letter which family news and a paragraph about the figures in his calculations, dated 21/10/33. On the back side was a letter from E Squire (his wife) to Tom, Hazel & boys again with family and personal information, dated 22nd 10/33. .138) A three page letter with the disappointing news that the English consortium would not take up the option on the Mt Mercer lease and gave his opinion that it was self interest that stopped it going ahead. He then gave two options as to the way forward, dated 24/10/33. Also included was a typed one page letter from W C Tayler to R B Squire informing him of a letter stating that the proposal had been turned down, dated 23rd October 1933. .139) A three page letter informing of further developments with Mr Tayler who asked for the plans to be left at the office till the following week as there was another company who may yet be interested to take up the option, dated 27/10/33. .140) A one page letter asking for 9 copies of the old agreement to be typed for the 3 Syndicate members, Rice, Cameron and McNaughton, dated 5/11/33. .141) A three page letter regarding the decision by the Syndicate to reopen the LRG shaft and the practical issues of timber acquisition and probable costs. He then went on to talk about Mam's indisposition and treatment by the herbalist, Goon, dated 8/11/33. Also included was a newspaper clipping from the Age entitled 'Inquiries for properties at Ballarat'. .142) A three page letter giving all the news regarding the agreements, the costs and the way forward. He also spoke of his wife's improvement and other personal information, dated 11/11/33. .143) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer regarding the difficulties in obtaining the timbers and tanks needed to reopen the shaft and the state of all the existing fittings and what would be needed to get the site operational again. His agreement with Mr Read had duly been signed, dated Thurs 16th 33. .144) A two page letter with further information about the progress with acquiring and repairing the shaft site, dated Mon Nov 20th 33. .145) A three page letter informing that the timber for the whim & shaft were being delivered and the area had been cleared out for the poppet heads. The top of the shaft had been cleared ready for re-framing and other work had been carried out. Liz, the car had broken down and Jim was in the process of fixing her. He concluded with information about his and his wife's health, dated Sun 26th Nov 33. .146) A four page letter with news of Mam's health, the problems associated with fixing the car and the floods which stopped Jim from going to Ballarat and washed away the Gary Bridge which affected the mail and had halted work at the shaft, as well as delaying the second delivery of timber, dated Sun Dec 3rd. .147) richard squire, william ryall, jim clements, gold mines of australia limited, e woodlock, ned woodlock, neil w cameron, alan bowler, mr cundy, don mcnaughton, mr rice -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
'Whose Ethics?':Codifying and enacting ethics in research settings Bringing ethics up to date? A review of the AIATSIS ethical guidelines Michael Davis (Independent Academic) A revision of the AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies was carried out during 2009-10. The purpose of the revision was to bring the Guidelines up to date in light of a range of critical developments that have occurred in Indigenous rights, research and knowledge management since the previous version of the Guidelines was released in 2000. In this paper I present an outline of these developments, and briefly discuss the review process. I argue that the review, and the developments that it responded to, have highlighted that ethical research needs to be thought about more as a type of behaviour and practice between engaged participants, and less as an institutionalised, document-focused and prescriptive approach. The arrogance of ethnography: Managing anthropological research knowledge Sarah Holcombe (ANU) The ethnographic method is a core feature of anthropological practice. This locally intensive research enables insight into local praxis and culturally relative practices that would otherwise not be possible. Indeed, empathetic engagement is only possible in this close and intimate encounter. However, this paper argues that this method can also provide the practitioner with a false sense of his or her own knowing and expertise and, indeed, with arrogance. And the boundaries between the anthropologist as knowledge sink - cultural translator and interpreter - and the knowledge of the local knowledge owners can become opaque. Globalisation and the knowledge ?commons?, exemplified by Google, also highlight the increasing complexities in this area of the governance and ownership of knowledge. Our stronghold of working in remote areas and/or with marginalised groups places us at the forefront of negotiating the multiple new technological knowledge spaces that are opening up in the form of Indigenous websites and knowledge centres in these areas. Anthropology is not immune from the increasing awareness of the limitations and risks of the intellectual property regime for protecting or managing Indigenous knowledge. The relevance of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in opening up a ?rights-based? discourse, especially in the area of knowledge ownership, brings these issues to the fore. For anthropology to remain relevant, we have to engage locally with these global discourses. This paper begins to traverse some of this ground. Protocols: Devices for translating moralities, controlling knowledge and defining actors in Indigenous research, and critical ethical reflection Margaret Raven (Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy (ISTP), Murdoch University) Protocols are devices that act to assist with ethical research behaviour in Indigenous research contexts. Protocols also attempt to play a mediating role in the power and control inherent in research. While the development of bureaucratically derived protocols is on the increase, critiques and review of protocols have been undertaken in an ad hoc manner and in the absence of an overarching ethical framework or standard. Additionally, actors implicated in research networks are seldom theorised. This paper sketches out a typology of research characters and the different moral positioning that each of them plays in the research game. It argues that by understanding the ways actors enact research protocols we are better able to understand what protocols are, and how they seek to build ethical research practices. Ethics and research: Dilemmas raised in managing research collections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander materials Grace Koch (AIATSIS) This paper examines some of the ethical dilemmas for the proper management of research collections of Indigenous cultural materials, concentrating upon the use of such material for Native Title purposes. It refers directly to a number of points in the draft of the revised AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies and draws upon both actual and hypothetical examples of issues that may arise when requests are made for Indigenous material. Specific concerns about ethical practices in collecting data and the subsequent control of access to both the data itself and to published works based upon it are raised within the context of several types of collections, including those held by AIATSIS and by Native Title Representative Bodies. Ethics or social justice? Heritage and the politics of recognition Laurajane Smith (ANU) Nancy Fraser?s model of the politics of recognition is used to examine how ethical practices are interconnected with wider struggles for recognition and social justice. This paper focuses on the concept of 'heritage' and the way it is often uncritically linked to 'identity' to illustrate how expert knowledge can become implicated in struggles for recognition. The consequences of this for ethical practice and for rethinking the role of expertise, professional discourses and disciplinary identity are discussed. The ethics of teaching from country Michael Christie (CDU), with the assistance of Yi?iya Guyula, Kathy Gotha and Dh�?gal Gurruwiwi The 'Teaching from Country' program provided the opportunity and the funding for Yol?u (north-east Arnhem Land Aboriginal) knowledge authorities to participate actively in the academic teaching of their languages and cultures from their remote homeland centres using new digital technologies. As two knowledge systems and their practices came to work together, so too did two divergent epistemologies and metaphysics, and challenges to our understandings of our ethical behaviour. This paper uses an examination of the philosophical and pedagogical work of the Yol?u Elders and their students to reflect upon ethical teaching and research in postcolonial knowledge practices. Closing the gaps in and through Indigenous health research: Guidelines, processes and practices Pat Dudgeon (UWA), Kerrie Kelly (Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association) and Roz Walker (UWA) Research in Aboriginal contexts remains a vexed issue given the ongoing inequities and injustices in Indigenous health. It is widely accepted that good research providing a sound evidence base is critical to closing the gap in Aboriginal health and wellbeing outcomes. However, key contemporary research issues still remain regarding how that research is prioritised, carried out, disseminated and translated so that Aboriginal people are the main beneficiaries of the research in every sense. It is widely acknowledged that, historically, research on Indigenous groups by non-Indigenous researchers has benefited the careers and reputations of researchers, often with little benefit and considerably more harm for Indigenous peoples in Australia and internationally. This paper argues that genuine collaborative and equal partnerships in Indigenous health research are critical to enable Aboriginal and Torres Islander people to determine the solutions to close the gap on many contemporary health issues. It suggests that greater recognition of research methodologies, such as community participatory action research, is necessary to ensure that Aboriginal people have control of, or significant input into, determining the Indigenous health research agenda at all levels. This can occur at a national level, such as through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Road Map on Indigenous research priorities (RAWG 2002), and at a local level through the development of structural mechanisms and processes, including research ethics committees? research protocols to hold researchers accountable to the NHMRC ethical guidelines and values which recognise Indigenous culture in all aspects of research. Researching on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar: Methodologies for positive transformation Steve Hemming (Flinders University) , Daryle Rigney (Flinders University) and Shaun Berg (Berg Lawyers) Ngarrindjeri engagement with cultural and natural resource management over the past decade provides a useful case study for examining the relationship between research, colonialism and improved Indigenous wellbeing. The Ngarrindjeri nation is located in south-eastern Australia, a ?white? space framed by Aboriginalist myths of cultural extinction recycled through burgeoning heritage, Native Title, natural resource management ?industries?. Research is a central element of this network of intrusive interests and colonising practices. Government management regimes such as natural resource management draw upon the research and business sectors to form complex alliances to access funds to support their research, monitoring, policy development, management and on-ground works programs. We argue that understanding the political and ethical location of research in this contemporary management landscape is crucial to any assessment of the potential positive contribution of research to 'Bridging the Gap' or improving Indigenous wellbeing. Recognition that research conducted on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (country/body/spirit) has impacts on Ngarrindjeri and that Ngarrindjeri have a right and responsibility to care for their lands and waters are important platforms for any just or ethical research. Ngarrindjeri have linked these rights and responsibilities to long-term community development focused on Ngarrindjeri capacity building and shifts in Ngarrindjeri power in programs designed to research and manage Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar. Research agreements that protect Ngarrindjeri interests, including cultural knowledge and intellectual property, are crucial elements in these shifts in power. A preliminary review of ethics resources, with particular focus on those available online from Indigenous organisations in WA, NT and Qld Sarah Holcombe (ANU) and Natalia Gould (La Trobe University) In light of a growing interest in Indigenous knowledge, this preliminary review maps the forms and contents of some existing resources and processes currently available and under development in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia, along with those enacted through several cross-jurisdictional initiatives. A significant majority of ethics resources have been developed in response to a growing interest in the application of Indigenous knowledge in land and natural resource management. The aim of these resources is to ?manage? (i.e. protect and maintain) Indigenous knowledge by ensuring ethical engagement with the knowledge holders. Case studies are drawn on from each jurisdiction to illustrate both the diversity and commonality in the approach to managing this intercultural engagement. Such resources include protocols, guidelines, memorandums of understanding, research agreements and strategic plans. In conducting this review we encourage greater awareness of the range of approaches in practice and under development today, while emphasising that systematic, localised processes for establishing these mechanisms is of fundamental importance to ensuring equitable collaboration. Likewise, making available a range of ethics tools and resources also enables the sharing of the local and regional initiatives in this very dynamic area of Indigenous knowledge rights.b&w photographs, colour photographsngarrindjeri, ethics, ethnography, indigenous research, social justice, indigenous health -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Report, Paul Jerome, Advisory Committee on a Proposed Convenience Centre and an Alternative Shire Proposal - Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan - 895 Main Road Eltham, October 1997
On 15 December 1994 the former Shire of Eltham ceased to exist following the Liberal Kennett Government local council amalgamations. A new Nillumbik Shire Council was established with unelected commissioners appointed. That Council sold the former Eltham Shire Council Offices and land at 89S Main Road Eltham to Dallas Price Homes Pty. Ltd. the sale being conditional upon the granting of a planning permit for a petrol station/convenience store, fast food and video outlet. The sale was conditional that if the permit was not granted by 30 August. 1997, the contract could be avoided by either the purchaser or the vendor. The proposed development consisted of a petrol station with undercover fuelling facilities, convenience shopping, a drive through service facility for fast food, an 80 seat cafe, automated banking, a children's play area and retail space. In addition, the proposal included a 200 square metre community facility for Council use, provision of on site carparking over 2 levels for 83 vehicles, and advertising signage. An Advisory Committee consisting of Dimitry Reed and Margaret Pitt was appointed under Section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to hear submissions on the proposal to develop the land at 895 Main Road Eltham, the site of the former Eltham Shire Offices. In September 1996, two applications were made by Contour Consultants Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Dallas Price Homes Ply Ltd, to Nillumbik Shire Council. After extensive notification, the Council received 213 objections and a petition of over 1400 signatures. On October 9, 1996, Nillumbik Shire Council issued Notices of Decision to Grant Permit on Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, cafe/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs. Objectors to the proposals lodged Planning Appeals number 96/40724 and 96/40812 with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on November 1, 1996. The grounds of appeal can be summarised as: inappropriate development, insufficient carparking, traffic and access issues, unsatisfactory design, inadequate permit conditions, the proposal being out of character with the area. and being contrary to the purpose and orderly development of the Eltham Town Centre, excessive noise, lack of consultation and unsuitable signage. On November 13, 1996, the Minister for Planning and Local Government directed the Registrar of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. under Section 41 (1) (a) of the Planning Act 1980, to refer the Appeals to the Governor in Council for determination without a hearing or recommendation by the Tribunal. The Minister for Planning and Local Government called in the Appeals as he considered that they raised major issues of policy relating to the facilitation of development in accordance with the objectives set out in Section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and that determination of the Appeals could have a substantial effect on the achievement of these planning objectives. The Minister required the Advisory Committee to consider the planning merits of the proposed use and development, and to address the issues raised in the objections. The Advisory Committee was required to produce a report providing: • The Committee's response to the matters detailed; • Relevant supporting information for the Advisory Committee's recommendation; and • A description of the proceedings conducted by the Advisory Committee and a list of those consulted or heard by the Committee. In March 1997, elections were held in the Shire of Nillumbik and the view of the new Council to this proposal differed from the view held by the earlier Council Hence the Submission made to the Committee by the Shire was against the decision by the Shire of Nillumbik to issue the Notices of Decision to Grant a Permit. The Recommendations of the Advisory Committee were: i. The cafe and take away food premises are as of right uses and are therefore allowable, but that shop and petrol station are unacceptable uses. A community facility is a discretionary use and is acceptable. ii. A development of the type and scale proposed is totally inappropriate for this land and that the Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, café/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs, be refused. iii. The land should be rezoned for public purposes and should remain in the community's ownership for community use. Following this, the Minister for Planning and Local Government, the Hon. Robert Maclellan, appointed Mr. Paul Jerome as an Advisory Committee under section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to consider a Convenience Centre and an alternative proposal by Iha Shire of Nillumbik being the Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan for the site of the former Shire of Eltham municipal offices at 895 Main Road, Eltham. In summary, the terms of reference for the Advisory Committee required it to: • consider the merits of the Council proposal • examine the merits of both proposals in terms of net community benefit • address the report of the previous Advisory Committee on the Convenience Centre proposal The Advisory Committee inspected the site and considered all the material before It including submissions made by all parties to the previous Advisory Committee and correspondence received by the Department of Infrastructure both before and after that Committee submltted its report. The Advisory Committee also held discussions with the following people: • Cr. Robert Marshall • Cr. Margaret Jennings • Cr. Lex de Man • Mr. Dallas Howgate of Dallas Price Properties, also Dallas Price Homes • Mr. Barry Rochford, CEO, Shire of Nillumbik • Ms. Yvonne Rust, Planning Officer, Shire of Nillumbik • Mr. Gregory Burgess, Architect of the Eltham Library and of Council’s Community Precinct Concept Plan • Mr. Jim Connor representing Mrs Thelma Barkway of the Eltham Senior Citizens Club Having considered all the material before it, the Committee arrived at two basic conclusions. First, the DPP proposal should be rejected because, on its merits, It does not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of the planning scheme which is a statutory document. The planning scheme requires that, before making a decision on the permit applications for the DPP proposal, a range of matters must be considered. It follows that consideration of these matters should Influence the decision. These matters include local policies relating to character and amenity. In particular, these policies seek • to conserve and enhance the bushland/country atmosphere, artistic heritage and strong sense of community of the Eltham Town Centre by ensuring that the design and height of any new development is sympathetic to existing buildings • to achieve a pleasing physical environment within the Eltham Town Centre by encouraging a high standard of architecture and urban design • to encourage Improvement to pedestrian amenity through such facilities as open and shattered rest areas and meeting places, crossing facilities, pedestrian arcades, pedestrian links to car parks and pedestrian weather protection • to reduce conflict between vehicular traffic and pedestrian flows, and • to encourage pedestrian thoroughfares It is submitted, as set out In the main body of this report, that the DPP proposal fails substantially to meet these policies and In so doing does not merit the exercise of discretion In Its favour with the Issuing of a permit. This finding is not offset by the investment and employment attributes of the proposal. They do not override the need to comply with the planning scheme. Second, the Council proposal, on Its own merits, substantially meets all statutory requirements applicable to this site with a possible reservation about car parking and traffic management which need further definition and assessment as the concept is refined. The Council proposal, however, has a serious weakness in that Its financial viability has not been adequately tested. The Committee refers to 'financial' rather than 'commercial' viability in recognition that Council owns the land and may enter into a range of agreements and partnerships to realise its concept some of which may be truly commercial and some of which may involve an element of subsidy arising from Council's involvement as a public body acting on behalf of its community. The Committee concludes that Council should be given the opportunity, within a reasonable timeframe to establish the financial feasibility of its concept and should develop a strategy for the future of Its land asset at 895 Main Road in the event that Its concept for the site cannot be realised. 895 main road, advisory committee, dallas price homes, eltham, eltham shire office, nillumbik shire council, planning application, administrative appeals tribunal -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Certificate of Competency, Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade, 1883-1894
Fifteen year old Albert Edward Gill was born in Poplar, Middlesex, in 1868. He volunteered in May 1883 as an Apprentice Ordinary Seaman with the Merchant Services under the London shipping company James P. Corry & Co., owner of the Star Line. The shipping company by this time had a fleet of both clipper and steam cargo ships that sailed as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Gill’s apprenticeship was a four year unpaid term, with only his food, drink, lodgings, washing and medical needs provided for him. The contract had many conditions but it was a wonderful opportunity for a young man. His father James Gill signed the papers as his guarantor. In December 1887 Gill completed his apprenticeship and qualified as an Able Seaman. He served for another seven years with James P. Corry & Co. and earned his Certificate of Competency as a Master in the Merchant Service in April 1894, having passed the Ordinary Examination. (The transcription of Gill's two certificates is provided further down this page.) JAMES P. CORRY & CO. - The Belfast Company was formed in 1826 by Robert Corry, and imported timber from Canada to Ireland. In 1859 the company expanded to import timber from Calcutta, and relocated its offices to London. In the 1880s the company had a fleet of 13 tall clipper ships and included ports in Australia and New Zealand in its destinations. It continued to expand trade even further and by 1908 the Star Line had seven cargo steamers trading with the East and Far East (the ships were named Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria). In 1912 the Star Line ships added an emigrant service to Australia. TRANSCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATES - = = = = = = = = = = = = “Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture” Transcribed:- (Printed form with printed logo of the Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade. Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, May 1855. ) Registered at the Port of London, Sixteenth of May, 1883, and signed for the Registrar General. Stamped in blue ink “REGISTERED IN LONDON, MAY 16 1883” “RECORD OF THE REGISTER GENERAL OF SEAMEN” “This Indenture, made the SIXTEENTH day of MAY 1883 between ALBERT EDWARD GILL aged FIFTEEN years, a native of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX of the first part JAMES P. CORRY & CO. OF 9 & 11 FENCHURCH AVENUE in the CITY of LONDON of the second part, and JAMES GILL, of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX, of the third part, WITNESSETH, That the said ALBERT EDWARD GILL hereby voluntarily binds himself Apprentice unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executers, Administrators and Assigns, for the term of FOUR years from the date hereof; And the said Apprentice hereby covenants that, during such time, the said Apprentice will faithfully serve his said Master, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and obey his and their lawful commands, and keep his and their secrets, and will, when required, give to him and them true accounts of his or their goods and money which may be committed to the charge, or come into the hands, of the said Apprentice; and will, in case the said Apprentice enters Her Majesty’s Service during the said term, duly account for and pay, or cause to be paid, to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, all such Wages, Prize Money and other Monies as may become payable to the said Apprentice for such service; and that the said Apprentice will not, during the said term, do any damage to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor will he consent to such damage being done by others, but will, if possible, prevent the same, and give warning thereof; and will not embezzle or waste the Goods of his Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor give or lend the same to others without his or their licence; nor absent himself from his or their service without leave; nor frequent Taverns or Alehouses, unless upon his or their business, nor play at Unlawful Games : IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the said Master hereby covenants with the said Apprentice, that during the said term he the said Master, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will and shall use all proper means to teach the said Apprentice or cause him to be taught the business of a Seaman, and provide the said Apprentice with sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodgings, Washing, Medicine, and Medical and Surgical Assistance, NO WAGES, the said Apprentice providing for himself all sea-bedding, wearing apparel, and necessaries (except such as are herein-before specially agreed to be provided by the said Master): AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, that if, at any time during the said term, the said Master, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, provide any necessary apparel, or sea-bedding for the said Apprentice, he and they may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him or them from the sums so agreed to be paid to the said Apprentice as aforesaid: And for the performance of the Agreements herein contained, each of them, the said A.E.GILL and JAMES P CORRY & Co., doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executors and Administrators, unto the other of them, his Executors and Administrators, in the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said Apprentice herein contained, the said JAMES GILL as surety, doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & Co., his Executors and Administrators, the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; Provided, that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any Justice or Justices of the Pease may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said Apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been therein contained. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of - - Weston, 9 & 11 Fenchurch Avenue Signed, James P. Corry (Master) Signed, Albert Edward Gill (Apprentice) James Gill (Surety) NOTE – This Indenture must be executed in duplicate, both copies must be taken to the Registrar General of Seamen; or if in the Outports to the Shipping Master; one copy will then be retained and recorded, and the other returned to the Master with the necessary endorsement. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of the Indenture, Transcribed:- “This is to certify that the herein mentioned Alfred Edward Gill has served the full term of the Indenture in our employ during which time he has conducted himself satisfactorily. According to the Captain’s report he has been strictly sober during the last – years [? from his failure?] Signed: James P. Corry & Co., Owner, Star Line 9 Fenchurch Avenue St, 13 Dec. ‘87 = = = = = = = = = = = = Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- (Board of Trade logo and printed text of the certificate, with hand written details filled in) By the Lords of the Committee of Privy, Council for Trade Certificate of Competency as MASTER to Albert Edward Gill Whereas it has been reported to us that you have been found duly qualified to fulfil the duties of MASTER in the Merchant Service, we do hereby, in performance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, grant you this Certificat6e of Competency. By Order of the Board of Trade, this 19th day of APRIL, 1894 Signed INGRAM B WALKER (one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade) Countersigned -, Regulator General. Registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- No. of Certificate - 020886 Address of Owner - SUNNY LAWN, WALLWOOD ROAD, LEYTONSTONE Date and Place of Birth – 1868, POPLAR Signature – A E GILL. This Certificate is given upon an Ordinary Examination passed at LONDON on the 17th day of APRIL 1894 Every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making any false Representation for the Purpose of obtain for himself or for any other Person a Certificate either of Competence or Service, or who forges, assists in forgery, or procures to be forged, or fraudulently alters, assists in fraudulently altering, or procures to be fraudulently altered, any such Certificate or any Official Copy of any such Certificate, or who frequently makes use of any such Certificate, or copy of any such Certificate, which is forged, altered, cancelled, suspended, or to which he is not justly entitled or who fraudulently lends his Certificate to, or allows the same to be used by any other person, shall for each offence be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanour, and my be summarily punished by imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Six Months or by a penalty not exceeding 100 pounds, and any Master or Mate who fails to deliver up a Certificate which has been cancelled or suspended is liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 pounds. N.B. – Any person other than the Owner thereof becoming possessed of the Certificate is required to transmit it forthwith to the Register General of Shipping and Seamen, Custom House, London, E.C. Issued at the Port of LONDON on the 20th day of APRIL 1894. Signed J I-, - Supt. = = = = = = = = = = = = These certificates are significant as a record of the process required to qualify as a ship’s Master, which was required by the vast number of merchant ships that crossed the world to Australia with cargo and passengers, all contributing to the early settlement and development of Australia as a Colony and a Nation. The certificates are also significant for their association with James P. Corry & Col. owner of the Star Line shipping company that provided trade and passengers to Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Set of two documents from the Board of Trade, printed on cloth and wax paper, each relating to achieving the standard of Master Seaman, and belonging to Albert Edward Gill. They are dated 1883 to 1894. The forms have been stamped, signed, dated, details completed and sealed with three red wax seals. The certificate number has been stamped onto the document is such as was as to deter forgery. The forms relate to Albert Edward Gill and James P. Corry & Co, Star Line Merchant Services and show his registered number as a Master Seaman. 245.1 – Front: Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture, printed certificate, with spaces completed and signed by hand, and sealed with three red wax seals. Signed and dated 16 May 1883 Reverse: Handwritten statement, signed and dated 13 Dec 1887. 245.2 – Front: Certificate of Competency, Master in the Merchant Service, printed and completed by hand, registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen, dated 19 April 1894. Reverse: Certificate, Ordinary Examination Passed, printed and completed by hand, dated 17 April 1894Signatures and other handwritten details. Stamped with security lines, Registration Number "020886"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, albert edward gill, certificate of compentency, apprentice's indenture, education, employment, 1880's, ordinery examination, able seaman, master seaman, james p. corry & co., star line, timber merchant, emigrant ships -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Prof McIntyre and Philip Slobom, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 kew, kew court house, phillip slobom, town crier, professor peter mcintyre -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Kew Historical Society in the Former Kew Court House, c2009
Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 Colour photograph of the Kew Historical Society holding an event in the Former Kew Court House.kew, kew court house, kew historical society, meeting, city of boroondara -
Unions Ballarat
Ballarat Trades Hall Scrapbook: newspaper clippings 1988-1993, The Courier (newspaper), various
Newspaper clippings 1991-1993. 1. Teachers' strike: Major disruptions as 500 stop work [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 2 December 1992 2. Strikes in 3 sectors [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 3 December 1992 3. Letter to the editor: Change priorities for a better city [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Author: P. Murphy Date: n.d. 4. Traynor's comments criticised [regarding penalty rates] Paper: The Courier? Date: 27 July 1991 5. Trades Hall seeks urgent talks on health funding [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 29 July 1991 6. Stewart condemns weekend shearing [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 1 August 1991 7. Working class poet [Geoff Goodfellow] recites with the power of language Paper: The Courier Date: 8 August 1991 8. Budget '91: Budget brings little local joy Paper: The Courier? Date: 21 August 1991 9. State Budget '91: Budget hits low income earners Paper: The Courier? Date: 28 August 1991 10. Job cuts face local bakery [Sunicrust, Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 29 August 1991 11. Factory closure will put 50 out of work [Vitclay, Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 3 September 1991 12. Protest for jobs urged [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 7 September 1991 13. Bank staff cuts 'astound' Trades Hall secretary [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 12 September 1991 14. Pixelated black and white portrait photo of Graeme Shearer 15. Abattoirs picket line supported [Camperdown] Paper: The Courier Date: n.d. 16. Shearers to set up AWU committee [Ballarat} Paper: The Courier Date: 19 September 1991 17. Group fights for Ballarat national rail freight link Paper: The Courier Date: 1 October 1991 18. National jobless rate 10.2.% [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 11 October 1991 19. Shearers establish committee [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 23 October 1991 20. Wage decision backed by employers, unions [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: n.d. 21. Meeting to focus on aged care: QEGC budget cuts spark local concern [Central Highlands] Paper: The Courier Date: 4 December 1991 22. Mayor urges jobless to rally to the cause [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 7 December 1991 23. New dole record: District's jobless queue lengthens again [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 13 December 1991 24. Begonia bans: Unions act on retirement village [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 24 December 1991 25. Another stoppage over WorkCare [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 5 August 1990 26. BTHC hits anti-strike proposal Paper: The Courier Date: 16 November 1991 27. Businesses eager; unions more wary. Paper: The Courier? Date: 22 November 1991 28a. Project halted: review of $60m retirement village [Ballarat] 28b. Retirement Group 'too big, too fast' [Ballarat] 28c. Retirement village work halted [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 29. QEGC managers criticised over budget cutbacks [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 30. Unions' aid call [Ballarat] 30a. How unions want the $6 billion spent Paper: The Courier? Date: 11 February 1991 31. Threat to bread: Bunge strike action escalates [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 27 February 1992 32. Bunge moves rye to Albury: Workers walk out [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 26 February 1992 33. Merry makers' labours worry Trades Hall [Kryal Castle, Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 21 February 1992 34. Agreement will put end to retirement village dispute [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 22 February 1992 35. Mill strikers call for reinstatements [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 27 February 1992 36. No debate for BRB [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 37. Statement will be our only hope [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 12 February 1992 38. Union hits catering [Ballarate & Victoria] Paper: The Courier? Date: ?? February 1992 39. Thanks - Bunge strikers thank you to Graeme Shearer et al Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 40. ANZ under fire from Trades Hall Secretary [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 19 March 1992 41. Assurance sought over Melb rail line [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 18 March 1992 42. In and out of town: Premier to visit [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 43. Regional board wants to improve its image [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 44. Time to amalgamate (letter to the editor) [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 13 May 1992 45. Another unemployment record for Ballarat Paper: The Courier? Date: 8 May 1992 46. Trouble brews in Ballarat (opinion) Paper: The Courier? Date: 9 May 1992 47. Trades Hall warns of student exploitation [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 29 February 1992 48. Bunge unions stay firm [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 12 March 1992 49. Workers, Bunge settle dispute [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 4 March 1992 50. Proposal could end Bunge strike [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 3 March 1992 51. Village payment / payment at village Paper: The Courier? Date: 6 March 1992 52. Public outcry over hike in milk price [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 53. Workers dig deep to help Somalia [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 10 October 1992 54. 'Callous attack on the poor': union chief [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 13 October 1992 55. No Labour swing, says Shearer [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 6 October 1992 56. Ballarat joins strike Paper: The Courier Date: 24 October 1992 57. Workers would revolt against Libs: Shearer Paper: The Courier? Date: 28 September 1992 58. Wage rise disgraceful [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 31 October 1992 59. Shearer seeks guarantees for rail link [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 19 September 1992 60. Cleaners ready to tackle Coalition [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 19 September 1992 61. The Ballarat strike (picture) Paper: The Courier? Date: 11 November 1992 62. Workers voice their concern [Daylesford] Paper: The Courier? Date: 11 November 1992 63. The Ballarat strike Paper: The Courier Date: 11 November 1992 64. 53 railway jobs to go: union chief [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 23 November 1992 65. Trades Hall urges support for rally [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 25 November 1992 66. Doubt cast on our unemployed rate [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 20 August 1992 67. Wage claim justified: Shearer Paper: The Courier? Date: 20 August 1992 68. Pool plan for jobs money attacked Paper: The Courier Date: 22 August 1992 69. Fight for rail link [Geelong-Ballarat] Paper: Geelong Advertiser Date: 18 September 1992 70. Rail pledge demand Paper: Geelong Advertiser Date: 1 October 1992 Condition: very poor 71. Union calls for railway guarantee [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 21 October 1992 72. A strike is the last thing Victoria needs Paper: The Courier Date: 27 ? 1992 73.Industry turmoil: Ford plant is up for sale [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 20 August 1992 74. Regional Board retains job counsellor [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 20 August 1992 75. Jobless figures need special consideration [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 20 August 1992 76a. Local strike chaos: All services likely to be affected [Ballarat] 76b.Strike is an act of hypocrisy [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 10 November 1992 77. Ronaldson angered by union attack blunder [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 11 November 1992 78. Ballarat rally against Govt Paper: The Courier Date: 4 November 1992 79.Payouts a form of 'blackmail' [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 27 November 1992 80. Union leader gives job loss breakdown [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 27 November 1992 81. Deficit levy protest: Unions seize on wide discontent [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 26 November 1992? 82. WorkCover under fire at city rally [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 26 November 1992 83. Coalition is 'cruel': Shearer Paper: The Courier? Date: 22 August 1992 84. Policy to 'decimate unions' Paper: The Courier? Date: 26th August 1992 85. Review immigration call Paper: The Courier? Date: 16 July 1992 86. Union boss blasts Libs' proposals [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: n.d. 87. Both towns could win rail link: NRC [Geelong-Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: n.d. 88. Teachers rally against cuts [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 20 May 1993 89. Five workers die in 2 years Paper: The Courier Date: 14 October 1996Significant collection of press articles that include comment from Unions Ballarat Secretary, Graeme Shearer, around the period when Jeff Kennett (Liberal Party Victoria) became premier of Victoria. Focus upon a variety of social and industrial issues impacting the Ballarat region.Newspaper articles - scanned.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, shearer graeme, kennett jeff, railway link geelong-ballarat, liberal party victoria, industrial action - rallies, workcover, various, ballarat trades and labour council - secretary -
Unions Ballarat
Scrapbook: Ballarat Trades Hall newspaper clippings 1988-1996, The Courier
1a. Jobless muddle: Ballarat leaders say local survey closer to mark than Govt's 'drastic underestimate' 1b. Local community leaders reject Govt's unemployment figures Paper: The Courier Date: 15 November 1991 2. Ballarat must change industry base: Shearer - Reliance on wool and wheat now redundant Paper: n.a. Date: 14 November 1991 3.Lay-offs plan sparks strike [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 13 November 1991 4a. Ballarat makes pleas to Hawke: Help us beat jobless problem 4b. Help us create jobs plea to Canberra Paper: The Courier Date: 8 November 1991 5. Ballarat to plead for its life Paper: The Courier Date: 8 November 1991 6. Disunity blasted: Council bickering 'sabotaging local economy' [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 9 May 1992 7. Hand cuts migrant intake: Ballarat Trades Hall welcomes cut Paper: n.a. Date: 13 May 1992 8. School leavers 'missing out' Paper: The Courier Date: 18 May 1992 9. 10,000 in rally over government assets sale Paper: n.a. Date: 8 July 1992 10. Unions seek views on amalgamation [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 30 May 1992 11. Jobs plan hailed: Local leaders say it'll help young jobless [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 26 June 1992 12. Youth wage gets mixed reaction [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 7 July 1992 13. Plans to axe tariffs are 'frightening': Shearer [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier? Date: 11 July 1992 14. Asbestos scare at primary school [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 11 July 1992 15. Ballarat protest: 5000 rally against the Kennett Govt Paper: n.d. Date: 11 November 1992 16. The Ballarat strike (pictures) Paper: The Courier Date: 11 November 1992 17. Train services under threat, warns union [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: n.d. 18. Shearer slams new WorkCare Paper: n.a. Date: 5 November 1992 19. Ballarat unions back strike against Govt Paper: The Courier Date: 7 November 1992 20. Youth late night lolly selling may be both risky and illegal [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 5 December 1990 21a. 500 Ballarat jobs 'at risk' 21b. Tariff cuts will hit Ballarat jobs Paper: The Courier Date: 5 December 1990 22. Govt blueprint to hit local industries [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: n.d. 23. AHA wage move rejected: Pay rise offer in place of penalty rates [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 9 July 1991 24. City shops leave Sunday to big stores [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 18 July 1991 25. Union dispute threat to Base [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 23 July 1991 26. Metalworkers agree on wages: Unions call on IRC to accept agreement Paper: The Courier Date: 19 July 1991 27. Ballarat bakery fears price war Paper: n.a. Date: 28 June 1991 28. Ballarat CES in Newstart bans Paper: n.a. Date: 29 June 1991 29. No Sunday trading: rally seeks support Paper: The Courier Date: 29 June 1991 30. The re-emerging Trades Hall belong to all workers [Ballarat] Paper: The News Date: 15 September 1988 31. Work safety better: TLC [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 15 September 1998 32. Black ban on bank [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 28 February 1989 33. BTLC slams Stockdale Workcare 'rort' claims Paper: n.a. Date: 11 May 1989 34. BTLC backs luxury surcharge plan [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 24 June 1989 35. Strike ends at John Valves [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 21 June 1989 36. Unions need a better image: 'Future is linked to intensive education process' [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: n.d. 37. Ballarat protest against Govt: Teachers vow to fight Govt Paper: The Courier Date: 3 December 1992 38. Cleaners vote not to take industrial action [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 3 December 1992 39. Nurses stop work [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 3 December 1992 40. Amcast to close: Up to 140 will be made redundant [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 5 December 1992 41. Ronaldson hits out at union's 'fear campaign' [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 5 December 1992 42. Reprieve for Amcast workers [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: n.d. 43. Workers take levy protest to Traynor [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 10 December 1992 44. Unions claim 2000 jobs lost in 12 months [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 6 October 1993 45. Unions plan on strong show [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 28 November 1992 46. Union rally to blast WorkCover [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 17 July ? 47. 1800 unionists in action day [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 1 December 1992 48. Protest at Lakeside stops work [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 1 December 1992 49. Ballarat urged to fight Amcast closure Paper: n.a. Date: 7 December 1992 50. Big crowd expected at deficit tax rally [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 12 December 1992 51. Trade unions: Recruit drive in Ballarat Paper: The Courier Date: 14 September 1995 52. Church and union unite for protest [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 14 September 1995 53. Ballarat strike tomorrow Paper: n.a. Date: 15 December 1992 54. Govt accuses striking unions of 'thuggery' Paper: n.a. Date: 15 December 1992 55. Hundreds support rally [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 14 December 1992 56. Disagreement on new Fightback package Paper: n.a. Date: 19 December 1992 57. Unions boycott public rally [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 19 December 1992 58. Group aims to fight deficit levy [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 21 December 1992 59.42 jobs go at workshops, more cut backs feared Paper: The Courier Date: 24 December 1992 60. ALP against levy: Devereaux Paper: The Courier Date: 3 February 1993 61. Rail workers fight for jobs [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 6 January 1993 62. Trams and buses to be disrupted [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 6 January 1993 63. Brown snubs rail talks [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 6 February 1993 64. Deficit levy is causing hardship: Trades Hall [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 5 February 1993 65. Ballarat unions to rally on March 1 Paper: n.a. Date: 5 February 1993 66. Angry rail workers plan to see Brown [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 8 January 1991 67. Sharing the secrets of the camera Paper: The Courier Date: 6 February 1993 68. Councils must unite: Shearer [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 9 February 1993 69. Shearer hits Lib health policies Paper: n.a. Date: 11 February 1993 70. Worker injury costs 'shifted' to taxpayers [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? June 1993 71. Shearer warns on contracts Paper: n.a. Date: 5 February 1993 72. Ballarat hurting, says union chief Paper: n.a. Date: 22 February 1992 73. Workers will back protest, says Shearer [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 22 February 1992 74. Shearer gives Govt a blast on 'sacrifice' Paper: The Courier Date: 17 February 1993 75. Shearer supports strike [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 1 March 1993 (?) 76. Workers may be 'scared off" rally [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 1 March 1993 77. Workers at risk: Shearer Paper: n.a. Date: 25 February 1993 78a. 3000 marchers in protest against Kennett policies 78b. Marchers in street protest [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 2 March 1993 79. 'Jobs threat from Libs tariff plan' [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 2 March 1993 80. Students, staff rally in protest at govt cuts Paper: The Courier Date: 6 October 1993 81. Hurt workers live on $50 a week: union [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? July 1994 82. Workers in protest at injury benefits [Ballarat] Paper: The Courier Date: 24 July 1994 83. Contracts need an 'even hand' [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? July 1993 84. 2000 rally against public service cuts [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 6 May 1993 85. Telstra cuts threatening 100 Ballarat jobs: union Paper: n.a. Date: ? ? 1996 86. Workers to fare worse under Libs - Hubbard [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? ? 1996 87. Ballarat workers to protest against industrial changes Paper: The Courier Date: n.d. 88. Meet Telstra, unions urge development body [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? July 1996 89. Threat seen to part-time job security [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: 6 July 1996 90. Trades Hall gears up for big battle [Ballarat] Paper: n.a. Date: ? July 1996 91a. Workers in city protest 91b. Workers in city protest Paper: n.a. Date: 31 August 1996 92. Unionists urged to fight hard for rights Paper: n.a. Date: 31 August 1996 93. Unpaid work trials a trap: Shearer Paper: The Courier Date: 9 November 1996 94. CES union action 'minor' Paper: The Courier Date: 9 November 1996 95. Sawmill row looks likely to escalate Paper: The Courier Date: 9 November 1996Significant collection of press articles that include comment from Unions Ballarat Secretary, Graeme Shearer, around the period when Jeff Kennett (Liberal Party Victoria) was premier of Victoria. Focus upon a variety of social and industrial issues impacting the Ballarat region.Scrapbook - news clippings.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, industrial relations, industrial action - strikes, kennett jeff, liberal party victoria, victorian railways, australian labour party - alp, oh&s, unemployment - ballarat -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Eltham Obelisk (later Cenotaph), 1918-2018
The Eltham Obelisk was originally located at the corner of Bridge and Main Roads in 1919. In 1943 (WW2) the local community commenced plans to establish the Eltham War Memorial, a living memorial to benefit the children as opposed to a one in stone as per the obelisk. The Eltham War Memorial Trust was established in 1945. In 1947 the Trust intended for the Obelisk to be relocated from Bridge Street and Main Road to the Garden of Remembrance which was planned as part of the Baby Health Centre which was to be the first of three buildings of the Eltham War Memorial to be built in 1951. In 1951 the Eltham RSL was invited to be represented on the Eltham War Memorial Trust. Around this time, with pending roadworks, the obelisk was relocated to the front garden of the Eltham RSL sub branch on Main Road for safe keeping. In 2007, a suggestion was proposed by Harry Gilham (President, EDHS) to John Cohen (ERSL) to claim a special site along with the historic Shillinglaw trees on the now vacant former Eltham Shire Office site adjacent to the Eltham War Memorial precinct for relocation of the obelisk. In 2010 following the financial collapse and sale of the Eltham RSL Sub-Branch property and amalgamation with the Montmorency Eltham RSL sub-branch, the location of the obelisk was again in immediate jepoardy and in conjunction with Nillumbik Shire Council, the obelisk was relocated in front of the Eltham War Memorial buildings in preparation for the Dawn Service on Anzac Day 2012. Contents: Newspaper article: Eltham Obelisk of 1919, Harry Gilham, August 2000 as well as draft submitted dated 22 Aug 2000 Newspaper article: Eltham, The Advertiser 15 Nov 1918 and 18 Nov 1918 Newspaper article: An Obelisk at Eltham, The Advertiser, 11 Jul 1919 Newspaper advertisement: Unveiling of Obelisk at Eltham, The Advertiser, 1 Aug 1919 Newspaper article: Eltham Soldiers’ Memorial; Unveiled by Sir William Irvine, The Argus, Monday, 4 Aug 1919, p8 Newspaper article: Eltham Memorial to Fallen Soldiers, Diamond Creek Valley Advocate, 8 Aug 1919 Newspaper article: Memorial to the Fallen; Unveiled at Eltham, The Age, Monday, 4th August 1919 Newspaper article: Programme - Presentation of German Machine Gun at the Obelisk, Eltham on Sunday, 8th August, 1920, at 3.30 P.M. Newspaper article: article about presentation of a war trophy, a heavy machine gun placed beside obelisk, The Advertiser, 13 Aug 1920 Newspaper article: Eltham: ANZAC Services, The Advertiser, Friday, May 2, 1924 Newspaper article: Eltham War Memorial, The Advertiser, Oct 26, 1928 Handwritten note from Harry Gilham (President EDHS) to John Cohen (ERSL) regarding history of Eltham RSL site and 1947 newspaper article "Eltham War Memorial Trust "Garden of Remembrance" referencing relocation of Obelisk to the proposed Garden of Remembrance at the Baby Health Centre (Eltham War Memorial). Officers' reports, 11.113/10 Relocation of Eltham RSL Cenotaph, Nillumbik Shire Council Ordinary Meeting, 21 December 2010 Email Correspondence: EDHS President to NSC General Manager Community and Leisure re RSL Obelisk (Cenotaph) proposed relocation, 24 May 2011 Newsletter Extract: Eltham RSL and War Memorial, EDHS Newsletter 14 Sep 2011 Officers' reports, OCM.091/11 Interim Relocation site for the Eltham Cenotaph, Nillumbik Shire Council Ordinary Meeting, 23 August 2011 Officers' reports, OCM.004/121 Interim Relocation of the Eltham Cenotaph, Nillumbik Shire Council Ordinary Meeting, 31 January 2012 (includes Funding agreement between NSC and Montmorency-Eltham RSL Sub-branch Inc) Newspaper article: Move war memorial: RSL, c.2011 Newspaper article: Memorial move lags, Diamond Valley Leader, 1 February 2012 Newspaper article: New dawn for tribute, Diamond Valley Leader ca April 2012 Open letter to the residents of Eltham and Montmorency and copies of drafts by the Montmorency Eltham RSL, no date and final version published in Diamond Valley New 21 March 2012 and Banyule & Nillumbik Weekly, 27 March, 2012 Newspaper article: RSL site nets $1.8m, Diamond Valley Leader, 9 May 2012 Newspaper article: Memorial Moved, Banyule/Nillumbik Weekly, 10 April 2012 Newspaper article: Eltham cenotaph move goes 'like clockwork', Diamond Valley Leader, 11 April 2012 Advertisement, Program for Eltham Dawn Service, Diamond Valley Leader, April 2012 Newspaper photo: Veterans (l-r) Alan Field, Max Lowerson and John Cohen will join piper David Cretney to commemorate fallen Diggers, 2012 (standing beside relocated obelisk in front of the Eltham War Memorial complex) Program for Montmorency Anzac Day March 2012 (incomplete, some pages duplicated, some pages upside down). Newspaper article: Plan to expand memorial, Diamond Valley Leader, Sep. 2004, p5 Newspaper article: Names renewal, thanks to Barry, Diamond Valley Leader, 18 Apr 2007, p3 with picture featuring Eltham RSL president John Haines and Gwen Rosewall Letter: EDHS President to Manager Community Participation, Learning and Culture, Nillumbik Shire Council regarding a proposal by the Montmorency-Eltham RSL Sub-branch to expand the area occupied by the relocated obelisk further into the Eltham War Memorial Garden of Remembrance, 18 Aug 2014 Notices of Motion, NOM.001/14 pertaining to memorials Advisory Committee and Montmorency-Eltham RSL to upgrade the Eltham War Memorial site in time for ANZAC Day 2015, Nillumbik Shire Council Ordinary Meeting, 26 August 2014 Agenda: User Groups and Stakeholders Meeting, Proposed Extension to Memorial Terrace, 11 September 2014 EDHS presentation to NSC Policy and Services meeting 9 September 2014 regarding the Montmorency-Eltham RSL proposal to expand/upgrade the Eltham War Memorial Policy and Services reports, PSD.034/14 Eltham War Memorial Building Precinct - Proposed Extension to Memorial Terrace, Nillumbik Shire Council Ordinary Meeting, 9 September 2014 Email (copy): President EDHS re Eltham War Memorial Complex, Main Road, Eltham, 15 Sep 2014 requesting Nillumbik Shire Council place a Heritage Overlay upon the Eltham War Memorial Complex Media Release: Support for cenotaph expansion, Nillumbik Shire Council, Sep 2014 Newspaper article: Council defers RSL war memorial upgrade to see consultation, Diamond Valley News, 17 Sep 2014 Letter (copy): Harry Gilham, Eltham to local press and others, 20 Sep 2014 protesting attempts by the RSL to further expand upon the area already ceded from the Eltham War Memorial for the relocated WW1 obelisk and alter the original vision for an Eltham War Memorial complex. Letter: Alan Field, President, The Eltham Veterans War Memorial Preservation Society Inc. to CEO and Councillors, Nillumbik Shire Council protesting at perceived injustices and ‘veteran bashing’ regarding their previous efforts to relocate ‘their Obelisk and Cenotaph’ to the Eltham War Memorial complex and their frustration in their attempts to further expand upon the Memorial Terrace. Areas of letter are highlighted with handwritten markups and notes. Also notes on loose card and paper with definitions of Memorial, Obelisk, Cenotaph, commentary on establishment of Eltham War Memorial, The Eltham War Memorial Trust and RSL involvement and current actions by RSL in respect to claims in the letter (written by Harry Gilham ?). Policy and Services reports, PS.038/14 Eltham War Memorial Building Precinct - proposed extension to the Eltham Cenotaph Terrace, Nillumbik Shire Council Policy and Services Committee Meeting, 14 October 2014 Newspaper article: Centenary dawn service moves to Petrie Park, Diamond Valley Leader, 22 Oct 2014 Newspaper article: Upset over upgrade; war memorial revamp plans get culled, Diamond Valley Leader, 29 Oct 2014 Newspaper article: Memories of our heroes, Diamond Valley Leader, 25 Apr 2018 – also Veteran saluted, featuring article on Army veteran, Glen Ferrarotto. Handwritten notes in pencil (2 pages) by Harry Gilham, Items form the Eltham and Whittlesea Shires The Advertiser newspaper 7 June 1918 - 1919 providing a summary of the formation of the Peace Celebration Committee leading to the establishment of the Avenue of Honour and the Eltham Obeliskeltham cenotaph, nillumbik shire council, eltham war memorial, montmorency eltham rsl sub-branch, dawn service, cenotaph, eltham rsl sub-branch, eltham war memorial trust, garden of remembrance, harry gilham collection, john cohen, obelisk, remembrance garden, shillinglaw trees, german machine gun, war memorial, war trophy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Annual Review, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Review, 1986 -1991
The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870 through the initiatives of the Ballarat Mining Board making it the oldest site of technical education in Australia. The Board was concerned with the shortage of mine managers for the goldfields. Classes began in surveying, mathematics, and chemistry and a decade later they included metallurgy , assaying and geology. With the decline in goldmining the direction of the college changed and broadened, the art School was established and the Ballarat Junior Technical School developed. In 1976, the tertiary sector seperated from the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat to form the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In the 1980s SMB was a Community College of Technical Education and Further Education (TAFE) offering a wide range of vocational, enrichment and preparatory programs. It is continuing the tradition of providing for the educaiton needs of people within the Central Highlands. During the 1970s and 80s it acquired and refurbished old buildings and developed new facilities to keep up with the needs of an expanding curriculum and student population. The era of these annual reports is just before the merger with the University of Ballarat.A number of soft card covered annual report for the Ballarat School of Mines. .1) 12 page black covered report featuring an image of the E.J. Tippett Library. Includes information on death of E.J. Tippett, disability policy, Peter Quinn, Patti McNulty, Bob Feary, Shane Everand, Integration, Fiona Watson, retirement of Robert Morgan, Opening of the carpentry and Joinery Facility in Davey Street, formation of the School of Business and Information Technology, Melissa Bone, opening of the E.J. T. Tippett Learning Resource Centre (Library), Refurbishment of the Administration Building, Food Service Building (Prospects), Court House Theatre, Enrolment centre, Museum, Creche, Women's Trade technical Program, Rural Education Program, Ararat Prison Program, Community Studies Section, Ararat Adult Literacy Group. Literacy Assistance for Undergraduates, Fire training, fitness, open Learning, Training & Employment Group, Awards, Filipino Visitors, oil Seed Research, Brunei, Barometer (gift) for Horticulture, Special Equipment (guillotine and brake press; programmable logic Controller; theodolite: laser lever; Universal testing Machine; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)., organisational Structure. Photos include Ken Flecknoe, Peter Quinn, Patti McNulty, Bob Feary, Shane Everard, Fiona Watson,Linda Bland, Robert Morgan, David McCaughey, E.J. Tippett, Frank Sheehan, Julie Baulch, Jo Reeves, Col McCurry, Jenny Garnham .3) Blue covered book with a photograph of the M.B. John Building taken from Albert Street on the cover. Topics include: Ken Flecknoe, Peter Shiells, Ararat Campus, David Haddow, Kevin Martin, Rendle Hannah, Gary Eason, Geoff Pope, Albert Peart, M.B. John building opened, Hairdressing Salon, Community Centre, Creche, closure of Lydiard Street, Museum, Jenny Levison, Inskill, Small Business Training, Ballarat Eat free Library, Barkly Street, Wormalds Valve Group, Aboriginal Programs, Horticulture Center, Awards, Country fire Authority, tractor Donation, Women's Policy. Special purchases included surveying equipment with data recorder, test rig , CDT MIG welder, compact gas chromatograph with FID and single pen recorder, Olivetti stand-alone word processing unit. Images include Ken Flecknoe. Peter Shiells, John Crowe, Trevor Slater, Brian McLennan, Kerrie Cross, Albert Peart, John Cain, M.B. John, Enrollment Centre, Museum, Jo Watson, Wormalds, Brian Webber, Dianna Nikelson, Ian Aitken, Brendan B, Chez Dichiera, Heather Dixon, Julie Broadbent .4) 1993 - Brown and white soft covered annual review featuring students of the Ballarat School of Mines at work. Bill Gribble, Brian McLennan, Peter Shiells Retirement, Robert C. Lovett, Steven Mendelson, Max Palmer, Jenny Gough, Mary Molloy, Barrie Firth, Colin McCurry, Dora Hormann, Organisation Structure, Brewery Acquisition, Humffray Street Primary School, Grant Street Retaining Wall, Neville Bunning Plaque, VCE Plus, Ballarat Small Business centre, Ararat Prison, Ballarat Showgrounds Rotunda, .6) Green covered annual review with an aerial photograph over Albert Street, Ballarat. Content include Kerrie Cross, Peter Shiells. Kenneth Flecknoe Obituary, Ian Pimblett, Keith Boast, David Nicholson, Max Palmer, Brian Webber, Bob Lovett, Linda Bland, Prospects, Training restaurant, 3BBB, Malcolm Vallance, Aboriginal Programs, Ian Cathie, Koorie Support Unit, Caroline Hogg, 'Trained Men Make Their Own Terms' exhibition at the Gold Museum, Ricky Hains, Stephen Hughes, Jeff White, Dennis Bolster .8) Blue covered review for 1989. The contents include: Kerrie Cross, Peter Shiells, Ann McCaffrey, Kevin Alsop, Mary Molloy, Ross Furness, Robert Lovett, Victoria Street Student Hostel, Hugh Beggs, Ballarat Small Business Centre, Inskill, Ararat Campus, Hospitality and Tourism, Koorie Support Unit, Fiona Warsn, Bruce Staley, Terry Moran, Anthony Wonish, Ivan Deveson, Leo Shannon Memorial Award, Bryan Crebbin, Geoff Howard, R.C.W. Burdett, Jeff White, Ian Harris, Tom Wiseman, Bill Gribble, Allison Kay, Steven Mendelson, Keith Boast. .9) Grey covered book with a coloured photo of the Victoria Street Student Residence. Contents include: Kerry Cross, Peter Shiells, Morgan Bevan John Illuminated address. Jean Phillips, Koorie Support Unit, Andrew Sullivan, Victoria Street Student Residence, Horticulture, Inskill, Tertiary Awareness Project, Adult Education, Ivan Deveson, Brian Howe, Barry Jones, Joan Kirner, Andrew Trigg, Warren Perry, Murrell Rock Collections, Gwyn Hanssen-Piggott, Disability Awareness Day, Sebastopol Borough Logo, Phoebe Rimmer, Russell Jackson, R.J. Young Scholarship, Peter Muir, Founders Day Cake, Morgan John. .11) Black card covered booklet with five images of exteriors of the Ballarat School of Mines. the contents include: Jack Barker, Peter Shiells, Peter Ellyard, Ian Stoney, Terry Moran, Wayne Strong, David Ince, Simone Titheridge, Ian Aitken,Kevin Alsop, Bill Bridges, Clive Carmichael, Bob Feary, Rendle hannah, Roly Parfenovics, Graham Snibson, Kevin Stockdale, Len Wilson, Child Care Centre opening, Student accommodation, Victoria Street, Brewery site. naming buildings, E.J. barker. A.W. Steane K.J. Flecknow, Carpentry and joinery, Inskill, Hospitality, Pottery, ceramics, Founders' Day, Warren Perry, Agreement between Ballarat School of Mines and Ballarat university College, merger, Peter Baldwin, Awards, obituary Lindsay Hillman. Images include: Wayne Strong, David Ince, Simone Titheridge, kerrie Cross, Joan Kirner, Frank Sheehan, Bill Gribble Ros Wilkie, Judi O'Loughlin, Tony Leonard, Gemma Hearnes, Brendan Hill, Joanne Bell, Karl Moon, Stella Savy, Shirley Falkinder, Peter Baldwin, Jack Barker, Michael Ronaldson, David Kemp, Peter Shiells, Margot Healey, Sharon McLennan, Kerrie Firns, Petrena Brookers, Deb Goudappel, Claire Bond, Administration Building Lindsay Hillman. .13 ) Brown covered report with photographic images. Content includes: Pam Merrett. , Peter Shiells, Robert Lovett, Steven Mendelson, Max Palmer, Jenny Gough, Barrie Firth .14) Brown covered report with photographic images. Content includes: .15) Green covered report with photographic images. The blond woman standing on the right looking at a computer screen is Pam Merrett. Content includes: Bill Gribble, Ron Wild, Doug Sarah, Martin Hill, John Kemp, David Manterfield, Leslie Comy, Linette Penhall, Glen Martland. Virginia Fenelon. Michael Bracher, Brewery Building. Child care centre, Prospects Cafe Opening, Horticulture Training Centre, Retaining Wall, The Gordon, University of Ballarat and Ballarat School of Mines affiliation, Geoffrey Blainey, Ararat Community College Memo of understanding, Brian McLennan. Founders Day (Hadden Storey), Gwyn Hanssen-Pigott, Ken Latta, Neville Bunning Outstanding Achievement Award, Valerie Wilson, Jack Barker, John Sharpham, Jack Barker Resignation.ballarat school of mines, university of ballarat, integration, shane everard, robery morgan, linda bland, ballarat junior technical school, former court house, ken flecknoe, bruce muir, lindsay hillman, neil crouch, jack barker, keith boast, rex hollioake, m.b. john, bob lovett, brian mclennan, peter shiells, bruce tanner, jeff white, bryan crebbin, kerrie cross, ric dunlop, tom wiseman, barbara hughes, chris matheson, morgan b. john, albert street, steven mendelson, john crowe, ann mccaffrey, kevin alsop, mary molloy, ross furness, robert lovett, victoria street student hostel, student residences, hugh beggs, ballarat small business centre, inskill, ararat campus, hospitality and tourism, koorie support unit, fiona watson, bruce staley, terry moran, anthony wonish, ivan deveson, leo shannon memorial award, geoff howard, r.c.w. burdett, ian harris, bill gribble, allison kay, liz eddy, pam merrett, doug sarah, martin hill, john kemp, david manterfield, leslie comy, linette penhall, glen martland, virginia fenelon, michael bracher, brewery building, child care centre, prospects cafe, horticulture training centre, retaining wall, the gordon, university of ballarat and ballarat school of mines affiliation, geoffrey blainey, ararat community college memo of understanding, founders day, hadden storey, gwyn hanssen-pigott, ken latta, neville bunning outstanding achievement award, valerie wilson, john sharpham, kerry cross, morgan bevan john illuminated address, jean phillips, andrew sullivan, victoria street student residence, horticulture, inskill, tertiary awareness project, adult education, brian howe, barry jones, joan kirner, andrew trigg, warren perry, murrell rock collections, gwyn hanssen-piggott, disability awareness day, sebastopol borough logo, phoebe rimmer, russell jackson, r.j. young scholarship, peter muir, kenneth flecknoe obituary, ian pimblett, david nicholson, brian webber, prospects, training restaurant, 3bbb, malcolm vallance, aboriginal programs, ian cathie, caroline hogg, 'trained men make their own terms' exhibition at the gold museum, ricky hains, stephen hughes, dennis bolster, aboriginal education, e.j. tippett obituary, patti mcnulty, bob feary, equal opportunity officer, robert c. morgan, school of business and information technology, e.j. tippett library, e.j. tippett library opening, carpentry and joinery, women's trade and technical program, rural education program, ararat prison program, barometer, oil seed research, . bill gribble, peter shiells retirement, robert c. lovett, max palmer, jenny gough, barrie firth, colin mccurry, dora hormann, organisation structure, brewery acquisition, humffray street primary school, grant street retaining wall, neville bunning plaque, vce plus, ararat prison, ballarat showgrounds rotunda