Document - Property Binder, 746 Main Road, Eltham

Document - Property Binder, Main Road

Historical information

Photocopy The Argus 6 August 1885, 24 November 1885, 27 May 1856: description of Eltham and Eltham Hotel, owner Richard Warren.
Photocopy newspaper advertisement no date but pre decimal currency: Eltham Hotel offers accommodation.
Photocopy newspaper item 1973: Eltham Hotel, photograph of building, owners J S Blow, Mervyn Blow, G Ackland.
Newspaper article: Residents see red over hotel expansion plans, Diamond Valley News, 3 April 1996.
Newspaper article: Hotel gets nod for expansion, Diamond Valley News, 12 June 1996.
Business card 2019, Eltham Hotel.
Business card no date, Eltham Hotel.
Newspaper article: Elham Hotel gets new owner, Heidelberg& Diamond Valley Weekly, March 2, 2010

Physical description

Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.

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