Document - Property Binder, 963 Main Road, Eltham

Document - Property Binder, Main Road

Historical information

Newspaper article: Big crowd sees Eltham P.O. openingThe News, 31 January 1958, Opening of new post office in Eltham.
Program of proceedings: Official Opening of the new Eltham Post Office by Mr D C McKenzie M.P. Friday 14th February 1975.
Typescript: A History of P.M.G. Services at Eltham, prepared by Derek M Baker, Post Office Historian-Victoria, 1975, including Chronology, text, list of Sources.
Sheet of proceedings: Official Opening of the new Eltham Post Office including Historical Notes.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley News, 2 July 1985, Gold brought life to the township.

Physical description

Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.

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