Document - Property Binder, 875 Main Road, Eltham

Document - Property Binder, Main Road

Historical information

Letter Office of the Place Names Committee to Eltham Historical Society, 10 November 1980: Seeking Society's opinion of naming of Eltham Common and Alistair Knox Park.
Letter Office of the Place Names Committee to Eltham Historical Society, 7 April 1981, seeking response to letter 10 November 1980 re naming proposal.
Letter Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Place Names Committee, 30 April1981, No objection to name Eltham Common but considered Eltham Town Park more appropriate, providing a history of area.
Letter Office of the Place Names Committee to Eltham Historical Society, 9 July 1981: Resolved to assign name Eltham Common.
Letter Office of the Place Names Committee to Eltham Historical Society, 23 October 1981: No objections to Government Gazette notice re naming of Eltham Common.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley News, 12 November 1991, Correction, restaurant review of Shillinglaw Cottage in Diamond Valley News, 5 November 1991, said founder was Grant Phelan, correctly Martin Brown.

Physical description

Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.

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