Historical information
Newspaper advertisement: Diamond Valley News, 27 May 1980, Meet the Potters.
Newspaper article (photocopy): Changing face of craft shops by Linley Hartley, Diamond Valley News, February 8, 1993 - Newspaper article (photocopy): Changing face of craft shops by Linley Hartley, Diamond Valley News, February 8, 1993
Newspaper article: Open mic launchpad at Platform 3095, Christian Kuhlmann, Copperline, September 2023, Edition 8
Physical description
Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.
- main road,
- eltham,
- property,
- houses,
- shops,
- businesses,
- country art store,
- joan armfield,
- malcolm cooke,
- cheryl dutoit,
- john eagle,
- trevor hanby,
- alan letts,
- garry letts,
- fritz massee,
- mary pancoast,
- peter petruccelli,
- betty rose,
- peter watson,
- robert waterson,
- redbyme potteries,
- david williams,
- chris witteveen,
- caroline shenton,
- country art store (eltham),
- pam robinson,
- 965 main road,
- cafes,
- platform 3095,
- restaurants