Document - Property Binder, 1339 Main Road, Eltham

Document - Property Binder, Main Road

Historical information

Newspaper article: Lively style appeals, Diamond Valley Leader, 2 March 2005, details of the Strada Family Restaurant at the Eltham Gateway Hotel Conference Centre.
Newspaper article: Artist in a stylish dilemma, Diamond Valley Leader, 2 March 2005, Eltham artist Michael Peck was runner-up in people's choice category at the Armadale Metro 5 art awards with his painting Inclusion.
Newspaper advertisement, Diamond Valley Leader, 17 August 2005, Strada Restaurant celebrating 1st birthday.
Business card: Janne Moore, Business Development Manager, Eltham Gateway.
Brochure, 2018, Eltham Gateway four-star hotel, details of hotel, dinner menu, drinks list, restaurant hours, 2018 Christmas lunch menu, breakfast menu, accommodation, wedding packages, corporate packages, private function packages.

Physical description

Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.

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