Document - Property Binder, 672 Main Road, Eltham

Document - Property Binder, Main Road

Historical information

Flyer, Neville Emerson Pty Ltd, for sale Wingrove Cottage.
Shire of Eltham Heritage Study, nd but post 1989: Wingrove Cottage.
Note: June 1997 re Judy David, descendant of Mr Wingrove.
Note: 2 September 2003: Greg Johnson description of building.
Statement 2 September 2003 from Francis Percival (Jock) Read of memories of Wingrove Cottage.
Copy letter 21 October 2002 from Value Creating Environments (recent purchasers of Wingrove site) to John Karageorge Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire re planned work; also attachment re possible site development.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 23 October 2002, Angry crowd stops demolition, photograph of part demolition.
Letter 30 December 2002 from Stephen Coleriro Acting Manager Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire re consultation on illegal demolition works at Wingrove Cottage.
Letter 24 February 2003 from Allom Lovell & Associates to John Karageorge Shire of Nillumbik commenting on Wingrove Cottage work.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 17 September 2003, Court orders restoration at cottage.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 25 February 2004, Health vision for Eltham's 1800s home, Wingrove Cottage will be restored as health and wellness centre if plans approved.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 7 July 2004, 1850s bricks in debris, Jim Cummane owner ordered to prepare conservation plan, photograph of site and Harry Gilham president Eltham District Historical Society.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 1 December 2004, Cottage heritage plan crucial to sale success, site to be sold, photograph of Wingrove Cottage.
Letter 14 April 2005 from Gaye Van Donkelaar Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire to Russell Yeoman Eltham District Historical Society re meeting of key stakeholders 27 April 2005.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 28 March 2007, Cottage work on hold, recent purchasers Cameron Construction restored Cottage, open as photographic studio, applied for permit to build office and 7 homes on site.
Letter 13 August 2007 from Senior Registrar VCAt to Eltham District Historical Society enclosing VCAT order re application for 672 Main Road.
Letter 24 August 2007 from Colin Bowden Planning and Development Consultants to VCAT enclosing response prepared by O'Brien Traffic for VCAT.
Letter 14 February 2007 from Jeremy Livingstone Planning and Building Services Nillumbik Shire, invitation to review re planning application.

Physical description

Miscellaneous clippings, notes, photocopies, etc held on the subject property.

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