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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Drawing Knife
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Very old. A drawknife is used to remove large slices of wood for flat faceted work, to debark trees, or to create roughly rounded edges. Can be used to shape the curve of a cricket bat. Used by woodworkers in the Kiewa Valley.Steel frame with wooden handles at each end and a sharp steel blade attached in the middle.Ref. Page 83 Tools for all Trades Catalogue.The drawknife / drawing knife,/ draw shave, / shaving knife is a traditional woodworking hand tool used to shape wood by removing shavings. The blade is much longer (along the cutting edge) than it is deep. It is pulled towards the user. woodworking tool, drawing knife, hand tool -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Soldering Irons x3
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...A soldering iron is a hand tool used in soldering. It supplies heat to melt solder so that it can flow into the joint between two workpieces. The iron was heated over a fire or in a charcoal brazier. Soldering irons were primarily used by tinsmiths and coppersmiths to work with thin sheet metal. These hand soldering irons have been replaced by electric ones.Used by coppersmiths and tinsmiths and workers in the Kiewa Valley.The soldering irons have a wooden handle, an iron rod and are made of copper at the pointy end (the bit).shaped like a pyramid.soldering iron, hand tool, coppersmith, tinsmith -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Miners Pick - short
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Formerly KV 071. It was used to break up rock and ore, making it easier to extract valuable minerals. The pointed end of the pick axe was used to chip away rock, while the flat end was used to strike the rock for breaking it apart. This one has a short handle. Miners picks were commonly used in the the 19th and early 20th centuries for extracting gold from underground mine tunnels.Used in the Kiewa Valley where prospecting for gold occurred.Formerly KV 071. Cast iron symmetrical pick tool on cast iron with a wooden handle. It has a pointed end and a flat end. It is 12 inches mining, miners' pick axe, hand tool -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Spurs and Stirrups x8 pieces
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...The spur is used in many equestrian disciplines.Most equestrian disciplines have rules covering spur design and use. Spurs are usually held on by a leather spur strap that goes over the arch of the foot and under the sole in front of the boot heel. The stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider, attached to the saddle by a strap, often called a stirrup leather. Stirrups are usually paired and are used to aid in mounting and as a support while using a horse.E. Fisher grew up and lived at Mongan's Bride in the Kiewa Valley. Horse riding was common in the Kiewa Valley especially before the introduction of motorised vehicles.A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots foe the purpose of directing a horse to move forward or laterally while riding. It is usually used to refine the riding aids and to back up the natural aids eg. the leg, seat, hands and voice. A stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider, attached to the saddle by a strap, often called a stirrup leather. Stirrups are usually paired and are used to aid in mounting and as a support while using a horse. The spurs and stirrups are made of steel and the straps of riding, spurs for horse riders, stirrups for horse riders, e.fisher -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Horse Bits x2, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...The bit helps to control the horse eg in droving cattle, pulling carts. Bits vary a lot and offer varying degrees of control and communication between the rider and the horse depending upon their design and on the skill of the rider.Horses were used as the main means of transport and as labour on the farms in the Kiewa Valley and in particular for driving the cattle up on to the High Plains during the summer. The bit consists of two basic components, the bit mouthpiece that goes inside the horse's mouth, and the bit ring of a snaffle bit or shanks of a curb bit, to which the bridle and reins attach. Sidepieces and the leverage these rings or shanks use to act on a horse's mouth that determines whether a bit is the curb or snaffle family, and has a great impact on the severity of the bit, pack horses, working horses, horse equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Horse Shoes, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Horse Shoes of Pony "Peter" ...These shoes are old with larger holes than those used today (2024).Shoes of Pony 'Peter' owned by Miss E. Fisher, Mongan's Bridge. First shoe 1917, Last shoe 1944Two steel horse shoes with large holes for nailing the shoe onto the pony.e. fisher, mongan's bridge, horse shoes -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Axes and Adze are hand-held tool used for shaping and carving wood. Axes are designed for chopping and cutting, while adzes are designed for smoothing and shaping. Both tools have a similar shape and consist of a head attached to a handle. An adze is an ancient and versatile cutting tool similar to an axe but with the cutting edge perpendicular to the handle rather than parallel.Used by woodworkers in the Kiewa ValleyA cast steel tool similar to an axe, with an arched blade at right angles to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large pieces of wood.adze, hand tool for woodwork, axe -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Metal Meat Hook
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Used to hang up meat or the carcasses of animals such as pigs and cattle.See KVHS 1511Used by farmers and butchers in the Kiewa Valley.An S-shaped steel hook.meat hook, butcher, beef, pork -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Double Tyne Pronged Pick - head
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Possibly used for cleaning out animal horses and pigs. Used like a hoe but heavier and stronger.Used by residents of the Kiewa ValleyThick steel tool head with hole at one end for the handle and two parallel points. Possibly hand made.pick, double tyne prong pick, farming equipment, hand tool -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Metal Rings x2, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Part of a dray or wagon that go on the axle.Wagons and drays were used on the farms in the Kiewa Valley.Heavy steel rings that go on the axle hub of a wagon or a dray.dray equipment, wagon equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Boot Last x2
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...A last is the solid form around which a shoe is moulded. The fit of a shoe depends on the design, shape, and volume of the last. Used by boot makers and shoe makers to construct a pair of boots or shoes or to mend them.Used by residents of the Kiewa ValleyCast iron with three foot sizes on each and each facing different directions.boot last, shoe last, bootmaker -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Handmade Tool - Insect Cover or Sieve or Fishing Net or yabby trap
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Flies are plentiful and a problem especially in Australia's summer. Farms were a breeding ground for flies that bred in cow manure. Fly-wire was used to keep flies away from food as well as light cloth covers. Farmers could use this sieve to fill with sand etc. to sort the sizes and also to use for eg. wheat to sort the grain. Yabbies are trapped in the creek or river by leaving food in the net for the yabby to crawl into.Food covers were used by residents of the Kiewa Valley especially as many of them were dairy farmers. Farmers often made their own tools for a purpose such as sieving or for the family catching yabbies to eat or for fun.Tall triangular steel fly wire cover with a steel handle and frame. or The frame can be held in order to fill the sieve or to empty it. or the frame can hold bait for yabbiesfood cover, fly-wire, flies, sieve, handmade tool -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Pump Spray
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...'Deming versatile end-suction pumps are heavy duty, general purpose centrifugal pumps with heavy wall casting suitable for many commercial, industrial and municipal needs. 1914 The Deming Co. Salem, Ohio. 'Universal Success' Garden SprayerUsed by residents of the Kiewa Valleygarden sprayer, pump spray -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Rabbit Traps x3
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Rabbits are recognised as a pest in Australia. They were often trapped and eaten especially during the depression years of the 1890s and 1930s but also the 1950s and 1960s. Steel-jaw traps work by snapping shut on the leg of an animal, holding it until a trapper arrives, or until the animal dies or wrings its paw off. They became illegal in Australia during the 1980s on animal cruelty grounds. Some old rabbit traps are valuable.Used by residents in the Kiewa ValleyA steel jaw trap has jaws that are designed to spring together. It is illegal to use them in Australia. 2 of the rabbit traps are 'S. Griffiths 3 stars IXL Ref. "one of the pioneers, well known among long-experienced trappers' Page 21 Farmyard Relics by Ken Arnold. The other trap ha a picture of a bird engrave on it.rabbit traps, steel-jaw traps -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Dingo Trap
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Exported to Australia for the trapping of dingoes. Banned in Australia for the trapping of dingoes and dogs due to animal cruelty.Dingoes are now protected as native animals and wild dogs are killed with bait.Used by residents in the Kiewa Valley to protect young stock.A well made old English trap with strong folding springs., made by H. Lane in Wednesfield, His brand is Li-Lo.. It has got large 7 and a half inch round topped flat jaws. Its overall length is 22 and a half inches, excluding its original swivelled chain.Ref. Auction sheet Embossed "Li-Lo" on the plate and "Made in England" and a Ministry Broad Arrow mark, indicating its official governmental use or trial.dingo trap, li-lo brand -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Steel Buckets - Mining
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...There was some gold mining in the Kiewa Valley and these buckets may have been used.Two small rusty looking steel buckets that are usually connected to a chain with many such buckets. They rotate to form a continuous chain scooping up loose rock and dumping it when mining. 20 cm x 12 cm x 9.5 cm deepgold mining -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Dray Brake Band, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Drays were used to transport heavy materials such as farm products, building supplies, food. They were pulled by horses or bullocks. Drays were important for transportation in the Kiewa Valley.Made of timber and steel. The piece of wood contacts the axle hub to brake the dray. Part of a brake for a dray. It is missing the actuator that is needed for tightening the band to operate as a brake.drays, horses, bullocks -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Hames - 2 pairs, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Horse harness that connects a horse to a horse drawn vehicle 2 types 1. breast collar or breast strap 2. full collar or collar-and-hames. On either side of the collar are wooden or metal bars called hames.Used by farmers in the Kiewa ValleyShort knob top, forged hook, nut and bolt joint, loose rein ring, chain bottom, steel cased. They go on the collar and are made of two metal strips which take the full force of the pull padded by the equipment, hames, horse collar -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Blinkers, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Made of leather and placed on either side of a horse's eyes and attached either to a bridle or an independent hood. Used by farmers, carters, bullock drivers etc specially when the horse is in a team of horses.Used by farmers in the Kiewa Valley.Drag Blinkers, also known as binders or winkers. Used beside the horse's eyes so that the horse can only look forward and not be distracted by other horses in the team. Straps are leather with steel blinkers, horse equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Horse Reins, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Reins are the means by which a horse rider or driver communicates directional commands to the horse's head. Pulling on the reins can be used to steer or stop the horse.Used by residents of the Kiewa Valley especially farmers.Made of leather with steel buckles. The reins are connected to the bit in the mouth and go to the rider or the person walking / controlling the horse/horses eg. on a dray, wagon, plough reins, horse equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Hames - one pair and one single, Horse Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Horse harness that connects a horse to a horse drawn vehicle. 2 types 1. breast collar or breast strap 2. full collar or collar-and-hames. On either side of the collar are wooden or metal bars called hames.Short knob top, forged hook, nut and bolt joint, loose rein ring, chain bottom, steel cased. They go on the collar.hames, horse equipment, horse collar -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Cross Cut Saws x3
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Used to cut down trees and to saw the trunks to length. Used to clear the land.Used by the residents of the Kiewa Valley.A. Combination Tasmanian Pattern and Peg Tooth Cross Cut Saw B. Tasmanian Pattern Cross Cut Saw C. Peg Tooth Cross Cut Saw A crosscut saw is a saw designed for cutting wood perpendicular to (across) the wood grain. It cuts when pulled in both directions. The two man crosscut saw has wooden handles that fit into a steel socket at each end. The Tasmanian has a different tooth pattern to the Peg Tooth saw.crosscut saws, two man saws -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Cross Cut Saw - Tasmanian Pattern
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ... -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Cross Cut Saw - Peg-Tooth
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ... -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...Used as an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass or harvesting crops. It is historically used to cut down or reap edible grains, before the process of threshing. Replaced by horse drawn and then tractor machinery. Used by the early farmers in the Kiewa Valley.The steel blade is curved with a pointy end. It is attached to a long, slim wooden shaft with a slight S curve. It has 2 handles, one about half way along the shaft and another near the top both at right angles to the shaft. This results in the handles being on slightly different planes and makes it comfortable for the user when working. scythe, hand tool, mowing, harvesting -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Facit Calculator, Office Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...This calculator is like a modern calculator style keypad with a traditional pinwheel calculator. In operation it is similar to other Facit machines. The design from the 1930s was produced without interruption with only slight modifications until the early 1970s.This one hasn't a serial number or Model Number so date is unknown but probably the 1940s - 1950s when the SEC were constructing the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Used by the SEC Office Staff when the SECV were constructing the Kiewa Hydro Electric SchemeBox shape with grey steel top and sides on a black base. Three thin strips of stainless steel embossed with numbers on the top and clear panels beside them. Front has 3 red and 10 black knobs with arrows on the red and numbers on the black. Sides have stainless steel pedals and winders. The machine is very heavy. See on-line "mechanical"'Facit' on the front.calculator, facit -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Contex Adding Machine, Office Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...1946 One of the first Contex calculators, the Half-Keyboard Adder used Leibniz step cylinders to perform simple addition. The predominant use of this Contex would have been adding sterling currency. Starting from the right, the levers were used for half and quarter pence, the next row would be pence, followed by shilling up to 19, and pounds. On the far left there is a zeroing lever for the entire mechanism; Ref: Online: ''Used by the office staff at the SECV construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Bakelite small typing machine consisting of numbers with a screen above.'Context' embossed centre front 'Lubrication' with instructions and with Patents on bottom 'Chartres Business Service' at back 'Numbers 1 - 5' at front on knobscontex, adding machine, office equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Stamp Pad, Office Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...A rubber stamp needs to be re-inked for each impression (not pre-inked).Used by the office staff of the SECV during construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Slim tin case with hinge lid. Inside the lid is badly marked. The ink pad is deep blue.'Stevens Rubber Stamp Pad / Number Two' on the lid in blue. Inside the lid is the name of the companies but difficult to read.rubber stamp pad, stephens ink pad, office equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Stamp and Envelope Sealers, Office Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...A quick and easy addition to officesUsed by SECV staff in the office during construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric SchemeGrey plastic oblong with black roller inside it.Underneath: 'No. 1365 Moistener/ Made in England'stamp sealer, envelope sealer, office equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Numbering Machine, Office Equipment
... Kiewa Valley Historical Society Mount Beauty Information ...This numbering machine may have been used to stamp the date on documents.Used by office staff at the SECV during the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Solid stamp machine that enables changing the numbers eg. change of the date. Dipped in ink before stamping. A white bakelite knob handle at the top with stainless steel numbers able to rotate.numbering machine, office equipment