book, Deadly Design, Bewteen Two Worlds, 2008

Historical information

As a result of the recommendations arising from the Stolen Generations Taskforce Report 2003. The taskforce identified the need for an independant, community controlled organisation in Victoria to be established to meet the needs of the stolen generation in this state.

Connecting Home seeks to undertalke activities that will assist members of the stolen generation and engage in publc awareness and education.


Historic Significance, this is one of Victoria's first books published that helps to explain the thought & feelings of Stolen Generation people, that has been developed to address recommendations from the Bringing Them Home Report.

Social Significance, The information recorded from stolen generation participants explains to non-aboriginal health & human service professionals about the social impact of the politically incorrect times that state & national laws and policies had been introduced to forcibly remove aboriginal & toerres strait islander children form family, land and culture.

Research Significance,

Physical description

Soft cover book, with 43 pages.

Picture of aboriginal girl, crying, holding teddy bear on front cover.

Content is a guide aimed at understanding the Stolen Generations for Health & Human Service Professionals.

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