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Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, February 1971
These articles were compiled by Mary Gilbert who was the first curator of the Orbost Museum and a prominent historian / teacher in Orbost. The 1971 floods at Orbost were the worst on record. At Jarrahmond the river rose to a height of 11 metres and on the flats spread to one and a half kilometres wide. Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see articles are contemporary records of a significant historical event in Orbost.A manila folder containing black / white newspaper clippings from various publishers. They all relate to the 1971 floods in Orbost. (Details of contents in catalogue 735-900)floods-orbost-1971 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper, Snowy River Mail, June 14 1978
Orbost has been subject to major floods throughout its history, such as those which left the town isolated in 1934, 1952, 1971 and 1978. It is recorded that the Snowy River broke its banks and flooded the flats 104 times between 1884 and 1978. Extensive flooding in Eastern Victoria during June 1978, caused widespread damage to roads, road closures and hazards to traffic, particularly over the Queen's Birthday holiday weekend.Since 1890 the Snowy River Mail has been the local newspaper of the Orbost district.This local paper has been the means by which readers in Orbost were able to learn about newsworthy events and issues in their local community for over a century. This paper is a contemporary record of a significant event in Orbost's history of flooding.A newspaper, Snowy River Mail, which contains black / white photographs of the 1978 floods in Orbost.orbost-floods-1978 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, mid 20th century?
This folder of newspaper articles was compiled by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. .She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community. The articles are generally pertaining to Gabo and Point Hicks.These articles are contemporary records of interest in places close to Orbost and are a useful reference tool.A manila folder of black / white newspaper articles relating to Orbost and the surrounding district. 744.2 is titled, " Miranda Tells About a Holiday at Mallacoota". 744.3 is from the Snowy River Mail and is titled, " Historic Spot Now Pt Hicks". 744.4 is from the Snowy Mail and is titled, "Riverina Floats Back on Beach". 744.5 is from the Snowy River Mail and has three articles: "When Gabo Light Keepers Nearly Quit"; "Sydney Convicts For Gabo?'; "Nothing to Eat But Shark".newspaper-articles-gabo- point hicks riverina -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, 1928 - 1975
These newspaper articles were collated by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert, and had seven sisters and one brother. Four siblings died at a young age. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.These articles are contemporary records of events in the history of Orbost and as such are useful reference tools.A manila folder containing black / white newspaper cuttings of articles relating to the local history of Orbost. They are from the Snowy River Mail. 746.1 is titled, "Historic anchor for Orbost Museum". 746.2, August 9, 1967, is titled, ""Orbost Historical Museum". 746.3 is titled, "When The Snowy Was Angry". On the back is "Resident's Sudden Death - Mrs Ada Bowtell (67)". 746.4 from 1934 is titled, "The Duke's Visit - Welcome at Cann River'. 746.5, Wednesday November 24, 1954 is titled, "Naming of Orbost District Landmarks". 746.6, Wednesday November 24, is titled, " Convict First White Settler in Orbost District?". 746.7, Wednesday, July 25, 1928 is titled, " Dedication of St James' Memorial Church, Orbost". 746.8 and 746.9, Wednesday September 24, 1975 are titled, "Piece of History Returns".orbost- museum anchor-orbost street-names-orbost st-james'-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
collection of newspaper articles, 1917, 1929, 1934
These articles were collated by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.These articles are contemporary records of significant events in the history of Orbost and as such are useful reference tools.A cardboard folder of black and white newspaper cuttings relating to the 1934 floods in Orbost, war photographs and local events and residents. 747.1 is from the February 3, 1934 Weekly Times and is titled, " FLOOD PHOTOS ORBOST". 747.2 is from the Weekly Times, 9 June 1917 and contains war photos and photographs of Orbost - 11 May, 1929.orbost-floods-1934 ww1-photgraphs-orbost-weekly-times -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Smith, Elder & Co, The Early Years of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, 1869
This book was originally written for private circulation among the Royal Family. It was written by Lieutenant-General Charles Grey (1804-1870) and was first published in 1867. It was commissioned by Queen Victoria. Grey had been secretary to both Albert and herself. Contents were sourced from letters and memoranda.This book was a significant contemporary record of the royal family. Originally Queen Victoria had attempted to record "an exact account" of hers and Albert's happy marriage but was unable to complete the project on her own. She commissioned Grey to compile it under her supervision, firstly for the royal family and then for public release. It was an outstanding sucess with many editions being necessary.A 469 page book which has green cloth board covers with gilt lettering on the spine and decorative gilt motifs on the front and rear boards. Compiled by Lieutenant - General Charles Grey, it details Prince Albert's life from his birth through to his wedding to Queen Victoria and the first year of their married life. on 4th page in - handwritten - "T. Faluey, Sydney, 1934"prince-albert queen-victoria royalty -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Cassell and Company Limited, Captain Cook's Voyages, 1908
James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.Cook's 12 years sailing around the Pacific Ocean contributed much to European knowledge of the area. This is a useful reference book.A 446pp hard back book titled, "Captain Cook's Voyages" in gold print. It has a black and red cover with a coloured illustration of the landing of James Cook, his crew and the planting of the British red ensign. It has coloured illustrations. Includes Aboriginal encounters with explorers. inside cover - :To Fred from his mother, mas 1910" -
Orbost & District Historical Society
catalogue, February 15 1922
This item is a contemporary record of engineering equipment used in farming, industry and mining in the 1920's.A Bennie, Teare & Co catalogue in a loose leaf clip folder with a blue fabric cover. It has a red seal on the front. At the side is a metal brace for page removal. catalogue bennie-teare-engineering -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, August 1919
These record were made by William Hunter. William Hunter (1893-1971), resident of Tatura and Mallacoota, was a soldier, surveyor and amateur naturalist.This item is associated with William Hunter.Two lined page book with back covers glued together. They contain hand-written astronomical observations and records of photographs taken. There is a blotter inside.hunter-william astronomy -
Orbost & District Historical Society
letter book, 1900
A letter is a book in which letters or copies of letters are kept especially to provide a running account of a business or enterprise. This one was probably used by H. James & Co. with some letters written by Alan Richardson. Henry James (1860-1932) was an agent and auctioneer. Record secretary of the Snowy River Shipping company. Shire councillor. Foundation member of Butter Factory. This iotem is an example of very early book-keeping in Orbost and is probably associated with Henry James who was a prominent Orbost identity very much involved in the local community.A correspondence book with a blue suede fabric cover and brown binding. It has a red label on the spine. the end papers are marbled. It contains handwritten copies of correspondence.on spine - Letter Bookbook-keeping correspondence-book h.james-&-co richardson-alan -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Record of Sickness, 1900
This book was used by the Orbost Manchester United Independent Order of Oddfellows. Friendly Societies were founded in the Australian Colonies in the mid-19th Century by immigrants from England who had been members in Societies which dated back to the 18th Century. Like all working people these immigrants experienced sickness, accidents, unemployment, death and burial. They needed help of like fellows to tide their families over these times. So they formed a branch of one of the Friendly Societies back in the mother country. The idea was to make fixed contributions to a fund and when they were off work they would receive a payment. When they died funeral benefits would be paid and the widow and children would be cared for. It was a form of local insurance for hard times. This record book was created in a time of 'look after yourself' as the Colonial Governments did not provide pensions or benefits. This item reflects those times.A hard back book with a red and blue mottled cover and a dark blue spine. On the front cover is a large brown rectangular label with "Record of Sickness" in black print inside an ornate black frame.on label - handwritten above title - "M.U.I.O.O.F."m.u.i.o.o.f. friendly-societies book-keeping -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Financial record - Order book, K & H Tibb, licenced grocers, Ringwood (Victoria) - C 1960
Grey covered book, part used, perforated original and duplicate pages, blue carbon copy sheets, preprinted shopping list down right hand side of page, cardboard backing.Page heading - Your Foodland Store, 1 Bedford Road Ringwood Phone 870-2699 (2 lines) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Biography, Ringwood and District Historical Society, Interview notes - short biography on Miss Daisy Paddock, teacher at Ringwood State School, circa 1970s, c.1970s
Single page of notes/interview record of Miss Daisy Paddock, teacher at the Ringwood State School in Greenwood Avenue (now Federation Estate) - Interview write-up by Ringwood History Group.Transcript: "Miss Janet Daisy Paddock She was an extremely well-liked and well-regarded teacher at the old RW State School in Greenwood Ave (Now Federation Estate). She taught between the years of 1927 until 1941, then again after the war from 1951 until final retirement in 1961. In fact she was so liked that her former pupils formed "The 2997 Club" , which met in her honour every year for a meal (and, of course, their guest of honour). 2997 was the RW SS number. In some of her letters about early life in RW, she recalls the RW Mail being produced and printed in a small wooden building in Adelaide St. [Adelaide St is officially no longer on the RW map but it went from the highway nearly to Mullum Creek, between Melbourne St and Warrandyte Road.^ In fact there is an unmarked 100 metres of road that is on the west side of Officeworks that ends in a roundabout at the bottom of Eastland carpark. I don't believe it is exactly in the same position as the old Adelaide Street but it pretty close. That would put the old Mail office in the vicinity of the Maroondah Council service centre in Eastland.] She also recalls that there were nearly a dam on every corner. In fact, I recall in my 1950s/60s childhood that there were still many dams around. As I previously mentioned, with the RW-Mitcham claybelt, there wasn't much top soil and the orange clay is very fine, so when the banks of the dam get wet, it wass very slippery. I often remember playing around in those dams, as most boys did in those days. A friend and I spied an old bath used to water some horses so after some trial and errors we made it waterproof and fashioned a couple of paddles out of wooden fence pailings. The first launch in the local dam was fine and we managed to manouver through the bullrushes into the middle. The only thing that I forgot about was that I had a d<^ that went everywhere with me and, rather than bark from the bank, he swam over to us and tried to get aboard. Bath tubs are not known for their seaworthness and he tipped us all in the drink. Of course the bath sank like a rock. We scrambled on the bank and he added insult to injury when, as all dogs do, gave the usual shake and sprayed us with water. My mind often comes back to one dam right next to the Croydon pub - that provided water to the Magg's orchard - dug in the usual fashion on about 3 metres deep scraped in the local clay, it was at this dam in the early sixties that a young boy drowned. After that we were pretty careful around dams. Going back to Daisy's memories, she recalls that the kids often started late on Monday mornings as Monday was Market Day at RW. They used to watch the stock being herded into the yards and people getting off the steam trains. Her family home was at Gruyere and her father used to drive to RW market and stop midway at the Burnt Bridge hotel and rest the horses. [I suspect that he may have watered other things besides the horses.] They eventually moved to RW in Thanet St. Miss Paddock still remembers the old RW school at the corner of RW St and Whitehorse Road, it was very small so they built the new school in Greenwood Ave. RW had a population of around 2,(K)0 when Daisy became an Assistant Class Five. She used to walk through the open paddocks, surrounded by bush and orchards. She goes on to say that the bush was alive with wildlife and a natural playground for the children. Miss Paddock was a member of the Soroptomist Club in RW (equivalent to Rotary), active in the church and local community. At our archives, we have a plaque that grac^ the entrance to the school, naming it the Miss Daisy Paddock library, in honour of a great woman in our city." -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Embassy, Minute book - Heatherdale Kindergarten 1955, 5-Aug-55
Used to record minutes of meetings of Heatherdale KindergartenMinute book - Heatherdale Kindergarten 1955. Blue hatched cover with red surround to 'Embassy - Exercise Book'. 13 pp. +Additional Keywords: Bryant / Stubbs / LewisHeatherdale Kindergarten 1955. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Ringwood Antimony Mine - Cash Book; 269 numbered pages. Includes one sheet summary of names. 1869 - 1871, 1869 - 1871
Used during 1869 - 1871 to record expenses of the Ringwood Antimony Mining Co.Ringwood Antimony Mine - Cash Book; 269 numbered pages. Includes one sheet summary of names. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Recording - Vinyl, 3AW Broadcasting, Ringwood Proclaimed a City - Vinyl record of broadcast, 19 March 1960, 19-Mar-60
Vinyl record 12 inch 33 1/3 rpm, two - sided. Held in brown sleeve. Black and white central labels with text 'Ringwood Proclaimed a City'. B'cast 19 March 1960 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Recording - Vinyl, Brand 'SCORE'. Peter Pan Recordings, 3 Estella Street, Glen Iris, Tintern Church of England Girls Grammar School (CEGGS): Vinyl Record "SCORE" 1962, 1962
Vinyl record 12 inch 33 1/3 rpm, two - sided. Held in white cardboard sleeve with blue printing. The record has a circular red label at the centre with the brand 'SCORE' at the top. Produced by the Tintern Church of England Girls Grammar School (CEGGS). +Additional Keywords: TinternThe record has a circular red label at the centre with the brand 'SCORE' at the top. Produced by the Tintern Church of England Girls Grammar School (CEGGS). -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Memorabilia - Envelope, Packet: Ringwood Methodist Church - Anniversary Pamphlets, Cuttings, Pictures, Hand written notes
Churches - Ringwood Methodist Church3785.1 A hand written notes of the early history of the church. Several to the Town Clerk from the Ringwood Church trust and thr Public health department. 2. Minutes of meeting of the Ringwood Parsonage Trust 1909 and 1910 3. The Record of the Box Hill and Ringwood Methodist Circuits. Hand writen list of members of Ringwood Circuit. 4. Flyer for Back to Ringwood Methodist Church Jubilee, March 9th to 17th. 1929. Letter to Richard Carter from Aub (sic) who was eight years old at the time and can remember the Jubilee 4 Booklets about the Church Also a name tag for Miss V. Watson Assist. Secretary. Several cuttings, one full page spread from the newspaper about the Jubilee. 5. Ringwood Methodist Sunday School Tea and Meeting. Cutting from the Ringwood & Croydon Mail. The Wigley family were greatly represented. 6. Diamond Jubilee 17-28th. March ,1939 Program of Events 7. Six pages of hand written letters from the Methodist Circuit, letter to the Ringwood Councillors inviting them to the Centennary Celebrations of the Church,letter to the Town Clerk from Methodist Sunday School Surrey Hills regarding a picnic in Ringwood. 8. Ringwood United Churchmen's Association syllabus 1937 9. Pamphlet about Sunday Sport and the Christian Duty to Vote. 10.Ringwood Methodist Church news July 1963 11. Two Ringwood Methodist Church pamphlets for the 75th. Anniversary March 17th.-28th. 1954. 12.Copy of lease from the Methodist Church Trust for 30 years to use land in Ringwood 13. Carols by Candlelight (no year) and the Ringwood Methodist Church News March 1958, With memories of Christmas. 14.Pamphlet of the Laying of the Foundation Stone Saturday 18th. May 1963 and two pamphlets of the Opening and Dedication of the Ringwood Methodist church 9th. november 1963. 15.'The Messenger' Journal of the Ringwood Methodist Church December 1963. 16'. Forward in Faith' Review Stewardship Canvass August 1961. 11 pages outlining the plans for the proposed new Church. 17. Foolscap sheet typed with the Evening Service Sunday 6th. December 1970 with the Combined Circuit Choirs .Excerpts from 'The Messiah' 18. 'Recollections of Ringwood Methodism' issued at the celebration of the 98th. Anniversary of the Church 29th. may 1977. Compiled by Alf. Clark 19.Syllabus for the Uniting Church Fellowship Ringwood 1984 20.' Methodist Pioneers in the Croydon Area'. Work in Progress by Rev. Barry Brown 21.two page history of the ' Pipe Organ in the Ringwood Uniting Church' which was built by the Melbourne firm of Geo. Fincham & Sons. Plus a pge with' A Few Facts about the Organ' 22. Two Church Christmas cards (no year). one in envelope -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Ringwood Rifle Club match record book 1965 - 1969, 1965 - 1969
Used by the Ringwood Rifle Club for scoring at weekly meetings. The first meeting recorded is 7-Aug-1965Book - buff card cover with red cloth cover on spine. Printed on cover 'Ringwood Rifle Club'. Contains match records. 100 pp. (est.) during 1965 - 1969. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Record Book, Clocktower Theatre Company, Clocktower Theatre Co.- Expenses, stamps, List of members 1971-1974, 1971 - 1974
Embassy Exercise Book. Red cover. Contains records of the Clocktower Theatre Co. Expenses and stamps. List of members as at 1972. No of members circa 56.Clocktower Theatre Co. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Audio - Recording - Vinyl, Recorded at S.D.A. Academy, Lilydale, by Bob Clarke, Choir of St Stephens, Ringwood East. Vinyl Record with printed insert. 1975, Aug-75
Vinyl record 12 inch 33 1/3 rpm, two - sided, stereo. Held in white sleeve and plastic pocket. Yellow label at the centre with text. 'Produced by the choir of St Stephens, Ringwood East.' There is a printed insert. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Minute book,Papers, Ringwood Hall Committee minutes and correspondence regarding collection and presentation to Mr. P.T. Young, Manager of E.S.&A. Bank, on departure from Ringwood - 1924, 1924
A special minute and account book set up to record the organisation for the departure of Mr. P.T. Young, bank manager, who was very involved in the community.Mottled dark blue covered foolscap minute book and account book with only a few pages used. Also, bundle of papers of guest list and acceptances for the departure of Mr. P.T. Young. +Additional Keywords: Young, P.T. / Aird, J.G. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Report, Ringwood East Primary School: Booklet recording school work and reports, Grade 4. undated but pre-1993, pre 1993
Blue covered booklet with 8 yellow pages inside with printing and sketches to record school work and report Grade 4 Ringwood East Primary School 4180 proforma -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Visitors Book, Ringwood Primary School, Ringwood Primary School - Centenary Visitors' Book - 1989, 1989
Red covered binder with red plastic spine, A4 pages - 4 blank and 23 used to record names, addresses and years of attendance of former pupils at the Ringwood Primary School Centenary in 1989. +Additional Keywords: Osborne, Geoff (Principal) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Family and Local History Sources in Victoria, 1985
Booklet listing available sources for family and local history research -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, 25 Years of Paper by Ellie V. Pullin - Ringwood Historical Research Group 1958-1983, 1983
Ringwood Historical Research Group 1958-1983 outlining 25 years of effort to research and record the history of Ringwood. Printed copy in RDHS Library. See also VC Record 3984 for original typed manuscripts and additional hard copies. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Compiled and printed by R.E. Nickels, Directory of Heathmont Residents and Postal Districts 1946-1956, 15-Apr-96
Source of data used in compiling the list of residents is the Commonwealth Electoral Roll for the Division of Deakin, Subdivision of Ringwood, recorded from microfiche at State Library of Victoria.Red plastic covered binder containing typed list of Heathmont residents 1946-1956 +Additional Keywords: Nickels, R.E. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Letter from Lawrence McDougall donating Ringwood Primary School band uniform and District Inspector records from 1948-1955, 2014
Letter from Lawrence McDougall donating District Inspector Records 1948-1955, Centenary book and cards, two band jackets and one hat from former Ringwood Primary School Band pre 1974. +Additional Keywords: McDougall, Lawrence -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Financial record - Invoice and receipt, Sale of Fordson tractor, July, 1944
Invoice Dr to Malcolm Moore Ltd, Engineers and Contractors, to Mr H. F. Pearson, Wonga Road, Ringwood, Victoria. Receipt with Victorian duty stamp attached - July 1944 1 new English Fordson Tractor, 4.3 gear box complete with radial drawbar,choke control, steel wheels with Duplex grips fitted. Orchard type fittings. £338.10.0 Less Allowance £13.17.0. Total amount and receipt £324.13.0. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Report Book, Education Department Victoria - Inspectors Report Book State School No 2997 Ringwood, May 1948 to April 1955, May 1948 - April 1955
Contains Inspector's Records and various maps and photographs relating to Ringwood School.Education Department Victoria - Inspectors Report Book State School No 2997 Ringwood, May 1948 to April 1955.