Album - Album page, Halstead, Bambra Road, Circa 1972

Historical information

This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification.
Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.


From the Victorian Heritage Register Database - Citation for Halstead, 23 Bambra Road as at (as at 12/10/2020)
Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in Caulfield constructed in 1857 with subsequent additions during the 19th Century. The house was built for and owned by James Dickson, a stock agent, until his death in 1880.

Although on a much reduced parcel of land, Halstead is one of the few remaining remnants of Caulfield when it was an area of mansion houses occupied by town residing squatters, professional and business men. It is important for its place in the socio-economic history of south eastern suburban Melbourne, the inland pattern of development stretching from Malvern through Murrumbeena.

Architecturally the single storey building displays a history of alteration and addition. Its main front presents with a single storey cast iron verandah across the full width, including the two pavilion wings at each end.

Located towards the rear on the Halstead Street side is the substantial three storey tower with its Mansard roof and cast-iron balustrade which makes the house clearly visible from Halstead Street and Bambra Road. Because of internal alteration the importance of the building relates to the exterior only of the main house. Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in the city of Caulfield.
"Halstead" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insights into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. The later tower is of architectural interest for its use of Medieval Romanesque enrichment.

Physical description

Page 33 of Photograph Album with one landscape photograph of the exterior of Halstead, taken from the street.

Inscriptions & markings

Hand written: 33 [bottom left]

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